How to make basic things in QGis - qgis

I'm working on an Optic Fiber distributer.
I'm currently looking to earn about QGis, just to add every client on a map of my country. But I don't really know how to do it. Can someone make a little tutorial like:
Add your city touching this, this and this
Import the position of your clients doing this this and this
And so on.
This is probably a stupid post, but I would like to make this!
We have all clients geopositioned longitude and latitude.
Thanks, and good luck!


Tango Unity Object Recognition

I'm actually making a tango application using unity, but i have an hard time with this technology, especially with how to use the cloud point.
I want to be able to compare an object in the room with a library of model when i press it on the screen. For this i want to use the cloud point system. And i think that the best way to do this is to recognise the floor under the object that interest me and get all the point above it.
My problem is here, i don't know how ask unity to get that point cloud, and compare it with the model in my library.How do i know in the TangoPointCloudData which point get which index? Is it possible to get a floor if there is an object on it?
I know it's a lot of question, and it's not the more precise thing i could give you, but i hope you will find a way to answer me.

MKRoute shown in US only

I use MapManager to show the route. MKroute doesn't work in my country, but it does in US. Can anyone tell me if this only work in only particular countries or it does work everywhere?
The best i can tell is that, for a route, you need a destination and starting point.
When a coordinate preferably the current user position does not have a POI in map mostly due to the fact that apple maps is not completely mapped in your place. By which i mean its besides from showing some main areas and streets, you have nothing other then this feature will not work.
If you know what i mean, then the alternative solution is Google Maps. It has a vast resource and it has information about things apple does not.
But it comes with a price, you need to learn to use Google Maps API which at this point is documented for Objective-C only.
And the callout is somewhat static in Google Maps which you can customize but the hard way.

Mapping Indoor Floor Plan into OSM-XML for Use in iPhone App

I am currently working on a project at my home university to create an infrastructure-less indoor navigation iPhone application. I have a couple of questions regarding IndoorOSM and hope that experts here can steer me towards the right direction.
Given an indoor floor plan, how can I make use of JOSM to map it into OSM-XML format? I understand that the floor plan will be represented as nodes, ways, tags and relations with each node having a lat-lon value. As the indoor space I would like to map is located in Singapore where there is little existing mapping work done, I am not sure where to accurately place the floor plan in JOSM before modelling (the buildings are non-existent). The thing is, if I start modelling on a wrong location, the lat-lon values generated in the OSM-XML file will be way off from the lat-lon values in actual real world space, right? In that case I don't think I will be able to make use of the magnetometer to identify where the user is currently at on the map...
In the OSM wiki, it was mentioned that nodes represent a geospatial point and ways are simply a collection of 2-2000 nodes and can be used to represent an area. Pardon my ignorance, but how can I know what's the physical size/area of this "point" or node?
Other than IndoorOSM, is there an easier way to convert an indoor floor plan into something that my application can understand and use easily to allow navigation? I seen a project known as roodin on youtube but I'm not sure how they did the mapping (link).
I'm also working on app with similar functionalities. What I understand is:
1 - When mapping a building you should mapping with correct lat/long. It shouldn't be difficult to get building coordinates if you can go there and check coordinates with a smartphone with GPS. With you can't go there, it's more difficult. Maybe ask someone to do that helps you. But, to start drawing your floor plan, you don't need coordinates. you can do that after finish your drawing
2 - When use JOSM to drawing, it show (in status bar) the length of your way
3 - Currently, I'm sticking with IndoorOSM. I liked the way they reuse nodes, ways and relations to draw a floor plan. That's my recommendation

matlab object detection and tracking

I m doing a research project on "Object detection using my a digital camera".
Some suggestion on how to build and program the Matlab code.
In particular, I have a picture of one object, say a screen of my laptop. Than I rotate the laptop and I shot a new picture. I would like to know the difference on the position of the screen. I think I can use the edge detection after a subtraction of the two images but... it is quite difficult for me to implement it.
Some suggestion on how to build and program the matlab code.
That largely depends on the goal you want to achieve. Can you be more specific? Are you streaming the frames or are you tracking offline?
In particular, i have a picture of one object, say a screen of my laptop. Than i rotate the laptop and i shot a new picture. I would like to know the difference on the position of the screen.
There are many ways to do this, and an extensive litterature on the subject. I don't believe anyone would write up the equivalent of a survey paper on the subject as an answer on StackOverflow. Why don't you get started with an object tracking survey paper and then ask a more precise question?
hi, I m doing a reasearch project on "Object detection using my a digital camera". [...] I think i can use the edge detection after a subtraction of the two images quite difficult for me to implement it.
What is your question? Are you asking us if this is a good way to track objects? Are you asking us if this is a new approach and has never been done? Are you asking someone to implement it for you?
Object tracking is a hard problem. I doubt that technique would succeed in any but the most basic scenarios. However, if you look at a survey paper, you might be pointed to a paper that already implemented this an presents results. Finally, I think you should brush up your programming skills because most (successful) object tracking techniques are not trivial to implement. If you don't want to program it yourself, there are online services where you can hire people. StackOverflow is not one of those places.
EDIT: I could deduce that you're new to both programming (in MATLAB) and in object tracking, hence in my answer. Don't mis-understand me, I'm trying to help. Let me re-phrase my suggestions as list:
Your question is far too general. You will get a lot more help from the SO community if you ask more precise questions for two reasons: A) general question result in general answers; and B) the way you asked your question could easily be interpreted as "someone, please do my work for me" even if that's not what you think you're asking.
Get acquainted with the problem domain. To ask more precise questions, you must be close to your answer. For good knowledge on the "object detection and tracking", find a good survey paper. If you're starting off on a research project, people in your lab should be of help to point you to a good one.
Learn to program simple things first. All of the most proficient (effective and efficient) programmers I've ever met struggled with the bubble sort when they were introduced to sorting. None of them would have been able to program an object detection algorithm as a first assignment. Get yourself a good image processing book that has exercises in MATLAB, go through execises one by one. If you can't do them all, choose those that are relevant to what you're trying to accomplish.

Basic route information with Cloudmade

I am trying to use CloudMade's route-me service in my application. All I need from the service is driving distance between two locations, I don't want to display it in a map.
There doesn't seem to be any tutorial in CloudMade's website that handles this. I mailed to the support address they have provided. Nothing back from them so far. Any help from people who done this before would be highly appreciated.
I lost hope with this one, and asked for an alternate option, and found a good solution with CloudMade after all.
Calculating driving distance in iPhone