Easy way to redirect to mobile version of site? - redirect

I would like an easy way of detecting mobile and redirecting it to mobile site. My website is coded in html.
Mobile version of site: https://example.com/mobile
Desktop version (to redirect to mobile if device is mobile): https://example.com/

I solved it by using this: https://www.addontechnologies.net/knowledge-base/redirect-to-mobile-site-using-htaccess-file-redirect-rules-of-htaccess-files-for-mobile-device.html
And switching the mobile site to a subdomain.


How do I perform a Blogspot Mobile site auto-redirect?

Using the DETECT MOBILE BROWSER javaScript, I wanted to redirect mobile users from my site www.itsappleos.com to the mobile version m.itsappleos.com.
The issue I have is how do I get URLs automatically redirected to their respective paths on the mobile site and not to the homepage Url?
That's like from www.itsappleos.com/abc to m.itsappleos.com/abc automatically?

How to use the social media API's for mobile apps development

I am new to mobile apps development. While using web marmalade for development I want to connect my app with social media websites.
All websites require authentication. after authentication they redirect to the server where application is hosted. The problem is mobile app is not hosted on a server like web apps. So I do not have the redirect URL. How Can I authenticate from Facebook , twitter and linkedIn without redirect URL's
Web-Marmalade is based on Phonegap api. So you can use any phonegap plugin in marmalade too. Although marmalade is based on an older phonegap api, but still most of the plugin will work. Here's an example of facebook plugin from phonegap's github page.
You can check out the plugin making guide of web-marmalade here.

Facebook mobile iframe apps

Quick question. I've created a number of iframe apps for Facebook which work fine on PC, Mac etc. But not on mobile devices. The icon just doesn't show when you visit the page. I assumed this was because I'd not defined a mobile site URL. I've now done this, but I'm still not seeing an icon. Am I missing the point?
what icon do you mean? if you defined your mobile site url correctly, your app shows up in the search field. if you're talking about a page tab, it's not possible at all. the mobile native apps don't support this. but you can always link to your mobile site url in newsfeed!

mobile website in frame messed up

Usually, when you browse mobile website on iPhone it displays correctly.
But when I put the same website in iframe and try to access it through another website,
the mobile website is stretched and zoomed out, as if it is displayed on the desktop browser.
How to fix it?
Usually a website that offers a mobile version asks which kind of client is calling the URL. Your iPhone's browser provides that information. When accessing the site through an iFrame, the client information can't be passed to the target website but only to the surrounding HTML that defines the iFrame.
iFrames generally are not recommended to use on iPhones.
See there:
iFrames and iPhones

WURFL redirects facebook robot

I have WURFL on my page for redirecting mobile devices to mobile version of site. PCs are redirected to wordpress.
Unfortunately when i try to post link from my wordpress page on facebook it's generating image for link from mobile version, also link stands to be mobile version, rather than concrete post on worpress.
After clicking submit on facebook it redirects correctly to full version of page, but still the icon should be generated from full version page (same as link title).
How avoid redirecting to mobile version, when facebook services are sending request?
You may want to try using different detection software. I'm working on an Open Source C implementation of 51degrees.mobi's device detection solution at the moment. They've got links to open source PHP, ASP and Java solutions on there as well. It's pretty easy to set up and get working on your site.