Akka-http: Illegal URI reference: Invalid input ':' - scala

I would like to make http request to a website, where format is like https://abcde-abcde.abcde.abcde.abcde.abcde.com/abcde and I am ending up getting following error for the following code.
import akka.http.scaladsl.client.RequestBuilding.Get
val url = "https://abcde-abcde.abcde.abcde.abcde.abcde.com/abcde"
val getData = Get(url)
error message:
"message":"Illegal URI reference: Invalid input ':', expected 'EOI', '#', '?', !':' or slashSegments (line 1, column 7): \"https://abcde-abcde.abcde.abcde.abcde.abcde.com/abcde\n ^"
Can somebody help me what is wrong with this piece of code. I am just simply doing this https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka-http/current/client-side/request-and-response.html
** UPDATE **
instead of passing url like Get(url), I wrote whole string
like Get("https://abcde-abcde.abcde.abcde.abcde.abcde.com/abcde") , and it worked. I think somehow string re-eval is the problem. Any idea ?


failed to execute user defined function on spark data frame in Apache Spark stand alone using Scala

I have a UDF like this
case class bodyresults(text:String,code:String)
val bodyudf = udf{ (body: String) =>
//Appending body tag explicitly to the xml before parsing
val xmlElems = xml.XML.loadString(s"""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE body [<!ENTITY nbsp " ">]><body>${body}</body>""")
// extract the code inside the req
val code = (xmlElems \\ "body" \\"code").text
val text = (xmlElems \\ "body").text.replace(s"${code}" ,"" )
bodyresults(text, code)
I am trying to do convert Body string into code, text strings
CODE: inside the xml elements named code.
TEXT: Everything else.
The column body type is String and the contents looks like this
<p>I want to use a track-bar to change a form's opacity.</p>
<p>This is my code:</p>
<pre><code>decimal trans = trackBar1.Value / 5000;
this.Opacity = trans;
<p>When I build the application, it gives the following error:</p>
<p>Cannot implicitly convert type 'decimal' to 'double'.</p>
<p>I tried using <code>trans</code> and <code>double</code> but then the
control doesn't work. This code worked fine in a past VB.NET project. </p>
,While applying opacity to a form should we use a decimal or double value?
I am trying to use this UDF using the following command
val posts5=posts4.withColumn("codetext",bodyudf(col("Body")))
This causes Error
org.apache.spark.SparkException: Failed to execute user defined function($anonfun$1: (string) => struct<text:string,code:string>)
Caused by: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 1; columnNumber: 129; The element type "body" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</body>"
But as you can see in the UDF I am appending body tag and closing it.
Note: Whats surprising is that it works fine if execute below command
| codetext|
|[Given a represe...|
|[Is there any sta...|
|[What is the diff...|
|[How do I store b...|
|[If I have a trig...|
|[How do you page ...|
|[Does anyone know...|
|[Does anybody kno...|
|[What are some gu...|
|[There are severa...|
|[I wrote a window...|
|[How do I format ...|
|[One may not alwa... |
|[Are PHP variable...|
|[What's the simpl...|
|[Does anyone know...|
|[I'm looking for ...|
|[What is the corr...|
|[I was wondering ...|
But if I use any number more than 19 its causing error
Just in case I am attaching the body string in the 20th row
<p>I have a Queue<T> object that I have initialised to a capacity of 2, but obviously that is just the capacity and it keeps expanding as I add items. Is there already an object that automatically dequeues an item when the limit is reached, or is the best solution to create my own inherited class?</p>,Limit size of Queue<T> in .NET?
I can not figure out what is the reason for this error. I can not find relevant information on web so please let me know whats causing error?
I dropped the row 20 because that string is missing the closing tag .
But now the error comes at row 19.
posts5.select("codetext").show(18) //18 or below works fine
posts5.select("codetext").show(19) // does not work
I have taken string in 19 th row passed it directly to function and its working fine.
But when I pass the entire column to UDF its not working?

How to pass a null value received on msg.req.query to msg.payload

I am developing an application using Dashdb on Bluemix and nodered, my PHP application uses the call to webservice to invoke the node-red, whenever my function on PHP invokes the node to insert on table and the field GEO_ID is null, the application fails, I understand the issue, it seems the third parameter was not informed, I have just tried to check the param before and passing something like NULL but it continues not working.
See the code:
msg.account_id = msg.req.query.account_id;
msg.user_id = msg.req.query.user_id;
return msg;
And on Dashdb component I have set the parameter as below:
The third geo_id is the issue, I have tried something like the code below:
The error I got is the one below:
dashDB query node: Error: [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/LINUXX8664] SQL0420N Invalid character found in a character string argument of the function "DECIMAL". SQLSTATE=22018
I really appreciate if someone could help me on it .
Eduardo Diogo Garcia
Is it possible that msg.req.query.geo_id is set to an empty string?
In that case neither if statement above would get executed, and you would be trying to insert an empty string into a DECIMAL column. Maybe try something like this:
if (! msg.req.query.geo_id || msg.req.query.geo_id == '') {
msg.geo_id = null;

iOS JavascriptCore exception detailed stacktrace info

It seems the exception stacktrace in iOS only contains the method name or there is a bug. Below is my code of handling exceptions in JSContext.
context.exceptionHandler = { (ctx: JSContext!, value: JSValue!) in
// type of String
let stacktrace = value.objectForKeyedSubscript("stack").toString()
// type of Number
let lineNumber = value.objectForKeyedSubscript("line")
// type of Number
let column = value.objectForKeyedSubscript("column")
let moreInfo = "in method \(stacktrace)Line number in file: \(lineNumber), column: \(column)"
Logger.error("JS ERROR: \(value) \(moreInfo)")
And I got logs like below
ERROR : JSContextRenderer.swift:308 : setupContext : JS ERROR: Error in method clearBackground
Line number in file: 162, column: 12"
Note there is a new line right after the "clearBackground" name, I think there probably more information there.
Can anybody having similar experience confirm? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Looks like it does show more information in the stack. Here is one of the log information I got:
JS ERROR: TypeError: undefined is not a function (evaluating 'msg.__assert__()') in method assert
[native code]
[native code]
. Line number in file: 183, column: 20
Long ago, #igrek asked where the keys in value come from. They're part of the Error object that was thrown by the JavaScript engine, and that now appears as value in the native error handler callback. What exactly Error includes depends on the implementation, but typically includes message, fileName, and lineNumber. It appears that stack is also supported. More details on the MDN page for Error .

cgi.parse_multipart function throws TypeError in Python 3

I'm trying to make an exercise from Udacity's Full Stack Foundations course. I have the do_POST method inside my subclass from BaseHTTPRequestHandler, basically I want to get a post value named message submitted with a multipart form, this is the code for the method:
def do_POST(self):
if self.path.endswith("/Hello"):
self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html')
ctype, pdict = cgi.parse_header(self.headers['content-type'])
if ctype == 'multipart/form-data':
fields = cgi.parse_multipart(self.rfile, pdict)
messagecontent = fields.get('message')
output = ""
output += "<html><body>"
output += "<h2>Ok, how about this?</h2>"
output += "<h1>{}</h1>".format(messagecontent)
output += "<form method='POST' enctype='multipart/form-data' action='/Hello'>"
output += "<h2>What would you like to say?</h2>"
output += "<input name='message' type='text'/><br/><input type='submit' value='Submit'/>"
output += "</form></body></html>"
self.send_error(404, "{}".format(sys.exc_info()[0]))
print(sys.exc_info() )
The problem is that the cgi.parse_multipart(self.rfile, pdict) is throwing an exception: TypeError: can't concat bytes to str, the implementation was provided in the videos for the course, but they're using Python 2.7 and I'm using python 3, I've looked for a solution all afternoon but I could not find anything useful, what would be the correct way to read data passed from a multipart form in python 3?
I've came across here to solve the same problem like you have.
I found a silly solution for that.
I just convert 'boundary' item in the dictionary from string to bytes with an encoding option.
ctype, pdict = cgi.parse_header(self.headers['content-type'])
pdict['boundary'] = bytes(pdict['boundary'], "utf-8")
if ctype == 'multipart/form-data':
fields = cgi.parse_multipart(self.rfile, pdict)
In my case, It seems work properly.
To change the tutor's code to work for Python 3 there are three error messages you'll have to combat:
If you get these error messages
c_type, p_dict = cgi.parse_header(self.headers.getheader('Content-Type'))
AttributeError: 'HTTPMessage' object has no attribute 'getheader'
boundary = pdict['boundary'].decode('ascii')
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'decode'
headers['Content-Length'] = pdict['CONTENT-LENGTH']
when running
c_type, p_dict = cgi.parse_header(self.headers.getheader('Content-Type'))
if c_type == 'multipart/form-data':
fields = cgi.parse_multipart(self.rfile, p_dict)
message_content = fields.get('message')
this applies to you.
First of all change the first line to accommodate Python 3:
- c_type, p_dict = cgi.parse_header(self.headers.getheader('Content-Type'))
+ c_type, p_dict = cgi.parse_header(self.headers.get('Content-Type'))
Secondly, to fix the error of 'str' object not having any attribute 'decode', it's because of the change of strings being turned into unicode strings as of Python 3, instead of being equivalent to byte strings as in Python 3, so add this line just under the above one:
p_dict['boundary'] = bytes(p_dict['boundary'], "utf-8")
Thirdly, to fix the error of not having 'CONTENT-LENGTH' in pdict just add these lines before the if statement:
content_len = int(self.headers.get('Content-length'))
p_dict['CONTENT-LENGTH'] = content_len
Full solution on my Github:
I am doing the same course and was running into the same problem. Instead of getting it to work with cgi I am now using the parse library. This was shown in the same course just a few lessons earlier.
from urllib.parse import parse_qs
length = int(self.headers.get('Content-length', 0))
body = self.rfile.read(length).decode()
params = parse_qs(body)
messagecontent = params["message"][0]
And you have to get rid of the enctype='multipart/form-data' in your form.
In my case I used cgi.FieldStorage to extract file and name instead of cgi.parse_multipart
form = cgi.FieldStorage(
print('File', form['file'].file.read())
print('Name', form['name'].value)
Another hack solution is to edit the source of the cgi module.
At the very beginning of the parse_multipart (around the 226th line):
Change the usage of the boundary to str(boundary)
boundary = b""
if 'boundary' in pdict:
boundary = pdict['boundary']
if not valid_boundary(boundary):
raise ValueError('Invalid boundary in multipart form: %r'
% (boundary,))
nextpart = b"--" + str(boundary)
lastpart = b"--" + str(boundary) + b"--"

CoffeeScript parse error - Unexpected "(" - But there's no "(" in the code

Here's the original code:
res.write JSON.stringify {"#{result.statusCode}": "OK"}
and here's the error that both the CoffeeScript linter in SublimeText 2 and the "Try CoffeeScript" interpreter on the CoffeeScript site give me:
Obviously there's no open parens in the code, so I don't understand the error. Is it a bug in the CoffeeScript parser?
The smallest line of code that does this seems to be something like this:
{"#{a}": ""}
I'm assuming that string interpolation in an object's key is valid, but I don't know for sure.
After some investigation it seems that it's not valid to do the string interpolation in the key because the resulting JavaScript would be invalid.
{"#{a}": "stuff}
would translate to something like:
{ "" + a: "stuff"}
which isn't valid.
But can someone explain why the error message it gives me is so wrong?
I'm assuming that string interpolation in an object's key is valid, but I don't know for sure.
Unfortunately it's not.
You'll have to do something like
(json = {})[result.statusCode] = 'OK'
res.write JSON.stringify json
or if you want a one-liner
res.write (-> ((json = {})[result.statusCode] = 'OK') and JSON.stringify json)()
As for the misleading error, CoffeeScript is trying to translate your {"#{a}": ''} into {("" + a): ""} which is not valid JavaScript. CoffeeScript is throwing the error at that left paren.