How can I globally search tab characters in VSCode? - visual-studio-code

I would like to keep all my C/C++ code files using space for indentation. There are existing source files, most of them are with space indentation, but some lines are with tab character.
I would like to globally search all the tab characters in all .h/.hpp/.c/.cpp files, replace them with space.How can I do that?
I've tried use ^t but not working.
For example, line 79 and 80 starts with tab character, should be replace with space:
But if search globally, these lines are not found, but found other lines:

Seems I asked an silly question.. I just forgot to click "use regular expression". After choosing that, it finds what I want.


How to convert embedded CRLF codes to their REAL newlines in Vscode?

I searched everywhere for this, the problem is that the search criteria is very similar to other questions.
The issue I have is that file (script actually) is embedded in another file. So when I open the parent file I can see the script as massive string with several \n and \r\n codes. I need a way to convert these codes to what they should be so that it formats the code correctly then I can read said code and work on it.
Quick snippet:
\n\n\n\n\nlocal scriptingFunctions\n\n\n\n\nlocal measuringCircles = {}\r\nlocal isCurrentlyCheckingCoherency
Should covert to:
local scriptingFunctions
local measuringCircles = {}
local isCurrentlyCheckingCoherency
perform a Regex Find-Replace
Find: (\\r)?\\n
Replace: \n
If you don't need to reconvert from newlines to \n after you're done working on the code, you can accomplish the trick by simply pressing ctrl-f and substituting every occurrence of \n with a new line (you can type enter in the replace box by pressing ctrl-enter or shift-enter).
See an example ctrl-f to do this:
If after you're done working on the code you need to reconvert to \n, you can add an invisible char to the replace string (typing it like ctrl-enter invisibleChar), and after you're done you can re-replace it with \n.
There's plenty of invisible chars, but I'd personally suggest [U+200b] (you can copy it from here); another good one is [U+2800] (⠀), as it renders as a normal whitespace, and thus is noticeable.
A thing to notice is that recent versions of vscode will show a highlight around invisible chars, but you can easily disable it by clicking on Adjust settings and then selecting Exclude from being highlighted.
If you need to reenable highlighting in the future, you'll have to look for "editor.unicodeHighlight.allowedCharacters" in the settings.

indeneted files in my sublime don't show up indented correctly on github files

I have indented my files in my sublime text but when I push to github they don't look indented. How do I fix this?
The approach taken to indent file on sublime is:
select the code > Edit > Line > Reindent
looks like this on github:
Your issue looks to be caused by your use of literal tab characters for indenting as opposed to using spaces instead.
If there's a hotter holy war topic among developers than the debate of tabs versus spaces, it's probably related to how wide you should interpret a tab character to be for display purposes if you happen to use them.
In particular your images would appear to indicate that you think that tabs should be 2 characters wide and GitHub thinks they should be 8. As mentioned in this answer you can append an extra query field to the URL in GitHub in order to view the files the way you prefer them to be viewed.
As far as I'm aware that just changes how they're rendered on the page when you view and doesn't actually modify the file at all. If it's important that the file retain the same indent levels regardless of where or how you view the file, you should convert from tab indentation to space indentation instead since a space is unambiguously sized.
If you're using Sublime Text you can do that by clicking in the status bar where it says Tab Size: 2 and select Convert indentation to spaces; the status bar will switch to say Spaces: 2 to indicate that the indent has changed.

sublime text / ms word delete misc line breaks in code

I have a csv file that has random line breaks throughout the file. (probably load errors when the file was created where the loader somehow managed to put a carriage return into the field)
How do I go in and remove all carriage returns / line breaks where the last character is not "
I have word and sublime text available for text editors
I have tried ^p with a letter infront and find and replace, but that doesnt seem to work for some of the lines for some reason
"3203","Shelving Units
instead of
"3203","Shelving Units",".033"
instead of
Menu > Find > Replace... or Ctrl+H
Select "Regular Expression" (probably a .* icon in the bottom left, depending on your theme).
Use \n to select newlines (LF) or \r\n (CRLF).
As #GerardRoche said you can use search and replace in Sublime Text. Open it via ctrl+h and press alt+r to toggle regex to enable it. (You may want to create a backup of your file before doing such changes.)
Search for (?<=[^"\n])\n+ and replace it with nothing, press Replace All or ctrl+alt+enter to replace it.
The regex just mean: search for alt least one (+) newlines (\n), that are preceded by something different than a quotation mark or a newline (?<=[^"\n]).
You don't need to worry about carriage returns, because ST only uses them when reading and writing the file and not in the editor.

Replacing a string in Rubymine with a string with newlines

I want to use the Search and Replace dialogue in Rubymine, or something similar to replace something like "Scenario:" with "#Desktop\nScenario"
I'm trying to replace every instance of Scenario: in a large Cucumber test suite with
Any best ways to do this?
Thanks to #ryan2johnson9 comment, I realise there's now an easier option (tested on 2017.3).
By clicking on the "New Line" (or using the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Enter / Alt+Enter), the input becomes multilines.
Original Answer
In the search and replace box, if you tick the "Regex" option you can do:
Search: "Scenario:"
Replace by: "#desktop\nScenario:"
The only trick is to tick the "Regex" option :)
Rubymine has macros ( but I dont think they are powerful enough for this example.
It's possible that you could solve it with some elaborate feature hidden inside Rubymine, but I think it would be a lot easier to do this with a tool like perl/sed from the Terminal. If you are using Windows I assume you could search the net and find a text search/replace tool that fits your need.
In OSX I there are a bunch of Text Substitutions app too.
I would go that route since Rubymines macro tool isnt up to the task.
Here's a cheap and sleazy alternative:
Copy a newline character from between two empty lines in the file being edited. Temporarily add two empty lines if you don't have any.
Set up search/replace and enter the string you want to replace into the search text input box.
Paste the newline you just copied into the replacement text box plus whatever other text you want. You will be able to see the height of the replacement text input box grow vertically by one line due to the newline.
Perform the search/replace.
For this, the use of the Rubymine regex is optional.

Is there a way to get Eclipse to treat 4 spaces exactly as it treats a tab?

I understand how to get Eclipse to insert spaces in place of tabs, but then I'd rather not have to arrow through 12 spaces to reach an indented block.
Bonus points if there's a way to hide the spaces from the 'show whitespace characters'. I like to see whitespace characters for tabs and carriage returns, but the display gets too cluttered when spaces are also displayed.
Try CTRL+[right,left] arrow key. Certainly one of my most-used combos.
As it turns out, this appears to not be possible in Eclipse.
With the next Eclipse 20199.12/4.14, that might actually be possible! (albeit ten years later)
See "Backspace/delete can treat spaces as tabs"
If you use the Insert spaces for tabs option, now you can also change the backspace and delete keys behavior to remove multiple spaces at once, as if they were a tab.
The new setting is called Remove multiple spaces on backspace/delete and is found on the General > Editors > Text Editors preference page.