Complex MongoDB query? - mongodb

I'm pretty brand new to Mongo and queries still, so that said, I'm trying to build a query that will find me results that match these three types of dog breeds and in addition to that, check for additional two specs. And finally, sort all by age. All the data comes from a csv file (scrnshot), there aren't any sub categories to any of the entries.
"animal_id" : 1,
"breed" : "Labrador Retriever Mix",
"breed" : "Chesapeake Bay Retriever",
"breed" : "Newfoundland",
$and : [ { "age_upon_outcome_in_weeks" :{"$lt" : 156, "$gte" : 26} ],
$and: {"sex_upon_outcome" : "Intact Female"}}).sort({"age_upon_outcome_in_weeks" : 1})
This is throwing a number of errors, such as :
Error: error: {
"ok" : 0,
"errmsg" : "$and must be an array",
"code" : 2,
"codeName" : "BadValue"
What am I messing up? Or is there a better way to do it?

As mentionend by takis in the comments, you cannot repeat a key in a mongo query - you have to imagine that your query document becomes a json object, and each time a key is repeated is replaces the previous one. To go around this problem, mongodb supports $or and $and operators. For complex queries like this one, I would recommend starting with a global each containing a single constraint or a $or constraint. Your query becomes this:
"$and": [
{ "animal_id": 1 },
{ "age_upon_outcome_in_weeks": { "$lt": 156, "$gte": 26 } },
{ "sex_upon_outcome": "Intact Female" },
{ "$or": [
{ "breed": "Labrador Retriever Mix" },
{ "breed": "Chesapeake Bay Retriever" },
{ "breed": "Chesapeake Bay Retriever" },
{ "breed": "Newfoundland" }
.sort({"age_upon_outcome_in_weeks" : 1})
--- edit
You can also consider using the $in instead of the $or:
"animal_id": 1,
"age_upon_outcome_in_weeks": { "$lt": 156, "$gte": 26 },
"sex_upon_outcome": "Intact Female",
"breed": { "$in": [
"Labrador Retriever Mix",
"Chesapeake Bay Retriever",
"Chesapeake Bay Retriever",
] }
.sort({"age_upon_outcome_in_weeks" : 1})


How to boost Mongodb search result based on Criteria given

I am working on the requirement where have write query in which if users enters any acronym of university(Ex: MIT) have to get the result from database. JSON looks like this:
"_id" : ObjectId("5d68cdcac8acd826e6a386b2"),
"name" : "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"acronyms" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5d68ce0bc8acd826e6a45b29"),
"name" : "Manukau Institute of Technology",
"acronyms" : [
User might input "Name" as well. I have written "OR" query for that.
{$or: [{"name":"MIT"},{"acronyms":"MIT"}]}
Now my requirement is if users enters "input" and if it matches with acronym it should return it first after that it will return items which matches with name.
Current or query is not returning expected order.
Any pointers will help.
Please try below query.
{ $match : { $or : [{ "name":"MIT" }, {"acronyms":"MIT" } ] } }
,{ "$project": {
"name": 1,
"acronyms": 1,
"sortOrder": {
"$setIsSubset": [ ["MIT" ] , "$acronyms" ] }
,{ "$sort": { "sortOrder": -1 } }
If you are not familiar with MongoDB aggregates, check the below links.

For each document retrieve object with $max field from array

I have the following documents in my collection. Each document contains historical weather data about a specific location:
'location':'new york',
{'timestamp':1524542400, 'temp':79, 'wind_speed':1, 'wind_direction':'SW'}
{'timestamp':1524548400, 'temp':80, 'wind_speed':2, 'wind_direction':'SW'}
{'timestamp':1524554400, 'temp':82, 'wind_speed':3, 'wind_direction':'S'}
{'timestamp':1524560400, 'temp':78, 'wind_speed':4, 'wind_direction':'S'}
'location':'san francisco',
{'timestamp':1524542400, 'temp':80, 'wind_speed':5, 'wind_direction':'SW'}
{'timestamp':1524548400, 'temp':81, 'wind_speed':6, 'wind_direction':'SW'}
{'timestamp':1524554400, 'temp':82, 'wind_speed':7, 'wind_direction':'S'}
{'timestamp':1524560400, 'temp':73, 'wind_speed':8, 'wind_direction':'S'}
{'timestamp':1524542400, 'temp':84, 'wind_speed':9, 'wind_direction':'SW'}
{'timestamp':1524548400, 'temp':85, 'wind_speed':10, 'wind_direction':'SW'}
{'timestamp':1524554400, 'temp':86, 'wind_speed':11, 'wind_direction':'S'}
{'timestamp':1524560400, 'temp':87, 'wind_speed':12, 'wind_direction':'S'}
I would like to get a list of the most recent weather data for each location (more or less) like so:
'location':'new york',
'history':{'timestamp':1524560400, 'temp':78, 'wind_speed':4, 'wind_direction':'S'}
'location':'san francisco',
'history':{'timestamp':1524560400, 'temp':73, 'wind_speed':8, 'wind_direction':'S'}
'history':{'timestamp':1524560400, 'temp':87, 'wind_speed':12, 'wind_direction':'S'}
I was pretty sure it needed some sort of $group aggregate but can't figure out how to select an entire object by $max:<field>. For example the below query only returns the max timestamp itself, without any of the accompanying fields.
'$unwind': '$history'
}, {
'$group': {
'_id': '$name',
'timestamp': {
'$max': '$history.timestamp'
{ "_id" : "new york", "timestamp" : 1524560400 }
{ "_id" : "san franciscoeo", "timestamp" : 1524560400 }
{ "_id" : "miami", "timestamp" : 1524560400 }
The actual collection and arrays are very large so client side processing won't be ideal. Any help would be much appreciated.
Well as the author of the answer you found, I think we can actually do a bit better with modern MongoDB versions.
Single match per document
In short we can actually apply $max to your particular case, used with $indexOfArray and $arrayElemAt to extract the matched value:
{ "$addFields": {
"history": {
"$arrayElemAt": [
{ "$indexOfArray": [ "$history.timestamp", { "$max": "$history.timestamp" } ] }
Which will return you:
"_id" : ObjectId("5ae9175564de8a00a66b3974"),
"location" : "new york",
"history" : {
"timestamp" : 1524560400,
"temp" : 78,
"wind_speed" : 4,
"wind_direction" : "S"
"_id" : ObjectId("5ae9175564de8a00a66b3975"),
"location" : "san francisco",
"history" : {
"timestamp" : 1524560400,
"temp" : 73,
"wind_speed" : 8,
"wind_direction" : "S"
"_id" : ObjectId("5ae9175564de8a00a66b3976"),
"location" : "miami",
"history" : {
"timestamp" : 1524560400,
"temp" : 87,
"wind_speed" : 12,
"wind_direction" : "S"
That is of course without actually needing to "group" anything and simply find the $max value from within each document, as you seem to be trying to do. This avoids you needing to "mangle" any other document output by forcing it through a $group or indeed an $unwind.
The usage essentially is that the $max returns the "maximum" value from the specified array property since $history.timestamp is a short way of notating to extract "just those values" from within the objects of the array.
This is used in comparison with the same "list of values" to determine the matching "index" via $indexOfArray, which takes an array as it's first argument and the value to match as the second.
The $arrayElemAt operator also takes an array as it's first argument, here we use the full "$history" array since we want to extract the "full object". Which we do by the "returned index" value of the $indexOfArray operator.
"Multiple" matches per document
Of course that's fine for "single" matches, but if you wanted to expand that to "multiple" matches of the same $max value, then you would use $filter instead:
{ "$addFields": {
"history": {
"$filter": {
"input": "$history",
"cond": { "$eq": [ "$$this.timestamp", { "$max": "$history.timestamp" } ] }
Which would output:
"_id" : ObjectId("5ae9175564de8a00a66b3974"),
"location" : "new york",
"history" : [
"timestamp" : 1524560400,
"temp" : 78,
"wind_speed" : 4,
"wind_direction" : "S"
"_id" : ObjectId("5ae9175564de8a00a66b3975"),
"location" : "san francisco",
"history" : [
"timestamp" : 1524560400,
"temp" : 73,
"wind_speed" : 8,
"wind_direction" : "S"
"_id" : ObjectId("5ae9175564de8a00a66b3976"),
"location" : "miami",
"history" : [
"timestamp" : 1524560400,
"temp" : 87,
"wind_speed" : 12,
"wind_direction" : "S"
The main difference being of course that the "history" property is still an "array" since that is what $filter will produce. Also noting of course that if there were in fact "multiple" entries with the same timestamp value, then this would of course return them all and not just the "first index" matched.
The comparison is basically done instead against "each" array element to see if the "current" ( "$$this" ) object has the specified property which matches the $max result, and ultimately returning only those array elements which are a match for the supplied condition.
These are essentially your "modern" approaches which avoid the overhead of $unwind, and indeed $sort and $group where they may not be needed. Of course they are not needed for just dealing with individual documents.
If however you really need to $group across "multiple documents" by a specific grouping key and consideration of values "inside" the array, then the initial approach outlined as you discovered is actually the fit for that scenario, as ultimately you "must" $unwind to deal with items "inside" an array in such a way. And also with consideration "across documents".
So be mindful to use stages like $group and $unwind only where you actually need to and where "grouping" is your actual intent. If you are just looking to find something "in the document", then there are far more efficient ways to do this without all the additional overhead that those stages bring with them to processing.

How to combine Documents in aggregation pipeline with MongoDB Java driver 3.6?

I am using an aggregation pipeline with the MongoDB Java driver version 3.6. If I have documents that look something like:
doc1 --
"CAR": {
"VIN": "ASDF1234",
"YEAR": "2018",
"MAKE": "Honda",
"MODEL": "Accord"
"AUDIO": "MP3",
"TIRES": "All Season",
doc2 --
"CAR": {
"VIN": "ASDF1234",
And if I submit a query like:
in("CAR.VIN", vinList),
eq("CAR.MAKE", carMake),
eq("CAR.AVAILABILITY", carAvailability),
Let us assume that there are exactly two different records for which the "CAR.VIN" criteria match for every VIN, and I am going to get two results. Rather than deal with two results each time, I would like to merge the documents so that the result looks like this:
"CAR": {
"VIN": "ASDF1234",
"YEAR": "2018",
"MAKE": "Honda",
"MODEL": "Accord",
"AUDIO": "MP3",
"TIRES": "All Season",
The example where I have two and only two results trivializes my need for this. Imagine that vinList is a list of 10000 values, and it might return 2 x 10000 documents. When I return an AggregateIterable to the client that is calling my code, I do not want to impose the requirement that they have to group or collate the results in any way, but that they will receive one document for each result that has all of the information that they will want to parse, cleanly and easily.
Of course, people will suggest that the data is simply combined into one document with all of the data in the MongoDB collection. For reasons that I cannot control, there are two separate documents corresponding to each VIN in the same collection, and that is something that I am unable to change. There is a value in our system that makes this more reasonable than it might seem, so please don't focus on this apparent problem with the data.
I am trying, with not much luck, to utilize the operation to merge the fields in my aggregation pipeline. Accumulators.push seems to be the closest operation to what I need, but I do not want to complicate the document structure with extra arrays, etc. Is there a straightforward approach that I am not seeing?
you can try $mergeObjects added in mongo v3.6
$group: {
_id : "$CAR.VIN",
CAR : {$mergeObjects : "$CAR"},
FEATURES : {$mergeObjects : {$arrayElemAt : ["$FEATURES", 0 ]}}
"_id" : "ASDF1234",
"CAR" : {
"VIN" : "ASDF1234",
"YEAR" : "2018",
"MAKE" : "Honda",
"MODEL" : "Accord",
"AUDIO" : "MP3",
"TIRES" : "All Season",
to get features as array
$group: {
_id : "$CAR.VIN",
CAR : {$mergeObjects : "$CAR"},
FEATURES : {$push : {$arrayElemAt : ["$FEATURES", 0 ]}}
"_id" : "ASDF1234",
"CAR" : {
"VIN" : "ASDF1234",
"YEAR" : "2018",
"MAKE" : "Honda",
"MODEL" : "Accord",
"AUDIO" : "MP3",
"TIRES" : "All Season",

Mongodb Update/Upsert array exact match

I have a collection :
gStats : {
"_id" : "id1",
"criteria" : ["key1":"value1", "key2":"value2"],
"groups" : [
{"id":"XXXX", "visited":100, "liked":200},
{"id":"YYYY", "visited":30, "liked":400}
I want to be able to update a document of the stats Array of a given array of criteria (exact match).
I try to do this on 2 steps :
Pull the stat document from the array of a given "id" :
"criteria" : {$size : 2},
"criteria" : {$all : [{"key1" : "2096955"},{"value1" : "2015610"}]}
$pull : {groups : {"id" : "XXXX"}}
Push the new document
query : {
"criteria" : {$size : 2},
"criteria" : {$all : [{"key1" : "2015610"}, {"key2" : "2096955"}]}
update : {
$push : {groups : {"id" : "XXXX", "visited" : 29, "liked" : 144}}
upsert : true
The Pull query works perfect.
The Push query gives an error :
2014-12-13T15:12:58.571+0100 findAndModifyFailed failed: {
"value" : null,
"errmsg" : "exception: Cannot create base during insert of update. Cause
d by :ConflictingUpdateOperators Cannot update 'criteria' and 'criteria' at the
same time",
"code" : 12,
"ok" : 0
} at src/mongo/shell/collection.js:614
Neither query is working in reality. You cannot use a key name like "criteria" more than once unless under an operator such and $and. You are also specifying different fields (i.e groups) and querying elements that do not exist in your sample document.
So hard to tell what you really want to do here. But the error is essentially caused by the first issue I mentioned, with a little something extra. So really your { "$size": 2 } condition is being ignored and only the second condition is applied.
A valid query form should look like this:
query: {
"$and": [
{ "criteria" : { "$size" : 2 } },
{ "criteria" : { "$all": [{ "key1": "2015610" }, { "key2": "2096955" }] } }
As each set of conditions is specified within the array provided by $and the document structure of the query is valid and does not have a hash-key name overwriting the other. That's the proper way to write your two conditions, but there is a trick to making this work where the "upsert" is failing due to those conditions not matching a document. We need to overwrite what is happening when it tries to apply the $all arguments on creation:
update: {
"$setOnInsert": {
"criteria" : [{ "key1": "2015610" }, { "key2": "2096955" }]
"$push": { "stats": { "id": "XXXX", "visited": 29, "liked": 144 } }
That uses $setOnInsert so that when the "upsert" is applied and a new document created the conditions specified here rather than using the field values set in the query portion of the statement are used instead.
Of course, if what you are really looking for is truly an exact match of the content in the array, then just use that for the query instead:
query: {
"criteria" : [{ "key1": "2015610" }, { "key2": "2096955" }]
Then MongoDB will be happy to apply those values when a new document is created and does not get confused on how to interpret the $all expression.

Remove element from array in mongodb

I am new in mongodb and i want to remove the some element in array.
my document as below
"_id" : ObjectId("4d525ab2924f0000000022ad"),
"name" : "hello",
"time" : [
"stamp" : "2010-07-01T12:01:03.75+02:00",
"reason" : "new"
"stamp" : "2010-07-02T16:03:48.187+03:00",
"reason" : "update"
"stamp" : "2010-07-02T16:03:48.187+04:00",
"reason" : "update"
"stamp" : "2010-07-02T16:03:48.187+05:00",
"reason" : "update"
"stamp" : "2010-07-02T16:03:48.187+06:00",
"reason" : "update"
in document, i want to remove first element(reason:new) and last element(06:00) .
and i want to do it using mongoquery, i am not using any java/php driver.
If I'm understanding you correctly, you want to remove the first and last elements of the array if the size of the array is greater than 3. You can do this by using the findAndModify query. In mongo shell you would be using this command:
query: { $where: "this.time.length > 3" },
update: { $pop: {time: 1}, $pop: {time: -1} },
new: true
This would find the document in your collection which matches the $where clause.
The $where field allows you to specify any valid javascript method. Please note that it applies the update only to the first matched document.
You might want to look at the following docs also: for more on the $where clause. for
more on $pop. for more
on findAndModify.
You could update it with { $pop: { time: 1 } } to remove the last one, and { $pop: { time : -1 } } to remove the first one. There is probably a better way to handle it though.
#javaamtho you cannot test for a size greater than 3 but only if it is exactly 3, for size greater than x number you should use the $inc operator and have a field you either 1 or -1 to in order to keep track when you remove or add items (use a separate field outside the array as below, time_count)
"_id" : ObjectId("4d525ab2924f0000000022ad"),
"name" : "hello",
"time_count" : 5,
"time" : [
"stamp" : "2010-07-01T12:01:03.75+02:00",
"reason" : "new"
"stamp" : "2010-07-02T16:03:48.187+03:00",
"reason" : "update"
"stamp" : "2010-07-02T16:03:48.187+04:00",
"reason" : "update"
"stamp" : "2010-07-02T16:03:48.187+05:00",
"reason" : "update"
"stamp" : "2010-07-02T16:03:48.187+06:00",
"reason" : "update"
If you would like to leave these time elements, you can use aggregate command from mongo 2.2+ to retrieve min and max time elements, unset all time elements, and push min and max versions (with some modifications it could do your job):
smax=db.collection.aggregate([{$unwind: "$time"},
{$project: {tstamp:"$time.stamp",treason:"$time.reason"}},
{$group: {_id:"$_id",max:{$max: "$tstamp"}}},
{$sort: {max:1}}])
smin=db.collection.aggregate([{$unwind: "$time"},
{$project: {tstamp:"$time.stamp",treason:"$time.reason"}},
{$group: {_id:"$_id",min:{$min: "$tstamp"}}},
{$sort: {min:1}}])
db.students.update({},{$unset: {"scores": 1}},false,true)
{"time": {stamp: o.max ,reason: "new"}}},false,true)})
{"time": {stamp: o.min ,reason: "update"}}},false,true)})
query: {$where: "this.time.length > 3"},
update: {$pop: {time: 1}, $pop{time: -1}},
new: true });
convert to PHP