How to separate values from a list using commas in netlogo? - netlogo

Situation: I have a code that exports turtle coordinates according to the code below:
to path
file-open (word fileName ".csv")
file-print (word self xcor " " ycor)
The result is something like:
(turtle 1)[1 1 1 1 1 2] [4 4 4 2 1 5]
Question: How can I export this same list, but with its items separated by commas?
From [1 2 1 1 1] to [1,2,1,1,1], for example.
Thanks in advance

If you are trying to process this in R or something after the fact, I'd recommend potentially reporting in long format (ie, each line indicates a turtle, a tick [or similar], and the coordinates)- I find it simpler to process.
To answer your actual question- one way would be to manually collapse each list of coordinates into a string separated by commas. For example, see the toy model below.
Simple setup:
extensions [csv]
globals [ test ]
turtles-own [ xcor-list ycor-list ]
to setup
crt 10 [
set xcor-list []
set ycor-list []
repeat 5 [
ask turtles [
rt random 90 - 45
fd 1
set xcor-list lput pxcor xcor-list
set ycor-list lput pycor ycor-list
This reporter is what's actually doing the work of collapsing the list into a simple string for output:
to-report collapse-string-list [str-list]
report reduce word ( sentence map [ str -> word str ", " ] but-last str-list last str-list )
And this chunk pulls the desired turtle variables into a list of lists, calls the collapse-string-list reporter on them, then exports to a csv:
to output-coord-file
let all-turtles sort turtles
; Pull coordinates from each turtle
let who-coord-list map [
current-turtle ->
[who] of current-turtle
collapse-string-list [xcor-list] of current-turtle
collapse-string-list [ycor-list] of current-turtle
)] all-turtles
; Add headers
set who-coord-list fput ["who" "x" "y"] who-coord-list
; Export
csv:to-file "toy.csv" (map [ row -> (map [i -> (word i)] row ) ] who-coord-list)


Netlogo : calling a procedure after opening a file

Here-below is the code for opening a file, reading it and writing it into a list (inspired from another discussion) :
to setup
; first, we load the database file
; We check to make sure the file exists first
ifelse ( file-exists? "AT_data.txt" )
; We are saving the data into a list, so it only needs to be loaded once.
set AT-data []
file-open "AT_data.txt"
while [ not file-at-end? ]
; file-read gives variables stored in a double list
; Each iteration we append the next three-tuple to the current list: ID AT1 AT2
set AT-data sentence AT-data (list (list file-read file-read file-read))
user-message "File loading complete!"
;; when adding this, the procedure is running endlessly, to be checked
;; ask patches [ assign-data ]
[ user-message "There is no AT_data.txt file in current directory!" ]
print timer
As I wrote as a comment, when I call the next procedure [assign-data], the procedure [assign-data] runs endlessly. I setup a timer in the [assign-data] procedure and I see that it is running over and over again. When I run [assign-data] on its own, it is working appropriatly, only once.
I tried with a stop after [assign-data] but it is not working.
There must be something that I did not get yet about the use of Netlogo, do you know what it is ?
Here is the code of the assign-dataprocedure (there are 2 choices, the second is running faster)
to assign-farmers1
ask patches with [seed = 1] [
set death last (first (filter [current-inner-list -> (item 0 current-inner-list = ID_farm)] AT-data))
set age item 1 (first (filter [current-inner-list -> (item 0 current-inner-list = ID_farm)] AT-data))
print timer
to assign-data2
ask patches with [seed = 1] [
let i 1
while [i < length AT-data] [
let current-inner-list item i AT-data
ifelse (ID_farm = item 0 current-inner-list)
[ set age item 1 current-inner-list set death item 2 current-inner-list
[ set i i + 1 ]
print timer
-> that lead me to another question : how to stop a simulation from running endlessly ? I tried with stop in the command center but it is not working.
Thanks for you time.
(not sure if I should leave the beginning of the question)
AT_data.txt is a file made of 3 col where the first goes from 1 to 100, second and third are just random numbers.
globals [
patches-own [
to setup
;; here I just create patches with different values that also appear in the list
ask patches [ set seed random 10 set ID random 100
ifelse (seed = 4)
[ set pcolor orange] [set pcolor white]
to load
; first, we load the database file
; We check to make sure the file exists first
ifelse ( file-exists? "AT_data.txt" )
; We are saving the data into a list, so it only needs to be loaded once.
set AT-data []
file-open "AT_data.txt"
while [ not file-at-end? ]
; file-read gives variables stored in a double list
; Each iteration we append the next three-tuple to the current list: ID AT1 AT2
set AT-data sentence AT-data (list (list file-read file-read file-read))
user-message "File loading complete!"
;; when adding this, the procedure is running endlessly, to be checked
ask patches [ assign-data ]
[ user-message "There is no AT_data.txt file in current directory!" ]
print timer
to assign-data
ask patches with [seed = 4] [
let i 1
while [i < length AT-data] [
let current-inner-list item i AT-data
ifelse (ID = item 0 current-inner-list)
[ set AT1 item 1 current-inner-list set AT2 item 2 current-inner-list
[ set i i + 1 ]
print timer
Are you sure the run is endless and not exponential? You ask patches to assign-data and in assign-data you use ask patches again. That means that every single patch is checking every single patch and letting the qualified patch go through the loop, which can take a while.

How to access the first turtle of a code sequence in NetLogo 6.2?

I have the following doubts:
I have several individuals of 9 turtle codes.
The turtle codes are: R1M1 R2M1 R3M1 R1M2 R2M2 R3M2 R1M3 R2M3 R3M3. And I have 10 individuals of each code.
As the code is structured in a loop sequence and the order that the code exits in the result exported in .csv, I would like to ask the first individual of the first code (R1M1) to print the output header. But, I'm only getting it using one-of, and then the header often doesn't come out in the first line of the output. And I don't know how I can access the first turtle from the R1M1 code. Does anyone have any ideas?
What I thought of is calling turtle 0 which has the code R1M1. But, I still don't know how to do this in NetLogo.
OBS.: I tried to use only turtle 0, but in the other codes, too, there is turtle 0 and then the header appears.
Thanks in advance
let n count turtles with [ profiles-code = "R1M1" ]
if n > 0
ask one-of turtles with [ profiles-code = "R1M1" ]
prepare-header-output;; CALL A PROCEDURE
An example of how the header is coming out (has 3 individuals from each of the 9 codes)
I would use a flag / semaphore variable to indicate if a header is needed. You'll need to adapt the below if you have your turtles outputting the data, but hopefully this will get you pointed in the right direction- more details in comments:
globals [ need-headers? ]
turtles-own [ class ]
to setup
random-seed 1
set need-headers? true
if file-exists? "test_output.csv" [ file-delete "test_output.csv" ]
crt 10 [
set class item random 5 "ABCDE"
to go
if count turtles < 1 [ stop ]
ask turtles [
if random-float 1 < 0.25 [ die ]
; Toy output example
file-open "test_output.csv"
foreach range length "ABCDE" [ i ->
; Output headers if needed
if need-headers? [
file-print "turtle-type, count, ticks"
; Change the need-headers? to false so this step will only happen once
set need-headers? false
let ltr item i "ABCDE"
let n-type count turtles with [ class = ltr ]
file-print ( word ltr "," n-type "," ticks )
Output here looks something like:
but if I don't change need-headers? to false, it looks like:

Is it possible to transform a 4-column list into a 4-column table in NetLogo 6.2?

I have a code that generates an output in list form as below:
I would like the output to look like this:
is it possible to do this in netlogo 6.2?
Yes, but- I think your approach may be overcomplicating what you are after. As an alternative, consider something like this toy model:
extensions [ csv ]
turtles-own [ my_xcor my_ycor ]
globals [ output_list ]
to setup
set output_list [["who" "my_xcor" "my_ycor" "tick"]]
crt 2
to go
ask turtles [
rt random 90 - 45
fd 1
set my_xcor pxcor
set my_ycor pycor
set output_list lput ( list who my_xcor my_ycor ticks ) output_list
to example-experiment
repeat 5 [ go ]
csv:to-file "example_output.csv" output_list
If you run the example-experiment procedure, it will export a file that looks something like:
If you must go this other route, and you can't parse your original csv output in something like R instead, which would potentially be simpler, consider this different setup:
extensions [csv]
globals [ output-list ]
turtles-own [ xcor-list ycor-list tick-list]
to setup
set output-list [["who" "my_xcor" "my_ycor" "tick"]]
crt 2 [
set xcor-list []
set ycor-list []
set tick-list []
repeat 5 [
ask turtles [
rt random 90 - 45
fd 1
set xcor-list lput pxcor xcor-list
set ycor-list lput pycor ycor-list
set tick-list lput ticks tick-list
Now, the idea is to loop over the turtles and collapse each of their tracking lists into a list of lists before exporting:
to export-long
; Iterate over each turtle to extract their listed values
foreach sort turtles [
t ->
; Pull values / lists from each turtle in order
let cur-x-list [xcor-list] of t
let cur-y-list [ycor-list] of t
let cur-tick-list [tick-list] of t
let cur-who-list n-values ( length cur-x-list ) [[who] of t]
( foreach cur-who-list cur-x-list cur-y-list cur-tick-list [
[ a b c d ] ->
let to-append ( list a b c d )
set output-list lput to-append output-list
; Export the list to csv
csv:to-file "list_example_output.csv" output-list

How to create a table to know which turtles visited each patch in the world?

I would like to remove a doubt and have some help.
I have a closed world of 600X600 patches. Each patch spawns a turtle (using the sprout command). Each turtle makes a series of moves and returns a value for its home patch. I would like to have the following result: know which turtle was in each patch in the world and export this result in table form in .csv
I created a list for this. But, NetLogo is running for a while and then it closes and doesn't finish the model. And so I think if I create a table it should work. The question is: will creating a table solve the problem of the model not running? And if so, how can I create a table by generating an output from that table in .csv? But, I haven't found a NetLogo command that I can create a table to adjust my code to.
Any tip is very welcome. I thank the attention
globals [ edge-size output-turtle-visits ]
patches-own [ turtle-visits ]
to setup
random-seed 1
set edge-size 599
set-patch-size 1.2
resize-world 0 edge-size 0 edge-size
let pcolors []
set pcolors [ 85 95 ]
ask patches [ sprout 1 ]
ask patches [
set turtle-visits n-values count turtles [0]
set pcolor item (random 2) pcolors
to go
ask turtles [
rt random 360
fd 1
ask patches [
foreach [who] of turtles-here [ id ->
let current-num-visits item id turtle-visits
set turtle-visits replace-item id turtle-visits (current-num-visits + 1)
to output
file-open ( output-turtle-visits )
file-print ( word "id_turtle;my_xcor;my_ycor;turtle_visits" )
foreach sort patches
t ->
ask t
file-print ( word self " ; " xcor " ; " ycor " ; " turtle-visits )
file-print "" ;; blank line

Perspective based ranking?

I have a program where each peer has their own ranking system of other peers, what is the best way to implement this is NetLogo?
Normally, I would solve this with a 2D list:
[[turtle 1, score], [turtle 2, score], ...]
But this seems very troubling in NetLogo. This is my code for creating and modifying a 2D list:
to test
crt 10
;Create a list of turtles
let agents-list [self] of turtles
;Create empty list, which will be the top level of the TwoD list
let TwoD-list []
;Populate the TwoD-list: [[turtle 0, 0], [turtle 1, 0], ...]
foreach agents-list [
set TwoD-list (lput (list ? 0) TwoD-list)
show TwoD-list
repeat 5 [
;Change a value in the TwoD-list
let rand-index random (length TwoD-list) ;select a random index
;The next line is what makes it a huge headache, basically you have to select a list at the top level to replace, and then select the list at the lower level to replace it.
;This entire line of code is just adding one to an element
set TwoD-list (replace-item rand-index TwoD-list (replace-item 1 (item rand-index TwoD-list) (item 1 (item rand-index TwoD-list) + 1)))
show TwoD-list
What else can I do? Or is there a better way to implement this method?
If you want to model relations between agents, NetLogo has the perfect thing for that: links!
Having each turtle assign a score to all other turtles can be quite naturally expressed as:
directed-link-breed [ rankings ranking ]
rankings-own [ score ]
to setup
create-turtles 10
ask turtles [ create-rankings-to other turtles ]
; increment 5 random rankings by one:
ask n-of 5 rankings [ set score score + 1 ]
; display the rankings of each turtle:
ask turtles [ show [ (word end2 " " score) ] of my-out-rankings ]
If you don't want the links to show up in the view, you can hide them with:
ask links [ set hidden? true ]