Install4J: customize watermark text programmatically - install4j

Can we customize the install4j watermark text on the install screens programmatically?
For example,
In the startup step, we read a file, store its value in an "installer runtime variable",
After it, in a "script action", using the previous value to initialize the text used?

To edit the "Watermark" text, go to Installer->Styles, edit the "Standard" style and set the "Text" property of the "Horizontal separator" form component named "Watermark".
You can set that property to an installer variable, say ${insstaller:watermarkText}. That variable should be pre-defined for the installer. When you change the installer variable, the watermark text will be changed accordingly, even for screens that have already been instantiated.


Change text in textbox based on value

Is there a way to change the text in a dashboard based on a value?
At its most basic, I want to be able to plug in the word 'increased' or 'decreased' based on a change from year to year for a report.
If you mean the free-floating Text object from the same menu as vertical / horizonal containers, Blanks, etc. then you can only use parameters and a few "special" values like Workbook Name.
However, you can use a worksheet as a textbox instead. Just make sure you clear the default formatting (borders, etc.) and put your calculated field that resolves into "increased" / "decreased" on the Text mark. In the same way you can add up or down arrows using CHR() function and set custom colours (by creating two calculated fields that resolve into "increased" and "" and "decreased" and "")

MATLAB GUI set default values

I am working on a GUIDE in Matlab and I have to constantly change a couple of Edit Text values.
I have realized that if I change the String value of an Edit Text from the property inspector in the .fig file it sticks there when I run the code even if I close Matlab and reopen it, so I suppose that it is stored somewhere. I would like to know if there is a way of changing those 'default' values while running the gui.
I want to add a pushbutton to set the displayed data as default, so it is kept for the next time I run the code.
Thanks very much in advance!
Not sure if there is a more elegant way, but you can do the following as a workaround:
Once the button is clicked
Create a file
Write new default values instead of older ones
At the start of GUI
Open the file
Get the default values
Set the default values on GUI

Jasper Report Desginer does not show static text or text field

Originally my report is created in v5.2.0. My report also uses resource bundles file. When open in eclipse using ireport designer plugin v 5.2.0, it can show all - static text and text field.
But when I am using ireport designer v5.1.0. It shows nothing. like
Do I need to configure something in iReport Designer?? Am I missing something??
I have had this happen because of the size of the static text box in relation to the font size. If the Font size is too large, it will cause the text to wrap to the next line and out of the frame. I am guessing that different versions of iReport have different thresholds before the wrapping occurs.
What I ended up doing to verify this was to make the box bigger until the text appeared. Then I played with the Font size until it would fit in the size box I needed.
I would not worry about the display problem. When the report is generated all text should be shown. If not set the options "Print when detail overflows" and "Stretch with overflow". The latter option is only available within dynamic text fields.
In my case my XML formatter "helpfully" put a new line inside my CDATA['s!!

How to locate a textfield in Flash Pro CS6?

I'm updating a large .fla file from AS2.0 to AS3.0 and get the following warning:
WARNING: Text field variable names are not supported in ActionScript
3.0. The variable '_text' used for the text field '_textField' will not be exported. Fonts should be embedded for any text that may be
edited at runtime, other than text with the "Use Device Fonts"
setting. Use the Text > Font Embedding command to embed fonts.
Is there a quick way to locate the offending symbol? The Flash Pro "Find" function does not seem to be helpful for this (or anything else for that matter, at least on my Windows 7 computer).
Thank you.
The Movie Explorer panel will list a text field's variable name in parentheses after the text inside the field. E.g.:
Here's some text inside my field, (myTextVariable) , (TimesNewRoman, 12 pts)

Crystal Reports text cuts off last line in Details section

I have a Crystal Report 11 file that is a letter. The first Details section contains a large text box that has print date, address block, and the salutation line. Every once in a while, the last line of the text box gets cut off so that the salutation isn't seen. It's very inconsistent in that sometimes, I run the report for one person in my system and the text is cut off, but if I run the report a few hours later for the same person, without having changed the values of the address or name in my database, then the letter looks fine.
I increased the text box height and the Details section height, but the problem still occurs intermittently. Has this happened to anyone else, or does anyone have an idea what could be causing this?
Normally this should be working if you check the "Can Grow" option in the common tab of the "Format Field/Text" settings. With that option checked it shouldn't matter which height you set.
This is difficult problem that you have to attack from 3 different fronts:
Software Hot Fix
Default Printer
Form Authoring
Software Hot Fix: You'll need to download the CRRuntime that includes Hot Fix 20. This Hot Fix addresses truncation problems when making a PDF. You can find it at
Default Printer: The printer you use when authoring a report must match a printer when you are rendering a report. On our servers, there are no printers installed except the Microsoft XPS Document Writer. Be sure to select that as your default printer when writing the report.
Form Authoring: When you add a database field to your report, don't drag it from the field explorer onto the design surface. First insert a text object onto the design surface. When you've positioned and sized it, then drag the database field onto the Text Object. For whatever reason, the database field will wrap better when it is enclosed by a text object.