How to "find by element" using React Testing Library - react-testing-library

I am new to this react testing library, but I would like to do something very simple, basically find HTML elements.
I can achieve this wonderfully in Enzyme, but nothing in the API for react testing library indicates that I can do this. All the find and get functions seem to deal with things like "roles" and "labels". I can't use these in the code I am testing.
I am using the screen module, because I assume that is the container where I do all my querying from?


Lit not working, not giving back anything from the custom web component

I'm trying to learn how to use lit as a dev tool for making web components and I'm having issues with making it run on my system.
In the documentation it states that you just need to run the command "npm i lit" on the folder of your project and after being successfully installed it should be running.
I did the "simple greeting" test also available on the documentation but it's returning me a blank page. I even copy-pasted both ts and html. Still blank page.
on my html, if I drill something into it, it shows on the page, so I know it's something regarding the custom web component (named simple-greeting).
I already did a course on native web components and I understand how it works, but I never worked with lit.
Isn't it just to import the necessary things from the respective library (like html, css, LitElement) and use it in TS?
Am I missing something? I am really confused and can't find anything online.
Thanks in advance.
It seems I forgot to run the web server. Still a long way to go, I guess.

Facebook/Unity SDK basics

I have some basic questions that I couldn't figure out after searching for quite some time now. All tutorials and guides I've come across have the code already set up and I can't find them of much use. For instance, the Friend Smash example has the code integrated with buttons and other scripts that I can't use it in my own game.
I used Parse to upload my game and test it on facebook and it's working fine, but I want to add the social features to it (login, share, score etc.)
Picking up the code snippets that I'm supposed to use either brings me up errors (undefined variables etc.) or messes things up (I get the not-working, bugged login window on top of the running game inside Unity, while nothing happens if I build and run it).
Where am I supposed to put the code? For example:
In the "Example" part, where am I supposed to put this line?
FB.Init(SetInit, OnHideUnity);
Same thing here:
If I use the "Example" code as it is I get errors.
Do I have to use specific names for the scripts?
This is my first time uploading a game and trying to add social features to it so these questions may seem simple, but I couldn't find an answer anywhere.
You should create your own class instead of "Example" class, where you put all your Facebook specific functions. Then you should invoke your methods with your own components, buttons, triggers, whatever.
It is also you, who should take care of pausing the game while running social functions (login, share etc.).

Proper designer-first reall world app example in Scala Lift

Trying to learn lift, and i'm looking for a somehow bigger example than HelloWorld (something like spring pet-clinic).
Especially i'm looking at advanced templating in designer friendly manner (as less code in snippets as possible).
I tried to look at example Lift apps
But they heavily mix html in their snippets
So can anyone link me to a source of real world app that uses designer-friendly templating?
Hmmm. My hobbie project partially corresponds to what you ask, I think.)
It's not all good, I started it when only learning Scala and I see now that it has poor decision choises in some places. But, for example, you can see code-free templates here:
Ajax bindings can be seen here:
It unfortunately uses html in the code somewhere, too. It's also very little, uses actors (both lift's and akka), has no database at all (only the state of the tournament matters and it's not persisted).
try lift in action book , there is a build of a big web app almost step by step and the project is also on github so you can download it also from there

Name input like SMS or Facebook app

I'm trying to find a library that can handle autocompletion with tokened (grouped) texts.
There are some very nice libraries out there for autocompletion such as:
The problem here is, I want to make the selection look like names tagging at SMS or Facebook app. So when the user tries to delete, he should delete all the text.
There are good jQuery implementations, one of them is this:
I couldn't find any for iOS, perhaps the keywords are very generic, thus Google does not show any related results. Is there any library for this or can you provide any code examples?
What you're trying to achieve can't be done using the public SDK.
However, there exist some nice third party solutions.
I found this question, Is there an iPhone equivalent to the NSTokenField control?, which includes links to controls you could use.

GOLD Parse, how do you actually implement your code?

I am not quite sure how to implement my the code after generating the skeleton. I didnt use const only, i do have main files and i tried several c(++) versions along with c# and still i dont understand. I dont think any of them can load a file and parse test files (i know gold builder can parse my test files).
The Kessels C skeleton looks complete. Buts not, it uses a struct and members (Token->Reduction->TokenStack) yet when i search TokenStack i cant find a place where it is defined, only used. I feel like i am missing something. I cant find Kessels other code anywhere.
My question is how do i implement my body? (is there another skeleton you prefer), are there any other downloads i overlooked? i tried looking at these downloads but i didnt understand what to do with them. It also looked more like example source code then a template
PS: I wouldnt mind doing a C# implementation, i am better with c(++).
I've used the Calitha C# Engine. Let me know (by posting a comment to this answer) if you still want an answer, which I can answer using my knowledge of this C# engine.
My question is how do i implement my body? (is there another skeleton you prefer), are there any other downloads i overlooked?
The Calitha Engine download includes source for the Engine, and a sample program (named "TextCalc") which illustrates using it.