gcloud components list not up-to-date? - gcloud

I will rely on a component shipped with Gcloud SDK CLI.
For migration purposes and other reasons, I want to know which version of the cloud-sdk starts shipping this component and avoid the "install the latest version".
My issue
In the official changelog: https://cloud.google.com/sdk/docs/release-notes, there are no references to the component I am looking for.
I have tried to run this command naively
for gcloud_version in 390.0.0-alpine 391.0.0-alpine 392.0.0-alpine 393.0.0-alpine; do
echo "---> ${gcloud_version}"
docker run --rm -ti google/cloud-sdk:${gcloud_version} gcloud components list
Unfortunately, every list do not show the component I am waiting for (even the latest version of gcloud, 393 at the time of writting).
However, when I run gcloud components install MY_UNLISTED_COMPONENT it works ...
Not a very reliable way to find out which version has the component I want.
Do you know if:
this is an issue?
I can report this somewhere?
It is relevant to do it?
Thanks for your help!

From #DazWilkin
It would be helpful if you included the name of the public albeit unlisted component in your question. The Release Notes includes a "Send Feedback" option and you may want to provide this feedback there.
it's reasonable to expect it to be documented. I encourage you to send feedback via the release page and to consider filing an issue on Google's public Issue Tracker.


`gcloud run deploy` raises "Revision <revision_name> is not ready and cannot serve traffic."

gcloud run deploy api --region=$REGION --image=$IMAGE
Deploying container to Cloud Run service [api] in project [[MASKED]] region [[MASKED]]
Creating Revision...........interrupted
Deployment failed
ERROR: (gcloud.run.deploy) Revision [[MASKED]] is not ready and cannot serve traffic.
I've tried to search Google Cloud documentation, but it does not mention such problem.
How to solve the "Revision is not ready and cannot serve traffic."?
Try to wait a few minutes and then just re-launch the procedure. The good old "let's retry without changing anything" worked for me! :)
EDIT: I talked with a Cloud Architect who works with me and he told me that this is the actual solution, because if you retry too quickly to restart the deploy, GCP may still have some pending operations from the previous one!
I faced the same error in Cloud Run after getting the container working correctly locally. In my case the revisions weren't showing as failing, they had a grey checkmark
and when hovering I got the message
The revision is healthy but not currently serving traffic.
I just needed to click Manage Traffic and set 100% of the traffic to a new revision
I faced this problem as well. In my case I checked "Cloud Run" section from hamburger menu of google cloud console. The "Logs" section should give you more idea about what went wrong. I was missing a python library, and adding correct python dependency in my requirements.txt solved the issue for me. Somehow my local testing went well without this issue. I hope this helps. :)
I faced with this problem, my problem is that my docker image is missing required dependency package at build stage, my Dockerfile missed some steps to copy required files for preparing to install package.
To find you problem if cloud build logs was not make sense for you, I think you should:
From gcloud console, go to service "Container Registry" > Images
Select your repository name
From the image version (maybe latest) that you want to check > more actions > show pull command > then copy that command ex: docker pull gcr.io/..
From gcloud console header > select activate cloud shell
At cloud shell terminal, pull docker images of your latest build by running "pull command" that you copied before.
Start your container from this image to see what exactly happens with your run revision

Does anyone have tried the HLF 2.0 feature "External Builders and Launchers" and wants to get in touch?

I'm getting my way through the HLF 2.0 docs and would love to discuss and try out the new features "External Builders and Launchers" and "Chaincode as an external service".
My goal is to run HLF2.0 on an K8s cluster (OpenShift). Does anyone wants to get in touch or has anyone already figured his way through?
Cheers from Germany
Also trying to use the ExternalBuilder. Setup core.yaml, rebuilt the containers to use it. I get an error that on "peer lifecycle chaincode install .tgz...", that the path to the scripts in core.yaml can not be found.
I've added volume bind commands in the peer-base.yaml, and in docker-compose-cli.yaml, and am using the first-network setup. Dropped out the part of the byfn.sh that would connect to the cli container, so that I do that part manually, do the create, join, update anchors successfully, and then try to do the install and fail. However, on the install, I'm failing on the /bin/detect, because it can't find that file to fork/exec it. To get that far, peer was able to read my external configuration, and read the core.yaml file. At the moment, trying the "mode: dev" in the core.yaml which seems to indicate that the scripts and the chaincode will be run "locally", which I think means it should run in the cli container. Otherwise, tried to walk the code to see how the docker containers are being created dynamically, and from what image, but haven't been able to nail that down yet.

Is there a way to validate CloudFormation templates before running them?

I would like to validate my CloudFormation templates before running them. I know about the aws cloudformation validate-template ... cli command, but that ignores incorrect property names. I don't know what the point of that cli command is if it won't catch these kind of mistakes.
I want something that will catch those kind of mistakes before running the templates. An IDE or external service that does this would be fine.
We had a quite similar issue with erroneous Cloud-Formation templates and created (I’m a co-author) a command-line tool, that validates them - besides the standard AWS validation it also has many custom checks, that were essential for us:
I believe it doesn't support property names validation yet, but any feature requests (or pull request even better), are welcome. We will do our best to address them as soon as we can.
After installing Perun, to validate the template you can use the command validate:
~ $ perun validate <PATH TO THE TEMPLATE>
Moreover, it also allows managing (creation, updates etc.) CF stacks and monitoring the status updates.
The cfn-lint tool was built for this exact purpose. It is actively maintained by the AWS team and it has a couple of IDE integrations.
Same issue with me. There is no way to validate the property name. But you can reduce the mistake using Atom IDE with plugins cloudformation, it helps me to create a resources property so I can reduce my typo mistakes.

Error creating template PredictionIO

I've created a lot of templates before as by now I was creating the Recommendation following the suggested steps.
$ pio template get PredictionIO/template-scala-parallel-recommendation Foo
Getting this error:
[ERROR] [Template$] Either PredictionIO/template-scala-parallel-universal-recommendation is not a valid GitHub repository, or it does not have any tag. Aborting.
How I fix this and why is this happening?
My Prediction version 0.9.5. Using Ubuntu
It seems that happens when you have made a pio deploy of another template before pio template get, so you have to shutdown the eventserver default port 7070 as:
$ lsof -wni tcp:7070
$ kill -9 PID
This solved the problem.
I had this issue but this google group post had my solution. Basically pio template get is cloning a repository under the covers, so it can have git-related issues.
Check to see if you can access https://api.github.com/ from your web browser. If not, check the google group post.
Also there is no need to do pio template get, just clone it from github. The Universal Recommender is kept up-to-date in its home repo here: https://github.com/actionml/template-scala-parallel-universal-recommendation/tree/v0.3.0
Notice v0.3.0 is nearing release but is not in the template gallery yet.

Any good MongoDB admin UI for MacOS with auth support?

I've been using mViever for several months and it fitted me perfectly, however it doesn't support proper authentification (when mongod is launched with --auth parameter). So, now I'm trying to find any good replacement for MacOS with auth support.
Tried MongoHub, but it doesn't support most of common Mac hotkeys (even Enter doesn't work as submit), and by the way, it also has some bugs with authentification. To be shorter, which of these http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Admin+UIs to choose? I've tested some of them, but nothing really liked (except old good mViever).
I assume that's a typo and you are referring to mViewer. As you can see here, it does support authentication:
There were issues with auth in 0.9.1, but they have been fixed. See here:
For some reason, the 0.9.2 binaries are not available yet (even though the comment says October), but it's not too hard to build yourself:
git clone https://github.com/Imaginea/mViewer.git
cd mViewer
mvn clean package -Prelease -DskipTests
Once all that was finished, I took a look in the target folder:
cd target
ls mViewer-0.9.2.*
Here's my mViewer 0.9.2 session logged in with user "adam" to an auth enabled mongod:
I just released a minimalist mongodb data viewer for nodejs github.com/marcdelalonde/mongo-viewer
I have planned to add auth support very soon :)