Amazon Alexa adding a custom utterance to an intent that would get triggered while music streaming is playing - streaming

I am currently developing an Alexa Custom Skill that need to stream a radio station. I managed to get the streaming on with handlerInput.responseBuilder.addAudioPlayerPlayDirective('REPLACE_ALL', url, '1', 0, null, stream.metadata); . I am now trying to trigger an intent while the streaming is on. I understood from the Amazon developer website there is a list of built-in intents that should get triggered while music is streaming. One of them being “AMAZON.RepeatIntent”, I added a custom utterance to it but when saying that phrase while the stream is playing, the intent is not triggered. The only way for it to be triggered while the stream is playing is to say “Alexa, repeat”. My question right now:
Is there any way to add a custom utterance to an intent that would
get triggered while Alexa is streaming music and if it is, how would
that look. Thank you.


Is there a way to continuously send snippets of audio being recorded in realtime to backend server in

I am creating an application that uses Mozilla's Deep Speech API to transcribe the user's speech to text. The input requires audio files with some sort of format and in order for this app to work, I will need to continuously send these audio files to my flask server while the user is recording audio.
I have seen that most flutter plugins only allow you to record, pause, and stop, however, I need to find a way to keep on recording while also sending audio files. If anyone has found a way to accomplish this using's recording plugins, any guidance and information would help.
My backup plan is to use one of Flutter's Speech-To-Text plugins like this one:, and then to send over the text to my backend server through a websocket. However, I don't know what kind of API they're using to transcribe and how accurate the text gets transcribed to.
Any ideas on how to accomplish this? Or would anyone happen to know if another framework like Swift/React-Native can accomplish this?

How to get video streams from FusionPBX video conference room

I'm using SIP.js to connect to FusionPBX video conference room, but when callers join, all callers get a single caller video stream.
How can I get all streams in the room to handle them and view them to each others so everyone can see everyone video?
Is there any event I can use? like on("join") or something? So when someone connect I get his stream?
SIP.js have that events, but it works only on peer to peer, not in rooms.
Is there another way to make it work with FreeSWITCH?
How can I make it work?
I don't know about FusionPBX settings, but in his core (FreeSWITCH) in mod_conference is parameter like video-mode.
The mode to run video conferencing in. passthrough is non transcoded video follow audio. transcode allows for better switching and multiple codecs. mux allows for multiple parties on the video canvas at the same time

Stream Audio off site for iOS app?

I am working with a group at developing an app that will essentially be a 'radio' app. One view that will just play whatever audio is streaming at the time, and another view or two of archives to listen to past programs. What I am working on right now is how to assemble the view to play. The site in question is and the source for playing is here
Any suggestions for how I can best go about building the player to stream in the audio, without needing the rest of the site graphics?
The stream URL is actually:
This is just a SHOUTcast stream. You can build your radio player to connect directly to it. No need for the HTML/Flash on the website itself.
You can find this easily by looking at your browser tool's network tab, or by using a tool such as Fiddler or Wireshark.

How to simulate a call so that the bluetooth audio get streamed into a vehicle?

The iphone connects to most vehicles via bluetooth. Phone calls as well as voice control and siri also get routed via the bluetooth audio and mic of the vehicle.
How can i stream audio in the same way?
I have sen answers about the vehicle capability to support streaming audio, but this is not what i am looking for. If siri and voice control can stream over the vehicle audio as it is treated as a voice call then i should be able to stream everything else.
Thank you
It sounds like you want to simulate a call originated from your iPhone, as opposed to some other device that pretends to be a phone and pairs with your car. You can’t, because Apple doesn’t provide APIs to do that.
I think that false.
Google did it.
They do it in Google Search. If you search using voice, it streams simulating a call.
Something similar happens with the voice notes application from Apple. You can stream music to the car as if it was a call.
Actually, my car doesn't support A2DP, only calls, and using voice notes I can play music (odd, but works).
But..., how can we implement it???

How can I record currently playing audio on the iPhone?

I'd like to record what the iPhone is currently outputting. So I'm thinking about recording audio from Apps like Music (iPod), Skype, any Radio Streaming App, Phone, Instacast... I don't want to record my own audio or the mic input.
Is there an official way to do this? How do I do it? It seems like AVAudioRecorder does not allow this, can somebody confirm?
Officially you can't. The audio stream belongs to the app playing it ,and iOS.
The Sandbox paradigm means that a resource owned by your App can't be used by another App. Resource here means Audio/Video stream or file. Exceptions are when a mediator like Document interaction controller are used.
If you want to do this you'd have to start with deducing AVFoundation's private methods and find out if theres a way there. Needless to say this it wouldn't be saleable on the App store and will probably only be possible on a jailbreak.
Good Luck.
This is only feasible only from time to time, as it's a time expensive process.
You can record the screen while listening your songs on Spotify, Music or whatever music application.
This will generate a video on your Photos application. That video can be converted on MP3 from your computer.
Actually, this is not true. The screen recordings will not actually have the audio from Apple Music at all, as it blocks it. Discord also uses this pipe as well, so you cannot record Discord audio either this way.