How to email link (URL) - email

I am displaying a page that contains some text and one image. I want to email the URL of this page to some friends. How to do this?

Check This -
Store store = Session.getDefaultInstance().getStore();
Folder[] folder = store.list(Folder.SENT);
Folder sent = folder[0];
Message msg = new Message(sent);
Address receipent[] = new Address[1];
receipent[0] = new Address(To_Address, name);
msg.addRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, receipent);
msg.setSubject("Test Mail");
msg.setContent("This mail is to remind you that programmatically we can send the mail");
catch (Exception e)


xamarin forms: Calling phone and sending email (IOS, Android and UWP)

Currently using following code for calling and email features, but it is only working in Android and not working in IOS. Also, I need these features in UWP.
For call:
string phoneno = "1234567890";
Device.OpenUri(new Uri("tel:" + phoneno));
For mail:
string email = "";
Device.OpenUri(new Uri("mailto:" + email ));
Any package available for this?
Xamarin.Essentials (Nuget) is available as a preview package and contains functionality to both open the default mail app and attach information such as the recipients, subject and the body as well as open the phone dialer with a certain number.
There is also a blog post about Xamarin.Essentials available on
As for your mail issue, Xamarin.Essentials expects an array of strings as recipients so you are able to send mail to multiple people at once. Just pass a string array with one single value.
var recipients = new string[1] {""};
If you're using the overload that expects an EmailMessage instance, you are supposed to pass a List of string objects.
In that case, the following should work:
var recipients = new List<string> {""};
Updating the complete code for calling and mailing features using Xamarin.Essentials, this might help others.
For call:
catch (ArgumentNullException anEx)
// Number was null or white space
catch (FeatureNotSupportedException ex)
// Phone Dialer is not supported on this device.
catch (Exception ex)
// Other error has occurred.
For Mail:
List<string> recipients = new List<string>();
string useremail = email.Text;
var message = new EmailMessage
//Subject = subject,
//Body = body,
To = recipients
//Cc = ccRecipients,
//Bcc = bccRecipients
await Email.ComposeAsync(message);
catch (Exception ex)
Hello to make a call in UWP:
if (Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ApiInformation.IsTypePresent("Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneCallManager"))
Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneCallManager.ShowPhoneCallUI("123", "name to call");
To send a Text:
private async void ComposeSms(Windows.ApplicationModel.Contacts.Contact recipient,
string messageBody,
StorageFile attachmentFile,
string mimeType)
var chatMessage = new Windows.ApplicationModel.Chat.ChatMessage();
chatMessage.Body = messageBody;
if (attachmentFile != null)
var stream = Windows.Storage.Streams.RandomAccessStreamReference.CreateFromFile(attachmentFile);
var attachment = new Windows.ApplicationModel.Chat.ChatMessageAttachment(
var phone = recipient.Phones.FirstOrDefault<Windows.ApplicationModel.Contacts.ContactPhone>();
if (phone != null)
await Windows.ApplicationModel.Chat.ChatMessageManager.ShowComposeSmsMessageAsync(chatMessage);
as found in Microsoft documentation here: Compose SMS documentation
==> So you can make (If not already done) a shared service interface in your Xamarin app, then the implementation with these codes in your UWP app...
To send an email:
To send an email in UWP, you can refer to the Microsoft documentation too:
Send Email documentation (UWP)
Using a plugin
Else you can use a Xamarin plugin:
documentation: Xamarin cross messaging plugin
Nuget: Nuget plugin package
In our app, we are doing the phone calling with a DependencyService.
Therefore in our PCL, we have
public interface IPhoneCall
void Call(string number);
On the iOS side, the following method does the calling:
public void Call(string number)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(number))
var url = new NSUrl("tel:" + number);
if (!UIApplication.SharedApplication.OpenUrl(url))
var av = new UIAlertView("Error",
"Your device does not support calls",
If don't want to wait for the Xamarin essentials that is still in pre-release as of today, you can use this open source plugin. It works on iOS, Android and UWP. There is a sample from the github documentation :
// Make Phone Call
var phoneDialer = CrossMessaging.Current.PhoneDialer;
if (phoneDialer.CanMakePhoneCall)
// Send Sms
var smsMessenger = CrossMessaging.Current.SmsMessenger;
if (smsMessenger.CanSendSms)
smsMessenger.SendSms("+27213894839493", "Well hello there from Xam.Messaging.Plugin");
var emailMessenger = CrossMessaging.Current.EmailMessenger;
if (emailMessenger.CanSendEmail)
// Send simple e-mail to single receiver without attachments, bcc, cc etc.
emailMessenger.SendEmail("", "Xamarin Messaging Plugin", "Well hello there from Xam.Messaging.Plugin");
// Alternatively use EmailBuilder fluent interface to construct more complex e-mail with multiple recipients, bcc, attachments etc.
var email = new EmailMessageBuilder()
.Bcc(new[] { "", "" })
.Subject("Xamarin Messaging Plugin")
.Body("Well hello there from Xam.Messaging.Plugin")

Notification message sent thru pinpoint does not reach the Mobile

Based on the link I tried tried working and here is the code I tried out
public static void SendNotification2(String appid, String pinpointEndpointId){
try {
GetEndpointRequest getEndpointRequest = new GetEndpointRequest()
AmazonPinpoint pinpoint = AmazonPinpointClientBuilder.standard().withRegion(Regions.US_EAST_1).build();
GetEndpointResult endpointResult = pinpoint.getEndpoint(getEndpointRequest);
EndpointResponse endpointResponse = endpointResult.getEndpointResponse();
Map<String, String> data = new HashMap<String, String>();
data.put("message", "test");
DirectMessageConfiguration directMessageConfiguration =
new DirectMessageConfiguration().withGCMMessage(new GCMMessage().withData(data).withSilentPush(true));
AddressConfiguration addressConfiguration = new AddressConfiguration().withChannelType(ChannelType.GCM);
MessageRequest messageRequest = new MessageRequest().withMessageConfiguration(directMessageConfiguration)
.addAddressesEntry(endpointResponse.getAddress(), addressConfiguration);
SendMessagesRequest sendMessagesRequest = new SendMessagesRequest()
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
The code executes successfully without any error/exception but i do not see the notification.
However when i post the message from "Direct Messaging" section of pinpoint with the Endpoint Id I am able to see the notification in mobile.
Also using Amazon CLI the Notification message is delivered:
aws --region="us-east-1" pinpoint send-messages --application-id 1fd19ca6fa944a79bdd91beddb4b4f7e --message-request "{\"Context\":{},\"MessageConfiguration\":{\"DefaultMessage\":{\"Body\":\"Test from default message\",\"Substitutions\":{}},\"DefaultPushNotificationMessage\":{},\"APNSMessage\":{},\"GCMMessage\":{\"Data\":{\"message\":\"test\"},\"SilentPush\":true},\"BaiduMessage\":{},\"ADMMessage\":{},\"SMSMessage\":{}},\"Addresses\":{\"cltaa5owuOU:APA91bFOBUB5YRi_Ac6teNmuu19aoFDAByOeoVbqLmY1Yp6cZEp_aueunDU1ZPB6H50GKBfuxu300z-El_sEjxo72crYKnklI-wboxXDk180JICrif0c7R-fR4xFOm5WsQOGUJZPFLG6\":{\"ChannelType\":\"GCM\"}},\"Endpoints\":{}}
Any help will be appreciated.

How to check the user is registered in ejabberd server or not using asmack

The following is the code that I used to search the given user registered in xmpp server or not using asmack.
UserSearchManager userSearchManager = new UserSearchManager(
Form searchForm;
try {
searchForm = userSearchManager.getSearchForm("vjud."
+ connection.getServiceName());
Form answerForm = searchForm.createAnswerForm();
answerForm.setAnswer("user", true);
answerForm.setAnswer("search", "test"); // here i'm passsing the
// Text value to search
ReportedData resultData;
resultData = userSearchManager.getSearchResults(answerForm,
"vjud." + connection.getServiceName());
Iterator<Row> it = resultData.getRows();
Row row = null;
while (it.hasNext()) {
String value =;
Log.i("Iteartor values......", " " + value);
System.out.println("Jabber_id :"
+ row.getValues("jid").next().toString());
System.out.println("Name :"
+ row.getValues("Name").next().toString());
row =;
} catch (XMPPException e) {
Form answerForm = searchForm.createAnswerForm(); getting NullPointerException.Anyone please help thanks in advance.
You cannot use Jabber User Directory to know if a user is registered or not. Jabber User Directory (vjud) is based on the info user publish in their Vcard. A registered user that do not have a Vcard will not be matched by the search.

Saving mail into Sent items in JavaMail

I am using something like the following to save a copy of the sent message in the user Sent folder in JavaMail. It works fine for emails with no attachment and for emails whose attachments are less than 1MB. But program stops before the code is actually executed for attachments greater than 1MB. Any idea how to deal with this one?
String host = ReadConfigPropertiesFile.getPropertyValue("");
String smtpHost = ReadConfigPropertiesFile.getPropertyValue("");
String from = "";
String to = "";
// Get system properties
Properties properties = System.getProperties();
// Setup smtp mail server
properties.setProperty(smtpHost, host);
properties.setProperty("mail.mime.encodeparameters", "true");
// properties.setProperty("mail.mime.decodeparameters","true");
properties.setProperty("mail.mime.encodefilename", "true");
// properties.setProperty("mail.mime.decodefilename","true");
// Get the default Session object.
Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(properties);
// Define message
MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(session);
message.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from));
new InternetAddress(to));
message.setSubject("Peace ", "UTF-8");
// Create the message part
BodyPart messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
// Fill the message body
messageBodyPart.setContent("Hello attachment", "text/html; charset=UTF-8");
Multipart multipart = new MimeMultipart();
String[] filename = {"C:/Users/Dake/Desktop/music.mp3"};
for (int i = 0; i < filename.length; i++) {
// Part two is attachment
messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
DataSource source = new FileDataSource(filename[i]);
messageBodyPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(source));
// messageBodyPart.setFileName(filename[i]);
//messageBodyPart.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=UTF-8; name="+MimeUtility.encodeText(filename[i]));
// messageBodyPart.setHeader("Content-ID", filename[i]);
messageBodyPart.setFileName(MimeUtility.encodeText(filename[i], "UTF-8", null)); //encode filename
//bodyPart.setFileName(MimeUtility.encodeText(attachment.getName(), "UTF-8", null));
// Put parts in message
//set the time
DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy HH:MM:SS");
Date date = new Date();
String sentDate = df.format(date);
Date dd = (Date) df.parse(sentDate);
// Send the message
System.out.println("Message sent...");
// Copy message to "Sent Items" folder as read
Store store = session.getStore("imap");
store.connect(host, "user", "userpwd");
Folder folder = (Folder) store.getFolder("Sent");
if (!folder.exists()) {
// folder.appendMessages(new Message[]{message});
try {
folder.appendMessages(new Message[]{message});
// Message[] msgs = folder.getMessages();
message.setFlag(FLAGS.Flag.RECENT, true);
} catch (Exception ignore) {
System.out.println("error processing message " + ignore.getMessage());
} finally {
// folder.close(false);
System.out.println("Msg send and saved ....");
When I run the above code, it displays the appending.... and it stops there forever. And I am using Apache James server 3.0-beta4 as the mail server.
Is your server breaking the connection because it's taking too long to send the message to be appended? (If so, how long is it taking?)
Or is the server breaking the connection because it won't allow you to append a message that large?
Do you get any useful information from the server in the debug output?
I know this is a old question, but maybe this helps you or some others.
I guess the problem of your code is that you try to manipulate the Recent-Flag: message.setFlag(FLAGS.Flag.RECENT, true);. According to the IMAP-Standard the Recent-Flag can't be altered by clients.

How to retrieve Someone's Avatar/Photo with agsXmpp

this is what I have so far:
void xmppConnection_OnReadXml(object sender, string xml)
if (xml.Contains(XmlTags.PhotoOpen))
int startIndex = xml.IndexOf(XmlTags.PhotoOpen) + XmlTags.PhotoOpen.Length;
int length = xml.IndexOf(XmlTags.PhotoClose) - startIndex;
string photoHash = xml.Substring(startIndex, length);
I guess I can't undo the hash, but I want to the get a person's avatar/photo. How do I achieve this?
You need to handle the VCard events and responses from XMPP connection:
private void vcardToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
RosterNode node = rosterControl.SelectedItem();
if (node != null)
frmVcard f = new frmVcard(node.RosterItem.Jid, XmppCon);
The above is from the miniclient solution example from the AGSXMPP download. Note, it happens when a user request a VCARD for a user. You can initiate that request whenever you want, however.
private void VcardResult(object sender, IQ iq, object data)
if (InvokeRequired)
// Windows Forms are not Thread Safe, we need to invoke this :(
// We're not in the UI thread, so we need to call BeginInvoke
BeginInvoke(new IqCB(VcardResult), new object[] { sender, iq, data });
if (iq.Type == IqType.result)
Vcard vcard = iq.Vcard;
if (vcard!=null)
txtFullname.Text = vcard.Fullname;
txtNickname.Text = vcard.Nickname;
txtBirthday.Text = vcard.Birthday.ToString();
txtDescription.Text = vcard.Description;
Photo photo = vcard.Photo;
if (photo != null)
picPhoto.Image = vcard.Photo.Image;
That is what happens when someone requests the VCARD information from XMPP and the IQ type matches the proper data. You can thenpull the photo from vcard.Photo.
You trigger the pull with:
VcardIq viq = new VcardIq(IqType.get, new Jid(jid.Bare));
con.IqGrabber.SendIq(viq, new IqCB(VcardResult), null);
The first line there is the request to the XMPP server, that the VCARD form uses to request user information.
The second line there, sets up another grabber (callback of sorts), that the form uses to wait for the information to arrive, and then parse out the necessary information. IN this case, the grabber is in a new form, so that the main application doesn't have to worry about parsing that information.
You can look at the entire source by extracting the AGSXMPP zip file to your local drive, and looking in the Samples\VS2008\miniclient folder.
You can click link: