Started recently using the BLoC approach for building apps, and one thing that is not clear is where to "keep" BLoC variables. I guess we can have these two options:
Declare a variable in the BLoC class; for example in my class I can do the following:
class ModulesBloc extends Bloc<ModulesEvent, ModulesState> {
late String myString;
And access it in my UI as follows:
Keep it as a state variable; for example I can declare my state class as follows:
class ModulesState extends Equatable {
const ModulesState({required this.myString});
final String myString;
List<Object> get props => [myString];
And access it in my UI as follows:
BlocBuilder<ModulesBloc, ModulesState>(
builder: (BuildContext context, ModulesState modulesState) {
Are there any performance penalties / state stability issues with any of the above approaches?
I am not sure there is an absolute answer but I can at least give my opinion.
In bloc you have 3 objects: bloc, event, state.
The state is the mutable part while the bloc is a description of the your problem (what states to emit for each event). As such, an immutable variable to describe your problem should be, in my opinion, placed inside the bloc. However, anything which might change is the state of your bloc (same as the state of your widget) and should as such be stored in the state.
You want to create an app where you can set timers. In this app you can have multiple timers, each of which will be identified by a name.
In this case:
your state will be an object containing a double variable called timeCount, which will be incremented each seconds for example.
You bloc will have a final field called name which will have to be set during the creation of the stopwatch.
Interestingly enough, if you want the bloc to also handle the stopwatch creation, you will have 2 states: the first empty, the second with a name and timeCount. See how naturally name became variable and is therefore found in the state now.
I am very new to Dart/Flutter, but I am trying to learn and understand. Here is my issue:
I got global.dart that stores global vars and I know how to access and to change them, but I want a separate class to update itself when a global var is changed from a different class. These classes are stored in different files.
I am not sure if any code is needed in this question..
Based on your requirement, what you need is called ChangeNotifier and you can use a Provider to provide the variables of the ChangeNotifier in any file they are required.
Before using the ChangeNotifiers (can be multiple, like NewsProvider, FeedProvider, CommentProvider etc), you've to inject it into the widget cycle before the Widget/Component you intend to use it in. For that, check the widget Provider or MultiProvider in the Provider linked above.
After setting up the ChangeNotifiers and injecting them into the widget cycle, you can use them in any widget or class as:
For one-time reading the value, use read as:
SampleNotifier sample =<SampleNotifier>();
Also, in onClick triggered functions, you can't use watch, only read is allowed, as these functions are static in nature and doesn't require dynamically updated value. Also, when you want to access and call a function declared in a ChangeNotifier, for example the setSignIn mentioned below, use read.
For listening to the changes in the variables of the provider, use watch as:
SampleNotifier sample =<SampleNotifier>();
Above mentioned read and watch are not the actual functions provided by the package Provider but their short form as extension function on context and you don't need both, this one's enough and better.
A sample ChangeNotifer:
class SampleNotifier extends ChangeNotifier {
//A locally-scoped sample variable
bool _isUserLoggedIn = false;
//Getter to get the sample value
bool get isUserLoggedIn => _isUserLoggedIn;
//Contructor sample to initialize the variables with the default values
//You can initialize it with the global values in your global vars file
FabNotifier() {
_isUserLoggedIn = false;
//Sample function to perform some logic and set the updated value
setSignIn() {
_isUserLoggedIn = true;
//To notify all the classes listening to this variable, to update the usage there
//watch is used to listen to the value, so wherever watch is used, it will update the value
To inject this SampleNotifier, check the Provider/MultiProvider in the linked Provide package above and to use it, check the read or watch mentioned above.
To access the state of a StateProvider or StateNotifierProvider:
Sometimes in the Riverpod documentation, the state variable is added after the watch function.
int count = watch(counterProvider).state;
However, my code where I am using a StateNotifier, works only if I refer to it inside watch. i.e
What are the differences?
The widget that is consuming the provider will behave differently in the two cases.
In the first case:
The consumer will look at the entire counterProvider and it will be rebuilt if anything causes a NotifyProvider.
In second case:
The consumer is looking at the state variable only and it will only be rebuilt if the state changes and cause a NotifyProvider.
I am a bit confused about the new release of Bloc: 6.0.0, adding Cubit notion, is the bloc depreciated or we can use both of them?
Cubit is a subset of the BLoC Pattern package that does not rely on events and instead uses methods to emit new states.
So, we can use Cubit for simple states, and as needed we can use the Bloc.
UPDATE : additional comparison
There are many advantages of choosing Cubit over Bloc. The two main benefits are:
Cubit is a subset of Bloc; so, it reduces complexity. Cubit eliminates the event classes.
Cubit uses emit rather than yield to emit state. Since emit works synchronously, you can ensure that the state is updated in the next line.
Cubit is perfectly suitable to any app scale and anyone saying one scales better than the other is ill informed.
You have to chose between traceability with an event driven architecture which comes with boiler plate vs more traditional code. One advantage of event driven architectures is that events can be used by 0 or many handlers, the emitter does not care. The disadvantage is the indirection and extra boiler plate.
When you use a bloc you have a Transition that contains the event:
Transition {
currentState: AuthenticationState.authenticated,
event: LogoutRequested,
nextState: AuthenticationState.unauthenticated
When you use cubit it does not
Transition {
currentState: AuthenticationState.authenticated,
nextState: AuthenticationState.unauthenticated
That alone gives you traceability because you know which event triggered the changes just by looking at the logs. You see eventA happened then eventB. In practice though, for the cubit you can often infer traceability from the changes themselves without the "label", because there is not many action that can output this change. That traceability gives the traditional advantage and disadvantage of event driven architecture. One disadvantage is indirection cost which shouldn't be understated, you cannot put a debugger and follow the code here by definition, another would be the extra boiler plate.
Event sharing
In essence, emitting an Action/Event that is then mapped to call a function, is just like calling the function directly. The only fundamental change is when an action must be consumed by multiple consumers, blocs or others (example analytics). If an action must be shared between blocs (example reset data on logout), then blocs can be handy in that area. However it might be a better architecture model not to mix one bloc with another, or it might not be, it depends. It's a judgment call here.
If you ask yourself should I use bloc or cubit, imo you should go with cubit. Once you have a need for Bloc you can switch, but doing so before even having the need is imo preemptive architecture.
I don't agree with opinions that you can only use Cubit only for simple cases, or for small apps. I would even say that Cubit can handle pretty complex cases without the need to be converted into a Bloc.
The main advantage of Cubit is that it has less boilerplate code, and has a straightforward and synchronous way for emitting states (as there is no Event class, but a simple functions instead). In most cases you won't need a Bloc, so you can easily use Cubits if you don't have to transform your events. In those rare cases when you need to transform events, you can easily refactor Cubit into a Bloc, as both of them extends BlocBase class.
The main difference between Cubit and Bloc is that in Bloc you have Event class in addition to State. So, you are able to use EventTransformer function in order to manipulate your events. For example, you can add debounce or throttle to your event. Or even have some complicated event stream mapping. That's the main benefit of using a Bloc instead of a Cubit.
An example of using EventTransformer for debouncing event:
import 'package:stream_transform/stream_transform.dart';
EventTransformer<Event> _debounce<Event>(Duration duration) {
return (events, mapper) => events.debounce(duration).switchMap(mapper);
Usage of the _debounce in event mapping:
class ExampleBloc extends Bloc<ExampleEvent, ExampleState> {
const ExampleBloc()
: super(const ExampleState()) {
transformer: _debounce(Duration(seconds: 1)),
Basically, that's the core difference between Cubit and Bloc.
P.S. Usage of Blocs / Cubits in projects is also quite opinionated, and some teams might use Blocs only due to code consistency.
The Cubit is suitable for simple State management where you just have one kind of event to bind to the state. While Bloc is for complex state management where you can have many events to map to states.
For example let consider below Cubit
class SimpleCubit extends Cubit<SimpleState> {
SimpleCubit () : super(InitialState());
void updateState(String stateName){
Let now have a look on Bloc
class SimpleBloc extends Bloc<SimpleEvent, SimpleState> {
SimpleBloc() : super(InitialState()){
Future<void> _handleEvent1(SimpleEvent event, Emitter<SimpleState1> emit) async {
// Put your code here
Future<void> _handleEvent2(SimpleEvent event, Emitter<SimpleState2> emit) async {
// Put your code here
To implement above code with Cubit we will need switch cases (boilerplate)
Bloc force you to map each event to a separate function which is good when you have a complex state.
From the docs I understood that one can call addListener() on a ChangeNotifier instance to add a custom listener to the stack.
This method accepts a callback with zero arguments (according to notifyListeners()), e.g.:
class MyClass extends ChangeNotifier {
MyClass() {
addListener(() {
// ...
From within the callback, how does one find out what properties or parts of MyClass have been changed?
ChangeNotifier does not have such capabilities inherently. You will have to implement your own logic. Specifically, you either have access to all of the properties of your ChangeNotifier implementation because you add the listener in its scope or you have access to it because you have a reference to it in your scope.
ChangeNotifier simply implements Listenable and provides some utilities for managing listeners. Furthermore, the documentation states the following about it:
ChangeNotifier is optimized for small numbers (one or two) of listeners. It is O(N) for adding and removing listeners and O(N²) for dispatching notifications (where N is the number of listeners).
I am not sure about options with better runtime complexity for notifying listeners, but you will not run into any issues in a regular Flutter app.
ValueNotifier is a pre-made implementation of ChangeNotifier that will notify its listeners when its value property is changed.
This is sufficient for most case, but since it appears that you want to create a custom ChangeNotifier, you can use the source code of ValueNotifier to take a look at an example implementation (it is very straight forward).
If you are just looking to do state management in general, ValueNotifiers usually work great. However, they are not applicable in every scenario. Hence, here is an extensive list with different state management options.
Considering the questions, I think the techniques that fit your needs best and the most popular options are the following:
InheritedWidget as it lets you notify dependents based on what data changed. Additionally, there is InheritedModel as an extension of this and InheritedNotifier that works with Listenable, just like ChangeNotifier does.
The BLOC pattern, which works with streams.
The provider package which is mostly a convenience wrapper for various Flutter state management techniques (InheritedWidget, StatefulWidget, ValueNotifier, etc.).
What does BuildContext do, and what information do we get out of it? is just not clear. on the 9th instance of the term BuildContext there is an example, but it's not clear how it is being used. It's part of a much larger set of code that loses me, and so I am having a hard time understanding just what BuildContext is.
Can someone explain this in simple/very basic terms?
BuildContext is, like it's name is implying, the context in which a specific widget is built.
If you've ever done some React before, that context is kind of similar to React's context (but much smoother to use) ; with a few bonuses.
Generally speaking, there are 2 use cases for context :
Interact with your parents (get/post data mostly)
Once rendered on screen, get your screen size and position
The second point is kinda rare. On the other hand, the first point is used nearly everywhere.
For example, when you want to push a new route, you'll do Navigator.of(context).pushNamed('myRoute').
Notice the context here. It'll be used to get the closest instance of NavigatorState widget above in the tree. Then call the method pushNamed on that instance.
Cool, but when do I want to use it ?
BuildContext is really useful when you want to pass data downward without having to manually assign it to every widgets' configurations for example ; you'll want to access them everywhere. But you don't want to pass it on every single constructor.
You could potentially make a global or a singleton ; but then when confs change your widgets won't automatically rebuild.
In this case, you use InheritedWidget. With it you could potentially write the following :
class Configuration extends InheritedWidget {
final String myConf;
const Configuration({this.myConf, Widget child}): super(child: child);
bool updateShouldNotify(Configuration oldWidget) {
return myConf != oldWidget.myConf;
And then, use it this way :
void main() {
new Configuration(
myConf: "Hello world",
child: new MaterialApp(
// usual stuff here
Thanks to that, now everywhere inside your app, you can access these configs using the BuildContext. By doing
final configuration = context.inheritFromWidgetOfExactType(Configuration);
And even cooler is that all widgets who call inheritFromWidgetOfExactType(Configuration) will automatically rebuild when the configurations change.
Awesome right ?
what is the BuildContext object/context?
Before we knowing about BuildCotext, We have to know about the Element object.
What is Element object
(note: As a flutter developer we never worked with Element object, but we worked with an object(known as BuildContext object) that's similar to Element object)
The Element object is the build location of the current widget.
What's really mean by "build location" ?
when the framework builds a widget object by calling its constructor will correspondingly need to create an element object for that widget object.
And this element object represents the build location of that widget.
This element object has many useful instance methods.
Who uses the Element object and its methods ?
They are 02 parties that use the Element object and its methods.
Framework (To create RenderObject tree etc)
Developers (Like us)
What is BuildContext object ?
BuildContext objects are actually Element objects. The BuildContext interface is used to discourage direct manipulation of Element objects.
So BuildContext object = discouraged element object (That contains less number of instance methods compared to the original Element object)
Why framework discouraged the Element object and pass it to us ?
Because Element object has instance methods that must only be needed by the framework itself.
but what happens when we access these methods by us, It's something that should not be done.
So that the reason why framework discouraged the Element object and pass it to us
Ok Now let's talk about the topic
What does BuildContext object do in Flutter ?
BuildContext object has several useful methods to easily perform certain tasks that need to be done in the widget tree.
Returns the nearest ancestor widget of the given type T.
Returns the State object of the nearest ancestor StatefulWidget.
Obtains the nearest widget of the given type T, which must be the type of a concrete InheritedWidget subclass, and registers this build context with that widget such that when that widget changes.
[Used by Provider package]
The above methods are mostly used instance methods of BuildContext object if you want to see all the methods of that BuildContext object visit this LINK + see #remi Rousselot's answer.