indeneted files in my sublime don't show up indented correctly on github files - github

I have indented my files in my sublime text but when I push to github they don't look indented. How do I fix this?
The approach taken to indent file on sublime is:
select the code > Edit > Line > Reindent
looks like this on github:

Your issue looks to be caused by your use of literal tab characters for indenting as opposed to using spaces instead.
If there's a hotter holy war topic among developers than the debate of tabs versus spaces, it's probably related to how wide you should interpret a tab character to be for display purposes if you happen to use them.
In particular your images would appear to indicate that you think that tabs should be 2 characters wide and GitHub thinks they should be 8. As mentioned in this answer you can append an extra query field to the URL in GitHub in order to view the files the way you prefer them to be viewed.
As far as I'm aware that just changes how they're rendered on the page when you view and doesn't actually modify the file at all. If it's important that the file retain the same indent levels regardless of where or how you view the file, you should convert from tab indentation to space indentation instead since a space is unambiguously sized.
If you're using Sublime Text you can do that by clicking in the status bar where it says Tab Size: 2 and select Convert indentation to spaces; the status bar will switch to say Spaces: 2 to indicate that the indent has changed.


Tab stops are messed up after rarer unicode characters

In vscode, when I open a file containing unicode characters,
I notice that tabs do not always advance to the next tab stop.
For example, the following might be part of an ASCII-flavor table
While sublime text renders it correctly(IMO)
vscdoe has a different idea
As I understand it, vscode renders a tab by
replacing it with a proper number of space characters.
So if there are characters showing using proportional fonts,
no integer number of spaces will make it to the proper stop.
(See this related issue.)
So my question is, how can I fix this?
Is it possible to tell vscode that
"Fine, if you were to assume that those unicode characters
are 2 spaces wide when tabbing,
would you please render them as 2 spaces wide?"

Make spaces act and look like tabs in VS Code

When writing a source file in VS Code that is styled with spaces of a specific width (maybe determined by the .editorconfig file), how can I force VS Code to treat the spaces like tabs without reformatting the file?
For example, the indent width may be 4 spaces, so rather than displaying 4 spaces in my editor, I'd rather see one tab space character with a width of 4 spaces.
The selection aspect of space-tabulated code is supported with VSCode 1.52 (Nov. 2020) and:
Sticky Tab Stops when indenting with Spaces
If you prefer to indent your code with spaces, there is a new setting called editor.stickyTabStops, which makes VS Code treat cursor movements in leading spaces similar to tabs.
You said vscode is:
displaying 4 spaces in my editor
I assume that means you're getting those little Interpunct dot characters coming up like this ····
If you want those to go away, so they appear more consistent with tabs, go into VScode settings (JSON) and enter the following:
"editor.renderWhitespace": "selection"
Assuming everything else is default, both tabs and spaces should be rendered as regular whitespace. But that alone it doesn't really help, because it doesn't allow you to distinguish nested structures i.e. you can't tell how many levels of indentation you're at.
To fix that, there's 2 things.
(minimum) Set indent guides explicitly in your user settings, this will render vertical lines at each indentation level, no matter if the file is using tabs or spaces:
"editor.renderIndentGuides": true
(optional extra) If you want to take it further, there are a few extensions you can try, but the one i recommend is indent-rainbow. There are lots of options for it, but i have mine config'd so after a certain level of indentation it becomes more obnoxious, because i treat it as a code smell i.e. i like to minimize how much i nest if possible.
The end result of doing all this is that tabs and spaces are rendered exactly the same way, and you can't tell the difference unless you have part of your code highlighted:
To make the behavior of indentation more consistent, the following should be in your settings if it's not already applied by default:
"editor.detectIndentation": true,
"editor.insertSpaces": true,
"editor.useTabStops": true
As for this:
source file in VS Code that is styled with spaces of a specific width (maybe determined by the .editorconfig file)
I don't think this is possible, or at least not natively. You may be able to find/write an extension that can do detection based on tabsize since there is in fact a property called:
"editor.tabSize": 4,
Not sure if this will help, but you can do selective setting overrides based on filetype, for example:
"[yaml]": {
"editor.insertSpaces": true,
"editor.tabSize": 2,
"editor.autoIndent": "advanced"

Is tab-switching a feature in VSCode?

By this I mean if some file was written with 4 spaces, can you simply highlight it all and click on something to turn it into 2 spaces. I'm not sure if in practice (parsing) this would make sense/could lead to broken code.
I currently have my editor.tabSize set to 2, and sometimes I open files written with 4 spaces and I want to be able to turn them into 2 spaces. I have at least figured out to turn off the auto-detect so that when I highlight sections of the code and hit shift-tab, then tab again it will turn the selected code from 4 spaces into 2 spaces.
Is there a feature like this or does it make sense that this wouldn't exist?
To change the current document from using 4 spaces to 2 spaces:
Click on Spaces: 4 in the status bar or run the Indent using Spaces command
Select 2 for the new tab size
Run for Format Document command to apply the new indentation to the entire document

Convert Tabs-as-spaces width

I have many source code files which are idented with 8 space characters, I want to convert these to 4 character indents. What is the best way of doing this? A technique using eclipse would be preferable.
Select the project(s), then press Ctrl+H to open the Search dialog (or click the Search > File menu).
Make sure the File Search tab is selected at the top.
Enter 8 spaces into the Containing text: field
Select your File name pattern (probably *.java or just *)
Select the scope (probably Selected Resources)
Press the *Replace... button.
As I said in the comments above, however, using spaces for indentation is a fool's game; tabs are the proper abstraction for indentation so that you don't have this problem.

Is there a way to get Eclipse to treat 4 spaces exactly as it treats a tab?

I understand how to get Eclipse to insert spaces in place of tabs, but then I'd rather not have to arrow through 12 spaces to reach an indented block.
Bonus points if there's a way to hide the spaces from the 'show whitespace characters'. I like to see whitespace characters for tabs and carriage returns, but the display gets too cluttered when spaces are also displayed.
Try CTRL+[right,left] arrow key. Certainly one of my most-used combos.
As it turns out, this appears to not be possible in Eclipse.
With the next Eclipse 20199.12/4.14, that might actually be possible! (albeit ten years later)
See "Backspace/delete can treat spaces as tabs"
If you use the Insert spaces for tabs option, now you can also change the backspace and delete keys behavior to remove multiple spaces at once, as if they were a tab.
The new setting is called Remove multiple spaces on backspace/delete and is found on the General > Editors > Text Editors preference page.