Listing scheduled tasks that exist on a server - scheduled-tasks

I am trying to build some simple monitoring of scheduledtasks to see if they maybe fail, or get disabled. This in itself should be fairly simple, and in the most part is. However I have found an issue that I am struggling to understand let alone resolve.
schtasks.exe /query /V /FO CSV
These list scheduled tasks nicely, but in my case when run interactively the results are as expected (although in schtasks some of the tasks get duplicated), however when I run the code through a scheduled task then some of the scheduled tasks fail to appear in the list.
I happen to be on a windows cluster which may be doing something clever as the missing tasks are missing on the other node in the cluster.
Is anyone able to assist me understand what the command is doing? I do not believe get-scheduled task can go to a remote server, so not sure how this is possibly getting the wrong information
Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions


Is there any way to have powershell automatically run a command anytime a command is run

I'm wanting to be able to have PowerShell automatically run a specified command anytime anything is run in PowerShell(hitting enter, any command at all). I've searched all over google with no luck finding anything except the way to have a command run on startup of powershell
If you need it a bit hidden you could do it with a ScheduledTask and Auditing Events.
Enable Auditing to get all changes logged as events
Create a Scheduled Task that starts with a trigger from Events by ID. Take the IDs from the Microsoft article above. Add the command you would like to run as action. This means command is "PowerShell" and parameters are like -NonInteractive -Windowstyle minimized -c "command was executed | out-file c:\temp\activity.log"
Set it to be run as the user "system" if you want it at full permission without user interaction.
Don't forget this task to be allowed to run multiple times if you want it to.
Be aware that this might generate a lot of log entries and a lot of powershell processes depending on how log your task will run.
But in most cases the solution mentioned by Mathias R. Jessen above might be the easiest one, but is also easy to be changed by any user for the session even if you changed prompt in the settings mentioned here:

Task scheduler "Run whether user is logged on or not" issue to startup application

I have a .bat file that starts up a powershell script.
Within this powershell script, i startup PowerBI with a given database.
The powershell script waits till powerBI has been done starting up, and will then be exporting data to some datadump files.
Doing this manually works fine, and also when its on the task scheduler to run when user is logged on.
The moment i change this to "Run whether user is logged on or not" it doesnt work anymore.
The reason behind this, is that it seems that powershell is unable to start PowerBI and therefore there is no open data to query in the rest of the script.
So the positive side is it runs the bat and powershell just fine, only the powershell itself seems incapable to start powerBI.
Are there any solutions to this? should i for example use a different method to call the appliation to start?
currently the powershell snippit to start the app looks like this:
$PBIDesktop = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Power BI Desktop\bin\PBIDesktop.exe"
$template = "C:\LiveData\Data.pbix"
$waitoPBD = 60
$app = START-PROCESS $PBIDesktop $template -PassThru
log_message "Waiting $($waitoPBD) seconds for PBI to launch"
Start-Sleep -s $waitoPBD
I faced similar issue. So, sharing my experience..
First of all, please verify couple of things.
Specify user account which will be used to invoke the job. Also, ensure that, the account have sufficient permission.
Don't forget to un-check the checkbox (as shown in screenshot) under Conditions Tab
Just found this one - sorry it took so long :D
But, i had this totally nervwrecking issue to.
Solution for me is to realize that the task scheduler is very deep part of the OS.
Thats why i have to grant access to the file, for the computername$ (system name) on the file or folder containing the file to run.
Rightclick on the file or folder -> Security. Select edit and add [Name of your computer]$ and give the read and execute permissions.
That's the only way I can make it run.
But i hope you found the solution in the meantime :)

How to keep PowerShell process open with input/output on runtime?

I'm researching these days on how to can I keep a powershell process alive so I can run PS code without opening a new process each time.
The need:
- Running multiple PS scripts dynamically, so they have the same base (custom) modules, as efficient as possible.
Be able to communicate with stdout/stdin/stderr of these scripts process while it is still running.
Ideally I'd want one process to open with a docker, import my modules, and then collect the code itself to run, run it in the same process as the one already opened so it won't have to open another process nor import again my modules.
The problem:
- Setting up PS process in a docker container takes tremendous amount of time. (Roughly 2.5s, before I have even begun to run any code, and I'm talking about the PS process alone)
As of yet I did not find a PS way to run dynamic code on the same process without creating a new process & importing my modules again. Nor did I find a way to dynamically communicate with the new process while it still runs.
Possible Solutions:
- Create the initial PS process with -noprofile so it won't load so slowly. (I am yet to test this, but folks on redit seems to be approving of this method)
- Use start-process with -NoNewWindow flag, so it will generate new process each time but I guess the initial setup time will be spared.
- Trying to use Invoke-Expression on big chunks of code, but from what I understand that is not recommended and probably won't let actively communicate with the code running there until it finishes.
Start-Process -NoNewWindow
Are the only relevant mechanisms I could find so far.
I've been told AWS lambda features similar functionality as what I am trying to achieve, but looking at it's code I did not make much progress, figured might be worth asking for help from people who are smarter then me :) Any help would be much appreciated.
I do not seek for already fully working 3ed side solution, simply being able to mimic that behavior in PS code would be good enough for me.

How to run an Event (FileSystemWatcher) through Task Scheduler

I currently have a pretty simple Powershell Script that creates an IO.FileSystemWatcher object, and calls an executable upon that event being triggered.
I can run this script without issue from Administrator Powershell on my 2012 Windows Server, however it seems to run into issues when I have my script being run from Task Scheduler.
I've attempted running the task while logged on, and on a trigger while I'm logged off and in both instances the Event status reads: "Running" when I check. However interacting with the folder that should be watched produces no results. I've added a log file to document which parts of the code are functioning and the script DOES create the event, however it is the event triggering that seems to be the issue. Has anyone heard of an issue with creating events through Task Scheduler?
I've read some forums that say it might be a domain user issue
Change the ‘REG_DWORD’ with ValueName ‘disabledomaincreds’ to a Value to “0
Although this was already the case, and I've tried multiple variations of settings in the Task Properties as per Scripting Guy and SpiceWorks. The general consensus I've found is that it needs to be ran with a -NoExit argument in order for the event to properly run when the user is not logged in.
Extra notes:
Powershell script is located on a network location rather than physically on the computer (\serverName\FTP\Folder\script.ps1
I came across the same problem. I don't know why this works, but in your Scheduled Task, when referring to the PowerShell Script, instead of using
. \serverName\FTP\Folder\script.ps1
(noting the .).
As I understand, as a powershell novice, the events you register with FileSystemWatcher will only fire if the powershell instance is still running. I wouldn't trust that task manager says the task is running since it is notoriously unreliable, which seems to be the Microsoft standard. I think once your script finishes executing it kills the powershell instance and all event listeners are garbage collected.
I just put my script to sleep forever and it works. At the end of my script, it has
while ($true) {sleep 1}
It probably wouldn't hurt to increase the sleep time, but this works.

How do I get Powershell to execute in scheduled task?

I have created a Powershell script and set it up to run within a .bat file. When I click on the .bat file the Powershell script runs like a champ. I then set up the .bat file to be run as a scheduled task. Again it works like a champ when I right click on it and launch it interactively. Problem is it fails when the task scheduled to run unattended in the evening.
Not sure if this matters but I am using Powershell v.1 on Windows 2003 Server 64.
Thanks in advance for your help.
The status on the scheduled task is "Could not start". Perhaps fails was the wrong choice of words because the task probably doesn't even start running.
The task is set up to run as my user and I am set up as a local administrator on the box.
Check if scheduled task's security setting
Scheduled task might be running under a credential that does not have access to the batch file.
When you are adding a new task, you are asked to enter a credential
And you can check for already created task's credential
The status on the scheduled task is "Could not start". Perhaps fails was the wrong choice of words because the task probably doesn't even start running.
Make sure that Task Scheduler service is running
Is the task set to run with your useraccount or as System? Check the access rights on cmd.exe and powershell.exe.
Also if you go to the sheduled tasks you can do a 'view log' in the advanced menu to check for error messages.
Just a guess, but could it be something to do with the account/security context from which the script is running? If it's running on the System account, then that could certainly be a problem. (I suspect it's just running on your user account however.) Check that all your path variables are set correctly when the script runs, for a start. Otherwise, could you perhaps provide any more information on how exactly it fails (i.e. any error messages)?
Maybe the current directory is not set as you expect when running from the task manager. Try running your bat file from the command line, while you are not in the same directory as the file (and your .ps1 script) are.
Otherwise: check permissions.