How can we change base camera perspective after executing setPadding method? - heremaps-android-sdk

I have moved the center of the map using setPadding method because of the UI on the left side of my view. After that current position marker is in the right place, but the end of the road is still centred to the middle of the screen. How can I change the base camera perspective (principal point) to match the expected state? I am using navigation manager with MapUpdateMode - ROADVIEW.
Current state:
Expected state:
I am using HERE SDK for Android (Premium Edition) 3.18.3


google_maps_flutter, how not to start image from bottom

google_maps_flutter, how not to start image from bottom?
By default, the marker appears directly above the coordinates,(LatLng) so it seems like Google has made it this way, but I am currently making a custom marker and I want this position to be in the center, not directly above the coordinates. It's probably related to the render object key, but I want to edit it myself. On which page can I edit it?
Does anybody knows this issue??
(If that coordinate is a point. Make sure the dot is in the middle of the marker, not the bottom of the marker.)
I think this is the similar issue
How to center the camera so that marker is at the bottom of screen? (Google map api V2 Android)

Xamarin Forms Maps Scroll Event

In my Application Project i have set up a Xamarin Forms Map which centers on the users position. Now i wanted to let an icon show up when the user dragged the map somewhere to recenter on the position of the user. Unfortunately xamarin forms maps only has ja MapClicked event so eve3n when the map was dragged i have to click another time on the map so that the event is triggered. I tried using geastrue recognizers as well but somehow they neither work on the map directly nor when i impliment them on the grid over the map.
After some time i thought about checking wether the map position equals the users position and i found this tutorial unfortunately this did not work for me either since the code could not handel .Log() for strings.
Do you have a solution for my problem? The recenter icon should just appear as it is in Ios Maps when i dragged the map from my position.

Leaflet with Edge Canary (recent version) mouse and markers glitch gap shift

With recent release of Microsoft Edge Canary version (as of date 2/May/2022, version 102.0.1243.0)
it seems like when moving the mouse it is and hovering over a marker there is a gap between the place of the marker and the mouse location.
As can be seen here, if you move the mouse in the borders of the marker, the cursor icon will change between finger and hand mode in the wrong location
Need to try this using Microsoft Edge Canary version (I am forced to use Ms.Edge browser). It works ok using Google Chrome.

For Flutter Mobile, How to Push a New Route by a Drag/Swipe Gesture While Controlling the Position of the Routes (Like Swipe to Pop in iOS)

As most of you already know, Flutter offers a Cupertino navigation transition that represents the native iOS behavior when navigating to previous route. You can start swiping from the left edge of the device and a navigation animation is started. Unless the user ends touching to the screen, the user is in control of the position of the current (above) and the previous (below) routes.
According to the release position and velocity, whether the screen will be popped or not and the animation controller takes the rest of the job.
I want to implement exactly opposite of this. When the user starts swiping from the right edge of the screen to the left, the gesture will be detected. The new route will be created and be positioned on the right. User can drag the new route to the left (into the scene). After the release of the touch, it will be decided to whether center the new route (complete) or let it go away (cancel).
This behavior can be observed inside Safari browser, for example. You can navigate backwards by start swiping from the left edge. Moreover, you can navigate forward by starting to swipe from the right end of the screen.
Also, it is possible to experience a similar UI/UX behavior in TikTok app. When watching a video on the “For You” screen (that’s the default home page of the TikTok), the user can start dragging the screen from right to left and when the gesture detected, the profile screen of the current content’s owner will be shown. As mentioned above, the user will be in control of the position by dragging. When the user ends touching it will complete or cancel the navigation based on the situation.
Question is:
I am a power user of Flutter since the very early beta days of it. I made quite complex UX implementations till today. However, this type of a navigation need haven’t been an issue and didn’t come to my mind.
I did a deep research on the Flutter source code, internet, Flutter issues,, etc. Yet, I couldn’t find a logically easy solution.
Does anybody know how to do that? Indeed we can use the CupertinoPageRoute and extend upon it but my mind just stopped at the moment.
Side note: The end result could be like a parallax effect or like a PageView.

Autopan issue occuring in Bing Maps AJAX upon resizing a map?

Am working on a project where we have a Bing map being resized depending on whether or not a panel is shown/hidden on the left-hand side of the map. Because of this, and Microsoft's terms preventing overlaying anything over the logo/copyright, etc, I'm using the VEMap.resize method to resize the map, and then am moving the panel out of the way. The issue is that there's an awkward autopan that occurs as part of the resize - because we're declaring a center point to determine the resize, the map pans to include this point in the center without any control over it. Without declaring a center, the map doesn't pan, but it also doesn't pull the new data (map tiles) in our resize in either, resulting in an awkward grey bar on the right-hand side..
Is there a simple way to either resize the map and disable that autopan, moving the center prior to the panning, or to force the map tiles to be rendered upon the resize itself? Any help would be appreciated.
You may want to try the new version 7.0 as you could get rid of this annoyance by using "map.setView({center: map.getCenter(), animate:false})" after resizing; that should override the nice but annoying pan movement on resize.
However there are a few features (like infoboxes or client-side clustering) currently missing in 7.0 when migrating from 6.3 however and the classnames changed, so you may want to wait for now, however it would be the good moment to prepare yourself for 7.