"Unauthorized" while selecting forms for associating workflow - formsflow.ai

I am using the latest opensource formsflow.ai v4.0.2. I brought the entire project to my personal laptop. I followed the Docker full installation guide. Docker is running fine. In http://localhost:3000, login as formsflow-designer and selected an existing form for associating workflow, If I select one of the forms it shows :unauthorized" as shown in the below screenshot.

This "unauthorised" error is due to wrongly configured environment variable for forms-flow designer role (DESIGNER_ROLE_ID). Please refer https://github.com/AOT-Technologies/forms-flow-ai/blob/master/forms-flow-forms/README.md#formsflow-forms-userrole-api for obtaining the required env for roles and use those in the environment variables mentioned in the table https://github.com/AOT-Technologies/forms-flow-ai/tree/master/deployment/docker#formsflowai-keycloak-variable-settings . And rebuild and deploy forms-flow-web. This should fix your issue.


"SFDX: Deploy Source to Org" function missing

Hello I have created a LWC project in VS Code but the "SFDX: Deploy Source to Org" option is missing when I Right-click the default folder under force-app/main.
I have authorized the org and set a default scratch org.
Please help.
For scratch orgs it's more "natural" to push and pull the changes, let SFDX figure out what changed on your system / what changed server-side (new field, new report? new object? good luck spelling it all out in package.xml, life is too short for it). The team behind VSCode sfdx plugin made conscious decision to hide these options.
Try with sfdx force:source:push.
If you need single file there's still source-ish deploy command (will warn you if you're overwriting something changed on server / by another dev and you can force deploy if you want).
The deploy-retrieve are old school metadata api commands

gcloud components list not up-to-date?

I will rely on a component shipped with Gcloud SDK CLI.
For migration purposes and other reasons, I want to know which version of the cloud-sdk starts shipping this component and avoid the "install the latest version".
My issue
In the official changelog: https://cloud.google.com/sdk/docs/release-notes, there are no references to the component I am looking for.
I have tried to run this command naively
for gcloud_version in 390.0.0-alpine 391.0.0-alpine 392.0.0-alpine 393.0.0-alpine; do
echo "---> ${gcloud_version}"
docker run --rm -ti google/cloud-sdk:${gcloud_version} gcloud components list
Unfortunately, every list do not show the component I am waiting for (even the latest version of gcloud, 393 at the time of writting).
However, when I run gcloud components install MY_UNLISTED_COMPONENT it works ...
Not a very reliable way to find out which version has the component I want.
Do you know if:
this is an issue?
I can report this somewhere?
It is relevant to do it?
Thanks for your help!
From #DazWilkin
It would be helpful if you included the name of the public albeit unlisted component in your question. The Release Notes includes a "Send Feedback" option and you may want to provide this feedback there.
it's reasonable to expect it to be documented. I encourage you to send feedback via the release page and to consider filing an issue on Google's public Issue Tracker.

Error occurred while starting the build in Openshift 3

I have been trying to deploy a war file as an OpenShift project. The server used is jboss-webserver30-tomcat8. I have followed the below steps -
Put ROOT.war file under 'deployments' directory in local system.
Upload the changes in github.
Create a new JAVA project in OpenShift 3 and provide the github repository details.
No automatic build or deployment starts. On manually clicking on Start Build button, the below error is displayed:
An error occurred while starting the build. Reason: Error resolving
ImageStreamTag jboss-webserver30-tomcat8-openshift:1.2 in namespace
openshift: unable to find latest tagged image
Please suggest how can I resolve the error.
This is an issue with how the jboss-webserver30-tomcat8-openshift imagestream is defined in the cluster. We are working to correct this, it is not currently importing the correct set of tags and as a result the 1.2 tag was stopped being a valid tag, when it should be.
However the short term solution is change your buildconfig to reference one of the tags that has a valid image reference associated (e.g. 1.3) instead of the 1.2 tag it is currently referencing. Your build should then be able to run.
A (temporarily) unavailable builder image may be related to this platform upgrade that correlates with the time of posting your question.
Generally, the best place to check for any incident reports or scheduled maintenance is the Status Page (Starter | Pro clusters; it's linked in the web console too, in the upper right corner of the interface).
If this does not seem to be related (e.g. you're not on the starter-us-west-2 cluster where the platform upgrade is taking place) or persists after the maintenance is over, I would encourage you to check the open issues, and log a new bug report, if it's not in the list.
Thank you.

"No project ID could be determined from the Cloud SDK configuration" when running psqworker

When I was going through the Google Cloud tutorial: https://cloud.google.com/python/getting-started/using-pub-sub#running_the_app_on_your_local_machine
I got the following error:
google.auth._default No project ID could be determined from the Cloud SDK configuration. Consider running gcloud config set project or setting the GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT environment variable
I did 'gcloud config set project [my project name]' with no success.
What's the problem?
Update: I've deployed app engines previously without any problem. The problem only happens when I run the psqworker for this Pub/Sub function. I know my project ID and used it before.
The first thing I would try would be:
gcloud info
This will tell you the account and project that gcloud is currently set to.
You may also find the available projects for your account with the following gcloud command:
gcloud projects list
Locate the project ID and project number
There are two ways to identify your project: the project number and project ID.
The project number is automatically assigned when you create a project.
The project ID is a unique identifier for a project. When you first create a project, you can accept the default generated project ID or create your own. A project ID cannot be changed after the project is created, so if you are creating a new project, be sure to choose an ID that you'll be comfortable using for the lifetime of the project.
Note: You should be aware that some resource identifiers (such as project IDs) might be retained beyond the life of your project. For
this reason, avoid storing sensitive information in resource
To locate your project ID and project number:
Go to the Cloud Platform Console
From the projects list, select the name of your project.
On the left, click Dashboard. The project name and ID are displayed in the Dashboard.
Use virtualenv -p C:/Python27/python.exe name-of-env instead of virtualenv -p C:/Python36/python.exe name-of-env in the tutorial
I ran into a similar issue. Here are the steps I went through and why. Hope it helps!
First I tried to specify the id with the command gcloud config set project name-of-your-project
This resulted in the error
ERROR: Python 3 and later is not compatible with by the Google Cloud SDK. Please use a Python 2.7.x version.
If you have a compatible Python interpreter installed, you can use it by setting
the CLOUDSDK_PYTHON environment variable to point to it.
I thought this error was weird because the tutorial tells you to use python3 but it doesn't work. So I created a virtualenv with python2.7 like so
virtualenv -p C:/Python27/python.exe name-of-env (I have python 2 and 3 so its easier to specify the whole path to the .exe file)
Then follow the rest of the tutorial with
pip install -r requirements.txt
Don't know why you have to use python3 when it doesn't even work.

How is content published from Author to publish Environment in CQ5?

I have installed two instances of CQ5-quickstart.jar . One as Author and one as Publish.
I have a very basic query. If I publish/edit some content in the Author Environment, HOW will it be visible in my Publish environment ?
I mean, is the flow of code/data between these two instances mentioned somewhere that I've missed ?
You'll need to 'Activate' the page first. Only then it will be available on the Publish environment. Read this page please .
Hi you could also check on configuring replication agents
http://dev.day.com/docs/en/cq/current/deploying/configuring_cq.html#Replicating from Author to Publish
First check the publish environment in Replication properly and test connection is established or not.If it is success than activate content.While activating un check those two options and click activate than the changes are can see in publish.
If any modified jsp code need to build in package and push to live.
Ramesh v