how to filter the product and optimize mongodb query? - mongodb

How to filter the product and optimize mongodb query,
We would like to get popular products base on some conditions i.e which products are orders, view and likes.
"$lookup": {
"from": "orders",
"localField": "_id",
"foreignField": "product_id",
"as": "orders"
"$addFields": {
"orderCount": {
"$size": {
"$cond": [
"$isArray": "$orders"
"$addFields": {
"likeCount": {
"$size": {
"$cond": [
"$isArray": "$likes"
"$addFields": {
"sumCount": {
"$sum": [
$sort: {
"sumCount": -1
Have to use multiple $addFields what would be best option to achieve the products that have the most orders, likes and views. please guide

I would suggest 2 corrections,
orders size does not need verification if it is an array or not condition because $lookup stage will always return in array
You can do both operations for orderCount and likeCount in a single $addFields stage
You final query would be,
"$lookup": {
"from": "orders",
"localField": "_id",
"foreignField": "product_id",
"as": "orders"
"$addFields": {
"orderCount": { "$size": "$orders" },
"likeCount": {
"$size": {
"$cond": [{ "$isArray": "$likes" }, "$likes", []]
"$addFields": {
"sumCount": {
"$sum": ["$orderCount", "$likeCount", "$view"]
{ "$sort": { "sumCount": -1 } }

You can also use projection to minimize the code
"$project": {
"likes": 1,
"orderCount": {
"$size": {
"$cond": {
"if": {
"$isArray": [
"then": "$orders",
"else": []
"likeCount": {
"$size": {
"$cond": {
"if": {
"$isArray": [
"then": "$likes",
"else": []
"views": {
"$ifNull": [
check the mongoplayground.


MongoDB: how to aggregate from multiple collections with same aggregation pipeline

I'm trying to get aggregations with same aggregation pipeline including $match and $group operations from multiple collections.
For example,
with a users collection and collections of questions, answers and comments where every document has authorId and created_at field,
db = [
'users': [{ _id: 123 }, { _id: 456} ],
'questions': [
{ authorId: ObjectId('123'), createdAt: ISODate('2022-09-01T00:00:00Z') },
{ authorId: ObjectId('456'), createdAt: ISODate('2022-09-05T00:00:00Z') },
'answers': [
{ authorId: ObjectId('123'), createdAt: ISODate('2022-09-05T08:00:00Z') },
{ authorId: ObjectId('456'), createdAt: ISODate('2022-09-01T08:00:00Z') },
'comments': [
{ authorId: ObjectId('123'), createdAt: ISODate('2022-09-01T16:00:00Z') },
{ authorId: ObjectId('456'), createdAt: ISODate('2022-09-05T16:00:00Z') },
I want to get counts of documents from each collections with created_at between a given range and grouped by authorId.
A desired aggregation result may look like below. The _ids here are ObjectIds of documents in users collection.
\\ match: { createdAt: { $gt: ISODate('2022-09-03T00:00:00Z) } }
{ _id: ObjectId('123'), questionCount: 0, answerCount: 1, commentCount: 0 },
{ _id: ObjectId('456'), questionCount: 1, answerCount: 0, commentCount: 1 }
Currently, I am running aggregation below for each collection, combining the results in the backend service. (I am using Spring Data MongoDB Reactive.) This seems very inefficient.
{ $match: {
created_at: { $gt: ISODate('2022-09-03T00:00:00Z') }
{ $group : {
_id: '$authorId',
count: {$sum: 1}
How can I get the desired result with one aggregation?
I thought $unionWith or $lookup may help but I'm stuck here.
You can try something like this, using $lookup, here we join users, with all the three collections one-by-one, and then calculate the count:
"$lookup": {
"from": "questions",
"let": {
id: "$_id"
"pipeline": [
"$match": {
$expr: {
"$and": [
"$gt": [
"$eq": [
"as": "questions"
"$lookup": {
"from": "answers",
"let": {
id: "$_id"
"pipeline": [
"$match": {
$expr: {
"$and": [
"$gt": [
"$eq": [
"as": "answers"
"$lookup": {
"from": "comments",
"let": {
id: "$_id"
"pipeline": [
"$match": {
$expr: {
"$and": [
"$gt": [
"$eq": [
"as": "comments"
"$project": {
"questionCount": {
"$size": "$questions"
"answersCount": {
"$size": "$answers"
"commentsCount": {
"$size": "$comments"
Playground link. In the above query, we use pipelined form of $lookup, to perform join on some custom logic. Learn more about $lookup here.
Another way is this, perform normal lookup and then filter out the elements:
"$lookup": {
"from": "questions",
"localField": "_id",
"foreignField": "authorId",
"as": "questions"
"$lookup": {
"from": "answers",
"localField": "_id",
"foreignField": "authorId",
"as": "answers"
"$lookup": {
"from": "comments",
"localField": "_id",
"foreignField": "authorId",
"as": "comments"
"$project": {
questionCount: {
"$size": {
"$filter": {
"input": "$questions",
"as": "item",
"cond": {
"$gt": [
answerCount: {
"$size": {
"$filter": {
"input": "$answers",
"as": "item",
"cond": {
"$gt": [
commentsCount: {
"$size": {
"$filter": {
"input": "$comments",
"as": "item",
"cond": {
"$gt": [
Playground link.

MongoDB 5 version Aggregation convert to 4.4 version

I have the following aggregation that is supported by MongoDB 5 but not 4.4. How can I write this in v4.4?
Aggregation Pipeline (V5):
"$ifNull": [
"$getField": {
"field": "prices",
"input": {
"$first": "$matchedUsers"
Here's a MongoDB Playground for the same.
This pipeline should work in version 4.4:
"$lookup": {
"from": "users",
"localField": "assignedTo",
"foreignField": "id",
"as": "matchedUsers"
"$addFields": {
"cgData": {
"$first": "$matchedUsers"
"$addFields": {
"cgData": {
"$first": {
"$filter": {
"input": {
"$ifNull": [
"as": "currentPrice",
"cond": {
"$and": [
"$gte": [
$or: [
$eq: [
$type: "$$currentPrice.endDate"
"$lt": [
"$addFields": {
cgPrice: "$cgData.price"
"$project": {
cgData: 0,
"matchedUsers": 0
In this, a new $addFields stage is added, to get first element of matchedUsers array.
"$addFields": {
"cgData": {
"$first": "$matchedUsers"
Then we use $ifNull like this:
"$ifNull": [
See it working here.

How to generate object ids when $unwinding with aggregate in mongodb

I'm having the following query
"$lookup": {
"from": "player",
"localField": "players.account_id",
"foreignField": "account_id",
"as": "players2"
}, {
"$addFields": {
"players": {
"$map": {
"input": "$players",
"in": {
"$mergeObjects": [
"$$this", {
"$arrayElemAt": [
"$players2", {
"$indexOfArray": [
}, {
"$set": {
"players.match_id": "$match_id",
"players.radiant_win": "$radiant_win"
}, {
"$unwind": "$players"
}, {
"$replaceRoot": {
"newRoot": "$players"
}, {
"$project": {
"_id": 1,
"match_id": 1,
"account_id": 1,
"hero_id": 1,
"radiant_win": 1
which is supposed to match an inner array with another collection, merge the objects in the arrays by the matching and then unwrap ($unwind) the array into a new collection.
Unfortunately, I'm getting duplicate Object ids which is sort of a problem for when I want to export this collection.
How can I ensure unique Object_Ids for the aggregation?
Thanks in advance!

Use $addToSet condition vise in mongodb

I have below mongodb query, in which i am using $addToSet, Now i want to use it condition vise.
"$group": {
"_id": null,
"todayBilling": {
"$sum": {
"$cond": [{ "$and" : [ { "$eq": [ "$isBilling", true] }, { $eq: [ "$date",new Date(moment().format('l'))]}] },"$hours",0 ]
"todayProjects": { "$addToSet": "$projectId" }
{ "$addFields": { "todayProjects": { "$size": "$todayProjects" }}},
"from": "projects",
"let": {},
"pipeline": [
"$group": { "_id": null, "count": { "$sum": 1 } }
"as": "totalProjects"
Now, I want to get the count of todayProjects field if got result today date vise. means where "todayProjects": { "$addToSet": "$projectId" } exists, i want to use $cond with below condition:
{ $eq: [ "$date",new Date(moment().format('l'))]}

Populate to the deep level using $lookup mongodb

I am using $lookup to join two collections and get data from below query:
let condition = {status:{$ne:config.PROJECT_STATUS.completed}, assignId:mongoose.Types.ObjectId(};
$match: condition
"_id": "$_id"
"$lookup": {
"from": "worksheets",
"let": { "projectId": "$_id" },
"pipeline": [
{ "$match": { "$expr": { "$eq": [ "$projectId", "$$projectId" ] }}},
{ "$group": {_id:"$projectId", totalHours:{"$sum": "$hours"}}},
"$lookup": {
"from": "projects",
"let": { "projectId": "$_id" },
"pipeline": [
{ "$match": { "$expr": { "$eq": [ "$_id", "$$projectId" ] }}},
{ "$project": { "projectName": 1,"upworkdId":1,"status":1,"developers":1,"hoursApproved":1 }}
"as": "project"
"as": "projects"
And above query is giving me below result:
"_id": "5c0a4083753a321c6c4ee024",
"projects": [
"_id": "5c0a4083753a321c6c4ee024",
"totalHours": 11,
"project": [
"_id": "5c0a4083753a321c6c4ee024",
"hoursApproved": 24,
"developers": [
"projectName": "fallbrook winery",
"status": "pending"
Now i want to populate the developers subfield inside the project Array. How can i modify the above code to get that.
You can use $lookup one more deep level with the developers array.
Something like this
{ "$match": condition },
{ "$group": { "_id": "$_id" }},
{ "$lookup": {
"from": "worksheets",
"let": { "projectId": "$_id" },
"pipeline": [
{ "$match": { "$expr": { "$eq": ["$projectId", "$$projectId"] } } },
{ "$group": { "_id": "$projectId", "totalHours": { "$sum": "$hours" } }},
{ "$lookup": {
"from": "projects",
"let": { "projectId": "$_id" },
"pipeline": [
{ "$match": { "$expr": { "$eq": ["$_id", "$$projectId"] } } },
{ "$lookup": {
"from": "developers",
"let": { "developers": "$developers" },
"pipeline": [
{ "$match": { "$expr": { "$in": ["$_id", "$$developers"] } } },
"as": "developers"
{ "$project": {
"projectName": 1, "upworkdId": 1, "status": 1, "developers": 1, "hoursApproved": 1
"as": "project"
"as": "projects"