why my mobile site detects google crawler as desktop thus switches to desktop version crawling - google-search-console

I am struggling to get my mobile site (under m.xxxx.xxx.com subdomain) to be crawled and indexed by google, via "google search console" and "url inspection' process.
problem is that my mobile site resolves desktop clients only to a desktop version of the site.
google bot indexing appears to my site as desktop device , and is redirected to desktop.
is there a way to define mobile indexing only via sitemap ? or robots.txt ?


How do I perform a Blogspot Mobile site auto-redirect?

Using the DETECT MOBILE BROWSER javaScript, I wanted to redirect mobile users from my site www.itsappleos.com to the mobile version m.itsappleos.com.
The issue I have is how do I get URLs automatically redirected to their respective paths on the mobile site and not to the homepage Url?
That's like from www.itsappleos.com/abc to m.itsappleos.com/abc automatically?

Easy way to redirect to mobile version of site?

I would like an easy way of detecting mobile and redirecting it to mobile site. My website is coded in html.
Mobile version of site: https://example.com/mobile
Desktop version (to redirect to mobile if device is mobile): https://example.com/
I solved it by using this: https://www.addontechnologies.net/knowledge-base/redirect-to-mobile-site-using-htaccess-file-redirect-rules-of-htaccess-files-for-mobile-device.html
And switching the mobile site to a subdomain.

How can my desktop visit a mobile site that automatically redirects?

I'd like to use Firebug to check out the markup for a mobile site m.somesite.com The problem is that when visiting the site from the desktop, the site automatically redirects to the desktop somesite.com
Is there a way to tell a site that you're mobile device (though you're really a desktop) in order to avoid this redirect and let my desktop see m.somesite.com ?
These article might help you: http://mobiforge.mobi/testing/story/testing-mobile-web-sites-using-firefox?dm_switcher=true (may be it is outdated in details, but idea is the same)

WURFL redirects facebook robot

I have WURFL on my page for redirecting mobile devices to mobile version of site. PCs are redirected to wordpress.
Unfortunately when i try to post link from my wordpress page on facebook it's generating image for link from mobile version, also link stands to be mobile version, rather than concrete post on worpress.
After clicking submit on facebook it redirects correctly to full version of page, but still the icon should be generated from full version page (same as link title).
How avoid redirecting to mobile version, when facebook services are sending request?
You may want to try using different detection software. I'm working on an Open Source C implementation of 51degrees.mobi's device detection solution at the moment. They've got links to open source PHP, ASP and Java solutions on there as well. It's pretty easy to set up and get working on your site.

Facebook SDK : Page Tab App returns not found in mobile Facebook App

I got a Facebook Page Tab App (using Timeline). It works fine in desktop version of Facebook, but when its Wall Post is clicked in Facebook App, it returns "The page you requested was not found" and forwards to an inaccessible link:
How come? I don't expect mobile version will be the same as desktop version, but I don't expect it reports the page cannot be found.
Page tabs apps are not supported (as of April 2012 anyway) on mobile browsers - mobile apps are, but they're not tied to the Page and need to be manually linked-to or bookmarked, the tab functionality simply doesn't exist now.
Tabs aren't supported via the app or mobile site. Best you could do is add the query parameter "ref=ts" to prevent the page from switching to mobile. It helps in the browser but not the app itself.
So add ?ref=ts to the end of your app url and at least mobile users can see it in their browser.
You can work around this problem by using a Canvas Page to redirect mobile users to a mobile site and desktop users to the page tab.
Detailed instructions here:
You can access to your app using the next link https://apps.facebook.com/YOUR-APP-ID
In this way, you can access from a desktop or a mobile with no problem