"Submission cannot be done" displayed while submitting a form - formsflow.ai

Created a form as a designer role. Then tried to submit the same form. But getting the below error

It looks like the environment variables are not being mapped correctly as mentioned in the docs. You can check this link to set the correct values for environment variables (DESIGNER_ROLE_ID, ANONYMOUS_ID, CLIENT_ROLE_ID, REVIEWER_ROLE_ID, USER_RESOURCE_ID) either using postman or curl method. This will ensure the form submission works correctly.
In formsflow.ai we are using formio to create and manage forms. The environment variables which are missing are necessary for forms to be submitted correctly. Also ensure you have correctly done the forms-flow-forms setup and then proceeded to forms-flow-web setup.


keycloak: Determine which RequiredAction was initially called in info.ftl

I am using custom required actions in keycloak 16. Now at the end of the action processing the user sees the content of the info.ftl template. Is it possible to use different info.ftls depending on which action was performed or is there a way to find out which action(s) where executed from within the info.ftl template?
I helped myself by adding a cookie in the request an query this cookie in the info.ftl. Not very elegant, but it works for me.

Azure AD B2C using custom HTML to request OTP verification via SendGrid

I'm using Azure AD B2C / IEF Custom Policies. As part of my Password Reset user journey, I want to use SendGrid to handle the email for the OTP / verification code. I also want to use custom HTML templates for the password reset page(s). The Azure docs give a good example for using SendGrid... BUT it uses DisplayControl elements to format the password reset page and it's not immediately obvious how to augment or replace the DisplayControl element to instead use Custom HTML.
Did anyone manage to get this working? Any pointers?
EDIT: Is it simply a case of adding a LoadUri element to the ContentDefinition that contains the DataUri?
Actually, it turns out that the DisplayControl works fine. It forms part of the HTML that is dynamically generated and injected into the Custom Template HTML ("App" element) by B2C.
Initially I was getting Server 500 errors from B2C, which lead be to believe there was a problem with the approach - but the I found the source of the errors elsewhere and once fixed, the DisplayControl components worked pretty seemlessly

Enable PKCE with Doorkeeper

I am trying to enable PKCE with doorkeeper. I've followed the instructions here:
Which is basically just run:
bundle exec rails generate doorkeeper:pkce
However, when I test out the flow I don't see anything getting saved to the new columns that were added to the database from the above command.
I am trying to authorize an app like so:
After I authorize I expect the code_challenge and code_challenge_method to be saved in the db but it isn't.
What could I be missing?
Turns out we were overiding the new.html.erb and we weren't passing the code_challenge and code_challenge_method along as hidden form fields.

Token is not getting a value when the form sent by email

I'm developing a basic recruitment-type website.
I have an "Apply" CustomForm attached with a contenttype("Job"), but I can't get access fields outside of the CustomForm widget. I'm trying to add the reference number or the url to the email within the workflow. Orchard shows {Content.Fields.Input-Reference} token, but it returns no value when used.
Should I overwrite the handler when the form is created or how can I access fields of other zones?
As far as I understand the question, you don't actually need to add a custom token to your module. Custom Forms module takes care of that for you and adds the tokens for fields itself. You just need to use them in the email module.
Just look for a tokens named like this:
Not that the tasks of adding custom tokens to the system and accessing them inside the workflow are particularly hard, mind you.

Getting at form meta-data for an Access form that is not loaded

How do I get at the information for an Access form that is NOT loaded? (Loaded forms are pretty easy - via UserForms, but I specifically want something that will address a form whether or not it is loaded)
You can access the information for all forms (loaded or not) via the CurrentProject.AllForms collection:
Dim frm As Form
Set frm = Application.CurrentProject.AllForms("FormName")
'' print out the Record Source for the form
Debug.Print frm.RecordSource
Well, UserForms aren't part of Access, I am assuming you are talking about VBA userforms like those available in Excel VBA IDE, but these aren't part of the Access VBA implementation (for the obvious reason that Access has it's own forms). Also, the code that Gord shows won't run because the AllForms property is a collection of AllForm objects which aren't the same as the Access Form object, and they don't have the RecordSource property.
But, to answer your question, you can use the AllForms collection to see if a particular form is loaded. If it is you can check any info you want directly. If it isn't you can load it but keep it hidden, then you can check any info you want to.