Currently, CXProviderConfiguration localizeName is deprecated.
let configuration = CXProviderConfiguration(localizedName: "Call")
=> 'init(localizedName:)' was deprecated in iOS 14.0
How can I set its localizeName now?
I want to show the name("Call") in the right-bottom.
If I understood correctly your question, you want to display a custom string below the button with your app icon in the CallKit UI.
Contrary to what I thought and wrote in the comment, the localizedName of CXProviderConfiguration, prior to iOS 14 was used as the label of the button mentioned above.
On iOS 14 and above, instead, is the Product Name that's used for that purpose. You can find it in the build settings of your target, and by default, it's equal to your target name. Keep in mind that it's also the string displayed below your app icon on the home screen.
It seems that Xcode 12 is no longer supporting a default user interface style provided in the info.plist for iOS14. Is this a bug with the beta or is there any other way to provide this information without the need of overwriting every single element?
The following code did the trick { window in
window.overrideUserInterfaceStyle = .light
The Xcode docs, explain that the CFBundleURLIconFile key contains the name of the icon image file (minus the extension) to be used for displaying URLs of this type.
My remaining questions are:
What icon image should I use? Like, if the URL type is for another app, should I use that app's app icon?
What size(s)? If many sizes, how do I name them so that the sizes are used correctly?
Where is it displayed? I'm wondering for an iPhone app.
Apple does not specify this specifically, but my interpretation is that it should be an Icon representing the application which should/will open/handle URLs of this type.
On OS X, the normal approach would be to use an Icon File (.icns). I suspect you should try that on your iOS app. If that doesn't work, duplicate the naming scheme of the the standard app icon files.
Try viewing a PDF in Safari on iOS. If you have iBooks, it should show a button saying "Open in iBooks" and shows an icon next to it. This icon is the icon you would be setting.
I hope this is thorough enough to answer your questions. If not, please explain what needs clarification.
Is it possible even to change from demo icon to full version image after purchasing full version via InApp Purchase? Or should I make two versions with lite/full icons ?
Please refer to
This was true before iOS 10.3 only:
No. This is not possible. The icon is fixed.
UIApplication has a new instance method that will do what you want. The Apple docs spell out exactly what you need to do to accomplish this:
This is not possible, since iOS apps run in a sandbox and can therefore not write (while they can read) the app's bundle, where the icon is located.
1) In info.plist set up key Icon file with value ../Documents/icon.png.
2) Add key Icon already includes gloss effects with value YES
3) In first launch move picture to /Documents/icon.png
After second launch Icon app will be changed!
If you change icon.png in Documents folder need to make respiring for refresh Icon app.
Does not SDK page curl icon anymore?
page curl icon is used on native map app (
I can assign page curl icon in iOS 5, but icon does not appear on tool bar.
this icon is appear in under iOS 5.
do you have any idea of this?
I just got answer from Apple that the problem has been determined and is a known issue.
So we all can just hope they will fix this in iOS 5.1 release.
I found this person created their own page curl icon. You can use this one (it's under an open license):
I just took this, resized the image to 20x20 and plan used it in a custom UIBarButtonItem it in my app. It doesn't look quite as nice as apple's, but it works!
Alternatively you can give this tool a shot to try and extract the icon from UIKit on a version 4 device:
Can an iphone app change its home screen icon and name after installation?
What i want to do is make a generic application for several of our clients, that upon installation and login by users it detects which of our client it applies to and changes its icon and name to reflect the appropriate branding.
Is this going to be possible? Or are we simply going to have to make (and submit for approval...) one app per client?
Updated: since iOS 10 it's possible to change the application icon from the list of pre-defined ones in the Info.plist. However display name still stays the constant.
Outdated: Since app's name is in Info.plist which resides with app's icon in app's bundle (which is readonly) - it cannot. You can only change your app's name and icon after releasing an update into the appstore. You may though change application icon's badge value. But as I see in your scenario - it won't fit your needs at all.