owncloud PKCE issue with https - keycloak

I setup owncloud server with openconnect id auth by keycloak. I met strange issue. if set owncloud server using http connecting with keycloak server, no any issue, I can login into owncloud by input username and password.
but if set owncloud using https connect keycloak, I met PKCE issue in first login, and back owncloud login page, click login by openid, enter into owncloud page without username & password.
can see more detail (https://github.com/owncloud/openidconnect/issues/219), that's why, how to fix it? thanks


Only display login form if user is not connected on identity provider

I’m new in the Keycloak’s world and I need some help to configure my login flow.
I’ve configured Keycloak to allow people to login with their ADFS account or with a ldap account.
ADFS Identity Provider is configured to use OpenID Connect.
When people connect to my application, they are redirected to Keycloak where they see a login form and a button to login through ADFS.
This work perfectly, but we would like people not to see that screen if they are already logged in on ADFS and only see the login form if they’re not connected in ADFS.
I changed the browser flow to use the Identity Provider Redirector first and then display the username password form, in this case the user is automatically logged in via ADFS, but if the user is not logged in, ADFS asks for a password and the user is not redirected to Keycloak .
Do you know how can we configure Keycloak to implement that flow?
I’m using Keycloak 11.0.0-alfresco-001 (keycloak 11 packaged by alfresco (as alfresco-identity-service) with a custom theme. The code is available on Alfresco’s github .
Here’s my browser flow configuration:
IAM Browser flow
Thanks for your help
• Yes, its possible to configure keycloak to implement the desired flow as a brokered IdP in the following way: -
While configuring ADFS in keycloak and importing its federation metadata file in it, check the settings and enable validate the signature option for the authentication requests to be sent to ADFS, also enable ‘Want AuthnRequests’ signed option. Afterwards, set the signature key name field to CERT_SUBJECT as AD FS expects the signing key name hint to be the subject of the signing certificate.
Then check the mappers for group and attribute claims in keycloak for transforming the details through SAML assertion to keycloak user store.
After that, check the descriptor URI that needs to be set by modifying the ADFS redirect URI by adding the ‘/descriptor’ to the redirect URI in this field. The URI will be like ‘https://kc.domain.name:8443/auth/realms/master/broker/adfs-idp-alias/endpoint/descriptor’.
Also, please ensure that the signing certificate for the keycloak in ADFS claims provider is not self-signed and is issued from a trusted third-party CA and installed in the server’s local system certificate store.
Disable certificate revocation check for the certificate installed on the Adfs server and ensure ‘backchannel logout’ option is checked in keycloak
• Once the above settings are checked thoroughly, the default login redirection page should be displayed after that and the user should be able to select the IdP from the login page accordingly.
Please find the below links for more information: -
Keycloak AD FS Interaction

Keycloak Admin Console requires HTTPS when connected remotely (Should I disable SSL)

I am connecting to Keycloak remotely. And when I try to open the Admin Console, I get an error saying HTTPS required.
In one of the websites, it says that I should do this: "update REALM set ssl_required='NONE' where id = 'master';"
But I do not know the consequences of doing this. Will this make it unsecure? Or can I reverse this?
Thank you
(And If I would run Keycloak within a docker image would this problem be solved?)
Admim console uses open id connect protocol, which needs HTTPS to be secure. So it isn't good idea to disable ssl in the prod environment.
Keycloak in the container doesn't solve your problem. But it provides user friendly approach to generate selfsigned cert - Keycloak Docker HTTPS required
Secure option is to generate valid TLS certificate and use it in your Keycloak instance, so you have valid secure TLS/HTTPS connection.

Windows Authentication not working on my webserver

i have a weird thing going on. I have configured a website to use windows authentication. Now when i check on a client in a domain or on my domain controller i can access the website after entering my credentials. But on the webserver itself i can't login with these same credentials. Is this normal behaviour or what can cause this to happen ?

Thinktecture v3 auto login for ADFS users within the same domain

I am using Thinktecture identity server v3 for authentication and authorization. It works good with local database. I added external identity provider as ADFS. It also works good but it asks credentials for intranet users. My requirement is automatically login the intranet users without asking credentials. If the user is internet user, it asks for credentials. Is it possible?
This is unrelated to IdentityServer3. Your browser and ADFS need to be configured correctly to use Windows integrated authentication.

Challenge window from ADFS when on the corporate network

I just read the article here: http://www.asp.net/aspnet/overview/developing-apps-with-windows-azure/building-real-world-cloud-apps-with-windows-azure/single-sign-on
I have just finished building an app that can authenticate users via WAAD, or via a local installation of ADFS on their corporate network (configuration point allows them to select one or the other).
The app will be hosted in Azure. Can someone tell me if it is possible for users who are on their corporate network to login to this Azure app WITHOUT entering their credentials?
Here is the flow:
user navigates to the cloud app
FAM detects they aren't authenticated, and redirects the browser to their ADFS server on the corporate network
ADFS server replies with 401 challenge (I assume this is what's happening)
user sees a user name/password box, and enters in credentials
user is redirected back to the cloud app with a token containing their claims
I don't understand why #4 is required if the user is already on their corporate network. Shouldn't ADFS use Windows Authentication here so they don't have to enter their password? Is there a way to configure ADFS to do this?
Thank you!
This can be accomplished by adding the Url of the ADFS endpoint to the local intranet or trusted sites of Internet Explorer. By default Internet Explorer will pass in the Windows credentials to sites in those two groups. If that doesn't work, you would have to double check that setting hasn't been modified.