How do I filter a result set in Entity Framework Core? - entity-framework-core

I have a dinky little web service written in Entity Framework Core that returns a list of coils that have been, are being or will be annealed. I don't care about the ones that have been annealed. How do I put filter out the finished ones?
The Inventory table includes a column archived. I want to query for those rows for which the archived column contains zero. How do I do that?
The query is being performed in an extension method on the IEndpointRouteBuilder interface:
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text.Json;
using CAPSWebServer.CapsDataModels;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder
public static class CAPSServiceEndpoint
public static void MapWebService(this IEndpointRouteBuilder app)
app.MapGet("caps/coils", async context =>
CapsDataContext data = context.RequestServices.GetService<CapsDataContext>();
var coils = data.Inventories;
context.Response.ContentType = "application/json";
await context.Response.WriteAsync(JsonSerializer.Serialize<IEnumerable<Inventory>>(data.Inventories));

Assuming archived is a bool, you should be able to do:
await data.Inventories.Where(inventory => !inventory.Archived).ToListAsync();.
You'll most likely need a using for System.Linq and Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore


Includes doesn't work with LinqKit AsExpandable

I'm trying to use LinqKit AsExpandable in my EfCore2.0 project and I am running into this problem where the Includes doesn't work.
In attempting to debug this I have downloaded the LinqKit source from github and have replaced the Nuget references in my project with Project references.
When debugging with the LinqKit project, I noticed that the my call to Include wasn't hitting a breakpoint I set on ExpandableQueryOfClass<T>.Include.
I did some further testing and noticed the breakpoint is hit if I first cast to ExpandableQueryOfClass (this is an internal class in LinqKit which I made public, so I can't do the cast if I'm referencing the Nuget package).
Is this a bug in LinqKit or am I doing something wrong?
Here is my test code.
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using Internal.DAL.Db;
using Internal.Models.Customer;
using LinqKit; // Referencing LinqKit.Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore
using Xunit;
namespace Internal.EntityFramework.Tests
public class UnitTest1
private DbContextOptionsBuilder<DataContext> _ctxBuilder =>
new DbContextOptionsBuilder<DataContext>().UseSqlServer(Connection.String);
public async Task SuccessTest()
using (var ctx = new DataContext(_ctxBuilder.Options))
var query =
// this cast is the only difference between the methods
.Include(r => r.Customer)
var responses = await query.ToListAsync();
// this succeeds
Assert.All(responses, r => Assert.NotNull(r.Customer));
public async Task FailTest()
using (var ctx = new DataContext(_ctxBuilder.Options))
var query = ctx.Orders
.Include(r => r.Customer)
var responses = await query.ToListAsync();
// this fails
Assert.All(responses, r => Assert.NotNull(r.Customer));
Edit 2018-05-15: There is an open issue on the LinqKit github repository.
I'm not sure whether this is LINQKit or EF Core fault (definitely it's not yours).
For sure it's caused by the EF Core Include / ThenInclude implementations which all include a check for source.Provider is EntityQueryProvider and do nothing in case it's false.
I'm not sure what's the idea of EF Core designers - probably custom query providers to inherit from EntityQueryProvider, but at the same time the class is part of the infrastructure and marked as not supposed to be used.
I also have no idea how LINQKit is planning to address it, but as you noticed the current implementation definitely is broken/not working. At the moment it looks to me more like a WIP.
The only workaround I see at this time is to apply AsExpandable() after includes.

Entity Framework Core 1.0 CurrentValues.SetValues() does not exist

I'm attempting to update an entity and its related child entities using Entity Framework Core 1.0 RC 1, where the entities are detached from DbContext. I've done this previously using a solution similar to the one described in this answer.
However, it seems that we are no longer able to do the following using Entity Framework 7:
Visual Studio complains that:
EntityEntry does not contain a definition for 'CurrentValues'
I presume this means that this has not (yet?) been implemented for EF Core 1.0? Apart from manually updating the properties, is there any other solution?
As you have noticed, this API is not implemented yet in EF Core. See this work item:
I know this is an old question but I ran into this issue today, and it appears it still isn't implemented in EF Core. So I wrote an extension method to use in the meantime that will update any object's properties with the matching values of any other object.
public static class EFUpdateProperties
public static TOrig UpdateProperties<TOrig, TDTO>(this TOrig original, TDTO dto)
var origProps = typeof(TOrig).GetProperties();
var dtoProps = typeof(TDTO).GetProperties();
foreach(PropertyInfo dtoProp in dtoProps)
.Where(origProp => origProp.Name == dtoProp.Name)
.SetMethod.Invoke(original, new Object[]
dtoProp.GetMethod.Invoke(dto, null) });
return original;
public async Task UpdateEntity(EditViewModel editDto)
// Get entry from context
var entry = await _context.Items.Where(p => p.ID == editDto.Id).FirstOrDefaultAsync();
// Update properties
// Save Changes
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

Create async methods to load data from database using EF

how does one write an async method that gets data from database, using DbContext and .NET 4.0?
public Task<List<Product>> GetProductsAsync()
// Context.Set<Product>().ToList();
so we can await somewhere for result of this method
// somewhere
List<Product> products = await repository.GetProductsAsync();
What is important is that I do not want to use thread pool thread for this task, since this is an IO task, and I need to support framework 4.0, and EF6 had added support for async methods only in 4.5, if I am not mistaken.
Not possible, SaveAsync is wrapped with:
#if !NET40
Installing Entity Framework 6 is available as a Nuget Package and works also with .NET 4. In EF6, async
DB calls can be done like this example:
public static async Task<List<Customer>> SelectAllAsync()
using (var context = new NorthWindEntities())
var query = from c in context.Customers
orderby c.CustomerID ascending
select c;
return await query.ToListAsync();
Here, a DbContext is instantiated in a using block and the query will search the Northwind database for all its customers and order ascending by primary key CustomerID. The method needs to be decorated with async keyword and must return a task of the desired type T, here a list of customers. The result will then be return by using the ToListAsync() method in this case and one must remember to use the await keyword. There are additional Async methods in EF6, such as SaveChangesAsync, SingleOrDefaultAsync and so on. Also, async methods in C# should following this naming conventions according to guidelines.
To get started test the code above in Visual Studio, just create a new Console Application solution, type: install-package EntityFramework in the Package Manager Console and add an edmx file pointing to a local Northwind database. The main method will then just call the method above like this:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
var task = CustomHelper.SelectAllAsync();
Console.WriteLine("Got data!");
List<Customer> data = task.Result;
Console.WriteLine("Async op took: " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
//data =
//var data = CustomHelper.SelectAll();
//Console.WriteLine("Got data!");
//Console.WriteLine("Sync operation took: " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue ...");
I see that the async operation takes a bit longer than the sync operation, so the async db call will have some time penalty but allows asynchronous processing, not freezing the calling code awaiting the result in a blocking fashion.

Updating multiple records using Entity Framework

I am using Entity Framework 5. I am looking for a better approach to update multiple records.
People are talking about EF Extensions. But I am not sure how to use it with my scenario.
This is my method signature.
internal void Update( List<Models.StockItem> stockItemsUpdate)
I need to update all the corresponding stockitem entities.
using (var context = new eCommerceEntities())
var items = context.StockItems.Where(si => stockItemsUpdate.Select(it => it.ID).Contains(si.ID));
I believe above query will return those entities.
How can I use EF extensions in this scenario?
In EntityFramework.Extended's BatchExtensions there is an Update extension method with this signature:
public static int Update<TEntity>(
this IQueryable<TEntity> source,
Expression<Func<TEntity, TEntity>> updateExpression)
You can use this as follows:
items.Update(item => new StockItem { Stock = 0 });
to set the stock of the selected items to 0.

How to consume a complex object from a sproc using WCF Data Services / OData?

Using WCF Data Services (and the latest Entity Framework), I want to return data from a stored procedure. The returned sproc fields do not match 1:1 any entity in my db, so I create a new complex type for it in the edmx model (rather than attaching an existing entity):
Right-click the *.edmx model / Add / Function Import
Select the sproc (returns three fields) - GetData
Click Get Column Information
Add the Function Import Name: GetData
Click Create new Complex Type - GetData_Result
In the service, I define:
public List<GetData_Result> GetDataSproc()
PrimaryDBContext context = new PrimaryDBContext();
return context.GetData().ToList();
I created a quick console app to test, and added a reference to System.Data.Services and System.Data.Services.Client - this after running Install-Package EntityFramework -Pre, but the versions on the libraries are 4.0 and not 5.x.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Data.Services.Client;
using ConsoleApplication1.PrimaryDBService;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
DataServiceContext context = new DataServiceContext(new Uri("http://localhost:50100/PrimaryDataService1.svc/"));
IEnumerable<GetData_Result> result = context.Execute<GetData_Result>(new Uri("http://localhost:50100/PrimaryDataService1.svc/GetDataSproc"));
foreach (GetData_Result w in result)
Console.WriteLine(w.ID + "\t" + w.WHO_TYPE_NAME + "\t" + w.CREATED_DATE);
I didn't use the UriKind.Relative or anything else to complicate this.
When I navigate in the browser to the URL, I see data, but when I consume it in my console app, I get nothing at all.
Adding tracing to the mix:
<source name="System.ServiceModel" switchValue="Information, ActivityTracing" propagateActivity="true">
<add name="traceListener" type="System.Diagnostics.XmlWriterTraceListener" initializeData="c:\temp\WebWCFDataService.svclog" />
... and opening using the Microsoft Service Trace Viewer, I see two idential warnings:
Configuration evaluation context not found.
<E2ETraceEvent xmlns="">
<System xmlns="">
<SubType Name="Warning">0</SubType>
<TimeCreated SystemTime="2012-04-03T14:50:11.8355955Z" />
<Source Name="System.ServiceModel" />
<Correlation ActivityID="{66f1a241-2613-43dd-be0c-341149e37d30}" />
<Execution ProcessName="WebDev.WebServer40" ProcessID="5176" ThreadID="10" />
<Channel />
<TraceRecord xmlns="" Severity="Warning">
<Description>Configuration evaluation context not found.</Description>
So why am I able to see data from the browser, but not when consumed in my app?
-- UPDATE --
I downloaded the Microsoft WCF Data Services October 2011 CTP which exposed DataServiceProtocolVersion.V3, created a new host and client and referenced Microsoft.Data.Services.Client (v4.99.2.0). Now getting the following error on the client when trying iterate in the foreach loop:
There is a type mismatch between the client and the service. Type
'ConsoleApplication1.WcfDataServiceOctCTP1.GetDataSproc_Result' is an
entity type, but the type in the response payload does not represent
an entity type. Please ensure that types defined on the client match
the data model of the service, or update the service reference on the
I tried the same thing by referencing the actual entity - works fine, so same issue.
Recap: I want to create a high-performing WCF service DAL (data access layer) that returns strongly-typed stored procedures. I initially used a "WCF Data Services" project to accomplish this. It seems as though it has its limitations, and after reviewing performance metrics of different ORM's, I ended up using Dapper for the data access inside a basic WCF Service.
I first created the *.edmx model and created the POCO for my sproc.
Next, I created a base BaseRepository and MiscDataRepository:
namespace WcfDataService.Repositories
public abstract class BaseRepository
protected static void SetIdentity<T>(IDbConnection connection, Action<T> setId)
dynamic identity = connection.Query("SELECT ##IDENTITY AS Id").Single();
T newId = (T)identity.Id;
protected static IDbConnection OpenConnection()
IDbConnection connection = new SqlConnection(WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["PrimaryDBConnectionString"].ConnectionString);
return connection;
namespace WcfDataService.Repositories
public class MiscDataRepository : BaseRepository
public IEnumerable<GetData_Result> SelectAllData()
using (IDbConnection connection = OpenConnection())
var theData = connection.Query<GetData_Result>("sprocs_GetData",
commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure);
return theData;
The service class:
namespace WcfDataService
public class Service1 : IService1
private MiscDataRepository miscDataRepository;
public Service1()
: this(new MiscDataRepository())
public Service1(MiscDataRepository miscDataRepository)
this.miscDataRepository = miscDataRepository;
public IEnumerable<GetData_Result> GetData()
return miscDataRepository.SelectAllData();
... and then created a simple console application to display the data:
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Service1Client client = new Service1Client();
IEnumerable<GetData_Result> result = client.GetData();
foreach (GetData_Result d in result)
Console.WriteLine(d.ID + "\t" + d.WHO_TYPE_NAME + "\t" + d.CREATED_DATE);
I also accomplished this using PetaPOCO, which took much less time to setup than Dapper - a few lines of code:
namespace PetaPocoWcfDataService
// NOTE: You can use the "Rename" command on the "Refactor" menu to change the class name "Service1" in code, svc and config file together.
public class Service1 : IService1
public IEnumerable<GetData_Result> GetData()
var databaseContext = new PetaPoco.Database("PrimaryDBContext"); // using PetaPOCO for data access
databaseContext.EnableAutoSelect = false; // use the sproc to create the select statement
return databaseContext.Query<GetData_Result>("exec sproc_GetData");
I like how quick and simple it was to setup PetaPOCO, but using the repository pattern with Dapper will scale much better for an enterprise project.
It was also quite simple to create complex objects directly from the EDMX - for any stored procedure, then consume them.
For example, I created complex type return type called ProfileDetailsByID_Result based on the sq_mobile_profile_get_by_id sproc.
public ProfileDetailsByID_Result GetAllProfileDetailsByID(int profileID)
using (IDbConnection connection = OpenConnection("DatabaseConnectionString"))
var profile = connection.Query<ProfileDetailsByID_Result>("sq_mobile_profile_get_by_id",
new { profileid = profileID },
commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure).FirstOrDefault();
return profile;
catch (Exception ex)
ErrorLogging.Instance.Fatal(ex); // use singleton for logging
return null;
So using Dapper along with some EDMX entities seems to be a nice quick way to get things going. I may be mistaken, but I'm not sure why Microsoft didn't think this all the way through - no support for complex types with OData.
--- UPDATE ---
So I finally got a response from Microsoft, when I raised the issue over a month ago:
We have done research on this and we have found that the Odata client
library doesn’t support complex types. Therefore, I regret to inform
you that there is not much that we can do to solve it.
*Optional: In order to obtain a solution for this issue, you have to use a Xml to Linq kind of approach to get the complex types.
Thank you very much for your understanding in this matter. Please let
me know if you have any questions. If we can be of any further
assistance, please let us know.
Best regards,
Seems odd.