Entity Framework Core: Cannot update identity column 'Id' - entity-framework-core

I found related question but my issue seems to be different.
Running the following code:
var dbitem = context.MyDatabaseItems.Single(p => p.Id == someId);
Results in "Cannot update identity column 'Id'". Table behind is a bit special. "Id" is NOT the primary key for different reasons. Primary key consists of combination of other fields. No matter what I do: detaching, reattaching etc etc the existing item I am unable to save the entity even if I do not change it (see the code).
However this Id is unique and auto generated.
The builder is the following:
builder.Property(p => p.Id)
builder.HasKey(p => new { p.BusinessDay, p.ClientId, p.Version });
BusinessDay is dateTime, CLientId and Version are integers.
What is going on here?

There are two metadata properties which control the update behavior called BeforeSaveBehavior and AfterSaveBehavior.
For auto generated keys the later is assumed to be Ignore, i.e. never update. For non key auto generated properties it must be configured explicitly (note that there is no fluent API for that so far, so you have to use the metadata API directly), e.g.
// First define the new key
builder.HasKey(p => new { p.BusinessDay, p.ClientId, p.Version });
// Then configure the auto generated column
// This (especially the `SetAfterUpdateBehavior` call) must be after
// unassociating the property as a PK, otherwise you'll get an exception
builder.Property(p => p.Id)
.Metadata.SetAfterSaveBehavior(PropertySaveBehavior.Ignore); // <--
This does not change the database schema (model), hence no migration is needed. Just the EF Core update entity behavior.


How to declare cascade delete in EF when child table isn't mapped as separate entity

I have got a database first approach with EF5 and here is a fragment of mappings:
internal class xxxMapping : EntityTypeConfiguration<Order>
public xxxMapping ()
HasMany(it => it.Documents)
m =>
What is the best way to declare, using fluent API, that when some row is deleted from my_table, then dependent rows from dependent_table will be deleted too (Cascade delete option in FK)
UPD It seems to be working without any additional code (Of course - if foreign key in table is configured properly). But i'm not sure it's a good practice to do so

Entity Framework How To Load Primary Key Only

Is it possible to load only specific attributes of a class, such as only the primary key, without fetching the other attribute values?
I need to get an object from the DB but only have the ID value populated, all other attributes are not needed.
If another attribute is requested, the rest of the object needs to be loaded.
Yes you can and technique is called "Projection"
var filteredData = context.Entity
.Where(p => p.ID == 1 ) // just an example filter
.Select(p => new Entity
ID = p.ID,
If if helps dont forgot to vote and mark it as answer :)

How do I tell Entity (Code First) to not send the Key ID field to the database?

My code:
Models.Resource r = new Models.Resource();
r.Name = txtName.Text;
r.ResourceType = resTypes.Find(rt => rt.Name == "Content");
r.ResourceContents.Add(_resourceContent.Find(rc => rc.ID == _resourceContentID));
ctx.SaveChanges() causes the error:
Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'Resources' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF.
Looking at what's being sent to SQL:
ADO.NET:Execute NonQuery "INSERT [dbo].[Resources]([ID], [Name], [Description], [IsOnFile],
[ContentOwnerAlias], [ContentOwnerGroup], [ResourceTypes_ID])
VALUES (#0, #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, NULL)"
My POCO Resource has ID as a Key:
public partial class Resource
public Resource()
public int ID { get; set; }
And my Map code:
public class ResourceMap : EntityTypeConfiguration<Resource>
public ResourceMap()
// Primary Key
this.HasKey(t => t.ID);
How do I tell Entity to not send the Key ID field to the database?
If your PK is generated by the database (like an identity) you have to configure it in your Map.
public class ResourceMap : EntityTypeConfiguration<Resource>
public ResourceMap()
// Primary Key
this.HasKey(t => t.ID);
this.Property(t => t.ID).HasDatabaseGeneratedOption(DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity);
You do not need the HasKey(t => t.ID) Fluent API mapping or the [Key] Data Attribute because by convention EF will assume that an integer field named ID is the key and is database generated.
As an aside, I'd recommend that when you are not following conventions you should choose one method or the other - otherwise you are repeating yourself and when you want to change something you need to change it in 2 places.
I'm not sure why the field in the database isn't already database generated - maybe when you define the field via the fluent api you have to specify that too. What I do know is that in order to make EF change a key field to be database generated you will need to drop the table.
So - rollback the migration or drop the table / database, then remove the data attribute, remove the fluent mapping and recreate.
This issue is currently on a "backlog" in the entity framework. If you want to vote for it you can do that here: Migrations: does not detect changes to DatabaseGeneratedOption
Other References:
Identity problem in EF
Switching Identity On/Off With A Custom Migration Operation

EF Doesn't Delete Records For Fluent API - Many To Many Relationship

I have 2 entities,
I wanted to configure using code-first fluent API so that Each News can have 0,1 or more than 1 attachments.
here is what i'm using right now
public NewsMap()
this.ToTable("News"); // Table Name
this.HasKey(m => m.Id); // Primary Key
// Field Definition
this.Property(m => m.Title).HasMaxLength(255).IsRequired();
this.Property(m => m.Body).HasColumnType("Text").IsRequired();
this.Property(m => m.Summary).HasMaxLength(1000).IsRequired();
this.Property(m => m.AuthorId).IsRequired();
this.Property(m => m.CreatedOn).IsRequired();
this.Property(m => m.UpdatedOn).IsRequired();
this.HasMany(m => m.Attachments).WithMany().Map(m => m.MapLeftKey("NewsId").MapRightKey("AttachmentId"));
public class FileAttachmentMap : EntityTypeConfiguration<FileAttachment>
public FileAttachmentMap()
this.ToTable("FileAttachments"); // Table Name
this.HasKey(m => m.Id); // Primary Key
// Field Definition
this.Property(m => m.DisplayName).HasMaxLength(256).IsRequired();
this.Property(m => m.PhysicalFileName).HasMaxLength(256).IsRequired();
this.Property(m => m.Extension).HasMaxLength(50).IsRequired();
this.Property(m => m.IsImage).IsRequired();
this.Property(m => m.ThumbTiny).HasMaxLength(275).IsOptional();
this.Property(m => m.ThumbSmall).HasMaxLength(275).IsOptional();
this.Property(m => m.ThumbMid).HasMaxLength(275).IsOptional();
this.Property(m => m.ByteSize).IsRequired();
this.Property(m => m.StorageType).IsRequired();
this.Property(m => m.CreatedOn).IsRequired();
this.Property(m => m.UpdatedOn).IsRequired();
This mapping correctly generates an intermediate table named NewsFileAttachment with two fields :
On News Entity when i call News.Attachments.Add(Attachment); it correctly adds records in both Attachment & NewsAttachment tables.
When i remove some list item from News.Attachments it correctly removes record from NewsAttachment table, but it doesn't delete record in FileAttachment table. I wanted to remove that too.
Can someone please suggest a better Fluent API configuration to achieve this?
In my case FileAttachment stores files for various purpose. i've Blog entity that too have attachments. So, two intermediate tables BlogAttachments & FileAttachments. Now if i use WithOptional as (I can't use WithRequired as i need BlogId & NewsId both in FileAttachment table), i can get rid off intermediate table, but still delete doesn't delete record from FileAttachment table, it just make NewsId/BlogId NULL.
Any suggestion? Main thing is I do not wanted to create separate tables with all the fields i have in FileAttachment table.
That's expected - as it creates many-to-many and extra table - the cascade only applies to that table.
There is no direct 'FK' relationship in between your News and
Attachment, as it goes through a join table. And thus you cannot expect for e.g. attachment to be deleted, if the news does - as attachment could have other news relating to it.
See also this one - it's somewhat relevant.
One to Many Relationship with Join Table using EF Code First
i.e. if your structure permits don't explicitly create many-to-many (don't put collection on both sides, or similar in fluent config).
In your case providing your 'attachments' are not reusable in between News - then just put a collection navigation property in the News - and leave attachment w/o any - or make a 'FK', single instance navigation from Attachment (like a 'Parent') if you need it.
On the other side, if an attach... could be parented by different
news records - then you shouldn't have cascade delete anyways.
note: check your generated migration script - or SQL/Db - to see exactly what it creates - and make sure there is no intermediate table created - and only one 'FK' going from 'attachment' to 'news'.
.HasMany(c => c.Attachments)
.WithOptional() // or WithRequired (test to see which is better for you)
...and make one public ICollection<FileAttachment> Attachments {get;set;} in the News.
(actually the collection property is all you need - but configuration is to be safe you get what you want)
That'd make you 1-to-many (or many-to-one), which is the nature of your data (as you said in comments) - and you can have cascade deletes.

Entity Framework CTP5 Code First - Possible to do entity splitting on a non-primary key?

Using EF CTP5, I am trying to do some entity splitting where the entity is constructed from two separate tables. Is it possible to do this splitting if the key on the two tables is not the primary key?
E.g. Id is my primary key on the Note entity. I want to get my CreatedUser details from a separate table but the primary key on this second table corresponds to CreatedUserId in the Note entity.
.Map(mc =>
mc.Properties(n => new
.Map(mc =>
mc.Properties(n => new
I've seen comments that entity splitting is only possible if the entity primary key exists in both tables?
Thanks in advance.
Yes, all the tables that are being generated in an entity splitting scenario must have the object identifier (e.g. Note.Id) as their primary key. You should consider creating a 1:* association between User and Note entities in this case.