RHEL 8.4 - Unable to install httpd - redhat

I'm currently trying to install a web solution on a RHEL 8 distribution.
But I can't install apache2 (httpd) :
I search on Google but didn't find anything, and I didn't know RHEL, it's the first time

Your issue is not httpd, the issue is you have to register your system into Red Hat. See these instructions.

there is a step-by-step to register your RHEL
System Registration from the command line
In the terminal window, start a root shell:
$ sudo bash
Next, register your system with Red Hat Subscription Management:
# subscription-manager register --auto-attach
Enter your Red Hat username and password. When registration has completed, you’ll see:
Installed Product Current Status:
Product Name: Red Hat Enterprise Linux for x86_64
Status: Subscribed
Check that you now have the BaseOS and AppStream repos enabled with yum repolist:
# yum repolist
Updating Subscription Management repositories.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 for x86_64 - AppStream (RPMs)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 for x86_64 - BaseOS (RPMs)
Install updates
Once your system has been registered, you can use the command line or web console to install the latest updates.
Updating from the command line
use yum update form within a Terminal session to install the latest updates.
$ sudo yum update
If an updated kernel package is installed during updates, you should reboot your system:
$ reboot
After that you can install httpd
# yum install -y httpd
Register yourself as developer in Red Hat an redhat give you a subscription if you don't have one.This tip is for self study purposes I don't encourage you to use a developer subscription for production.
Good journey.


Install GlusterFS on CentOS 8 not working

I am trying to install GlusterFS on CentOS 8 Vmware workstation, i am on a bridged network but everytime i attempy to download it i get this messsage. Is there another way to do this or to fix this issue?
at time of this post Gluster 8 (https://www.gluster.org/release-schedule/) is the current maintained version. So to install it you would do
dnf -y install centos-release-gluster8
Please note that you can find other versions in the extras repository which, as you see above, is enabled.

From where can i download RPM binary for my RedHat Enterprise Linux Server 7?

I have accidently deleted rpm binary by issuing incorrect command(rpm -e) on My RedHat Enterprise Linux Server 7. From where can i download the required binaries and copy it to the required place /usr/bin ?
Packages for Red Hat Enterprise Linux can be downloaded only using yum and certificate which you get from subscription-manager. It is hard to do that manually.
What you can do easily is to get the package from CentOS (binary compatible distribution):
download it on some other system where you have rpm binary and do:
rpm2cpio downloaded-rpm.rpm | cpio -idmv
take the extracted files and copy it to the broken machine.
And then you should do
yum reinstall rpm
which will download the package again from Red Hat CDN and reinstall it even if it would be the same version.
Part of Red Hat Enterprise Linux added value is the support center. I highly recommend contacting Red Hat directly https://access.redhat.com/support next time.
use this link to download the necessary binaries : http://rpmfind.net/linux/rpm2html/

how to update yum in centos 7?

Error message when run yum on Centos 7
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
There are no enabled repos.
Run "yum repolist all" to see the repos you have.
To enable Red Hat Subscription Management repositories:
subscription-manager repos --enable <repo>
To enable custom repositories:
yum-config-manager --enable <repo>
Your post indicates that you are using CentOS 7 but your code snippet implies you are actually using Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
RHEL does not ship with any usable package repositories by default. You don't need to update yum, you need to enable a software repository so you can use yum to download packages from it.
The proper way to resolve this is to either purchase a RHEL Subscription License to their Enterprise Software Repositories or sign up for a developer license, which is free with some small restrictions.
Alternatively, you can use this process to add the CentOS 7 repositories to RHEL 7. Which will allow you to get by for the most part.

Install Nagios plugins - missing install instructional step?

I have Nagios XI installed and want to monitor remote Redhat machine using SSH. Installing the agent is likely not allowed in our environment.
This is from Nagios instruction from the page 2
Before you can use the check_by_ssh plugin, you must install/configure the following on the remote Linux/Unix server you want to
● Create a nagios user
● Install Nagios plugins and/or monitoring scripts
● Install and configure the SSH daemon
I downloaded the Nagios official plugins(I believe there are 50 plugins) and extracted the files, but there is no instructional step for install command. I read the README file, but this seems to give me the steps of making the install files from the source, I think.
Is there a simple command that will run the install in order for me to install the plugins that will include check_by_ssh plugin?
This answer was given by Nagios support team:
Nagios Plugin Installation
cd /tmp/nagios-plugins-2.1.2
./configure --with-nagios-user=nagios --with-nagios-group=nagios
make install

RedHat 7 Basic Web Server subscription

I have a test server using RedHat 7.2 "Basic web Server" option, no addon.
After installation things seems to work, except for the subscription, and without this I cannot do yum search somepackage or yum install somepackage.
I did
subscription-manager register --username MYEMAIL --password MYPASSWORD --auto-attach
That did not fix the issue.
[root#myserver~]# subscription-manager attach --auto
Installed Product Current Status:
Product Name: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server
Status: Not Subscribed
Unable to find available subscriptions for all your installed products.
I can tell from "https://access.redhat.com/management/consumers" that I have other Redhat systems which successfully subscribed to
"Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Suite" "Self-Support"
Any idea why?