Does "TMS Recurring Billing Solution" being enabled on a Merchant Account stop the SOAP API from working? - soap

For some background, we had built an integration with the CyberSource so that users could process one time and recurring payments from within our application. We integrate with the REST API for one time payments, and the SOAP API for recurring payments.
A customer of ours has stated that they were asked by CyberSource to move to a new merchant account with the "TMS Billing Solution" enabled. After doing so, the REST API calls are still working as expected, but the SOAP API calls no longer work with this merchant.
Does "TMS Recurring Billing Solution" being enabled on a Merchant Account stop the SOAP API from working?
I advised them to regenerate the Transaction Key needed for the SOAP API, and try again. Still if anyone knows, some help would be greatly appreciated. We would like not to have to build a new integration because of this change if possible.

Enabling "TMS Recurring Billing Solution" does not stop the SOAP API from working.
Your Cybersource account is not enabled for recurring billing. See the screenshot with for the transaction with request ID 6330290020686535804276.
Screenshot of error


How do I get PayPal missing error codes in PayPal Manager?

PayPal Guest check out denying payments but not returning error codes to PayPal Manager. How how do I get data for denied transaction attempts moving forward? We need to track the code PayPal sends us when they reject a credit card. We are using PayPal Adaptive Payments API on a .NET platform. will only show codes returned by the Payflow API ( and the Payflow Link web application (
Adaptive Payments uses the endpoint , and its API responses and web declines are not reported or tracked anywhere , much less in which is a separate system
If you are indeed using Adaptive Payments, you need to log your own API call responses.

Is the INVOICING.INVOICE.SCHEDULED automatically created?

I've implemented PayPal gateway in my application, and I'm looking for a way to send a notification to my customer when an upcoming renewal is coming.
Unfortunately in the documentation I didn't find a depth explaination about INVOICING.INVOICE.SCHEDULED but I'm guessing should be the same as invoice.upcoming of Stripe which is triggered when a recurring payment is going to be renewed.
My question is: INVOICING.INVOICE.SCHEDULED is sended by PayPal automatically when a recurring payment is going to be renewed?
Invoicing and Subscriptions are two separate PayPal products. I would not expect an Invoicing webhook in relation to a Subscription recurring payment.
The subscription webhooks are listed here:
If you are looking for one that happens "in advance" of a scheduled payment, I am not aware of one.

Paypal Payout Webhooks

I'm unable to find documentation by PayPal about how it handles webhooks for payouts. Are payouts treated the same as payments, so that a completed payout will initiate a payment completed webhook? In general, do payments and payouts translate to each other doing webhooks; or are there intricacies and gotchas someone from the paypal team could explain to me?
In a webhook perspective, the payouts transactions and sale transactions are not exactly the same thing. The payout event will be added into the webhooks supported event type list but not yet at this moment.
So the classic IPN will still be your consideration of handling the "call-backs", for payouts and even other transaction types under RESTful API
Steps To work on payout:
go to paypal developers account and login using business account
Create new app and get client, secret etc
create some personal accounts.
Go to to get sample code. Update your credentials and it will work.
If you want a running code, go to and submit inquiry. You will get working code.

recurring payment with paypal advanced NOT paypal pro

I am trying to make recurring payment work with PAYPAL ADVANCED
My script works in case of SALE transactions but there are issues when i try to create recurring profile.
When i am posting my request with CREATESECURETOKEN set to Y. It returns Invalid transaction type: Invalid Transaction Type for secure token creation request
Here is the string. Note i have changed user and pass here
PARTNER[6]=PayPal&VENDOR[10]=#####&USER[11]=#####&PWD[9]=#####&CREATESECURETOKEN[1]=Y&TRXTYPE[1]=R&RECURRING[1]=Y&TENDER[1]=C&ACTION[1]=A&PROFILENAME[6]=Gautam&ACCT[16]=4012888888881881&EXPDATE[4]=1214&AMT[5]=10.00&START[8]=06132013&PAYPERIOD[4]=MONT&TERM[1]=0&OPTIONALTRX[1]=S&OPTIONALTRXAMT[4]=2.00&EMAIL[20]=#####&SECURETOKENID[26]=MySecTokenID-51b93e0830f70&RETURNURL[51]=http://localhost:8080/php/test/payflow/advanced.php&CANCELURL[51]=http://localhost:8080/php/test/payflow/advanced.php&ERRORURL[51]=http://localhost:8080/php/test/payflow/advanced.php&BILLTOFIRSTNAME[4]=John&BILLTOLASTNAME[3]=Doe&BILLTOSTREET[12]=123 Main St.&BILLTOCITY[8]=San Jose&BILLTOSTATE[2]=CA&BILLTOZIP[5]=95101&BILLTOCOUNTRY[2]=US&SHIPTOFIRSTNAME[4]=Jane&SHIPTOLASTNAME[5]=Smith&SHIPTOSTREET[13]=1234 Park Ave&SHIPTOCITY[8]=San Jose&SHIPTOSTATE[2]=CA&SHIPTOZIP[5]=95101&SHIPTOCOUNTRY[2]=US
if i set CREATESECURETOKEN to N i receive Invalid merchant information: 10002-You do not have permissions to make this API call
I searched for documentation on recurring payment with paypal advanced but every where i found details about payflow pro. With no information about recurring payment with paypal advanced its not easy to make things work.
Any idea about what is wrong with my post data?.
I posted my query on a week back but have no reply.
NOTE: I have subscribed to paypal advanced and paypal recurring payment.
With paypal advanced the transactions are completed on the client website itself and user is never taken to paypal site. Yes it uses iframe for the purpose.
It works for SALE type transaction but not in case of recurring payment.
Payments Pro and Advanced don't support the Recurring Payment API calls. You would be using the Recurring Billing API calls through Payflow. The new Advanced and Pro accounts use Payflow Pro or Link.
Are you setting a billing type in the Secure Token call?
What is the ticket number you submitted? I'd to look up the account to see if the account is setup to use Recurring Billing and was created correctly.
Also, Advanced accounts shouldn't be using the Recurring Billing API calls. It is possible to create Recurring Billing profiles with an Advanced account but they have to be done through the PayPal Manager site.

PayPal REST API and recurring payments

I'm looking at the new PayPal REST API and the examples. Does it work as of today to make recurring payments? (a.k.a: subscriptions with recurring payments with billing cycle and the number of times the recurring payment is made.)
I cannot find this information in the documentation.
PayPal REST API now officially support Recurring Payments (Billing Plans and Agreements)
The PayPal REST API doesn't currently offer recurring payments, although the Classic APIs do offer this feature:
There are two options here for the REST API.
First you can store a credit card in the vault to make recurring payments against that card.
The second option is not yet released, but will involve a long term OAuth token, see this answer.
Try the Paypal REST API->
After setting your account, you´ll get a secret key and client id, which you´ll use later on to make the call to the api.
Remeber to set the grant_type on the apiContext so you don´t get a 403.
Billing Plan and Agreement APIs are also deprecated, we can use Subscription API instead,
Integration guide: