Show notification even app is close flutter - flutter

I want my application to always show in a notification .It should be undismissable and it should be shown on notification bar always even app is off.

Try flutter_local_notifications plugin.

If you didn't find a plugin that satisfies your needs, just implement it on the native side.
Flutter is a UI framework. Use it as such.
Plugins wrap native capabilities and encapsulate them, but feel free to add native code that suits your needs.


LockScreen widget in Flutter?

There are some plugins like home_widget: ^0.1.6 that supports only HomeScreen Widgets.
Recently Apple launched LockScreen Widgets on iOS 16.
Is there any plugin for that? How do I implement that?
At the time of this writing, there are no known plugins that do that. There are two options moving forward, based on timeline for when you need this functionality:
Wait for someone to create a plugin that does this
Create the plugin yourself. Follow the Apple Docs and write a custom Flutter plugin (and then preferably publish it to for others to benefit from as well).

is it possible to make an application for video calls in Ionic?

I need to write an application with video chats (1:1), and i know Angular. There are tons of SDKs for Angular(or web) to handle video calls(like e.g., But my client need mobile app. It's possible to write native app in Ionic with video calls support? However, do I have to use something more professional like flutter to achieve this?
Is there any ready SDK to handle this in Ionic?
I am looking, I am looking for and I cannot find anything. And I have to make quick decisions in part.
Please help me :)
You can use the camera and the microphone with Ionic (in native or pwa mode).
Ionic fully supports Angular and Angular components.
I recommend you the use of notifications like Google FCM to notify the caller.
You can trigger an action directly from the notification (app in background or in app which is not the same).

Flutter Detect Notification Tray Pulldown

I'm trying to implement a feature based on the background/foreground status of a Flutter app.
Does anyone know of a way to detect if the notification/system try on a device is pulled down over the app?
Welcome to SOF
You can detect this using special permission in Android (
But you need native code to run in Flutter.
There is a similar (almost) package out there, you may fork it:

Local Notifications

I'm building my first app in Flutter and want to include local notifications for Android and iOS. I've searched quite extensively for how to implement these, but every search result on Medium, Youtube, or random website uses flutter_local_notifications on (I can't find anything on except for icons). I'm sure it's a great resource, but I've been trying to code everything from scratch rather than use these plugins so I can understand the foundational mechanics better.Anyone know of a resource to guide me?
As Notifications are pretty platform-specific, there is no direct approach of calling notifications from flutter itself. You rather have to write your own native code for both ios and android in order to send notifications. For android, you can either use Java or Kotlin as a native language, and for iOS, you use Swift.
You can follow this tutorial in order to get your hands on a native method for calling notifications on android.

how to show dialog without needed open app

I'm looking for package or anyway to show popup, dialog or modal without needed open my app like . local notification but I don't want use local notification for customization , is there in flutter something like that ?
On Android, you can use a plugin that uses SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW
such that it utilizes the "Draw over other apps" permission in order to do what you describe.
An example plugin that does this is system_alert_window.
On iOS, this isn't possible. Some plugins will notify instead on iOS.