How to display some widgets slowly one by one in flutter? - flutter

I want to display some text and containers one by one slowly as shown in the below gif. I tried in list view also but could not achieve it. If anyone has any ideas could you suggest me?.

For this particular example in the video, you can use the flutter_staggered_animations package.


Drag a container vertically up and down to a certain level flutter

I am new to gestures and I don't get any proper solution for achieving my request,
Can anyone help me in dragging a container up and down vertically to a certain point?.
I need to achieve something like the below image.
Thanks in advance.
Consider using draggable home if you want a ready-made similar effect.
If you want to replicate the goggle maps UI one-on-one, consider reading DraggableScrollableSheet and make one your own.
Hope it helps!

Trying to understand RangeMaintainingScrollPhysics in flutter

I'm not sure I understand the use of RangeMaintainingScrollPhysics in Flutter.
What I have is a listview of variable items (think something like a twitter feed), and those items have images in them which dynamically load. If an image above your current position loads, then the listview item changes size and the whole list gets pushed down. The user loses his current position, which is annoying.
Reading the docs on RangeMaintainingScrollPhysics I thought that it would solve the problem I'm describing. But its not working for me at all, so either I am misunderstanding what it does or I misused it
Am I understanding what its purpose is?

How can I add physics animations to a Flutter app

I’m trying to add an effect on a series of containers where they constantly move around a phone screen. This is similar to what is shown below, however they need to be able to bounce off each other too.
Has anyone tried something like this before and can point me on the right direction please? Worth noting that I need the containers to be widgets and so can’t just use a video.
Thanks a lot!

How to insert clickable points in an image in flutter?

I want to do just that on the flutter, can anyone help me?
Clickable Marked points on an Image
Hello, I need to show an image with clickable dots on the screen and trigger an action when the user clicks on these dots. I heard that it is made with SVG, I've searched in several places but I find no solution in the flutter.
I was struggling with a similar situation.
Slah's solution --- put a operational layer on top of the background image --- works if you don't need pinch to zoom the image, but in my case the positioned widgets get invalid when zooming in the image.
My solution is embedding the image into a webview, you may use webview_flutter because it can be easily plugged onto your widget tree, but I think in your case flutter_webview_plugin works too since you just need to listen to some click events. Add hyperlinks to the elements to be clicked, then play with the click event by webviewcontroller(webview_flutter) or onUrlChanged Stream(flutter_webview_plugin).
One benefit you can get immediately is the ability to use .svg without any other packages by Uri.dataFromString('<html><svg>some svg codes</svg></html>', mimeType: 'text/html').toString()
Then you have full control of the appearance(via css) and the behavior(via javascript). e.g.You may define irregular areas to be clickable, and responsive to clicks.

Overlay/translate ListView builder items clipped with a custom ClipPath

I'm generating multiple widgets(Containers in this case) using a ListView.builder and I also use a custom ClipPath to give a custom shape to them.
I was wondering if would it be possible to translate or somehow overlay those list items in order to place them so that the background(black area in the attached screenshot) would be covered. By that I mean I want to place them right under each other, like puzzle pieces. To be able to fit them right under each other would probably mean they would have to be overlayed somehow. Was googling but without any success.
Hopefully there's some Flutter experts out there who are nice enough to guide me. Thanks a lot!