LockScreen widget in Flutter? - flutter

There are some plugins like home_widget: ^0.1.6 that supports only HomeScreen Widgets.
Recently Apple launched LockScreen Widgets on iOS 16.
Is there any plugin for that? How do I implement that?

At the time of this writing, there are no known plugins that do that. There are two options moving forward, based on timeline for when you need this functionality:
Wait for someone to create a plugin that does this
Create the plugin yourself. Follow the Apple Docs and write a custom Flutter plugin (and then preferably publish it to pub.dev for others to benefit from as well).


Is it possible to create a custom share sheet in Flutter?

I want to build this custom share sheet shown in the screenshot depending on the apps that are on the mobile, could anyone tell me if it's possible? screenshot
i am currently using flutter's share_plus package, but the share method summons the platform's share sheet, is it possible to customize my own share sheet and use it for both platforms android and ios?
Using the Flutter Availability package you can customize this by styling BottomSheet from scratch. Still, this package is only for Android devices. Unfortunately, iOS does not provide any API to get the installed APPs information.
I guess You'll have to work with a modalBottomSheet and https://pub.dev/packages/url_launcher
You can check if an application is installed, but this would work only for android Is there any way to identify that a particular application is installed in my android/ios device through flutter and dart?

Show notification even app is close flutter

I want my application to always show in a notification .It should be undismissable and it should be shown on notification bar always even app is off.
Try flutter_local_notifications plugin.
If you didn't find a plugin that satisfies your needs, just implement it on the native side.
Flutter is a UI framework. Use it as such.
Plugins wrap native capabilities and encapsulate them, but feel free to add native code that suits your needs.

Flutter drag and drop inside UI in desktop application

Talking about a desktop application now, not mobile or web.
Is it any widget in Flutter that will allow, for example, drag a folder, drop it in the application UI, and the app will read for example the path to that file or folder?
I have been reading about Draggable and DragTarget in Flutter, but i do think they are used for that purpose.
NOTE: it might not exist a widget for that purpose, so a strategy on how to do that in Flutter will also be appreciated.
Assuming you're talking about dragging from outside the application, it's not currently supported; Flutter #30719 would be the issue to watch/upvote.
Depending on the specific platform you might be able to implement it with a plugin in the short term (if you are familiar with native development on that platform), but that would likely be more work than contributing an implementation to Flutter itself.
Flutter has a dependency to support such behavior now. Check this link

How to make Modularization in Flutter to separate each application feature

On Android native to separate each application feature, structured the project, implementing architecture component and to make it easier to work in a team you can use modularization, so each person can focus on their respective work by focusing only on the module. If I want to make a flutter application with examples of 3 application features (login, register, profile) and want to implement modularization for each feature to make it easier to work as a team. How do you implement the modular? Are there references to its best practices for modularizing Flutter? Because if on Android Native there are already many related articles while I check for Flutter it hasn't found it yet.
Create each feature as a package(library) and add it whenever you want to the main app. For example in my app I use main.dart as a navigator manager and each screen is in different packages.
And this is an example of implementing it: https://github.com/rrifafauzikomara/flutter_modularization

Is it possible to create home screen widgets for Android using Ionic Framework or React Native?

Widgets are android native constructs that extend a view on the application screen.
Is it possible build a homescreen widget using Ionic or react native?
Not sure about React Native, but I'll answer regarding Ionic.
In one word - no, you can't.
Ionic is an HTML, CSS, JS framework but it is mostly used with Cordova which embeds the webview in your app and renders HTML, CSS, JS in it.
(Answered on Quora)
Here you can find more thorough explanation for a similar question.
I am not sure but i have found a plugin that can extend the native view to the cordova app.
You can install this plugin by
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-ace
For more info please follow this repo link
It is possible, but you still would have to rely a lot on some Android notions. Here it is a proof of concept you can start with:
React Native Android Widget Proof of Concept
For React Native, at the moment this is not possible. There is an issue on their GitHub, and upvotes for this feature are welcome on the dedicated ProductPains page.
Probably this will eventually be implemented.
Yes it is possible and not difficult to do with my project for Android in a very simple way without plugin with nothing. What I did I created my AppWidget in Android Studio modified the way I wanted. After I created it, I went to my project Ionic I managed the android platform then just copied the class java and layouts .xml then pasted on platform/android.
With this I adapted according to my need in my case
res/xml, res/layouts, res/drawable and in folders
src/the_application_address after I just needed to hit my Manisfest.