What I have:
CREATE TABLE public.treeview_menu_node (
parent_id int8 NULL,
data jsonb NULL,
name varchar NULL,
caption varchar NULL,
CONSTRAINT treeview_menu_node_pk PRIMARY KEY (id)
INSERT INTO public.treeview_menu_node
(parent_id, "name")
VALUES(NULL, 'node 1');
INSERT INTO public.treeview_menu_node
(parent_id, "name")
VALUES(1, 'node 1.1');
INSERT INTO public.treeview_menu_node
(parent_id, "name")
VALUES(1, 'node 1.2');
INSERT INTO public.treeview_menu_node
(parent_id, "name")
VALUES(NULL, 'node 2');
INSERT INTO public.treeview_menu_node
(parent_id, "name")
VALUES(4, 'node 2.1');
INSERT INTO public.treeview_menu_node
(parent_id, "name")
VALUES(4, 'node 2.2');
node 1
sub node 1.1
sub node 1.2
node 2
sub node 2.1
sub node 2.2
What I need:
Copy node 1 into node 2 recursively
node 1
sub node 1.1
sub node 1.2
node 2
sub node 2.1
sub node 2.2
What I try:
INSERT INTO public.treeview_menu_node (parent_id, name, caption, data)
SELECT new_parent_id, name, caption, data
SELECT tmn.id, tmn.parent_id, :parent_id::BIGINT new_parent_id, tmn.name, tmn.caption, tmn.data
FROM public.treeview_menu_node tmn
WHERE id IN (:ids)
) t
RETURNING id, parent_id, name, caption, data
INSERT INTO public.treeview_menu_node (parent_id, name, caption, data)
SELECT new_parent_id, name, caption, data
SELECT tmn.id, tmn.parent_id, r.id new_parent_id, tmn.name, tmn.caption, tmn.data
FROM public.treeview_menu_node tmn
JOIN r r ON r.id = tmn.parent_id
) t
RETURNING id, parent_id, name, caption, data
SELECT id, parent_id, name, caption, data
:parent_id is destination node id
:ids is a list or one node to copy
What I get:
SQL Error [42601]: syntax error (Near: "UNION") Position: 357
I found a solution.
Multiple inserts in recursive CTE are not allowed. Instead of this, use the function:
The function returns a new id, like an INSERT command. Thanks to this, you can prepare the entire array for insertion using a single INSERT command.
SELECT tmn.id, NEXTVAL('treeview_menu_id_seq') new_id, tmn.parent_id, :parent_id::BIGINT new_parent_id, tmn.name, tmn.caption, tmn.data
FROM public.treeview_menu_node tmn
WHERE id IN (:ids)
SELECT tmn.id, NEXTVAL('treeview_menu_id_seq') new_id, tmn.parent_id, r.new_id new_parent_id, tmn.name, tmn.caption, tmn.data
FROM public.treeview_menu_node tmn
JOIN r r ON r.id = tmn.parent_id
INSERT INTO public.treeview_menu_node (id, parent_id, name, caption, data)
SELECT new_id, new_parent_id, name, caption, data
I'm searching to copy nodes of a hierarchical tree and to apply the changes onto a joined table. I found parts of the answer in other questions like Postgresql copy data within the tree table for the tree copy (in my case I only copy the children and not the root) and PostgreSQL - Insert data into multiple tables simultaneously to insert data in several table simultaneously, but I don't manage to mix them.
I would like to:
Generate the new nodes id from the fields table
Insert the new field ids in the data_versions table
Insert the new nodes in the fields table with the data_id from the data_versions table
Note: there is a circular reference between the fields and the data_versions tables.
See below the schema:
Here is a working query, but without the insert in the data_versions table. It is only a shallow copy (keeping the same data_id) while I would like a deep copy:
WITH created_data AS (
SELECT *, nextval('fields_id_seq') new_id FROM fields WHERE parent_id = :source_field_id
SELECT fields.*, nextval('fields_id_seq') new_id FROM cte JOIN fields ON cte.id = fields.parent_id
SELECT C1.new_id, C1.name, C1.field_type, C1.data_id, C2.new_id new_parent_id
FROM cte C1 LEFT JOIN cte C2 ON C1.parent_id = C2.id
INSERT INTO fields (id, name, parent_id, field_type, data_id)
SELECT new_id, name, COALESCE(new_parent_id, :target_field_id), field_type, data_id FROM created_data
RETURNING id, name, parent_id, field_type, data_id;
And here is the draft query I'm working on for inserting data in the data_versions table resulting with WITH clause containing a data-modifying statement must be at the top level as an error:
WITH created_data AS (
WITH cloned_fields AS (
SELECT *, nextval('fields_id_seq') new_id FROM fields WHERE parent_id = :source_field_id
SELECT fields.*, nextval('fields_id_seq') new_id FROM cte JOIN fields ON cte.id = fields.parent_id
SELECT C1.new_id, C1.name, C1.field_type, C1.data_id, C2.new_id new_parent_id
FROM cte C1 LEFT JOIN cte C2 ON C1.parent_id = C2.id
cloned_data AS (
INSERT INTO data_versions (value, author, field_id)
SELECT d.value, d.author, c.new_id
FROM cloned_fields c
INNER JOIN data_versions d ON c.data_id = d.id
RETURNING id data_id
SELECT cloned_fields.new_id, cloned_fields.name, cloned_fields.field_type, cloned_fields.new_parent_id, cloned_data.data_id
FROM cloned_fields
INNER JOIN cloned_data ON cloned_fields.data_id = cloned_data.id
INSERT INTO fields (id, name, parent_id, field_type, data_id)
SELECT new_id, name, COALESCE(new_parent_id, :target_field_id), field_type, data_id FROM created_data
RETURNING id, name, parent_id, field_type, data_id, value data;
If other people were encountering the same issue as me, I came up with this solution some months later. The trick was to move the data-modifying CTE at the top level as suggested by the error message. We can always access previously declared CTE's:
WITH new_fields_ids AS (
SELECT *, nextval('fields_id_seq') new_id FROM fields WHERE parent_id = :source_field_id
SELECT fields.*, nextval('fields_id_seq') new_id FROM cte JOIN fields ON cte.id = fields.parent_id
SELECT C1.new_id, C1.name, C1.field_type, C1.data_id, C2.new_id new_parent_id
FROM cte C1 LEFT JOIN cte C2 ON C1.parent_id = C2.id
cloned_data AS (
INSERT INTO data_versions (value, author, field_id)
SELECT d.value, d.author, c.new_id
FROM new_fields_ids c
INNER JOIN data_versions d ON c.data_id = d.id
RETURNING id AS data_id, field_id, value
created_data AS (
SELECT new_fields_ids.new_id, new_fields_ids.name, new_fields_ids.field_type, new_fields_ids.new_parent_id, cloned_data.data_id
FROM new_fields_ids
INNER JOIN cloned_data ON new_fields_ids.new_id = cloned_data.field_id
cloned_fields AS (
INSERT INTO fields (id, name, parent_id, field_type, data_id)
SELECT new_id, name, COALESCE(new_parent_id, :target_field_id), field_type, data_id FROM created_data
RETURNING id, name, parent_id, field_type, data_id
SELECT f.id, f.name, f.parent_id, f.field_type, f.data_id, d.value AS data FROM cloned_fields f
INNER JOIN cloned_data d ON f.id = d.field_id;
Using Postgresql (9.6) i need to execute multiple insert queries into any tables (table1, table2, table3, ...) depending on result of one select query from another tableMain if result has one or more records, like:
insert into table1 (id, name) values(1, 'name');
insert into table2 (id, name) values(1, 'name');
insert into table3 (id, name) values(1, 'name');
} if exists (select id from tableMain where id = 1)
You can use a data modifying CTE that first checks if the row in tablemain exists, and then re-uses that result in subsequent INSERT statements.
with idcheck (main_exist) as (
select exists (select * from tablemain where id = 1 limit 1)
), t1 as (
insert into table1 (id, name)
select 1, 'name'
from idcheck
where main_exists
), t2 as (
insert into table2 (id, name)
select 1, 'name'
from idcheck
where main_exists
insert into table3 (id, name)
select 1, 'name'
from idcheck
where main_exists;
If you always want to insert the same values in all three tables, you can include those values in the first query so that you don't need to repeat them:
with idcheck (id, name, main_exist) as (
select 1,
exists (select * from tablemain where id = 1 limit 1)
), t1 as (
insert into table1 (id, name)
select id, name
from idcheck
where main_exists
), t2 as (
insert into table2 (id, name)
select id, name
from idcheck
where main_exists
insert into table3 (id, name)
select id, name
from idcheck
where main_exists;
I have scenario were I have a master table which stores db table name and column name, I need to build dynamic query based on that.
Id int primary key,
caption varchar(100),
dbcolumnname varchar(100),
dbtablename varchar(100)
Id int primary key,
Name varchar(100),
Salary BigInt
Id int primary key,
Name varchar(100),
Salary BigInt
Id int primary key,
Name varchar(100),
Salary BigInt
INSERT INTO Manager(Id, Name, Salary)
VALUES(1, 'Manager 1', 6000000);
INSERT INTO Executives(Id, Name, Salary)
VALUES(1, 'Executive 1', 6000000);
INSERT INTO Engineers(Id, Name, Salary)
VALUES(1, 'Engineer 1', 6000000);
INSERT INTO MasterTable(Id, caption, dbcolumnname, dbtablename)
VALUES (1, 'Name', 'name', 'Engineers');
INSERT INTO MasterTable(Id, caption, dbcolumnname, dbtablename)
VALUES (2, 'Name', 'name', 'Manager');
INSERT INTO MasterTable(Id, caption, dbcolumnname, dbtablename)
VALUES (3, 'Name', 'name', 'Executives');
INSERT INTO MasterTable(Id, caption, dbcolumnname, dbtablename)
VALUES (4, 'Salary', 'Salary', 'Engineers');
INSERT INTO MasterTable(Id, caption, dbcolumnname, dbtablename)
VALUES (5, 'Salary', 'Salary', 'Manager');
INSERT INTO MasterTable(Id, caption, dbcolumnname, dbtablename)
VALUES (6, 'Salary', 'Salary', 'Executives');
I want to build a stored procedure which accepts caption and Id and give result back based on dbcolumnname and dbtablename. For example if I pass Salary,Name as caption and Id as 1, stored procedure should be query of dbcolumn and dbtable, something like below.
Select Id as ID, name as Value from Engineers
Select Id as ID, name as Value from Manager
Select Id as ID, name as Value from Executives
Select Id as ID, Salary as Value from Executives
Select Id as ID, Salary as Value from Engineers
Select Id as ID, Salary as Value from Manager
I have heard of dynamic sql, can that be used here?
EDIT :: I got one dynamic query which builds union statement to get the output, however problem is i am not able to escape double quotes. Below is the query and Error
Query :
EXECUTE string_agg(
format('SELECT %I FROM %I', dbcolumnname, dbtablename),
' UNION ')
FROM MasterTable;
ERROR: relation "Engineers" does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT name FROM "Engineers" UNION SELECT name FROM "Manager...
I'd like to suggest an alternative way of achieving what you want. That is, using PostgreSQL inheritance mechanism.
For instance:
CREATE TABLE ParentTable (
Id int,
Name varchar(100),
Salary BigInt
ALTER TABLE Engineers INHERIT ParentTable;
ALTER TABLE Executives INHERIT ParentTable;
ALTER TABLE Manager INHERIT ParentTable;
SELECT Id, Salary AS value FROM ParentTable
SELECT Id, Name AS value FROM ParentTable;
Now if you want to use MasterTable in order to restrict the set of tables used, you can do it as follows:
SELECT Id, Name AS value
FROM ParentTable
INNER JOIN pg_class ON parenttable.tableoid = pg_class.oid
INNER JOIN MasterTable ON LOWER(dbtablename) = LOWER(relname)
SELECT Id, Salary AS value
FROM ParentTable
INNER JOIN pg_class ON parenttable.tableoid = pg_class.oid
INNER JOIN MasterTable ON LOWER(dbtablename) = LOWER(relname)
However, you can not arbitrarily restrict the set of columns to retrieve from one table to another with this technique.
Table names and column names are case insensitive in SQL, unless they are quoted in double quotes. Postgres does this by folding unquoted identifiers to lower case.
So, your DDL:
Id int primary key,
caption varchar(100),
dbcolumnname varchar(100),
dbtablename varchar(100)
Will be interpreted by Postgres as
CREATE TABLE mastertable
id int primary key,
caption varchar(100),
dbcolumnname varchar(100),
dbtablename varchar(100)
You can avoid case folding by quoting the names:
CREATE TABLE "MasterTable"
"Id" int primary key,
caption varchar(100),
dbcolumnname varchar(100),
dbtablename varchar(100)
The %I format-specifier (internally uses quote_ident()) adds quotes to its argument (when needed)
, so the query asks for "MasterTable" when only mastertable is present in the schema.
But, it is easyer to just avoid MixedCase identifiers,
table_1 (id, first_Name, last_Name)
table_2 (id, name, table_1_id)
My work is to copy all values of a column from table_1 to table_2 as individual entry. My query is
insert into table_2 ( name, table_1_id )
select first_Name as name, id as table_1_id from table_1.
My other query is
insert into table_2 ( name, table_1_id )
select last_Name as name, id as table_1_id from table_1.
It run pretty good but save all first_name then save all last_name.
my requirement is to run these two queries together and want the result will be like
first_Name(whatever) table_1_id (1)
last_Name(whatever) table_1_id(1)
first_Name(whatever) table_1_id(2)
last_Name(whatever) table_1_id(2)
Thanks in advance
Note: table_1_id is not a foreign key in table_2
Try by using WITH Queries (Common Table Expressions)
WITH cte AS (
insert into table_2 ( name, table_1_id )
select first_Name as name, id as table_1_id from table_1
insert into table_2 ( name, table_1_id )
select last_Name as name, id as table_1_id from table_1
and test values by select * table_2 order by table_1_id
You can achieve this using an union all:
INSERT INTO table_2( name, table1_id)
select name, id from
select first_name as name, id from table_1
union all
select last_name as name, id from table_1
) A
order by id
Table name: Table1
id name
1 1-aaa-14 milan road
2 23-abcde-lsd road
3 2-mnbvcx-welcoome street
I want the result like this:
Id name name1 name2
1 1 aaa 14 milan road
2 23 abcde lsd road
3 2 mnbvcx welcoome street
This function ought to give you what you need.
--Drop Function Dbo.Part
Create Function Dbo.Part
(#Value Varchar(8000)
,#Part Int
,#Sep Char(1)='-'
)Returns Varchar(8000)
As Begin
Declare #Start Int
Declare #Finish Int
Set #Start=1
Set #Finish=CharIndex(#Sep,#Value,#Start)
While (#Part>1 And #Finish>0)Begin
Set #Start=#Finish+1
Set #Finish=CharIndex(#Sep,#Value,#Start)
Set #Part=#Part-1
If #Part>1 Set #Start=Len(#Value)+1 -- Not found
If #Finish=0 Set #Finish=Len(#Value)+1 -- Last token on line
Return SubString(#Value,#Start,#Finish-#Start)
Select ID
,Dbo.Part(Name,1,Default)As Name
,Dbo.Part(Name,2,Default)As Name1
,Dbo.Part(Name,3,Default)As Name2
From Dbo.Table1
It's rather compute-intensive, so if Table1 is very long you ought to write the results to another table, which you could refresh from time to time (perhaps once a day, at night).
Better yet, you could create a trigger, which automatically updates Table2 whenever a change is made to Table1. Assuming that column ID is primary key:
Create Table Dbo.Table2(
ID Int Constraint PK_Table2 Primary Key,
Name Varchar(8000),
Name1 Varchar(8000),
Name2 Varchar(8000))
Create Trigger Trigger_Table1 on Dbo.Table1 After Insert,Update,Delete
As Begin
If (Select Count(*)From Deleted)>0
Delete From Dbo.Table2 Where ID=(Select ID From Deleted)
If (Select Count(*)From Inserted)>0
Insert Dbo.Table2(ID, Name, Name1, Name2)
Select ID
From Inserted
Now, do your data manipulation (Insert, Update, Delete) on Table1, but do your Select statements on Table2 instead.
The below solution uses a recursive CTE for splitting the strings, and PIVOT for displaying the parts in their own columns.
WITH Table1 (id, name) AS (
SELECT 1, '1-aaa-14 milan road' UNION ALL
SELECT 2, '23-abcde-lsd road' UNION ALL
SELECT 3, '2-mnbvcx-welcoome street'
cutpositions AS (
id, name,
rownum = 1,
startpos = 1,
nextdash = CHARINDEX('-', name + '-')
FROM Table1
id, name,
rownum + 1,
nextdash + 1,
CHARINDEX('-', name + '-', nextdash + 1)
FROM cutpositions c
WHERE nextdash < LEN(name)
[1] AS name,
[2] AS name1,
[3] AS name2
/* add more columns here */
id, rownum,
part = SUBSTRING(name, startpos, nextdash - startpos)
FROM cutpositions
) s
PIVOT ( MAX(part) FOR rownum IN ([1], [2], [3] /* extend the list here */) ) x
Without additional modifications this query can split names consisting of up to 100 parts (that's the default maximum recursion depth, which can be changed), but can only display no more than 3 of them. You can easily extend it to however many parts you want it to display, just follow the instructions in the comments.
select T.id,
substring(T.Name, 1, D1.Pos-1) as Name,
substring(T.Name, D1.Pos+1, D2.Pos-D1.Pos-1) as Name1,
substring(T.Name, D2.Pos+1, len(T.name)) as Name2
from Table1 as T
cross apply (select charindex('-', T.Name, 1)) as D1(Pos)
cross apply (select charindex('-', T.Name, D1.Pos+1)) as D2(Pos)
Testing performance of suggested solutions
create table Table1
id int identity primary key,
Name varchar(50)
insert into Table1
select '1-aaa-14 milan road' union all
select '23-abcde-lsd road' union all
select '2-mnbvcx-welcoome street'
go 10000
if you always will have 2 dashes, you can do the following by using PARSENAME
--testing table
INSERT #test VALUES(1, '1-aaa-14 milan road')
INSERT #test VALUES(2, '23-abcde-lsd road')
INSERT #test VALUES(3, '2-mnbvcx-welcoome street')
SELECT id,PARSENAME(name,3) AS name,
PARSENAME(name,2) AS name1,
PARSENAME(name,1)AS name2
FROM #test)x
if you have dots in the name column you have to first replace them and then replace them back to dots in the end
example, by using a tilde to substitute the dot
INSERT #test VALUES(3, '5-mnbvcx-welcoome street.')
SELECT id,REPLACE(PARSENAME(name,3),'~','.') AS name,
REPLACE(PARSENAME(name,2),'~','.') AS name1,
REPLACE(PARSENAME(name,1),'~','.') AS name2
FROM #test)x