Is it possible to add sql functions to an sql query? - enterprise-architect

I need to concatenate the result of a subquery in a file based model (i.e. with ms access) and following the suggestions I found here, I could define a function to use in the query.
I try that in the SQL scratch pad but nothing happens...
Function Coalsce(strSQL As String, strDelim, ParamArray NameList() As Variant)
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim strList As String
Set db = CurrentDb
If strSQL <> "" Then
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
Do While Not rs.EOF
strList = strList & strDelim & rs.Fields(0)
strList = Mid(strList, Len(strDelim))
strList = Join(NameList, strDelim)
End If
Coalsce = strList
End Function
select switch(Coalsce(SELECT DISTINCT ', ' + as [text()]
FROM ((((t_object obj_ds2
INNER JOIN t_connector co2
ON (obj_ds2.object_id = co2.start_object_id))
INNER JOIN t_object obj_adu2
ON (co2.end_object_id = obj_adu2.object_id
AND obj_adu2.Stereotype='EUM_ADU'))
LEFT JOIN t_object obj_prx2
ON (obj_prx2.Classifier_guid = co2.ea_guid))
LEFT JOIN t_connector pc2
ON (obj_prx2.Object_ID = pc2.Start_Object_ID AND pc2.Stereotype = 'trace'))
LEFT JOIN t_object obj_phase2
ON (pc2.End_Object_ID = obj_phase2.object_id)
WHERE obj_ds2.Stereotype = 'EUM_Data-Stream' AND obj_ds2.Object_ID = 13919)='', '',
1=1, 'teste') as [test]
from t_object
Is this possible?

No. EA only allows SELECT statements in the scratchpad. EA is doing some black magic with the SQL before sending it to the database. Misty and obscure that is. But for sure you can not send VB code (or any other advanced stuff) through the pad.
If you want to get the above working you need to place the VB code in a script calling the SELECT via repository.SQLQuery.
It would probably be possible to run such stuff via a native ODBC or driver connection. However, I would absolutely not recommend doing that. I wouldn't do that myself and I've done a lot of strange things with EA.


Column is not updating in postgresql

I tried to update my table like below:
$query = "select *
FROM sites s, companies c, tests t
WHERE t.test_siteid = s.site_id
AND c.company_id = s.site_companyid
AND t.test_typeid = '20' AND s.site_id = '1337'";
$queryrow = $db->query($query);
$results = $queryrow->as_array();
foreach($results as $key=>$val){
$update = "update tests set test_typeid = ? , test_testtype = ? where test_siteid = ?";
$queryrow = $db->query($update,array('10','Meter Calibration Semi Annual',$val->site_id));
The above code is working good. But in update query , The column test_typeid is not updated with '10'. Column test_typeid is updating with empty value. Other columns are updating good. I dont know why this column test_typeid is not updating? And the column test_typeid type is integer only. I am using postgreSql
And My table definition is:
What i did wrong with the code. Kindly advice me on this.
Thanks in advance.
First, learn to use proper JOIN syntax. Never use commas in the FROM clause; always use proper explicit JOIN syntax.
You can write the query in one statement:
update tests t
set test_typeid = '10',
test_testtype = 'Meter Calibration Semi Annual'
from sites s join
companies c
on c.company_id = s.site_companyid
where t.test_siteid = s.site_id and
t.test_typeid = 20 and s.site_id = 1337;
I assume the ids are numbers, so there is no need to use single quotes for the comparisons.

Populate combobox access 2007 using vba with postgresql table

I'm trying to populate a combobox with records from a table filtered by a parent combobox.
The table I want to filter is called muni and parent table is called prov. They are related by a common field (muni has a field called gid_prov that contains prov gid for each record)
First combobox stores the prov gid and shows the prov name.
Both tables are in a database from postgresql connected to access by an DSN file using ODBC.
I have tried many options, and none is correct.
First I tried a simple option. This code is useless now
Private Sub PROV_Change()
MUNI.RowSourceType = "Table/Query"
MUNI.RowSource = "select * from memoria.muni where gid_provs =" & PROV
MUNI.Text = ""
End Sub
PROV is the name of the parent combobox that stores the prov gid. And MUNI the combobox I want to populate.
Other option I tried was creating a query with an sql statement, this is the code right now, i tried with the OpenRecordsetOutput, but is not working. I can access the database and get the fields, but I can't populate the combobox MUNI
Private Sub PROV_Change()
Dim oDb As DAO.Database
Dim oRs As DAO.Recordset
dbconnect = "ODBC;DRIVER=PostgreSQL ANSI;UID=***;PWD=***;PORT=5432;SERVER=127...;DATABASE=memoria_historica;DSN=C:\Users\***"
Set oDb = OpenDatabase("", False, False, dbconnect)
Dim sql As String
sql = "select gid,nombre from memoria.municipios m where m.gid_provs =" & PROV & "order by m.nombre;"
Set oRs = oDb.OpenRecordset(sql, dbOpenSnapshot, dbSQLPassThrough)
Me.muni2.RowSource = ""
If oRs.RecordCount > 0 Then
With oRs
Do While Not .EOF
muni2.AddItem .Fields("nombre").Value
End With
End Sub
Worked fine tih the support of #Thaippo. Thanks
You can you DAO library.
You could you DAO. Database and DAO. Recordset like:
Dim oDb as DAO.Database
Dim oRs as DAO.Recordset
Your second block of codes could do the work.
Set oDb = OpenDatabase("", False, False, dbconnect)
Dim sql As String
sql = "select m.nombre from memoria.muni
m,memoria.prov p where st_within(m.the_geom,p.the_geom) and p.gid =" & PROV ";"
Set oRs = oDb.Openrecordset(sql)
If oRs.Recordcount > 1 Theb
With oRs
Do while not.EOF
PROV.Additem . Fields("nameOfFieldsYouNeed"). Value
End With
End if
And it's would be a good idea to clear the combox box before adding new items in it.

Group By/Distinct in Access 2007

I have a query in which I select multiple columns, but only need the results to return a distinct set of data:
Dim strSQL As String
Me.List1.RowSource = strSQ
When I comment out the group by clause, I get results, but multiple results of REQUIRED_TOOL_NAME (which only exist in its own table once, but can have multiple OEM_MASTER.OEM_No references in the OEM_MASTER.OEM_No table/column). I need to filter out all repeat instances in my list.

Access 2010 - Cannot edit textbox in unbound form which is populated by recordset

I am using Access 2010 with linked tables from SQL Server 2008. I have a form that I am populating using a recordset and the control source of the textbox in this form is set to a field from the recordset. I find that although I can navigate through all the 16 records on the form, and the form loads correctly, I am unable to edit the Notes text box. It needs to be editable. The textbox has Enabled=True and Locked=False. The AllowEdits property of the form is set to true. All the tables in the query have primary keys. So, is it my query then - since it has right and inner joins in it? So the issue is that I cannot type in the textbox.
Just a little background, I tried using a query as the recordsource for this form, but found that Access' AutoSave feature inserted incomplete records into my Result table, in addition to the updates and inserts done by my Save button event. If the only way to circumvent this is to ask the user whether he/she would like to save changes every time he navigates, then that would be way too frustrating for the end user. So, I have had to use an unbound form where I use VBA to populate it using a ADO recordset.
Incidentally, I can edit the DocID and DocumentType columns, it's the fields from the query that cannot be changed (QCNote)
Here is the code from my Form_Open event. I also have a Form_Current event that disables the Submit button for inapplicable categories.
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Set cn = CurrentProject.AccessConnection
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
With rs
Set .ActiveConnection = cn
DocID = [Forms]![QCDocAttributes]![DocID]
DocumentType = [Forms]![QCDocAttributes]![Document Type]
strSQL = "SELECT " & DocID & " AS DocID,'" & DocumentType & "' AS DocumentType, QC_QCDecisionPoint.Description, QC_QCDecisionPoint.QCDecisionPointID , QC_QCResultDecisionPoint.QCNote FROM QC_QCResultDecisionPoint RIGHT JOIN ((QC_QCAttribute INNER JOIN QC_QCAttributeDecisionPointAsc ON QC_QCAttribute.QCAttributeID = QC_QCAttributeDecisionPointAsc.QCAttributeID) INNER JOIN QC_QCDecisionPoint ON QC_QCAttributeDecisionPointAsc.QCDecisionPointID = QC_QCDecisionPoint.QCDecisionPointID) ON QC_QCResultDecisionPoint.QCDecisionPointID = QC_QCDecisionPoint.QCDecisionPointID WHERE (((QC_QCAttribute.Description)= '" & [Forms]![QCDocAttributes]![AttributesDropdown] & "' ));"
.Source = strSQL
.LockType = adLockOptimistic
.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
End With
Set Me.Recordset = rs
Set rs = Nothing
Set cn = Nothing
End Sub

tsql : Access query to TSQL union update conversion correct?

I have a query in access which i need to convert to a stored proc in sql server 2005.
the query in access is as follows:
tblitem.strFileProcesstype = [tblFileSignature].[STRFILEPROCESSTYPE], tblitem.strFileSignatureType = [tblFileSignature].[strfilesignaturetype]
(((tblitem.strFileSignatureType) Is Null) AND
((tblitem.strFileExclude)="n") AND
((InStr([tblitem].[strfilesignature],[tblFileSignature].[strsignature]))=1) AND ((tblitem.uidItemType)=1 Or (tblitem.uidItemType)=5) AND
((tblitem.uidCollection)=[forms]![frmSetup]![txtInputCol]) AND ((tblitem.strFileSignature) Not Like "d0c*") AND
((tblFileSignature.strFileProcessType) Not Like "ZIP"));
in tsql.. would this be the same?
update tblItem
i.strFileProcesstype = f.strFileProcesstype,
i.strFileSignatureType = f.strfilesignaturetype
from tblItem as I UNION tblFileSignature as F
WHERE (((i.strFileSignatureType) Is Null) AND
((i.strFileExclude)="n") AND
((i.[strfilesignature] like F.strsignature)) AND
((i.uidItemType)=1 Or
(i.uidItemType)=5) AND
((i.uidCollection)=#inputcolumn AND
((i.strFileSignature) Not Like 'd0c%') AND
((F.strFileProcessType) Not Like 'ZIP'));
thanks in advance
so i'm going with the following. if i uncomment the declare and select clause and just execute from the declare down, it runs, if i comment the declare and select parts, it says error near ';'.
I.strFileProcesstype = F.STRFILEPROCESSTYPE,
I.strFileSignatureType = F.strfilesignaturetype
--declare #uidcollectionID int
--select I.strFileSignatureType
tblItem I
inner join tblFileSignature F
I.strfilesignature = left(F.strsignature,len(I.strfilesignature))
WHERE I.strFileSignatureType Is Null
AND I.strFileExclude='n'
AND I.uidItemType in (1,5)
AND I.uidCollection = #uidCollectionID
AND left(I.strFileSignature,3) <> 'd0c'
AND F.strFileProcessType <> 'ZIP';
any ideas?
You should change the
Double Quotes to Single Quotes
* to %
Replace the InStr with LIKE
Other than that, it looks fine to me.
No, you'd use a JOIN, not a UNION.
You can either make it a CROSS JOIN, and continue to apply the join conditions in the WHERE clause, or you can make it an inner join:
from tblItem as I INNER JOIN tblFileSignature as F
ON ((InStr(i.[strfilesignature],F.[strsignature]))=1)
And remove that condition from the WHERE clause (Lieven's answer also applies).
This should be close to what you need. May need to work on the join condition, but I think my conversion from INSTR will do it.
SET strFileProcesstype = fs.STRFILEPROCESSTYPE,
strFileSignatureType = fs.strfilesignaturetype
FROM tblitem i
INNER JOIN tblFileSignature fs
ON i.strfilesignature = LEFT(fs.strsignature, LEN(i.strfilesignature))
WHERE i.strFileSignatureType IS Null
AND i.strFileExclude='n'
AND i.uidItemType IN (1,5)
AND i.uidCollection = #inputcolumn
AND LEFT(i.strFileSignature,3) <> 'd0c'
AND fs.strFileProcessType <> 'ZIP';