I am doing this on macOS.
I am trying to get Julia set up in Visual Studio Code. When I start typing in Python or C for instance, the IntelliSense just works without hassle. I just downloaded Julia to start learning, but I can't get the IntelliSense working. Here are the steps that I have taken so far:
Downloaded Julia
Installed JuliaLang Extension for VSC
Set it up in the terminal and tested it by running their Mandelbrot.jl file
Ran the following command: rm -f /usr/local/bin/julia sudo ln -s /Applications/Julia-1.6.app/Contents/Resources/julia/bin/julia /usr/local/bin/julia
Opened up the settings.json and entered this in: "julia.executablePath": "/Applications/Julia-1.6.app"
I am wondering if my path is correct or has anything to do with the IntelliSense problem. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
As per the settings description, please set julia.executablePath instead of julia.environmentPath. The latter setting can be ignored except for fairly special circumstances.
I'm having an issue where if I do code <filename> where the file does not already exist, it does not create a new file.
Normally, vscode would (almost) create a new file, I could write some code, and then save it and it would appear in my file manager. But this just stopped working.
I had a look through all my extensions and uninstalled all the recent extensions. I've reinstalled vscode, still no luck.
I am using windows with wsl, this affects me when running vscode both in windows and in wsl.
Did some googling around, can't find anything useful. Any advice?
I figured out what caused this in case anyone else is having the same problem.
I installed Rust in windows and that seemed to have messed up the code command.
Sorry, can't remember which version it was, I just uninstalled it on windows and noticed that it fixed it.
(p.s: Rust is great, but I have it installed in WSL so don't need it in windows.)
If you are using npm on windows, you can install touch by running npm i -g touch and creating a folder in a specific location by navigating in the location and creating by mkdir <foldername> navigating inside it and using touch <filename>. From there you can simply launch VS Code by running code . in that folder namespace
If you are using WSL (Ubuntu), it comes preinstalled and you can run mkdir <foldername> && touch <filename> && code .
Not exactly what you are looking for but it can work!
I've tried using the VS code documentation but it didn't help much.
This is what I referred: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/troubleshooting
and also,
Apparently I had the vim extension installed because of which I was working in the default "normal" mode.
Originally from here.
VSCode Version: 1.46.1
OS Version: Windows_NT x64 10.0.20161
Steps to Reproduce:
Install debian-dev-boilerplate inside WSL.
Setup powerlevel 10k.
Clone a git repo and enter its folder.
git clone git#github.com:DanielAtKrypton/debian-dev-boilerplate.git
cd debian-dev-boilerplate
You should now see something like:
Open vscode from zshell. By typing at the zshell prompt:
code .
At this point the bug is revealed when the terminal is opened for the first time inside vscode. At first glance, the terminal renders correctly the powerlevel10k theme. After half a second, the theme is deactivated as can be seen in the next picture.
Does this issue occur when all extensions are disabled?:
Yes. The first time vscode is launched, it installs a vanilla (with no extensions) vscode-server to the linux distro. And still the bug happens.
It is interesting to note that in prior vscode versions this functionality was working alright. For any reason I don't know this issue started to happen in the last couple weeks.
Additional Info:
Here is the log file when running the commands:
code . --log trace
Most likely Powerlevel10k has been installed and/or loaded from ~/.zshrc incorrectly. The screenshot of VS Code shows robbyrussell theme, so I surmise that you are using Oh My Zsh. To install Powerlevel10k on top of Oh My Zsh you need to follow these instructions:
Run: git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k.git ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-$HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/themes/powerlevel10k
Set ZSH_THEME="powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k" in ~/.zshrc.
Try running grep -E 'ZSH_THEME|/powerlevel10k' ~/.zshrc. The output must be exactly like below.
If it's not, you need to fix ~/.zshrc.
Recently I run into problem with ESlint extension in VS code. When I launch VS code and open up a js file, it popup message "Couldn't start client ESlint". It used to work fine. I tried to re-install eslint, VS code but it didn't help. Here are the versions I used.
VS code: 1.44.0 (user setup)
eslint: v6.8.0
ESLint Extension for VS code: 2.1.2
You need to dig a little bit more to get more details.
A good place to start would be to run the eslint show output command in VSCode. That should be a good starting point.
screenshot of ESLint: Show Output Command
The bottom line is that you need to follow the conventional installation path:
add eslint extension in vscode.
install eslint locally or globally via npm,
run eslint init in your project path and select proper configurations.
restart vscode just to make sure the settings are active.
again, the eslint output console should be a good starting point.
For me, it turns out I had the eslint.runtime and eslint.nodePath settings set to the specified node path on my system, but they were prefixed like this:
Using $HOME instead of ~ didn't solve it either.
I ended up having to specify an absolute path:
I am using VS code 1.8.1 on Mac 10.12.3 (16D32). After launch vscode, I run cmd shift p to open command search field. Then run Install code command in Path. I can see the code got added on PATH but it got removed after I close vs code. Is there a way to add it permanently?
So I've just had this issue during setup of a new laptop and found a simple (but slightly embarrassing) solution that worked for me. After faffing about with it for way too long I noticed I had left it in Downloads. I moved the .app file to /Applications and ran the command-line install function again and now the "code" command persists.
Add this to your ~/.bash_profile
export PATH="$PATH:/Applications/Visual Studio Code.app/Contents/Resources/app/bin"
source: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/setup/mac
I am assuming you've checked this link.
VSCode application generally resides in /Applications/Visual Studio Code.app/Contents/Resources/app/bin/code.
Follow these steps to access VSCode through code on shell.
Open bash_profile page
sudo vi /etc/paths
Add an extra line in the list of PATH folders as
/Applications/Visual\ Studio\ Code.app/Contents/Resources/app/bin/
Exit from vi: Esc > :wq! > Enter Key
Restart shell. Then do echo $PATH to confirm VSCode has been added successfully.
Check code command is added by typing which code. You should see VSCode path printed on screen.
Try this link if it doesn't work out.
Edit: I am using version 1.9.1 and after I ran Install code command in Path it got added permanently.
Visual Studio Code
rm /usr/local/bin/code
ln -s "/Applications/Visual Studio Code.app/Contents/Resources/app/bin/code" /usr/local/bin/code
Visual Studio Code - Insiders
rm /usr/local/bin/code-insiders
ln -s "/Applications/Visual Studio Code - Insiders.app/Contents/Resources/app/bin/code" /usr/local/bin/code-insiders
For Big Sur:
From the official docs:
Note: Since zsh became the default shell in macOS Catalina, run the
following commands to add VS Code to your path:
cat << EOF >> ~/.zprofile
# Add Visual Studio Code (code) export PATH="\$PATH:/Applications/Visual Studio
Code.app/Contents/Resources/app/bin" EOF
I did this and it worked for me.
I am running Visual Studio Code - Insiders 1.23.0 on a Mac/Mac OS 10.10.5 Yosemite. I added the "Shell Command: Install 'code-insiders' command in PATH" from within VSC - Insiders. From the terminal in any directory I just add 'code-insiders .' and it launches in VSC - Insiders without issue.
Hope that helps.
For me, the problem was that Visual Studio Code.app was not in the Applications folder, but rather in the Downloads folder. Moving it there and re-running the add to path command fixed it for me.