Is there a Unicode Character to indicate possible linebreak in a string - unicode

We are looking for a "BREAK NO-SPACE" character reverse to NO-BREAK SPACE. It should not print anything, just indicate the components down the line, the word can be split and linebroken at these positions.
Is there anything similar to this in Unicode or any other encoding scheme? It would make life easier since we could then rely on built-in methods for line split in our framework instead of introducing custom logic and some "Magic Character".

Soft hyphen U+00AD is invisible but indicates where a word should be broken.

So I found the Zero Width Space character 200B. The documentation describes exactly what I was looking for.


The list of unicode unusual characters

Where can I get the complete list of all unicode characters that doesn't behave as simple characters. Examples: character 0x0363 (won't be printed without another one before), character 0x0084 (does weird things when printed). I need just a raw list of such unusual characters to replace them with something harmless to avoid unwanted output effects. Regular characters (those who not in this list) should use exactly one character place when printed (= cursor moved +1 to the right), should not depend on previous or next characters, and should not affect printing style in any way.
Edit because of multiple comments:
I have some unicode string, usually consists of "usual" characters like 0x20-0x7E or cyrillic letters. Also, there are a lot of other unicode characters that are usual and may be safely assumed as having strlen() = 1. The string is printed on the terminal and I should know the resulting position of the cursor. I don't want to use some complex and non-stable libraries to do that, i want to have simplest possible logic to do that. Every problematic character may be replaced with U+0xFFFD or something like "<U+0363>" (ASCII string with its index instead of character itself). I want to have a list of "possibly-problematic" characters to replace. It is acceptable to have some non-problematic characters in this list too, but not much.
There is no simple algorithm for this. You'll likely need a complex, but extremely stable library: libicu, or something based on it. Basically every other library that does this kind of work is based on libicu, which is maintained by the Unicode organization.
If you don't want to use the official library (or something based on their library), you'll need to parse the Unicode Character Database yourself. In particular, you need to look at Character Properties, and parse the files in the UCD.
I believe you're asking for Bidi_Class (i.e. "direction") to be Left_To_Right, Canonical_Combining_Class to be Not_Reordered, and Joining_Type to be Non_Joining.
You probably also want to check the General_Category and avoid M* (Marks) and C* (Other).
This should work for some Emoji, but this whole approach will break a lot of emoji that look simple and are not. Most famously: ❤️, which is two "characters," not one. You may want to filter out Emoji. As a simple starting point, you may want to restrict yourself to the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP), which are code points 0000-FFFF. Anything above this range is, almost by definition, rare or unusual. The BMP does include some emoji, but most emoji (and all new emoji) are outside the range.
Remember that the glyphs for single characters can still have radically different widths, even in nominally fixed-width fonts. For example, 𒈙 (U+12219 CUNEIFORM SIGN LUGAL OPPOSING LUGAL) is a completely "normal" character in the way you're describing. It is left-to-right. It doesn't depend on or influence characters around it (it's non-combining and non-joining). Its "length in characters" is 1. Its glyph is also extremely wide in most fonts and breaks a lot of layout. I don't know anything in the Unicode database that would warn you of this, since "glyph width" is entirely a function of fonts, not characters, and Unicode explicitly does not consider fonts. (That said, most of the most problematic characters are outside the BMP. Probably the most common exception is DŽ, but many fixed-width fonts have a narrow glyph for it: DŽ.)
Let's write some cuneiform in a fixed-width font.
Normally, every character should line up with a character above.
Here: 𒈙. See how these characters don't align correctly?
Not only is it a very wide glyph, but its width is not even a multiple.
At least not in my font (Mac Safari 15.0).
But DŽ is ok.
Also remember that there are multiple ways to encode the same "character." For example, é can be a "simple" character (U+00E9), or it can be two characters (U+0065, U+0301). So in some cases é may print in your scheme, and in others it won't. I suspect this is fine for your problem, but if it isn't, you're going to need to apply a normalization form (likely NFC).

Can a combining character be used alone in Unicode?

Let's take COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT, for example. Its browser test page does include it alone in the page, but it reacts in a strange way: I can't select it with my mouse, and if I try to interact with it in the DOM inspector, it feels like it's not part of the text at all (there's no before and after this character):
Is a combining character, used alone, still a valid Unicode string?
Or does it have to follow another character?
Yes, a combining character alone is a valid Unicode string (even though its behaviour may be weird without a base character). Section 2.11 of the Unicode Standard emphasises this:
In the Unicode Standard, all sequences of character codes are permitted.
The presentation of such strings is described in D52:
There may be no such base character, such as when a combining character is at the start of text or follows a control or format character [...] In such cases, the combining characters are called isolated combining characters.
With isolated combining characters or when a process is unable to perform graphical combination, a process may present a combining character without graphical combination; that is, it may present it as if it were a base character.
However, if you want to display a combining character by itself, it is recommended that you attach it to a no-break space base character:
Nonspacing combining marks used by the Unicode Standard may be exhibited in apparent
isolation by applying them to U+00A0 NO-BREAK SPACE. This convention might be
employed, for example, when talking about the combining mark itself as a mark, rather
than using it in its normal way in text (that is, applied as an accent to a base letter or in
other combinations).
Also, a dotted circle ◌ (U+25CC, ◌) character can be used as a base character.

Funny strange (unicode) characters take more than one line

I found some "funny" characters (e.g. ḓ̵̙͎̖̯̞̜̞̪̠ and •̩̩̩̩̩̩̩̩̩̩) in social media that takes more than one line. First I think it is the bug of Firefox. I tried this in Gedit and LibreOffice Writer, they are all the same. So, what is this actually? Actually I am asking about the character encoding and rendering.
I tried to find the character in GNOME Character Map, they could not be found.
I tried to check the character code of both of them in unicode (probably UTF-8). It seems they takes more than one character. How come one character is more than one character? This is the result by using Python.
Character ḓ̵̙͎̖̯̞̜̞̪̠
Character •̩̩̩̩̩̩̩̩̩̩
U+0329 is COMBINING VERTICAL LINE BELOW. It is a combining character (and so are all the others in there except U+2022 and U+1E13), meaning that it combines with the previous one. What you see here is merely the result of someone stacking way too many combining characters on the same base.

How to represent a superscript slash with Unicode?

Is there any way I can write a superscript slash with Unicode?
My aim is to represent rational exponents in a nicer form than 123**(456/789).
Well unicode is full of characters. The meaning is up to its interpretation.
For superscript slash you can use:
Canadian Syllabics Final Acute 123⁴⁵⁶ᐟ⁷⁸⁹
Right Raised Omission Bracket 123⁴⁵⁶⸍⁷⁸⁹
Musical Symbol Repeated Figure-1 123⁴⁵⁶𝄍⁷⁸⁹
For subscript slash you can use:
Right Low Paraphrase Bracket 123₄₅₆⸝₇₈₉
If you have other solutions please comment and I will update my answer.
A helpful site to find special unicode characters: shapecatcher
No. On general grounds, we can be pretty sure that if such a character existed, it would be in the Superscripts and Subscripts block (not all superscripts are there, but the odds are that if any superscripts will be added, they will be placed there).
So you need some higher-level protocol, as you usually do, when you need superscripts beyond a fairly limited repertoire. Unicode is about encoding characters, not about layout and mathematical expressions.
Assuming is accurate, the answer is no.
Looking at the complete official Unicode name list and making the bold assumption it would have "slash" either in its name or description, there is no such character at this time.


What is the likelihood that I'll run into COMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER C (U+0368) in "real life" (besides clever Scottish folk)?
I'm asking since it's in both the Unicode Block Combining Diacritical Marks and the Category Mark, Nonspacing [Mn].
As a result, it seems to gets treated the same as characters such as COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT (U+0300) by Utilities such as the ICU Transliterator (using either the suggested "NFD; [:Nonspacing Mark:] Remove; NFC" or a straight "Latin-ASCII" transliteration).
The likelihood is very close to zero, but not exactly zero. You cannot prevent anyone from using a Unicode character as he likes. There is no specific information about U+0368 in the Unicode Standard, but it has definitely been defined as a combining character that will cause a symbol (c) to be displayed above the preceding character. I would expect to find it mostly in digitized forms of medieval manuscripts, or something like that.
Using it after a space character, as in the “clever” page mentioned, is not the intended use, but not invalid either. Unicode lets you use any combining mark after any character, whether it makes sense or not.
It has no canonical or compatibility decomposition, so there is no clear-cut way to deal with in a context where you cannot, or do not want to, retain the character.
The likelihood is utterly indeterminate except to say that if you expect it not to occur, then it will occur.