SSIS: Concatenate all emails in SSIS job to just one email? - tsql

The screenshot below is a sample SSIS project that does lots of stuff and sends several emails.
For example, there are two tasks that download data. There are 5 other tasks that generate data for reports. There are also several tasks that email users with report links and CSV links.
After all of that is executed, I need to create one email that will include the name of each task and if the task executed successfully or if it failed. The email will also include the links that are sent in the job.
The body of the email would look something like this:
Generate totals for sales data: Success
Generate totals for client data: Fail
Download sales data: Success
Download invoice data: Fail
Process and generate CSV: Fail Generate reports used Finance: Success
Email Report link to users:
Email finance link for CSV:
I'm not exactly sure how to accomplish this. I was considering using a tsql table that would be updated after every task completes, but I'm not sure if this is the best way. I was also considering using an SSIS variable, but the last time I did use them many, many years ago, it wasn't a positive experience.


Jmeter: how to save both success and failure soap requests values into separate CSV files

I want to run the Jmeter for a soap service and save both success and failed request values into separate csv files. First of all would like to know if this is possible. I am using CSV input file for generating the request. I could see some posts here but I dont know how we can extract multiple specific values from the soap request upon the status of response. As I mentioned I want to do this for both success and failure responses.
Tried adding XPath2 Extractor and I could see debug sampler is printing values but not sure how to get them into sepaerate csv files. First of all is that doable ?
Update I just realized that my original question was wrong. Saving response wont help much to identify the failed records. My idea is to identify both failed and successful records. Need to do some business logic on failed records. Is there anyway I can do that? I would like to get all those fields from CSV file to both success and failed output files. Thanks in advance
If you want to save successful and not successful responses into separate files you can use Simple Data Writer:
For successful responses
For failures:
If the file has to be CSV and you need only variable values I can think of Flexible File Writer, it doesn't allow you to filter successful and failed responses, however you can add an appropriate column to CSV and filter it later on.
And finally you can just use Sample Variables property and variable values will be stored into JMeter's .jtl results file. It's in CSV format and contains the information regarding whether the request was successful or not and filtering it in Excel or equivalent will be quite easy.

Email Triggered With Success Row count in Target Using informatica

I need to trigger an email with all the stats like Count of Rows which are successfully loaded in the target, Failed rows count with the help of Informatica Powercenter.
So where can I find this information for the Workflow and how can I used that information to trigger the email to respective people.
There is an email task present in the Informatica which I am hoping I can use that.
You can use built-in session parameters to collect session run details, e.g.:
$PMSessionName: Name of the Informatica session.
$PMSourceName#TableName: Name of the source table name.
$PMTargetName#TableName: Name of the target table name.
$PMSourceQualifierName#numAffectedRows: Number of records returned
from source.
$PMTargetName#numAffectedRows: Number of record
inserted/updated into the target table.
$PMTargetName#numRejectedRows: Number of records error out in target.
Here's more info:
you are right. You can use e mail task. Or you can use post session email command to send mail with statistics - like output file, counts etc.
I need to trigger an email with all the stats like Count of Rows which are successfully loaded in the target, Failed rows count with the help of Informatica Powercenter.
Since you are looking for session level count, you may want to look into using post-session email and using the email variables.
...trigger the email to respective people. There is an email task present in the Informatica which I am hoping I can use that.
If you need to use email task, in the link going to email task, you can double-click on the link, and set link condition to trigger which email task to go towards.

How to query Salesforce Report with perl

I have a report in Salesforce that returns just the right information that is needed - (A long list of customer URLs and some more info columns for each url).
I also have a Perl script that goes over csv files and fills in missing information next to each URL.
What I Need:
1) For the Perl script to automatically query the report and get the most updated information before each run.
What I Tried:
1)WWW::Salesforce::Report Cpan Module - apparently is has unresolved login bugs for 5+ years and is no longer supported. (Cpan bug report)
2)WWW::Salesforce::Simple Cpan Module- This module allows me to run basic queries (select Id from Account - from examples) but I can't seem to find the correct query. I cant even find the names of objects in my Salesforce account.
What is the correct way to get info from the Salesforce report and in case it is option 2, how can I get the correct object names and/or export the query Salesforce uses for the report?

run one crystal report multiple times with different parameters

I am using the BusinessObjects Enterprise server and i have a report that uses the "department" as a parameter field to control the selection of records. there are 20 different departments.
I want to schedule this report to run 20 times with a new single department selected each time. Is there a way to do this without scheduling the report 20 times?
thanks for any help
Yes, you can. A bit of a process:
Create a Group for each department
Add users to groups as desired; ensure that they have an email address
Create a Profile; add a Profile Value for each Group (one Profile Value for each Group/Department ID combination); the Profile Values will be strings (important)
Create a Publication; add your report to the Source Document; add the Groups that you created earlier to the Enterprise-Recipient list
now define the Personalization (the key part of this); you can either add a Filter (set TABLE.FIELD or FORMULA to your Profile (Report Field & Enterprise Recipient Mapping columns) OR set the Department ID parameter to the appropriate Enterprise Recipient Mapping value (your parameter needs to be a string for this to work; note comment earlier).
set Destination to Email
set other properties (e.g. Format) as desired
Save & Close
You can also schedule this Publication to occur on a recurring basis.
This solution uses the Publication Job Server (runs the Publication), the Crystal Reports Job Server (to run the report), the Adaptive Processing Server (does the bursting), and the Destination Job Server (send the email messages). You may want to create a separate set of these services and package them into their own server group, then force the Publications to use only this server group.
Related to the earlier point, you may want to create a server group just for scheduled reports and force recurring instances to use this server group. Why? Publications don't seem to do a good job of waiting for reports in a queue--if a Crystal Reports Job server isn't available, the Publication will fail. Forcing scheduled-report instances to generate on their own server group helps to eliminate this issue.
If you make significant changes to the report (e.g. add a parameter), you may need to remove then add the report to the Source-Document list to ensure that it has the most-recent definition; other changes to the report (e.g. adding a column) don't seem to require this attention. YOUR MILEAGE MAY VARY.
You can design the report with the department as a group.
Have a new page after each group and be sure to print the records from the department group section, not the details.
This is assuming you are getting all the departments inside your database fields.

Bulk email with multiple attachment using SMTP

I need a program that will be used to send email using SMTP from a local machine. I need to send about 2000 emails.
The emails addresses are located in a MS Excel document with unique ID numbers. The attachments are in a separate folder with unique ID numbers same as the excel folder.
Every recipient will receive the same email with different attachment according to the ID number.
Is there any free or low cost program available out there that will achieve the goal?
If not, what is the best and quickest way to write a program like this?
Example of MS Excel Data:
Example of zip file names:
Use PHPMailer with couple of any DB server (i.e. MySQL) and PHP script containing some trivial logic. Write me on email (see accaunt) if you will need help within realization.