Is there a cIommand line (or powershell) command that, when tyoed in, will display the Win 10 clipboard (WIN + V)? - command

I need to be able to display the Win 10 clipboard (WIN key + V).
BUT, from a command line.
Is such a thing possible ?

I believe the Powershell cmdlet Get-Clipboard does what you want:


VSCode Terminal - Clear Command Prompt

I'm running on Linux. I have the issue both in bash and pwsh shells.
How do I clear the current command prompt in the VS Code terminal?
For example, say you have copied and pasted a very long string into the terminal.
How do you clear what you just pasted?
The only way I know of for getting back to a an empty command prompt involves hitting backspace until you have deleted every character.
Is there any short cut for getting back to an empty prompt?
How do you clear what you just pasted?
There is no command to clear what you have already pasted. You can do Ctrl + C or Ctrl+D to get the next promt.
Now if you want a short-cut to clear command which we use in terminal, its Cmd + k for Mac OS
CTRL + shift + p, then write clear. You can use the clear command in bash terminal too.
Use Console.Clear() in code.
or use 'cls' cmd on console

How to display path in new line after displaying output in Visual Studio code?

The output that is displayed and the path of folder has no gap (the output javed and path PS... Both are attached. I want to display output "Maha Javed" to appear at one line and then PS.... To display on new line), how can I make the path to display on new line in terminal powershell in visual studio code?
It sounds like your prompt may be broken, the Prompt function is used in Powershell to generate the prompt.
In my case running this in VSC yeilds:
( Get-Command Prompt).ScriptBlock
"PS $($executionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation)$('>' * ($nestedPromptLevel + 1)) ";
# .Link
# .ExternalHelp System.Management.Automation.dll-help.xml
Now as the other commentors have noted this behaviour is not usual. But if your prompt script is different from the above for some reason you can reset it or at least see what it is and indeed change it to what you please.
See for a full explanation of this.
( Get-Command Prompt).ScriptBlock
same problem what to do in ubuntu 20
How to display path in new line after displaying output in vs code in linux distro

Change Integrated Terminal title in vscode through Powershell script

I'm using VScode for running my same powershell script with different parameters in different powershell.
Is there any way I can name the terminal title through powershell script so that I can differentiate for what parameters I've run in which terminal ?
Instead of 1:PowerShell and 2:PowerShell I need alpha and beta from parameteres of powershell,
I've checked this answer Change Integrated Terminal title in vscode, but it requires manual intervention.
The numbers will remain but you can change the title by first opening command palette (Ctrl + Shift + P) and then search for Terminal: Rename.
Then you can type whatever name you want to give.

PowerShell history of commands

I use Bash and PowerShell interchangeably, and find it quite annoying when I can't do a Ctrl+R on my PowerShell Console.
Is there a plugin/alternate command that can help me switch between Bash and PowerShell seamlessly?
Update (2018)
PowerShell now supports Ctrl + R. Please see this answer.
An alternate command is to type e.g #ls and press Tab keep pressing tab to cycle through all command history that starts with ls.
In previous versions you could type ls then F8 to match history. Keep pressing F8 to cycle through multiple matches.
Note:ls is just a placeholder in this case. Replace it with any command you want.
As of today PowerShell supports the Ctrl + R shortcut.
Simply press Ctrl + R when in the PowerShell console and start typing any part of a command you have run before.
Start typing part of a command you have run before, and press or hit F8.
Keep pressing F8 to cycle through similar commands.
Take a look at PSReadline:
This module supports interactive history search in emacs mode and you can bind Ctrl+R to ReverseHistorySearch in Windows mode if you prefer.
The long term goal of PSReadline is to make it much easier to switch from bash to PowerShell w.r.t. command line editing while providing a PowerShell experience, e.g. tab completion.

Use CTRL + D to exit and CTRL + L to cls in Powershell console

I am trying to make
CTRL + D - exit Powershell console
CTRL + L - clear the screen
like in bash.
So far, I have seen that we can define
function ^D {exit}
but that means I have to do CTRL+D and then hit enter for it to work.
Also, it doesn't even let me define
function ^L {exit}
Is there anyway to add these key bindings in the default Powershell console?
Old question, but with PowerShell 5.1 and PowerShell Core 6.x and later:
Set-PSReadlineKeyHandler -Key ctrl+d -Function ViExit
There is a new library PSReadline for Powershell v3.0 that emulates the GNU Bash tab completion and key bindings. Even CTRL + R for reverse incremental search works. Exactly what I wanted.
If you don't mind relying on an external program, you could do the following with AutoHotKey:
#IfWinActive ahk_class ConsoleWindowClass
^L::SendInput , {Esc}cls{Enter}
^D::SendInput , {Esc}exit{Enter}
The above will work with the PowerShell or CMD console. Otherwise the only thing I can think of would be to work up some P/Invoke magic with SetWindowsHookEx.
Edit: Fixed AutoHotkey script to pass through the shortcut keys to other programs.
The keybindings are controlled by PSReadLine. PSReadLine's default edit mode is Windows style, where Ctrl-D is unbound.
Set your edit mode to Emacs
Set-PSReadlineOption -EditMode Emacs
or bound the key
Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Key 'Ctrl+d' -Function DeleteCharOrExit
There is also a PowerShell snapin called PSEventing which will allow you to do this (see the demo on the front page:
# clear screen in response to ctrl+L, unix style
register-hotkeyevent "ctrl+L" -action { cls; write-host -nonewline (prompt) }
You can set your PSReadline to emacs mode, it will not only exit with ^D, you will be able to go to beginning of line with ^A, end of the line with ^E
Include this in your profile:
Set-PSReadlineOption -EditMode Emacs
I'm using cmder which uses ConEmu, find profile.ps1 with <appdir>/vendor/ for that case and you can add into that file.
Otherwise you can add to default locations where powershell loads it. One of tutorials HERE.