How to locate a textfield in Flash Pro CS6? - flash-cs6

I'm updating a large .fla file from AS2.0 to AS3.0 and get the following warning:
WARNING: Text field variable names are not supported in ActionScript
3.0. The variable '_text' used for the text field '_textField' will not be exported. Fonts should be embedded for any text that may be
edited at runtime, other than text with the "Use Device Fonts"
setting. Use the Text > Font Embedding command to embed fonts.
Is there a quick way to locate the offending symbol? The Flash Pro "Find" function does not seem to be helpful for this (or anything else for that matter, at least on my Windows 7 computer).
Thank you.

The Movie Explorer panel will list a text field's variable name in parentheses after the text inside the field. E.g.:
Here's some text inside my field, (myTextVariable) , (TimesNewRoman, 12 pts)


How VSCode choose the font from the given font list in editor.fontfamily?

When I open the VSCode editor.fontfamily setting, I found there is a list of font family in the input field. So I want to know that how VSCode choose the font from the given font list in editor.fontfamily?
Does it choose font following descended priority, and what is the stategy? Or the font in different locations have different effects?
The "list" is more of a set of fonts, where the first one is the preferred font, the next one being a fallback, and so on. It's not an actual list as far as a JSON object goes, it's just a string that's comma delimited.
"editor.fontFamily": "Consolas, 'Courier New', monospace",
// first second third
You can test this out by simply switching around the fonts and saving the file to see how Visual Studio Code reacts. If you put in a bogus font name as the first item in the set, when Visual Studio Code can't find the font, it will fallback to the next one. On Windows, if you supply nothing but invalid fonts, it looks like the ultimate fallback is Times New Roman (or an extremely similar looking font):

is there any way to use 'ə' letter in input field?

I want to write 'Ə' letter on the TMP inputField but it recognize that letter as '?' symbol.And also when I copy and paste that letter to the InputField it works but when I try to insert it from keyboard it does not work. Is there any way to use that letter?
Use TextMeshPro input field instead default input field.
This new version includes Dynamic SDF support where it won't be necessary to add the needed characters to the font asset (ahead of time) via the Font Asset Creator. Instead the needed characters / glyphs can be added dynamically to a newly created font asset in the Editor or at Runtime.
You will still need to create a font asset from a font file that contains the Azerbaijanian character set.

How can I show checked CheckBox in Crystal Report

I have a parameter field 'EL' and formula field 'FormulaEL'. I write a formula as follows:
if {?EL}=1 then chr(254)
In preview the report shows checked CheckBox. but the problem is that if I run the program it is displayed as ( þ ) , not as checkedbox. How to solve the problem so that it is displayed as checked CheckBox?
Simple, a checkbox just evaluate to 'r' and set the font in the report for that field to webdings.
You could go a step further and use an image of a check instead, and conditionally surpress it when it's not required.
CHR(254) is a checkmark in the WindDings font but is the symbol you show above in most other fonts. It may be that you have Wingdings on the design PC but don't have Wingdings available at runtime so it is substituting another font. This font should be available on most windows PCs. You will have to install it if it is not available.
if ISNULL({coulmn_name}) then Chr(251) //shows x mark on the report
else if{coulmn_name} ='column_value' then Chr(252)//shows Tick mark in the report
// And change font to wingdings for the field in details section.

How do I change the font size in NCSIM gui?

We are using specman with NCSIM (IUS 12.2) in GUI mode.
I saw the answer on how to change the specview gui font settings, it works with Specview but not with the NCSIM gui.
How can we make the same thing for the simulator?
Currently there is no Simvision command or menu selection that will change the font size.
However, there is an alternate approach that you can use. Look for a file called
'Xdefaults' under your .simvision directory in your home directory ($HOME).
i.e. ~/.simvision/Xdefaults
If not, do the following:
There is a file called SimVision under
Copy the file 'SimVision' to ~/.simvision and name it 'Xdefaults'.
Now edit this Xdefaults file. It will have a section which looks like this,
! global settings
Simvision*foreground: black
Simvision*background: #dfdfdf
Simvision*Font: -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--12-------*
Change the last line above to:
Simvision*Font: -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--18-------*
or any other suitable number besides the default 12 to suit your needs.
Save this file and now invoke SimVision - you should see the font sizes increased.
In general, you can review and edit the Xdefaults file above to change the fonts of various windows.
For example - to change the font of the Source Browser - you can locate the following line in the Xdefaults file and edit it :
Simvision*SrcBrowser.fixedFont: --courier-medium-r-normal--12-
Simvision*SrcBrowser.valueFont: --courier-medium-r-normal--10-
Change Fonts of 'Cursor' & 'Cursor - Baseline'on Waveform Browser by adding following in /.simvision/Xdefaults
Change Fonts of 'Current time in the simulator'on Waveform Browser by adding following in ~/.simvision/Xdefaults

Jasper Report Desginer does not show static text or text field

Originally my report is created in v5.2.0. My report also uses resource bundles file. When open in eclipse using ireport designer plugin v 5.2.0, it can show all - static text and text field.
But when I am using ireport designer v5.1.0. It shows nothing. like
Do I need to configure something in iReport Designer?? Am I missing something??
I have had this happen because of the size of the static text box in relation to the font size. If the Font size is too large, it will cause the text to wrap to the next line and out of the frame. I am guessing that different versions of iReport have different thresholds before the wrapping occurs.
What I ended up doing to verify this was to make the box bigger until the text appeared. Then I played with the Font size until it would fit in the size box I needed.
I would not worry about the display problem. When the report is generated all text should be shown. If not set the options "Print when detail overflows" and "Stretch with overflow". The latter option is only available within dynamic text fields.
In my case my XML formatter "helpfully" put a new line inside my CDATA['s!!