iPhone "page curl" icon is disappered in iOS 5 - iphone

Does not SDK page curl icon anymore?
page curl icon is used on native map app (http://www.filemaker.com/products/bento/iphone/1/help/en/images/icon_page_curl.png)
I can assign page curl icon in iOS 5, but icon does not appear on tool bar.
this icon is appear in under iOS 5.
do you have any idea of this?

I just got answer from Apple that the problem has been determined and is a known issue.
So we all can just hope they will fix this in iOS 5.1 release.

I found this person created their own page curl icon. You can use this one (it's under an open license):
I just took this, resized the image to 20x20 and plan used it in a custom UIBarButtonItem it in my app. It doesn't look quite as nice as apple's, but it works!

Alternatively you can give this tool a shot to try and extract the icon from UIKit on a version 4 device:


Xcode: URL Types: Icon?

The Xcode docs, explain that the CFBundleURLIconFile key contains the name of the icon image file (minus the extension) to be used for displaying URLs of this type.
My remaining questions are:
What icon image should I use? Like, if the URL type is for another app, should I use that app's app icon?
What size(s)? If many sizes, how do I name them so that the sizes are used correctly?
Where is it displayed? I'm wondering for an iPhone app.
Apple does not specify this specifically, but my interpretation is that it should be an Icon representing the application which should/will open/handle URLs of this type.
On OS X, the normal approach would be to use an Icon File (.icns). I suspect you should try that on your iOS app. If that doesn't work, duplicate the naming scheme of the the standard app icon files.
Try viewing a PDF in Safari on iOS. If you have iBooks, it should show a button saying "Open in iBooks" and shows an icon next to it. This icon is the icon you would be setting.
I hope this is thorough enough to answer your questions. If not, please explain what needs clarification.

XCode won't accept my 57x57 size icon?

I'm trying to archive my app with XCode. I have 4 different icons (57, 72, 114, 144).
It works fine when I drop them in but when I try to validate it after building I get the following...
If I go back and try to replace the 57px icon with a 72px icon I get this message.
Why is this happening?
Here is the values in plist, haven't done anything here manually.
Here is the apple doc for icons
In case the above link gets expired I'm including the screen shot, I know it's the content are impossible to see, here is the image link. Btw you can always right click on the image and copy image location and open it in new tab.
Here is how you can specify icons
In theory you can name them whatever you want for iPad as long as they are in the info.plist. In order to support older version of iOS, I always name them the way apple recommand, which has already been quoted by Inder Kumar Rathore.
Take a look at here to see how to Add Icon files in Info.plist
#PhlipK: Your info.plist looks very different from mine, here is how mine looks like.
Take a look at the link I mentioned above and try to edit your info.plist see if that works.

How to change app icon within In-App Purchase?

Is it possible even to change from demo icon to full version image after purchasing full version via InApp Purchase? Or should I make two versions with lite/full icons ?
Please refer to
This was true before iOS 10.3 only:
No. This is not possible. The icon is fixed.
UIApplication has a new instance method that will do what you want. The Apple docs spell out exactly what you need to do to accomplish this: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uiapplication/2806818-setalternateiconname
This is not possible, since iOS apps run in a sandbox and can therefore not write (while they can read) the app's bundle, where the icon is located.
1) In info.plist set up key Icon file with value ../Documents/icon.png.
2) Add key Icon already includes gloss effects with value YES
3) In first launch move picture to /Documents/icon.png
After second launch Icon app will be changed!
If you change icon.png in Documents folder need to make respiring for refresh Icon app.

Where to get the bookmark/folder/history icons used by MobileSafari?

where can I get the bookmark/folder/history icons used by MobileSafari? I tried to copy them from MobielSafari.app but unfortunately those icons cant be opened. It seems they are encrypted.
Not an answer to your question, but for similar icons be sure to check:
Glyphish: Free for non-retina, $25 for retina versions: http://www.greepit.com/open-source-icons-gcons/
GLYPHICONS: Free for non-retina, $25 for retina, $50 for retina+vector version: http://glyphicons.com/
gcons: Free: http://www.greepit.com/open-source-icons-gcons/
I found that creating a UImage with the name Bookmark.png will give you the ios bookmark icon.
However not sure about history and folders. Tried History.png ... no luck.
Go to the sitting, scroll down> safari, scroll down> history
Good luck

iPhone login screen number pad

I am writing an app and I want to show the login screen just like in iPhone where you have to enter 4 digit code to login. What's the best way to do this? Is there a UIView that comes with the SDK or will i have to design my own keyboard
CocoaControls is an excellent site to browse Cocoa & Cocoa Touch custom UI components:
You can use PINView: http://cocoacontrols.com/platforms/ios/controls/pinview
Or KVPasscodeViewController: http://cocoacontrols.com/platforms/ios/controls/kvpasscodeviewcontroller
Or JSLockScreen: http://cocoacontrols.com/platforms/ios/controls/jslockscreen
Previously answered at steps / idea for a Iphone passcode like custom interface for Application: this option from that question looks promising (see https://github.com/vikingosegundo/KeyPad).
You can use this latest source code to do so. URL is https://github.com/abury/ABPadLockScreen
Hopes this will help you.