Mongodb $nin not working with nested array - mongodb

I can't make $nin work with nested arrays, can you guys spot any issue with this query?
I'm basically trying to update the status of every document under items to "closed" in case their hash field is not in a list of hashes provided.
name: 'test',
'issues.hash': { $nin: [
$set: { "issues.$.status": "closed" }
This is the data:
"_id" : ObjectId("611bb4d2ee06769a5f6d906d"),
"name" : "test",
"issues" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("611bb4d20b2fb200167aa588"),
"status" : "open",
"hash" : "8ff28fcc9cbf10c9b690bb331e5609efbd3c526be4f536ebca02cc51bd63eac7"
"_id" : ObjectId("611bb4d20b2fb200167aa589"),
"status" : "open",
"hash" : "3b83e469049e46b16d3471a188d3f5e3ddbf6b296995a71765bbf17b7289e6ea"
"_id" : ObjectId("611bb4d20b2fb200167aa58a"),
"status" : "open",
"hash" : "bef5f50628b669b9930b89cdc040361b9c8cc2b4aab3c2059c171786d38d507e"
"_id" : ObjectId("611bb4d20b2fb200167aa58b"),
"status" : "open",
"hash" : "1b4a91eb5de97d6ad7493b6e1ffa48a2a648084b4af7b37916c723533a07c37c"
"_id" : ObjectId("611bb4d20b2fb200167aa58c"),
"status" : "open",
"hash" : "bb64ba7b2612856dcd95c3ac2fad3f7368e5d463168545b12f4c869af56b55b7"
"_id" : ObjectId("611bb4d20b2fb200167aa58d"),
"status" : "open",
"hash" : "1d5fc04739b10414dea8d327998df4f200f47ce57da243bd578d4ae102f2d670"
"_id" : ObjectId("611bb4d20b2fb200167aa58e"),
"status" : "open",
"hash" : "d5368ad5658ec11103796255d127d26da7f3324cdedbd124bdd5db50812d588e"
"_id" : ObjectId("611bb4d20b2fb200167aa58f"),
"status" : "open",
"hash" : "37298229097785ebc9d419cc1a3f13e0d090a15ceb9a8e6bea3505366902556d"
"_id" : ObjectId("611bb4d20b2fb200167aa590"),
"status" : "open",
"hash" : "fad290f2ddd0e097e4098c3b2c3d65611406cf208a3f86924d45c7736393b44b"
And the is my result:
Updated 0 record(s) in 12ms
Thank you!

You have to use arrayFilters in this way:
"name": "test"
"$set": {
"issues.$[element].status": "closed"
"arrayFilters": [
"element.hash": {
"$nin": [
Example here.
Note that update query has the format: update(query, update, options) (Check the docs).
So with your find query mongo doesn't find anything. Check this example.
This is why you are telling mongo: "Give me a DOCUMENT where name is test and issues array NOT contains a field called hash with these values".
So, as mongo search by the whole document, there is no any document where hash value is not on the $nin array.
As another example to exaplain better: Check this example where hash value is 1. In this case, find query works because it matches two conditions:
There is a field name with value test
There is not any field hash into issues with values into $nin array.

You can use arrayFilters, like this:
"name": "test"
"$set": {
"issues.$[elem].status": "closed"
"multi": true,
"arrayFilters": [
"elem.hash": {
"$nin": [
Here is the working example:


Mongodb Query to get the nth document

I need to create a query in mongodb that needs to return the SECOND TO THE LAST document. I am planning to use $group for this query but i dont know what aggregation function to use. I only know $first and $last.
I have an example collection below and also include the expected output. Thank you!
"_id" : ObjectId("60dc27ac54b7c46bfa1b84b4"),
"auditlogs" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("60dc27ac54b7c46bfa1b84be"),
"userid" : ObjectId("5ffe702d59a9205db81fcb69"),
"_id" : ObjectId("60dc27ac54b7c46bfa1b84bd"),
"userid" : ObjectId("5ffe644f9493e05db9245192"),
"action" : "EDITPROFILE"
"_id" : ObjectId("60dc27ac54b7c46bfa1b84bc"),
"userid" : ObjectId("5ffe64949493e05db9245197"),
} ]
"_id" : ObjectId("60dc27ac54b7c46bfa1b75ge2"),
"auditlogs" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("60dc27ac54b7c46bfa1b84bb"),
"userid" : ObjectId("5ffe64b69493e05db924519b"),
"_id" : ObjectId("60dc27ac54b7c46bfa1b84ba"),
"userid" : ObjectId("5ffe65419493e05db92451d4"),
"_id" : ObjectId("60dc27ac54b7c46bfa1b84b9"),
"userid" : ObjectId("5ffe65689493e05db92451d9"),
"action" : "CHANGEACCESS"
"_id" : ObjectId("60dc27ac54b7c46bfa1b84b8"),
"userid" : ObjectId("5ffe65819493e05db92451dd"),
"_id" : ObjectId("60dc27ac54b7c46bfa1b84b7"),
"userid" : ObjectId("5ffe65df9493e05db92451f3"),
"action" : "EDITPROFILE",
{"_id" : ObjectId("60dc27ac54b7c46bfa1b84b4"),"_id" : ObjectId("60dc27ac54b7c46bfa1b84bd"),"userid" : ObjectId("5ffe644f9493e05db9245192"),"action" : "EDITPROFILE"},
{"_id" : ObjectId("60dc27ac54b7c46bfa1b75ge2"),"_id" : ObjectId("60dc27ac54b7c46bfa1b84b8"),"userid" : ObjectId("5ffe65819493e05db92451dd"),"action" : "DELETETRANSACTION"}
You can't have two _id keys in one single object.
I've made the parent object's id to _parentId you can give it's a name anything you want except _id
$unwind: "$auditlogs"
"$project": {
"_parentId": "$_id",
"_id": "$auditlogs._id",
"action": "$auditlogs.action",
"userid": "$auditlogs.userid",
You can slice the array by -2 to get the last two item, then by 1 to get first one. Therefore, the array will be left the second to the last. Finally, unwind auditlogs so it can be changed from array to object which is structure that you want.
$project: { auditlogs : { $slice: [ "$auditlogs", -2 ] } }
$project: { auditlogs : { $slice: [ "$auditlogs", 1 ] } }
$unwind: "$auditlogs"

MongoDB update :- update multiple objects nested inside array (in multiple documents)

My collection is as follows :
"_id" : "",
"team" : "avenger",
"persons" : [
"name" : "ABC",
"class" : "10",
"is_new" : true
"name" : "JHK",
"class" : "12",
"is_new" : true
"name" : "BNH",
"class" : "10",
"is_new" : true
"_id" : "",
"team" : "adrenaline",
"persons" : [
"name" : "HTU",
"class" : "11",
"is_new" : true
"name" : "NVG",
"class" : "10",
"is_new" : true
"name" : "SED",
"class" : "8",
"is_new" : true
My Goal is to find for all such documents which contain such nested objects in "persons" where "class" is "10" and update "is_new" field to "false"
I am using mongoose update with "multi" set to true
Query :
persons: { $elemMatch: { class: "10" } }
multi : true
Update :
First one I have tried is :
$set : {
"persons.$.is_new" : false
Second one is :
$set : {
"persons.$[].is_new" : false
The issue is : using $ in update operation updates only first match in the "persons" array for all matched documents.
If I use $[], it updates all the objects of "persons" array in the matched documents.
Workaround can be to use a loop for update operation but i believe that should not be the ideal case.
I see nothing in the docs, though have found people reporting this update operation issue.
Is this can't be done using a single query ?? Is looping through documents my only option ?
You need to set the filtered positional operator $[<identifier>] identifier
{ "persons": { "$elemMatch": { "class": "10" }}},
{ "$set" : { "persons.$[e].is_new" : false }},
{ "arrayFilters": [{ "e.class": "10" }], "multi" : true }

$pull operator in MongoDB

"_id" : ObjectId("5badfada90fd543fd8aa7f96"),
"__v" : 0,
"deleted" : false,
"groups" : [
"group" : "grp",
"_id" : ObjectId("5bae09a601123357e58b66a2"),
"activities" : [
"group" : "123",
"_id" : ObjectId("5bae0f1001123357e58b66a4"),
"activities" : [
"nextActivityId" : 22,
"name" : "test",
"year" : "1",
"status" : "2",
"vision" : ObjectId("5bab2f4872acf42a81c124d0")
The Above Schema is a "Plan" Schema
I have to write a query for removing an Activity inside "activities" array. What will be the optimum solution for this? And how will I use $pull to achieve this
This was my solution, but it will delete the complete groups array
Plan.update({ _id: PLAN ID }, { $pull: { groups: { activities: ACTIVITY ID } } })
PLAN ID BEING: "_id" : ObjectId("5badfada90fd543fd8aa7f96"),
ACTIVITY ID FOR EXAMPLE BEING: ObjectId("5bae09a601123357e58b66a3")
Thank you!
You need to use the positional $ update operator.
{ "_id" : PLAN ID },
{ "$pull": { "groups.$.activities": ACTIVITY ID } }
You can try this,
db.Plan.update({ _id: ObjectId("5badfada90fd543fd8aa7f96"),"groups.activities":{$in:[ ObjectId("5bae09a601123357e58b66a3") ]}},
{ $pull: { "groups.$.activities": ObjectId("5bae09a601123357e58b66a3") } });
The positional operator did not find the match needed from the query warning when use $ only update object.

Reference multiple fields with aggregation function

Let's say I have some mongo DB query which returns following two documents. (I am using aggregation & projection which returns me this result set).
"name" : {
"value" : "ANDERSON"
"ID" : {
"value" : "2356"
"employeename" : {
"value" : "DAVID"
"ID" : {
"value" : "2356"
My DB is schema less & I am storing attributes and there values. There are multiple attributes which represents the same information. For e.g. here "name" & "employeename" represents the same thing. I want the final output in some common attribute (say "Employee Name"). This common attribute can have value either from "name" or "employeename".
I think this problem can be solved by adding one more pipe in with the aggregation. I tried $or (it returns true/false not the value)
{ "$project" : {
"name" : 1,
"ID" : 1, "employeename" : 1
{ "$project":{
"Employee Name": {$or : ["$name", "$employeename"]}
Final Output should be
" Employee Name" : {
"value" : "ANDERSON"
"ID" : {
"value" : "2356"
" Employee Name" : {
"value" : "DAVID"
"ID" : {
"value" : "2356"
Can somebody tell me how to write this mongo DB command?
What you want is the $ifNull operator, you can also shorten your pipeline to one $project stage.
{ "$project" : {
"EmployeeName" : { "$ifNull": [ "$name", "$employeename" ] },
"ID" : 1,

Change value in nested document in MongoDB-array

I have document:
"_id" : ObjectId("5152ba0708c164359d5ca616"),
"info": "Some interesting information.",
"elements" : [
"status" : "accepted",
"id" : "10"
"status" : "waiting",
"id" : "20"
"status" : "accepted",
"id" : "30"
How can I modify "status" to "accepted" where "status" is "waiting" and "id" is 20?
use positional ("$") operator.
// single
db.collection.update({ _id: ..., "": "20" }, { $set: { "elements.$.status": "status" } })
// all
db.collection.update({ "": "20" }, { $set: { "elements.$.status": "status" } }, { multi: true })
You have to use elemMatch ( . To match both the items of the array like status and id 20 , then you can use the $set command. The reason behind using elemMatch is that it will make sure that both the criteria is matched on the same subdocument before returning the result
db.CollectionName.update({"_id" : ObjectId("5152ba0708c164359d5ca616") , "elements" : { "$elemMatch : {"status" : "waiting" , "Id" : "20"}}},{ $set : {"elements.$.status" : "accepted"}});