Use CTRL + D to exit and CTRL + L to cls in Powershell console - powershell

I am trying to make
CTRL + D - exit Powershell console
CTRL + L - clear the screen
like in bash.
So far, I have seen that we can define
function ^D {exit}
but that means I have to do CTRL+D and then hit enter for it to work.
Also, it doesn't even let me define
function ^L {exit}
Is there anyway to add these key bindings in the default Powershell console?

Old question, but with PowerShell 5.1 and PowerShell Core 6.x and later:
Set-PSReadlineKeyHandler -Key ctrl+d -Function ViExit

There is a new library PSReadline for Powershell v3.0 that emulates the GNU Bash tab completion and key bindings. Even CTRL + R for reverse incremental search works. Exactly what I wanted.

If you don't mind relying on an external program, you could do the following with AutoHotKey:
#IfWinActive ahk_class ConsoleWindowClass
^L::SendInput , {Esc}cls{Enter}
^D::SendInput , {Esc}exit{Enter}
The above will work with the PowerShell or CMD console. Otherwise the only thing I can think of would be to work up some P/Invoke magic with SetWindowsHookEx.
Edit: Fixed AutoHotkey script to pass through the shortcut keys to other programs.

The keybindings are controlled by PSReadLine. PSReadLine's default edit mode is Windows style, where Ctrl-D is unbound.
Set your edit mode to Emacs
Set-PSReadlineOption -EditMode Emacs
or bound the key
Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Key 'Ctrl+d' -Function DeleteCharOrExit

There is also a PowerShell snapin called PSEventing which will allow you to do this (see the demo on the front page:
# clear screen in response to ctrl+L, unix style
register-hotkeyevent "ctrl+L" -action { cls; write-host -nonewline (prompt) }

You can set your PSReadline to emacs mode, it will not only exit with ^D, you will be able to go to beginning of line with ^A, end of the line with ^E
Include this in your profile:
Set-PSReadlineOption -EditMode Emacs
I'm using cmder which uses ConEmu, find profile.ps1 with <appdir>/vendor/ for that case and you can add into that file.
Otherwise you can add to default locations where powershell loads it. One of tutorials HERE.


How do you edit the command line in an external editor?

I want to find a Powershell version of the bash edit-and-execute-command widget or the zsh edit-command-line widget.
Short commands get executed directly on the command-line, long complicated commands get executed from scripts. However, before they become "long", it helps to be able to test medium length commands on the command-line. To assist in this effort, editing the command in an external editor becomes very helpful. AFAIK Powershell does not support this natively as e.g. bash and zsh do.
My current attempt
I am new to Powershell, so I'm bound to make many mistakes, but I have come up with a working solution using the features of the [Microsoft.Powershell.PSConsoleReadLine] class. I am able to copy the current command-line to a file, edit the file, and then re-inject the edited version back into the command-line:
Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Chord "Alt+e" -ScriptBlock {
$CurrentInput = $null
# Copy current command-line input, save it to a file and clear it
[Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::GetBufferState([ref] $CurrentInput, [ref] $null)
Set-Content -Path "C:\Temp\ps_${PID}.txt" -Value "$CurrentInput"
# Edit the command with gvim
Start-Job -Name EditCMD -ScriptBlock { gvim "C:\Temp\ps_${Using:PID}.txt" }
Wait-Job -Name EditCMD
# Get command back from file the temporary file and insert it into the command-line
$NewInput = (Get-Content -Path "C:\Temp\ps_${PID}.txt") -join "`n"
My current solution feels clunky and a somewhat fragile.
Are there other solutions? Can the current solution be improved?
OS Windows 10.0.19043.0
Powershell version 5.1.19041.1320
PSReadLine version 2.0.0
The solution I went with
Create a "baked" executable similar to what mklement0 showed. I prefer vim for this instead of `gvim, as it runs directly in the console:
'#vim -f %*' > psvim.cmd
$env:EDITOR = "psvim"
Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Chord "Alt+e" -Function ViEditVisually
PSReadLine comes with the feature you're looking for, namely the ViEditVisually function, and on Unix-like platforms it even has a default key binding.
For the feature to work, you need to set $env:VISUAL or $env:EDITOR to the name / path of your editor executable.
As of PSReadLine v2.1, if you also need to include options for your editor - such as -f for gvim - you need to create a helper executable that has the options "baked in".
Since creating a helper executable is cumbersome, a custom emulation of the feature, as you have attempted and as refined in zett42's helpful answer, may be the simpler solution for now. zett42's answer additionally links to a Gist that improves the original functionality by preserving cursor positions.
GitHub issue #3214 suggests adding support for recognizing executables plus their options in these environment variables.
Details below.
The PSReadLine module ships with such a feature, namely the ViEditVisually function.
Its default key bindings, if any, depend on PSReadLine's edit mode, which you can set with Set-PSReadLineOption -EditMode <mode>:
Windows mode (default on Windows): not bound
Emacs mode (default on macOS and Linux): Ctrl-xCtrl-e
Vi mode: v in command mode (press Esc to enter it)
Use Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler to establish a custom key binding, analogous to the approach in the question; e.g., to bind Alt-e:
Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Chord Alt+e -Function ViEditVisually
For the function to work, you must define the editor executable to use, via either of the following environment variables, in order of precedence: $env:VISUAL or $env:EDITOR; if no (valid) editor is defined, a warning beep is emitted and no action is taken when the function is invoked.
E.g., to use the nano editor on macOS: $env:VISUAL = 'nano'
The value must refer to an executable file - either by full path or, more typically, by name only, in which case it must be located in a directory listed in $env:PATH
Note: .ps1 scripts do not qualify as executable files, but batch files on Windows and shebang-line-based shell scripts on Unix-like platforms do.
As of PSReadLine 2.1, including options for the executable - such as --newindow --wait for code (Visual Studio Code) is not supported.
Therefore, for now, if your editor of choice requires options, you need to create a helper executable that has these options "baked in"; see examples below.
GitHub issue #3214 proposed adding support for allowing to specify the editor executable plus options as the environment-variable value, which is something that Git (which recognizes the same variables) already supports; for instance, you could then define:
$env:VISUAL = 'code --new-window --wait'
Example configuration with a helper executable for code (Visual Studio Code):
Create a helper executable in the user's home directory in this example:
On Windows:
'#code --new-window --wait %*' > "$HOME\codewait.cmd"
On Unix-like platforms:
"#!/bin/sh`ncode --new-window --wait `"$#`"" > "$HOME/codewait"; chmod a+x "$HOME/codewait"
Add a definition of $env:VISUAL pointing to the helper executable to your $PROFILE file, along with defining a custom key binding, if desired:
$env:VISUAL = "$HOME/codewait"
# Custom key binding
Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Chord Alt+e -Function ViEditVisually
This code has some issues:
Temp path is hardcoded, it should use $env:temp or better yet [IO.Path]::GetTempPath() (for cross-platform compatibility).
After editing the line, it doesn't replace the whole line, only the text to the left of the cursor. As noted by mklement0, we can simply replace the existing buffer instead of erasing it, which fixes the problem.
When using the right parameters for the editor, it is not required to create a job to wait for it. For VSCode this is --wait (-w) and for gvim this is --nofork (-f), which prevents these processes to detach from the console process so the PowerShell code waits until the user has closed the editor.
The temporary file is not deleted after closing the editor.
Here is my attempt at fixing the code. I don't use gvim, so I tested it with VSCode code.exe. The code below contains a commented line for gvim too (confirmed working by the OP).
Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Chord "Alt+e" -ScriptBlock {
$CurrentInput = $null
# Copy current console line
[Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::GetBufferState([ref] $CurrentInput, [ref] $null)
# Save current console line to temp file
$tempFilePath = Join-Path ([IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) "ps_$PID.ps1"
Set-Content $tempFilePath -Value $CurrentInput -Encoding utf8
# Edit the console line using VSCode
code --new-window --wait $tempFilePath
# Uncomment for using gvim editor instead
# gvim -f $tempFilePath
# The console doesn't like the CR character, so rejoin lines using LF only.
$editedInput = ((Get-Content -LiteralPath $tempFilePath) -join "`n").Trim()
# Replace current console line with the content of the temp file
[Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::Replace(0, $currentInput.Length, $editedInput)
Remove-Item $tempFilePath
This GitHub Gist includes an updated version of the code. New features including saving/restoring the cursor position, passing the cursor position to VSCode and showing a message while the console is blocked.
A default installation of VSCode adds the directory of the VSCode binaries to $env:PATH, which enables us to write just code to launch the editor.
While UTF-8 is the default encoding for cmdlets like Set-Content on PowerShell Core, for Windows PowerShell the parameter -Encoding utf8 is required to correctly save commands that contain Unicode characters. For Get-Content specifying the encoding isn't necessary, because Windows PowerShell adds a BOM which Get-Content detects and PowerShell Core defaults to UTF-8 again.
To have Alt+E always available when you open a console, just add this code to your $profile file. Makes quick testing and editing of small code samples a breeze.
VSCode settings - for most streamlined experience, enable "Auto Save: onWindowChange". Allows you to close the editor and save the file (update the console line) with a single press to Ctrl+W.

How to clear the entire terminal (PowerShell)

I had an issue. Using the clear or cls command in powershell clears only the visible portion of the terminal,I would like to know how to clear the entire terminal?
I use VSCode by the way.
To also clear the scrollback buffer, not just the visible portion of the terminal in Visual Studio Code's integrated terminal, use one of the following methods:
Use the command palette:
Press Ctrl+Shift+P and type tclear to match the Terminal: Clear command and press Enter
Use the integrated terminal's context menu:
Right-click in the terminal and select Clear from the context menu.
On Windows, you may have to enable the integrated terminal's context menu first, given that by default right-clicking pastes text from the clipboard:
Open the settings (Ctrl+,) and change setting terminal.integrated.rightClickBehavior to either default or selectWord (the latter selects the word under the cursor before showing the context menu).
Use a keyboard shortcut from inside the integrated terminal (current as of v1.71 of VSCode):
On macOS, a shortcut exists by default: Cmd+K
On Linux and Windows, you can define an analogous custom key binding, Ctrl+K, as follows, by directly editing file keybindings.json (command Preferences: Open Keyboard Shortcuts (JSON) from the command palette), and placing the following object inside the existing array ([ ... ]):
"key": "ctrl+k",
"command": "workbench.action.terminal.clear",
"when": "terminalFocus && terminalHasBeenCreated || terminalFocus && terminalProcessSupported"
Using a command you can invoke from a shell in the integrated terminal:
Note: A truly cross-platform solution would require executing the VSCode-internal workbench.action.terminal.clear command from a shell, but I don't know how to do that / if it is possible at all - do tell us if you know.
Linux (at least as observed on Ubuntu):
Use the standard clear utility (/usr/bin/clear), which also clears the scrollback buffer.
From PowerShell, you may also use Clear-Host or its built-in alias, cls.
By contrast, [Console]::Clear() does NOT clear the scrollback buffer and clear just one screenful.
Unfortunately, neither /usr/bin/clear nor PowerShell's Clear-Host (cls) nor .NET's [Console]::Clear() clear the scrollback buffer - they all clear just one screenful.
Print the following ANSI control sequence: '\e[2J\e[3J\e[H' (\e represents the ESC char. (0x1b, 27); e.g., from bash: printf '\e[2J\e[3J\e[H'; from PowerShell: "`e[2J`e[3J`e[H"
You can easily wrap this call in a shell script for use from any shell: create a file named, say, cclear, in a directory listed in your system's PATH variable, then make it executable with chmod a+x; then save the following content to it:
# Clears the terminal screen *and the scrollback buffer*.
# (Needed only on macOS, where /usr/bin/clear doesn't do the latter.)
printf '\e[2J\e[3J\e[H'
NO solution that I'm aware of: cmd.exe's internal cls command and PowerShell's internal Clear-Host command clear only one screenful in the integrated terminal (not also the scrollback buffer - even though they also do the latter in a regular console window and in Windows Terminal).
Unfortunately, the escape sequence that works on macOS ("`e[2J`e[3J`e[H" or, for Windows PowerShell, "$([char]27)[2J$([char]27)[3J$([char]27)[H") is not effective: on Windows it just clears one screenful.
(By contrast, all of these methods do also clear the scrollback buffer in regular console windows and Windows Terminal.)
right click on the powershell button,
then select clear,
when you are at the command window, type "clear" command, to clear the terminal window.

Is it possible to add a keyboard shortcut to Powershell?

I've switched to Powershell after a couple of decades of bash, and after some configuring of my profile (and adding PSCX, openssl and a few other tools) I'm generally happy.
One thing I miss from bash:
mkdir some-very-long-dir-name
cd (hit ESC then hit _ on the keyboard)
Escape underscore is bash for 'last item on the previous command'. It's super useful - in this chase I didn't have to type out the very long directory name.
Is it possible to add keyboard shortcuts to powershell? How?
I'm using ConEmu as my terminal if that matters.
Short answer:
Set-PSReadlineKeyHandler -Key 'Escape,_' -Function YankLastArg
Longer explanation:
Thanks to #davidbrabant and #TheIncorrigible1 for pointing to PSReadLine: it's not the answer itself, but understanding how PSReadLine works is the key to solving this.
Although vi is the default editor on every Linux distribution, bash's default is emacs editing mode. From the bash docs:
In order to switch interactively between emacs and vi editing modes, use the ‘set -o emacs’ and ‘set -o vi’ commands (see The Set Builtin). The Readline default is emacs mode.
Which means 'escape underscore' comes from emacs.
Oddly, PSReadLine, unlike bash, does't use emacs mode by default. From the PSREADLine docs:
To use Emacs key bindings, you can use:
Set-PSReadlineOption -EditMode Emacs
It's not very explicit, but that means another mode is default. Confirming that, running:
EditMode : Vi
So there are two solutions:
Solution 1: change mode
Set-PSReadlineOption -EditMode Emacs
You can see the effect with Get-PSReadlineKeyHandler includes the standard escape underscore shortcut:
Escape,_ YankLastArg Copy the text of the last argument to the input
Escape underscore now works.
Solution 2: add the shortcut to your existing mode
Instead of changing mode (it turns out I like vi keybindings!), you can also run:
Set-PSReadlineKeyHandler -Key 'Escape,_' -Function YankLastArg
To add it to your existing mode.
An alternative to your ESC+_ solution, the PowerShell automatic variable $$ contains the same information without the need for PSReadLine (pre-v5.0 or without the module installed).
PS C:\> Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\'
PS C:\> $$
You can also capture the command used with the $^ variable:
PS C:\> $^

Powershell ISE + vim

Is it possible to make Powershell ISE behave like vim with some vim-like editing mode or plugin?
In netbeans I'm using jVi, and in Visual Studio I'm using VsVim, is there something similar for PowerShell ISE?
Or should I drop Powershell ISE altogether and just use vim + powershell command line?
I may be misunderstanding the question, but the closest I've come to getting vim-like ability while using PS ISE is to install gvim74 for Windows, and create this function:
function vim
if ($args)
start-process 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Vim\vim74\vim.exe' $args
start-process 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Vim\vim74\vim.exe'
Unfortunately, ISE does not play nicely with console input, so the best I can get is starting vi in a new PS window. Not perfect, but I get my ability to "vim fileToEdit", which I do A LOT in non-Windows world.
The last weaks i searched for a way to use psISE in combination with vim (i found out its possible but hard for me to code without the ISE-comfort)
In the end i created a function/submenu in the ISE that:
With a keyboard-shortcut ([AltGr]+[v]) starts vim with the current file and waits for the process to end
When I'm finished editing in vim and saved the file its removed from the ISE
And loaded again (bacause in v3 there is no file "refreshing")
# one-line
$psISE.CurrentPowerShellTab.AddOnsMenu.Submenus.Add("edit with Vim",{$cur=$psISE.CurrentFile; saps "C:\Program Files (x86)\vim\vim74\gvim.exe" $cur.FullPath -wait; $psise.currentpowershelltab.files.remove($cur); $psISE.currentpowershelltab.files.add($cur.fullpath) },'Ctrl+Alt+v')
You have to save it first or it will not be removed
(maybe you add the $psise.CurrentFile.Save()-function)
(for permanent ISE-changes you have to put it into the $profile...)
*saps --> start-process alias
The best thing I've found is VSCode with the PowerShell and VIM plugin installed. The Powershell plugin used to be a lot worse than ISE, but recently the Intellisense has gotten much cleaner.

PowerShell history of commands

I use Bash and PowerShell interchangeably, and find it quite annoying when I can't do a Ctrl+R on my PowerShell Console.
Is there a plugin/alternate command that can help me switch between Bash and PowerShell seamlessly?
Update (2018)
PowerShell now supports Ctrl + R. Please see this answer.
An alternate command is to type e.g #ls and press Tab keep pressing tab to cycle through all command history that starts with ls.
In previous versions you could type ls then F8 to match history. Keep pressing F8 to cycle through multiple matches.
Note:ls is just a placeholder in this case. Replace it with any command you want.
As of today PowerShell supports the Ctrl + R shortcut.
Simply press Ctrl + R when in the PowerShell console and start typing any part of a command you have run before.
Start typing part of a command you have run before, and press or hit F8.
Keep pressing F8 to cycle through similar commands.
Take a look at PSReadline:
This module supports interactive history search in emacs mode and you can bind Ctrl+R to ReverseHistorySearch in Windows mode if you prefer.
The long term goal of PSReadline is to make it much easier to switch from bash to PowerShell w.r.t. command line editing while providing a PowerShell experience, e.g. tab completion.