What happens if a PWA's cache name changes? - progressive-web-apps

I have a PWA and in the sw.js file, the cache name is set like:
var cacheName = 'my-super-sweet-pwa-app8wfjawa89ja0';
The my-super-sweet-pwa part can change though, so sometimes, in the current state, it's possible that the cache name could change, including after the PWA already is installed.
I am a bit confused as to how the cache actually functions. How would this affect things?

Each Cache instance in the Cache Storage API has a specific name. When you open a cache to perform a read or write operation, you need to specify the same name as you previously provided if you want access to the previously cached data.
If you open a cache using a brand new name that had never been used before, the cache will be empty, and you won't be able to match() anything in it. You can still write new Responses to an empty cache.
There's a helper method, caches.match(), that will find a given Request in any cache, regardless of the cache name.
So that's the significance of cache names. But taking a step back, it sounds like you might have more fundamental questions about how to effectively use caches and how they come into play with the service worker lifecycle. I would recommend reading through The Service Worker Lifecycle before you do anything else, as that will explain how these concepts relate to real-world scenarios.


Precaching with service worker, why does it matter? What did I miss?

I was looking at service worker practices and workbox.
There are many articles talking about precaching, workbox even provides special method precachingAndRoute() for just that. I guess I understand the conceptual difference between precache and runtime cache, but what confuses me is why precache is treated so specially?
All articles I've read about precaching emphasize how it makes web app available when client is offline. Isn't that what cache (even it's not precache) is for? I mean it seems that runtime cache can also achieve just that if configured properly. Does it have to be precache to have web app work offline?
The only obvious difference is when the caches are to be created. Well, if client is offline, no cache can be created, no matter it is a precache or runtime cache, and if caches were created during last visit when client was online, how does it matter whether the cache to respond with for current visit was a precache or runtime cache?
Consider 2 abstract cases for compare. Say we have two different service workers, one (/precache/sw.js) only does precache and the other (/runtime/sw.js) only does runtime cache, where /precache and /runtime host same web app (meaning same assets to be cached).
Under what scenario, web app /precache and /runtime could run differently due to different sw setup?
In my understanding,
If cache can not be created (e.g. offline on first visit), then precache and runtime cache shouldn't be any different.
If precache can be created successfully (i.e. client is online on
first visit), runtime cache should too. (Let's not go too wild with
cases like the client may be online only for some certain moment, they still should be the same in my examples.)
If cache are available, then precache and runtime cache have nothing to do, hence are still the same.
The only scenario I could think of when precache shows advantages, is when cache need to be updated on current visit, where precache makes sure current visit get up to date info. If this is the case, wouldn't a NetworkFirst runtime cache do just about the same? And still, there are nothing to do with "offline", what almost every article I've read about sw precaching would mention.
How online/offline makes precache a hero?
What did I miss here, what's so special about precaching?
One scenario where it is different could be the following.
What the app is like:
You have a landing page for your app.
You have a handful of routes that can be navigated to
Cache Strat:
If the user goes to the landing page, only the landing page assets would get cached.
Pre-cache Strat:
If the user goes to the landing page, all of the configured pre-cached assets would get cached.
So if the user only goes to the landing page, and then later goes offline, the pre-cache strat would allow them to navigate and interact in some way with the other routes of your app, while the cached strat would not allow any navigation to the other routes.
First, your side by side service workers are restricted to those folders or paths. So they are isolated from each other.
Second, you should define a caching strategy for your application that has a mixture of preCached assets as well as dynamic plus an invalidation routine/logic.
You want to preCache as much as possible without breaking any dynamic nature of your application. So cache common JS, CSS, images, fonts and pages that are used over and over.
Of course have an invalidation strategy in place to keep these up to date.
Next handle non-cached network addressable resources (URLs) from the fetch event handler. Cache them as it makes sense. And invalidate cached assets as it makes sense.
For some applications I cache the entire thing. They are usually on the small side, a few dozen to a few hundred pages for example. For a site like Amazon I would never do that LOL. No mater how much is cached I always have an invalidation and update strategy that makes sense for the application/site.

Is Precaching with Workbox mandatory for PWA?

I added a few workbox.routing.registerRoute using staleWhileRevalidate to my app and so far it has passed most lighthouse tests under PWA. I am not currently using Precaching at all. My question is, is it mandatory? What am I missing without Precaching? workbox.routing.registerRoute is already caching everything I need. Thanks!
Nothing is mandatory. :-)
Using stale-while-revalidate for all of your assets, as well as for your HTML, is definitely a legitimate approach. It means that you don't have to do anything special as part of your build process, for instance, which could be nice in some scenarios.
Whenever you're using a strategy that reads from the cache, whether it's via precaching or stale-while-revalidate, there's going to be some sort of revalidation step to ensure that you don't end up serving out of date responses indefinitely.
If you use Workbox's precaching, that revalidation is efficient, in that the browser only needs to make a single request for your generated service-worker.js file, and that response serves as the source of truth for whether anything precached actually changed. Assuming your precached assets don't change that frequently, the majority of the time your service-worker.js will be identical to the last time it was retrieved, and there won't be any further bandwidth or CPU cycles used on updating.
If you use runtime caching with a stale-while-revalidate policy for everything, then that "while-revalidate" step happens for each and every response. You'll get the "stale" response back to the page almost immediately, so your overall performance should still be good, but you're incurring extra requests made by your service worker "in the background" to re-fetch each URL, and update the cache. There's an increase in bandwidth and CPU cycles used in this approach.
Apart from using additional resources, another reason you might prefer precaching to stale-while-revalidate is that you can populate your full cache ahead of time, without having to wait for the first time they're accessed. If there are certain assets that are only used on a subsection of your web app, and you'd like those assets to be cached ahead of time, that would be trickier to do if you're only doing runtime caching.
And one more advantage offered by precaching is that it will update your cache en masse. This helps avoid scenarios where, e.g., one JavaScript file was updated by virtue of being requested on a previous page, but then when you navigate to the next page, the newer JavaScript isn't compatible with the DOM provided by your stale HTML. Precaching everything reduces the chances of these versioning mismatches from happening. (Especially if you do not enable skipWaiting.)

Apple "Avoid writing cache files to disk." - where should I save cache?

In Apple's Performance Tuning Guide there is a writing:
Avoid writing cache files to disk. The only exception to this rule is
when your app quits and you need to write state information that can
be used to put your app back into the same state when it is next
I'm saving a lot of cache files in Library/Cache directory, because my app deals with web services, and nobody likes the white screen. What does this statement mean? I shouldn't do this or what?
Thank you!
Well, "avoid" means "avoid if possible, because writing/reading is relatively slow". If by caching a small amount of data (I assume the definitions of the web services retrieved from somewhere?) you can improve the performance of your app's startup, by all means do it. If you are only using this data for one run of your application, and the next run will re-fetch this anyway, use an in-memory cache.
Library\Caches is basically designed to store data you fetched from somewhere which provides performance boosts when stored locally.
The text from Apple feels like more a general guideline against overusing storage if you don't need data to persist from one run of your application to another.

Best way to store dyamic data on iOS App from Web Service

I want to know what is the best way to store data on the iPhone from a web service.
I want the information to be stored on the device so the person doesn't need to access the web service every time he/she needs it. The currently information isn't much and contains less that 150 records. The records might update from time to time and a few new ones will be added. What is the best way to go about storing the data?
If you use ASIHTTPRequest for your network stuff (and if you don't already, I can't sing its praises highly enough), you will find it has a cache layer built in which is perfect for situations like this.
You can activate it with a simple one line;
[ASIHTTPRequest setDefaultCache:[ASIDownloadCache sharedCache]];
And you have full control over the cache policy etc - just read the documentation.
The other simple approach of course is - on the assumption that your web service is returning JSON or XML - simply to store the response in a local file against a hash of the request parameters, then when you request the data again, you can first look to see if the file exists and if it does, return that data rather than going back to the website. You can roll your own cache policies etc too.
Since I discovered ASIHTTPRequest had a cache though, I've not needed to roll my own again.
I find that using coreData or sqllite3 is just overkill for 99% my requirements and a simple cache works very well.
If the data is relational, a Sqlite3 database would be the best storage option you have.
Also, this helps by allowing you to retrieve from the server and to update only the records that have changed, thus saving time and bandwidth.
This is the best option from a scalability point of view as well, as you stated that "current information isn't much", thus giving the impression that this is only a current situation, that may be subjected to further change, probably towards more records being added in time.
Sqite3 also gives you more control and better performance than using, for instance, Core Data. Here's an article explaining some of the details. Moreover, if you work through an Objective-C wrapper, such as FMDB, you get all the advantages without managing the complexity yourself.

Patterns for accessing remote data with Core Data?

I am trying to write a Core Data application for the iPhone that uses an external data source. I'm not really using Core Data to persist my objects but rather for the object life-cycle management. I have a pretty good idea on how to use Core Data for local data, but have run into a few issues with remote data. I'll just use Flickr's API as an example.
The first thing is that if I need say, a list of the recent photos, I need to grab them from an external data source. After I've retrieved the list, it seems like I should iterate and create managed objects for each photo. At this point, I can continue in my code and use the standard Core Data API to set up a fetch request and retrieve a subset of photos about, say, dogs.
But what if I then want to continue and retrieve a list of the user's photos? Since there's a possibility that these two data sets might intersect, do I have to perform a fetch request on the existing data, update what's already there, and then insert the new objects?
In the older pattern, I would simply have separate data structures for each of these data sets and access them appropriately. A recentPhotos set and and a usersPhotos set. But since the general pattern of Core Data seems to be to use one managed object context, it seems (I could be wrong) that I have to merge my data with the main pool of data. But that seems like a lot of overhead just to grab a list of photos. Should I create a separate managed object context for the different set? Should Core Data even be used here?
I think that what I find appealing about Core Data is that before (for a web service) I would make a request for certain data and either filter it in the request or filter it in code and produce a list I would use. With Core Data, I can just get list of objects, add them to my pool (updating old objects as necessary), and then query against it. One problem, I can see with this approach, however, is that if objects are externally deleted, I can't know, since I'm keeping my old data.
Am I way off base here? Are there any patterns people follow for dealing with remote data and Core Data? :) I've found a few posts of people saying they've done it, and that it works for them, but little in the way of examples. Thanks.
You might try a combination of two things. This strategy will give you an interface where you get the results of a NSFetchRequest twice: Once synchronously, and once again when data has been loaded from the network.
Create your own subclass of
NSFetchRequest that takes an additional block property to
execute when the fetch is finished.
This is for your asynchronous
request to the network. Let's call
it FLRFetchRequest
Create a class to which you pass
this request. Let's call it
FLRPhotoManager. FLRPhotoManager has a method executeFetchRequest: which takes an
instance of the FLRFetchRequest and...
Queues your network request based on the fetch request and passes along the retained fetch request to be processed again when the network request is finished.
Executes the fetch request against your CoreData cache and immediately returns the results.
Now when the network request finishes, update your core data cache with the network data, run the fetch request again against the cache, and this time, pull the block from the FLRFetchRequest and pass the results of this fetch request into the block, completing the second phase.
This is the best pattern I have come up with, but like you, I'm interested in other's opinions.
It seems to me that your first instincts are right: you should use fetchrequests to update your existing store. The approach I used for an importer was the following: get a list of all the files that are eligible for importing and store it somewhere. I'm assuming here that getting that list is fast and lightweight (just a name and an url or unique id), but that really importing something will take a bit more time and effort and the user may quit the program or want to do something else before all the importing is done.
Then, on a separate background thread (this is not as hard as it sounds thanks to NSRunLoop and NSTimer, google on "Core Data: Efficiently Importing Data"), get the first item of that list, get the object from Flickr or wherever and search for it in the Core Data database (carefully read Apple's Predicate Programming Guide on setting up efficient, cached NSFetchRequests). If the remote object already lives in Core Data, update the information as necessary, if not insert. When that is done, remove the item from the to-be-imported list and move on to the next one.
As for the problem of objects that have been deleted in the remote store, there are two solutions: periodic syncing or lazy, on-demand syncing. Does importing a photo from Flickr mean importing the original thing and all its metadata (I don't know what the policy is regarding ownership etc) or do you just want to import a thumbnail and some info?
If you store everything locally, you could just run a check every few days or weeks to see if everything in your local store is present remotely as well: if not, the user may decide to keep the photo anyway or delete it.
If you only store thumbnails or previews, then you will need to connect to Flickr each time the user wants to see the full picture. If it has been deleted, you can then inform the user and delete it locally as well, or mark it as not being accessible any more.
For a situation like this you could use Cocoa's archiving facilities to save the photo objects (and an index) to disk between sessions, and just overwrite it all every time the app calls home to Flickr.
But since you're already using Core Data, and like the features it provides, why not modify your data model to include a "source" or "callType" attribute? At the moment you're implicitly creating a bunch of objects with source "Flickr API", but you can just as easily treat the different API calls as unique sources and then store that explicitly.
To handle deletion, the simplest way would be to clear the data store each time it's refreshed. Otherwise you'd need to iterate over everything and only delete the photo objects with filenames that weren't included in the new results.
I'm planning to do something similar to this myself so I hope this helps.
PS: If you're not storing the photo objects between sessions at all, you could just use two different contexts and query them separately. As long as they're never saved, and the central store doesn't have anything in it already, it would work just like you describe.