Hide POSTGRESQL partitioned tables - postgresql

I'm using pg_partman to partition three of my tables and and ended up with a large number of child tables.
Some users find it difficult to navigate whit their database tool (DBeaver or SQuirreL) with this increasing number of tables showing up.
Is there a way to "hide" these table from a user without changing their access rights to them ?

You cannot hide the partitions, but you could put them in a different schema than the partitioned table. Then they are “hidden” if you only look at the schema with the partitioned table.

bump into same question, and didn't found a perfect solution. My work around here is to filter out tables with name %prt%


Does PostgreSQL support replicating only a subset of the publishing columns?

I've been reading about logical replication in PostgreSQL, which seems to be a very good solution for sharing a small number of tables among several databases. My case is even simpler, as my subscribers will only use source tables in a read-only fashion.
I know that I can add extra columns to a subscribed table in the subscribing node, but what if I only want to import a subset of the whole set of columns of a source table? Is it possible or will it throw an error?
For example, my source table product, has a lot of columns, many of them irrelevant to my subscriber databases. Would it be feasible to create replicas of product with only the really needed columns at each subscriber?
The built in publication/subscription method does not support this. But the logical replication framework also supports any other decoding plugin you can write (or get someone else to write) and install, so you could make this happen that way. It looks like pglogical already supports this ("Selective replication of table columns at publisher side", but I have never tried to use this feature myself).
As of v15, PostgreSQL supports publishing a table partially, indicating which columns must be replicated out of the whole list of columns.
A case like this can be done now:
CREATE PUBLICATION users_filtered FOR TABLE users (user_id, firstname);
See https://www.postgresql.org/docs/15/sql-createpublication.html

Postgres table partitioning based on table name

I have a table that stores information about weather for specific events and for specific timestamps. I do insert, update and select (more often than delete) on this table. All of my queries query on timestamp and event_id. Since this table is blowing up, I was considering doing table partitioning in postgres.
I could also think of having multiple tables and naming them "table_< event_id >_< timestamp >" to store specific timestamp information, instead of using postgres declarative/inheritance partitioning. But, I noticed that no one on the internet has done or written about any approach like this. Is there something I am missing?
I see that in postgres partitioning, the data is both kept in master as well as child tables. Why keep in both places? It seems less efficient to do inserts and updates to me.
Is there a generic limit on the number of tables when postgres will start to choke?
Thank you!
re 1) Don't do it. Why re-invent the wheel if the Postgres devs have already done it for you by providing declarative partitioning
re 2) You are mistaken. The data is only kept in the partition to which it belongs to. It just looks as if it is stored in the "master".
re 3) there is no built-in limit, but anything beyond a "few thousand" partitions is probably too much. It will still work, but especially query planning will be slower. And sometime the query execution might also suffer because runtime partition pruning is not as efficient any more.
Given your description you probably want to do hash partitioning on the event ID and then create range sub-partitions on the timestamp value (so each partition for an event is again partitioned on the range of the timestamps)

Build table of tables from other databases in Postgres - (Multiple-Server Parallel Query Execution?)

I am trying to find the best solution to build a database relation. I need something to create a table that will contain data split across other tables from different databases. All the tables got exactly the same structure (same column number, names and types).
In the single database, I would create a parent table with partitions. However, the volume of the data is too big to do it in a single database that's why I am trying to do a split. From the Postgres documentation what I think I am trying to do is "Multiple-Server Parallel Query Execution".
At the moment the only solution I think to implement is to build API of databases address and use it to get data across the network into the main parent database when needed. I also found Postgres external extension called Citus that might do the job but I don't know how to implement the unique key across multiple databases (or Shards like Citus call it).
Is there any better way to do it?
Citus would most likely solve your problem. It lets you use unique keys across shards if it is the distribution column, or if it is a composite key and contains the distribution column.
You can also use distributed-partitioned table in citus. That is a partitioned table on some column (timestamp ?) and hash distributed table on some other column (like what you use in your existing approach). Query parallelization and data collection would be handled by Citus for you.

(How) Is it possible to convert tables into foreign tables in Postgres?

We have a large table in our Postgres production database which we want to start "sharding" using foreign tables and inheritance.
The desired architecture will be to have 1 (empty) table that defines the schema and several foreign tables inheriting from the empty "parent" table. (possible with Postgres 9.5)
I found this well written article https://www.depesz.com/2015/04/02/waiting-for-9-5-allow-foreign-tables-to-participate-in-inheritance/ that explains everything on how to do it from scratch.
My question is how to reduce the needed migration of data to a minimum.
We have this 100+ GB table now, that should become our first "shard". And in the future we will regulary add new "shards". At some point, the older shards will be moved to another tablespace (on cheaper hardware since they become less important).
My question now:
Is there a way to "ALTER" an existing table to be a foreign table instead?
No way to use alter table to do this.
You really have to basically do it manually. This is no different (really) than doing table partitioning. You create your partitions, you load the data. You direct reads and writes to the partitions.
Now in your case, in terms of doing sharding there are a number of tools I would look at to make this less painful. First, if you make sure your tables are split the way you like them first, you can use a logical replication solution like Bucardo to replicate the writes while you are moving everything over.
There are some other approaches (parallelized readers and writers) that may save you some time at the expense of db load, but those are niche tools.
There is no native solution for shard management of standard PostgreSQL (and I don't know enough about Postgres-XL in this regard to know how well it can manage changing shard criteria). However pretty much anything is possible with a little work and knowledge.

Postgresql archiving old data

I need some expert advice on Postgres
I have few tables in my database that can grow huge, may be a hundred million records and have to implement some sort of data archiving in place. Say I have a subscriber table and subscriber_logs table. The subscriber_logs table will grow huge with time, affecting performance. I wanted to create a separate table called archive_subscriber_logs and create a scheduled task which will read from subscriber_logs and insert the data into archive_subscriber_logs, then delete the dumped data from subscriber_logs.
But my concern is, should I create the archive_subscriber_logs in the same database or in a different database. The problem with storing in a different db is the foreign key constraints that already exists on the main tables.
Anyone can suggest whether same db or different db is preferable? Or any other solutions?
Consider table partitioning, which is implemented in Postgres using table inheritance. This will improve performance on very large tables. Of course you would do measurements first to make sure it is worth implementing. The details are in the excellent Postgres documentation.
Using separate databases is not recommended because you won't be able to have foreign key constraints easily.