Entity Framework How To Load Primary Key Only - entity-framework

Is it possible to load only specific attributes of a class, such as only the primary key, without fetching the other attribute values?
I need to get an object from the DB but only have the ID value populated, all other attributes are not needed.
If another attribute is requested, the rest of the object needs to be loaded.

Yes you can and technique is called "Projection"
var filteredData = context.Entity
.Where(p => p.ID == 1 ) // just an example filter
.Select(p => new Entity
ID = p.ID,
If if helps dont forgot to vote and mark it as answer :)


EF LINQ Get list of records by values not existing in another list

So, I have junction table called:
consisting of:
I need to implement Update operation. Since it's a junction table the update should be able to not only to update existing records, but also to insert new records, or to delete one who no longer need to exists in the table(because i'm passing an entity with an appointmentID and list of ActivityID's).
I'm struggling to delete the records, that no longer should exist in the table.
I have to delete every record which have the same AppointmentId, but his ActivityID should not be present in any of the objects from the new list of Activities.
The query I have written looks like this :
var remove = _context.AppointmentsActivities.
Where(i => i.AppointmentID == entity.ID && entity.Activities.Any(u => u.ActivityID != i.ActivityID)).
i => i.AppointmentID == entity.ID
Checks if the appointmentID of the newly passed entity is the same as the one in the database table.
entity.Activities.Any(u => u.ActivityID != i.ActivityID)
Is supposed to check if any of the activityID's in the list of Activities equals the activityID from the database table.
Obviosly,I'm missing something, because EF cannot resolve this LINQ query. What am I missing? Any help will be appreciated. Thank you.
Try to rewrite your LINQ query to be acceptable by EF. Any with local collections will not work, so replace with Contains:
var activityIds = entity.Activities.Select(a => a.ActivityID).ToList();
var remove = _context.AppointmentsActivities
.Where(i => i.AppointmentID == entity.ID && !activityIds.Contains(i.ActivityID))

Query Combinaton

I am trying to build a query using asp.net core c#
I trying to do a filtering however I need the data from another table which have my unique id
var result = _context.UserRoles.Where(y => y.RoleId.Contains(selectedRoles.Id)); // Retrieve the the userid i have from another table with the selected roleid
var query = _context.Users.Where(x => //I have already tried contains, where join );
If there is a site where i can learn this query please recommend. "Join()" does not work as I am doing paging
a least two solutions (please note that I do not check the identity classes members, so the following is the "spirit" of the solution (you miss the select clauses) ):
var result = _context.UserRoles.
Where(y => selectedRoles.Contains(y.RoleId)).
Select(y => y.User);
var result = _context.UserRoles.
Where(y => selectedRoles.Contains(y.RoleId)).
Select(y => y.UserId);
query = _context.Users.
Where(x => result.Contains(x.Id));
That said, assuming that there is no UserRoles table exposed in Identity (v2), you probably want:
Where(u => u.Roles.Any(r => selectecRoles.Contains(r.RoleId)));
Up to you to instanciate the userManager.

How to use Where condition inside Include in entity framework LINQ?

My sample code lines are,
var question = context.EXTests
.Include(i => i.EXTestSections.Where(t => t.Status != (int)Status.InActive))
.Include(i => i.EXTestQuestions)
.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == testId);
Here Include was not supporting Where Clause. How can I modify above code?
You have a sequence of ExTests. Every ExText has zero or more ExTestSections, Every Extest also has a property ExtestQuestions, which is probably also a sequence. Finally every ExTest is identified by an Id.
You want a query where you get the first ExTest that has Id equal to testId, inclusive all its ExTestQuestions and some ExTestSections. You want only those ExTestSections whith an InActive status.
Use Select instead of Using
One of the slower parts of database queries is the transfer of the data from the DBMS to your process. Hence it is wise to limit it to only the data you actually plan to use.
It seems that you have designed a one-to-many relation between ExTests and its ExTestSections: every ExTest has zero or more ExTestSections and every ExTestSection belongs to exactly one ExTest. In databases this is done by giving the ExTestSection a foreign key to the ExTest that it belongs to. It might be that you've designed a many-to-many relation. The principle remains the same.
If you ask an ExTest with its hundred ExTestSections, you get the Id of the the ExTest and hundred times the value of the foreign key of the ExTestSection, thus sending the same value 101 times. What a waste.
So if you query data from the database, only query for the data you actually plan to use.
Use Include if you plan to update the queried data, otherwise use Select
Back to your question
var result = myDbContext.EXTests
.Where(exTest => exTest.Id == testId)
.Select( exTest => new
// only select the properties you plan to use
Id = exTest.Id;
Name = exTest.Name,
Result = exText.Result,
... // other properties
ExTestSections = exTest.Sections
.Where(exTestSection => exTestSection.Status != (int)Status.InActive)
.Select(exTestSection => new
// again: select only those properties you actually plan to use
Id = exTestSection.Id,
// foreign key not needed, you know it equals ExTest primary key
// ExTestId = exTestSection.ExtTestId
... // other ExtestSection properties you plan to use
ExTestQuestions = exTest.ExTestQuestions
.Select( ...) // only the properties you'll use
I've transferred the test on equal TestId to a Where. This would allow you to omit the Id of the requested item: you know it will equal testId, so not meaningful to transfer it.

Entity Framework Include with condition

I need to filter a dealer based on id and the uncomplete checkins
Initially, it returned the dealer based only on id:
// TODO: limit checkins to those that are not complete
return this.ObjectContext.Dealers
.Where(d => d.DealerId == id)
As you can see the requirement is to limit the checkins.
Here's what I did:
var query = from d in this.ObjectContext.Dealers
.Where(d => d.DealerId == id)
select new
Dealer = d,
Groups = from g in d.Groups
select new
Items = from i in g.Items
select new
Group = i.Group,
Observations = i.Observations,
Recommendations = i.Recommendations
Checkins = from c in d.Checkins
where c.Complete == true
select new
Inspections = from i in c.Inspections
select new
InspectionItems = i.InspectionItems
var dealer = query.ToArray().Select(o => o.Dealer).First();
return dealer;
It works.
However, I am not convinced I am doing the right thing.
What is the best way to accomplish what I did? A stored procedure maybe?
I am not sure I even have to use Include clause anymore
Thank you.
If you want to load filtered relations with single query you indeed have to execute such projection but you don't need those calls to Include. Once you are building projections includes are not use - you have returned data under your control.
Stored procedure will help you only if you fall back to plain ADO.NET because stored procedures executed through Entity framework are not able to fill related entities (only flattened structures).
Automatic fixupu mentioned by #Andreas requires multiple database queries and as I know it works only if lazy loading is disabled because proxied object somehow doesn't have information about fixup and it still has its internal flags for each relation as not loaded so when you access them for the first time they still execute additional query.
Maybe you can make use of the relation fixup mechanism in the EF ObjectContexts. When you do multiple queries in the same context for entities, that are related by associations, these are resolved.
Assuming your association between Dealers and Checkins is 1:n with navigation properties on each side, you could do like:
var dealer = yourContext.Dealers
.Where(p => p.DealerId == id)
if(dealer != null)
.Where(c => c.Complete && c.DealerId == dealer.DealerId)
I have not tested this by now, but since EF recognises that the Checkins, it inserts into the context by the second query belong to the dealer from the first query, corresponding references are created.
#Andreas H:
Awesome, thank you a lot.
I had to adjust your suggestion like this and it worked:
var dealer = this.ObjectContext.Dealers
.Where(p => p.DealerId == id).
if (dealer != null)
.Where(c => !c.Complete && c.Dealer.DealerId == dealer.DealerId)
return dealer;
I still have to use the Include otherwise it won't return the referenced entities.
Note also that Dealer.Groups are unrelated to the Dealer.Checkins.
So if there's no checkins satisfying the condition, Groups still need to be returned.
It's interesting to note that at first, I put the two include for checkins to the dealer
var dealer = this.ObjectContext.Dealers
.Where(p => p.DealerId == id).
if (dealer != null)
.Where(c => c.Complete && c.DealerId == id)
return dealer;
but it returned all the Checkins including those which are not complete.
I don't understand exactly why the latter doesn't work but the former does, how are the entities are resolved. I somehow can intuit that the former returns all data.
Your accepted solution will generate multiple database queries. As Ladislav Mrnka said a projection is the only way to pull your result with one query. The maintance of your code indeed hard. Maybe you could use an IQueryable-Extension that builds the projection dynamically and keep your code clean:
var query = this.ObjectContext.Dealers.SelectIncluding( new List<Expression<Func<T,object>>>>(){
x => x.Groups,
x => x.Groups.Select(y => y.Items),
x => x.Groups.Select(y => y.Items.Select(z => z.Observations)),
x => x.Groups.Select(y => y.Items.Select(z => z.Recommendations)),
x => x.Checkins.Where(y => y.Complete==true),
x => x.Checkins.Select(y => y.Inspections),
x => x.Checkins.Select(y => y.Inspections.Select(z => z.InspectionItems))
var dealer = query.First();
return dealer;
You can find the extension at thiscode/DynamicSelectExtensions on github

navigating many-to-many via include in EF4

I have a many to many relationship in EF4 with the following entities:
[Student] - [Class] - [Student_Class]
Moreover i have a [School] entity with a FK on [Student].
If i want to have all the Students of my school i do:
but if i want to have the 1rst class of my Students in my school ?
i did not manage to make this thing work...
Can you help ?
Also is it more intelligent to write a full Linq select?
If you want to do a conditional eager load, then you should NOT be using the Include method.
For loading your school object containing only the students that belong to the first class
You can do a Filtered Projection which returns an Anonymous Type object:
var school = context.School
.Where(s => s.SchoolID == 1) // or any other predicate
.Select(s => new
School = s,
Students = s.Student.Where(st => st.ClassID == 1)
Another way would be to Leverage Attach Method which returns EntityObject:
var school = context.School.Where(s => s.SchoolID == 1).First()
var sourceQuery = school.Students.CreateSourceQuery()
.Where(st => st.ClassID == 1);
For a more detailed discussion about this, you can also check:
Entity Framework: How to query data in a Navigation property table