Only show whose own email after sending email to multiple recipients - email

I sent the mail to multiple recipients but when I show the mail box's 'Recipient',
there is shown the multiple recipients.
I want the mail box's Recipient to show only whose own email after sending mail to multiple recipients.
I have tried change the Message.RecipientType.TO -> Message.RecipientType.BCC
but it was hide all of recipients.
How could resolve it?
msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress("", "test account"));
msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, toClient);
msg.setContent(content, "text/html; charset=UTF-8");
Transport trans = session.getTransport("smtp");
try {
trans.sendMessage(msg, toClient);
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {


Google Form Email Notification On Submission

I'm trying to update this script to allow me to update the "Sender's" or "Reply To" email address. I'm unsure how to do this as I'm using the script listed here -
I've emailed the developer of this script but have yet to receive a response. Any advice on adding a field to overwrite the default "Reply To" or sender email address?
Thanks for your help!
/* Send Google Form by Email v2.0 */
/* For customization, contact the developer at */
/* Tutorial: */
function Initialize() {
var triggers = ScriptApp.getScriptTriggers();
for(var i in triggers) {
function SendGoogleForm(e)
// You may replace this with another email address
// Optional but change the following variable
// to have a custom subject for Google Form email notifications
var subject = "Form Application Submitted";
var s = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var columns = s.getRange(1,1,1,s.getLastColumn()).getValues()[0];
var message = "";
// Only include form fields that are not blank
for ( var keys in columns ) {
var key = columns[keys];
if ( e.namedValues[key] && (e.namedValues[key] != "") ) {
message += key + ' :: '+ e.namedValues[key] + "\n\n";
// This is the MailApp service of Google Apps Script
// that sends the email. You can also use GmailApp for HTML Mail.
MailApp.sendEmail(email, subject, message);
} catch (e) {
MailApp.sendEmail(email, subject, message);
GmailApp.sendEmail(email, subject, message, {replyTo: "", from: ""});
The from address has to be an alias though.

Send mail for multiple user and the each recipents have only his email address not the others

I am new bie for send grid. I have checked this url for two emails "" and got the mail successfully in both emails.
The mail received by the users from the above URL have both email address in "TO" field like
For ex. User Test To:; and For User test2 To:;
As per my requirement i want to send mail for multiple user and the each recipents have only his email address not the others.
For ex. User Test To: and For User test2 To:
Can this scenario is possible with send grid.
You can send the same email to multiple recipients by using the SendGrid SMTP API's to parameter.
To do this you'll set an X-SMTPAPI: header in your message, this header will include the JSON to communicate with SendGrid's SMTP API. The header will look as such:
X-SMTPAPI: { "to": [ "", "" ] }
Each recipient will receive a unique email, addressed only to them.
Be aware: you'll still need to set a To: header for the message to send, however you can set this to yourself or one of the recipients (and then exclude them from the JSON list).
Send grid being a standard SMTP server will respond as if you are sending email from gmail, yahoo or outlook.
The scenario is not possible that I am aware of. I have only incorporated it into 2 applications, so I am certain there are better experts.
As an alternative you could test using the blind copy, The problem with that is would need a main address in the To field, which may not fill your requirement.
Send email on Azure Mobile Service /NodeJS
var sendgrid = new SendGrid('KEY');
to: toEMail, // ["", "",...]
from: fromEMail,
subject: subject,
text: body
}, function (success, message) {
console.log("send mail: " + subject);
// If the email failed to send, log it as an error so we can investigate
if (!success) {
possible on Sendgrid. You can use the normal bcc on sendgrid via personalization, but we dont like it because the To: is always required. So my solution is sendgrid transactional email. This will send 1 email to multiple users (using sendgrid / php / laravel ):
$email = new \SendGrid\Mail\Mail();
$email->setFrom("", "Sender Name");
$email->setSubject("Your subject");
"User One",
"User Two",
"User Three",
$email->addContent("text/plain", "your body");
$email->addContent("text/html", "<strong>your body</body>");
$sendgrid = new \SendGrid(getenv('SENDGRID_API_KEY'));
try {
$response = $sendgrid->send($email);
return response()->json($response, 200);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return response()->json($e->getMessage(), 400);

How to email link (URL)

I am displaying a page that contains some text and one image. I want to email the URL of this page to some friends. How to do this?
Check This -
Store store = Session.getDefaultInstance().getStore();
Folder[] folder = store.list(Folder.SENT);
Folder sent = folder[0];
Message msg = new Message(sent);
Address receipent[] = new Address[1];
receipent[0] = new Address(To_Address, name);
msg.addRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, receipent);
msg.setSubject("Test Mail");
msg.setContent("This mail is to remind you that programmatically we can send the mail");
catch (Exception e)

SharePoint 2010 send WorkFlow email on form submit/save click

Could you please help me understand how to send a workflow email, when user submits a task form. The process is to automate the sending of email to "BI Owners", when user fills out a form and once he/she clicks "save"/"submit", then the email should be sent out.
Thanks in advance.
Do you need to understand the Worfklow's configuration?
In that case, check this out:
Send e-mail in a workflow
How do you build up your form? It is an aspx, a webpart, some kind of magic?
Well, this is important, 'cause you have different ways to fire up your workflow, depending on that.
If you have all the form's control, well, this is my sending emails class:
protected void sendEmail()
string mailTo = dudeToSendMail;
MailMessage message = new MailMessage();
message.From = new MailAddress(mailSender);
message.To.Add(new MailAddress(mailTo));
message.Subject = mailSubject;
message.Body = buildMail(); // hey, dude, build up your mail here!
message.IsBodyHtml = true;
SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient();
catch (System.Exception)
Hope it helps.

Java send mail - how to use "Send via"

We are sending mails from our local system.
We got our IPs white listed.
We have a scenario where we have to send email on behalf of somebody.
for ex: our email id is:
but we need to send email with a from address:
When we send with different from address, the receiving mail client displays "phishing" error.
One of the solution is to use "via" as dispayed in google link
We also want the message to be displayed like this in receivers inbox.
Any pointers in this will help us a lot.
thanks in advance.
Note: We are using localhost as the smtp.
Read about email headers. you can add email headers while creating the mail message at runtime.
import javax.mail.*;
import javax.mail.internet.*;
import java.util.*;
public void postMail( String recipients[ ], String subject, String message , String from) throws MessagingException
boolean debug = false;
//Set the host smtp address
Properties props = new Properties();
props.put("", "");
// create some properties and get the default Session
Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null);
// create a message
Message msg = new MimeMessage(session);
// set the from and to address
InternetAddress addressFrom = new InternetAddress(from);
InternetAddress[] addressTo = new InternetAddress[recipients.length];
for (int i = 0; i < recipients.length; i++)
addressTo[i] = new InternetAddress(recipients[i]);
msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, addressTo);
// Optional : You can also set your custom headers in the Email if you Want
msg.addHeader("MyHeaderName", "myHeaderValue");
// Setting the Subject and Content Type
msg.setContent(message, "text/plain");
for further reading check this :
You can create aliases for the smtp server too.