Fiware Orion-LD Auto Increment Entity Id - fiware-orion

An Entity Id is required for each new entity in the broker.
In NGSI-LD the format for the Entity Id is urn:ngsi-ld:TemperatureSensor:001.
Is it possible to somehow autoincrement the number of the Entity so that the new Entity can be created programmatically?
For example, provide something like urn:ngsi-ld:TemperatureSensor:* and the new Entity can be created with an auto-incremented Entity Id.

The id should be generated by the application itself. You have multiple ways of generating unique ids but I would recommend ids that have some semantics behind so that you can, for instance, infer from an id in which area the sensor is located, who the owner is, etc.


How to get foreign key value from not fetched relationship?

Having two entities defining relationship by #ManyToOne and #OneToMany, how can I get foreign key without asking from related object and just by looking at defining tables? How do I get OWNER_ID from Owned by something like owned.getOwnerId() instead of owned.getOwner().getId() and still be able to owned.getOwner()?
Map the field in your entity as a basic mapping allows you to use the foreign key directly. You can keep the object reference mapping as well, but one of the two mappings must then be marked as insertable=false, updatable=false so that JPA knows which mapping controls the field in the event they show different values.

How to clear many to many relationship without loading from database in EF?

I have the following entities (pocos using Entity Framework 5):
Company: Id, Name, Applications, etc.
Application: Id, Name, etc.
There's a many-to-many relationship between companies and applications.
Having a company (without the apllications relationship loaded from the database) and a collection of application ids, I would like to clear the applications from the company and add the applications with ids specified in the collection.
I can attach applications using their ids, without loading them from the database, like this:
foreach (int id in selectedApplications)
Application application = new Application() { Id = id };
But I need to clear the applications relationship first. Is there any way to clear a many-to-many relationship without loading it from the database first?
This is only way. company.Applications must be loaded when you add or remove items from it, otherwise the change tracker will never be aware of any changes.
Also, the junction table is not an entity in the conceptual model, so there is no way to set primitive foreign key properties as is possible in foreign key associations. You have to access the associations by the object collections.

Model a 1-to-many relationship with a single table in Entity Framework

Lets say I have 2 tables on my physical model, Receipt(ID, Location) and LineItem(ID, ReceiptID, ItemName) where a Receipt has multiple LineItems and ReceiptID is a Foreign Key to Receipt's ID.
I want to model these as a single table in my conceptual model, where I only see a table of LineItems with the Location included on each LineItem.
Every time I try to model this in the Entity Modeler, I get an error about how the Primary Key must be the same for every table being combined into the single conceptual entity.
Is this even possible to model using the entity framework?
No there is no way to model this directly. You must either create database view and map that view or import both entities and create QueryView in the model. In both cases resulting entity combining your two tables will become readonly and the only way to support CUD operations will be mapping stored procedures.

Query to database with 'primary key' on GoogleAppEngine?

I've made a guestbook application using Google App Engine(GAE):python and the client is running on iPhone.
It has ability to write messages on the board with nickname.
The entity has 3 fileds:
And I'm about to make another feature that user can post reply(or comment) on a message.
But to do this, I think there should a 'primary key' to the guestbook entity, so I can put some information about the reply on a message.
With that three fields, I can't get just one message out of database.
I'm a newbie to database. Does database save some kind of index automatically? or is it has to be done by user?
And if it's done automatically by database itself(or not), how can I get just one entity with the key??
And I want to get some advise about how to make reply feature generally also. Thanks to read.
Every entity has a key. If you don't assign a key_name when you create the entity, part of the key is an automatically-assigned numeric ID. Properties other than long text fields are automatically indexed unless you specify otherwise.
To get an entity if you know the key, you simply do db.get(key). For the replies, you probably want to use a db.ReferenceProperty in the reply entity to point to the parent message; this will automatically create a backreference query in the message to get replies.
Each entity has a key, it contains information such as the kind of entity it is, it's namespace, parent entities, and the most importantly a unique identifier (optionally user specifiable).
You can get the key of an entity using the key method that all entities have.
A key can be converted to and from a URL-safe string.
message_key = str(message.key())
message = Message.get(message_key)
If the key has a user-specified unique identifier (key name), you can access it like this
Alternatively, if a key name was not specified, an id will be automatically assigned.
To assign a key name to an entity, you must specify it when creating the entity, you are not able to add/remove or change the key name afterwards.
message = Message(key_name='someusefulstring', content='etc')
You will then be able to fetch the message from the datastore using the key name
message = Message.get_by_key_name('someusefulstring')
Use the db.ReferenceProperty to store a reference to another entity (can be of any kind)
It's a good idea to use key name whenever possible, as fetching from the datastore is much faster using them, as it doesn't involve querying.

Trouble inheriting from another entity

I'm having trouble configuring entity relationships when one entity inherits from another. I'm new to ADO Entity Framework -- perhaps someone more experienced has some tips for how this is best done. I'm using .net 4.
Database tables with fields:
Products (int ID, nvarchar Description)
FoodProducts (int ProductID, bit IsHuge)
Flavors (int ID, int FoodProductID, nvarchar Description)
There are constraints between Products and FoodProducts as well as FoodProducts and Flavors.
Using the designer I create a model from the database. The designer seems to get it right, with a 1:0..1 association between Product and FoodProduct entities, and 1:* association between Flavor and FoodProduct. No errors when I save or build.
Next I set FoodProduct entity to inherit from Product entity. Then I get errors concerning relationship between Product and FoodProduct. Ok, starting fresh, I first delete the relationship between Product and FoodProduct before setting the inheritance. But now I get errors about the relationship between FoodProduct and Flavor. So I delete and then recreate that relationship, connecting Flavor.ID to FoodProduct.ProductID. Now I get other errors.
My question is this: Should I instead be creating relationship between Flavor.FoodProductID and Product.ID? If so, I assume I then could (or should) delete the FoodProduct.ProductID property. Since my database will have many of these types of relationships, am I better off first creating the entity model and exporting the tables to SQL, or importing the database schema and then making many tweaks?
My intent is that there will be several types of products, some of which require many additional fields, some of which do not. So there may be zero or one FoodProducts records associated with each Product record. At least by my thinking, the table for each sub-type (FoodProducts) should be able to "borrow" the primary key from Products (as a FK) to uniquely identify each of its records.
You can find a screen capture here: (I'd embed the img but haven't earned the requisite rep' yet!)
Well, I deleted the FoodProduct.ProductID field, as it should always return the same value as Product.ID anyway. Then, as you hinted, I had to manually map the Products.ID field to FoodProducts.ProductID field. Errors resolved. I'll write a little code to test functionality. Thanks for the "observations"!
Couple of observations:
FoodProducts needs a primary key (e,g identity - FoodProductID). Are you sure it should be a 1:0..1 between Food and FoodProducts? I would have thought it should be 1:0..*. For this cardinality to work you need a unique PK on this table.
When you setup inheritance for entities, the parent entity's properties are inherited. So FoodProducts will inherit ID from the Product table.
BUT, on the physical model (database), this field still needs to be mapped to a column on the FoodProducts table - which is why you need the identity field.
After you setup inheritance, you still need to map all the columns on the derived tables. My money is on you have not mapped "ID" on FoodProducts to any column.
If you screencapped your model and show the errors you are getting it would be much easier to diagnose the issue.