how to connect moodle with keycloak - keycloak

I want to connect moodle with keycloak, so the user may login moodle with their keycloak acoount. I cannot find the tutorial on the internet. Has anyone managed to connect keycloak to moodle?


How to access ejabberd server's web admin interface?

I am new to the xmpp server and still learning. I have chosen ejabberd server for my chat application. I have started the server but can't able to access the web admin interface. as you can see the ejabberd#localhost is already running. configuration
I started the server and it was supposed to show web admin interface but unfortunately it is not showing. I don't know what am i doing wrong.
With that configuration, the webadmin page is in
When the browser asks login credentials, provide the JID of some account in ejabberd with admin rights (it may be vinayak#localhost or something like that) and its password.
This means that you should have already registered an account in ejabberd, and grant it admin rights in ejabberd.yml configuration file, see

owncloud PKCE issue with https

I setup owncloud server with openconnect id auth by keycloak. I met strange issue. if set owncloud server using http connecting with keycloak server, no any issue, I can login into owncloud by input username and password.
but if set owncloud using https connect keycloak, I met PKCE issue in first login, and back owncloud login page, click login by openid, enter into owncloud page without username & password.
can see more detail (, that's why, how to fix it? thanks

Keycloak API, encrypt data

I'm creating my own web and i'm using Keycloas as IDP. When I create users from my website, I send a curl to Keycloak, like when the user logs in my web site. My doubt is, if I open the browser inspector (with F12), I can see the credentials I'm sending by Curl. I think it's not secure so I'm looking for encrypt that data but I don't find how.
Edit: I am using https through ingress because I have keycloak on kubernetes

Secure javascript client or java server that hosts rest services with keycloak ? (Please read the description)

Sorry about the vague question.
So I have an apache webserver that is running my website. I use oracle jet for the website. I have already authenticated the website using keycloak, I put the authentication code within my javascript application and not on the top of apache web server.
Now, I want to send rest requests to my spring boot server from my website and want to include the keycloak login information so that I can both authenticate and also hit the right database schema through spring boot (multi tenancy).
Is it important to authenticate the rest service or just let it pass and just add a login id as a header ? And what is the best way to do this..
Any suggestions are welcome.
Thanks in advance.

How do I know whether Josso 1 is successfully connected to LDAP?

I have configured according the guide given in the Josso sites. However, I'm still confuse on how to determine whether the Josso is successfully connected to the ldap. Is it can be determine by using the partnerapp?
After configuration of LDAP with JOSSO you can execute your partnerapp and there try to login with some LDAP user with the username/password stored in LDAP for the user. If you are able to login then the LDAP connection is fine.