Sequelize - How return rows only if included model has at least one record - postgresql

I want to this query in Sequelize:
const results = await WorkflowAssignation.findAndCountAll(
limit: limit,
offset: offset,
userId: userIds,
status: status
include: [
model: WorkflowStepAssignation,
include: [
{ model: WorkflowStepAssignationHasUser, include: [ users ]}
{ model: users }
distinct: true,
order: [ [ 'createdAt', 'DESC'], [ { model: WorkflowStepAssignation, as: "steps" }, 'stepNumber', 'ASC' ] ]
The problem is that I need to return only WorkflowAssignation if the WorkflowStepAssignationHasUser table contain at least 1 record with the value passed as parameter for userid.
if I used a where in this line { model: WorkflowStepAssignationHasUser, include: [ users ]} it will still return all the WorkflowAssignation with only the steps that has the userId value and that's not what I want.
It is like I want to return all the WorkflowAssignation including all the tables but only if in WorkflowStepAssignation -> WorkflowStepAssignationHasUser has the users in the parameters.
Relations are:
has Many
has Many
WorkflowStepAssignationHasUser (has a userId column)

add required: true
const results = await WorkflowAssignation.findAndCountAll(
limit: limit,
offset: offset,
userId: userIds,
status: status
include: [
model: WorkflowStepAssignation,
include: [
{ model: WorkflowStepAssignationHasUser, include: [ users ]}
{ model: users }
distinct: true,
required: true,
order: [ [ 'createdAt', 'DESC'], [ { model:
WorkflowStepAssignation, as: "steps" }, 'stepNumber', 'ASC' ] ]


Sequelize Assosiative aggrigate function error

Error: SequelizeDatabaseError: column "" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
Error: SequelizeDatabaseError: column "" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
Error: SequelizeDatabaseError: column "" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
Error: SequelizeDatabaseError: column "" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
const singleRP = await db.receiving_product.findOne({
include: [
model: db.purchase_order,
as: "purchase_order",
include: [
{ model: db.vendor, as: "vendor" },
model: db.po_productlist,
as: "product_items",
attributes: [
include: [
{ model: db.product, as: "product" },
model: db.received_product,
as: "receivinghistory",
attributes: [
include: {
model: db.user,
as: "received_by",
model: db.product_serial,
as: "serials",
required: false,
where: {
rec_prod_id: id,
model: db.user,
as: "added_by",
include: {
model: db.role,
as: "roles",
where: {
[Op.and]: [
tenant_id: TENANTID,
group: ['']

Multiple Model Count Sequelize

I have a Model associated with two more models by hasMany.
Need a count of both Model's ids
attributes: {
include: [
[sequelize.fn('COUNT', sequelize.col('')), 'includeModel1Count'],
[sequelize.fn('COUNT', sequelize.col('')), 'IncludeModel2Count']
include: [
{ model: IncludeModel2, attributes: [] },
model: IncludeModel1,
attributes: [],
required: true
subQuery: false,
limit: this.details.limit || 10,
offset: this.details.offset || 0,
group: ['']
Gives Wrong Count
Can you show me the right way?
Thank You

$in operator not working in MongoDB Aggregation

I'm trying to make a discover page for a social media website. The discover page queries the database for all posts that satisfy four things:
User has not already liked post
Post tags do not violate user's filtered tag content
Post text content does not violate user's filtered post content
And finally the part of the aggregation giving me trouble:
Post tagIds contain a given tagId from user (a post using the same tag that the user already follows)
Here's the function:
const asyncFetchTagPosts = async (
//here's a given tag that a user already follows
) => {
var recastTagId = mongoose.Types.ObjectId(tagId)
var user = await User.findOne({ blogName: query })
var filteredTagRegex = handleFilterTagRegex(user)
var filteredPostContentRegex = handleFilterPostContentRegex(user)
var posts = await Post.aggregate([
$lookup: {
from: 'posts',
let: {
likedPostIds: likedPostIds,
tagId: recastTagId,
filteredTagRegex: filteredTagRegex,
filteredPostContentRegex: filteredPostContentRegex
pipeline: [
$match: {
$expr: {
$and: [
{ $not: { $in: ["$_id", "$$likedPostIds"] } },
{ $not: [
$regexMatch: {
input: "$tagTitles",
regex: "$$filteredTagRegex"
{ $not: [
$regexMatch: {
input: "$allText",
regex: "$$filteredPostContentRegex"
{ $or: [
//here's the bad expression, $tagIds won't resolve to an array
{ $in: [ "$$tagId", "$tagIds" ] },
as: 'posts'
{ $unwind: '$posts' },
{ $replaceRoot: { "newRoot": "$posts" } },
{ $sort: { "notesHeatLastTwoDays": -1 } },
{ $limit: 5 }
return posts
Here's the Post model:
import mongoose from 'mongoose';
const Schema = mongoose.Schema;
const options = { discriminatorKey: 'kind' }
const PostSchema = new Schema({
user: {
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'User'
allText: {
type: String
descriptions: [
kind: String,
content: String,
displayIdx: Number
descriptionImages: [
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Image'
tagIds: [
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Tag'
tagTitles: {
type: String
mentions: [
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Mention'
notesCount: {
type: Number,
default: 0
notesHeatLastTwoDays: {
type: Number,
default: 0
createdAt: {
type: Date,
updatedAt: {
type: Date,
kind: {
type: String,
default: 'Post'
}, options)
const Post = mongoose.model('Post', PostSchema, 'posts')
export default Post;
I keep getting this error:
Error: $in requires an array as a second argument, found: missing
When I comment out the last part of the query the aggregation works. It returns data in this shape:
_id: 60c18ee43730198901cfae9b,
descriptionImages: [],
//here's the array I'm trying to get to resolve in the aggregation
tagIds: [],
mentions: [],
notesCount: 1,
notesHeatLastTwoDays: 0,
kind: 'VideoPost',
descriptions: [],
createdAt: 2021-06-10T04:02:44.744Z,
updatedAt: 2021-06-11T08:51:38.166Z,
user: 608f213bb4a094bd91e02936,
videoLink: 60c3241a6c9ed4d1fc908270,
allText: '',
__v: 1,
tagTitles: ''
I thought using the $ operator in the aggregation gave me access to each document, does it just not work if you try to use the variable as the first expression?
you need to handle missing "$tagIds" by setting it to empty array []
$ifNull: [
so you pipeline stage would be
{ $or: [
//here's the bad expression, $tagIds won't resolve to an array
{ $in: [ "$$tagId", { $ifNull: [ "$tagIds", [] ] } ] },

Sequelize: Returning a single COUNT entry instead of every row in a nested include

I'm trying to grab the total number of rows (count) from a nested include in Sequelize. I've followed countless questions on here, but can't seem to get it right.
BrandProfile (alias: brand_profile)
BrandPageView (alias brand_page_view)
// Brand
Brand.hasOne(models.BrandProfile, {
foreignKey: 'brand_id',
as: 'brand_profile'
// BrandProfile
BrandProfile.belongsTo(models.Brand, {
foreignKey: 'brand_id',
BrandProfile.hasMany(models.BrandPageView, {
foreignKey: 'brand_id',
as: 'brand_page_views'
// BrandPageView
BrandProfile.belongsTo(models.BrandProfile, {
foreignKey: 'brand_id',
Now when I try to normally run my query like so:
const { count, rows } = await Brand.findAndCountAll({
include: [
model: BrandProfile,
as: 'brand_profile',
include: [
model: BrandPageView,
as: 'brand_page_views',
It returns the following:
id: 1,
created_at: '2020-12-26T20:42:19.930Z',
updated_at: '2020-12-29T20:46:58.918Z',
deleted_at: null,
name: 'Test brand',
slug: 'test-brand',
status: 'disabled',
brand_profile: {
created_at: '2020-12-26T20:42:19.931Z',
about: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
cleaned_about: null,
subtitle: 'subtitle test',
photo: '1609477287152.jpeg',
photo_config: { scale: '1.00' },
id: 1,
updated_at: '2021-01-01T05:01:27.414Z',
brand_id: 1,
brand_page_views: [
[Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object],
As you can see, brand.brand_profile.brand_page_views has a list of all objects. Now I just want to return the count, so I'm using the following query:
const { count, rows } = await Brand.findAndCountAll({
include: [
model: BrandProfile,
as: 'brand_profile',
include: {
model: BrandPageView,
as: 'brand_page_views',
attributes: [],
attributes: {
include: [
Sequelize.fn('COUNT', Sequelize.col('brand_profile.brand_page_views.brand_id')),
group: ['']
I get this error:
'missing FROM-clause entry for table "brand"'
The SQL it outputs is:
SELECT "Brand"."id", "Brand"."created_at", "Brand"."updated_at", "Brand"."deleted_at", "Brand"."name", "Brand"."slug", "Brand"."status", COUNT("brand_profile->brand_page_views"."brand_id") AS "brand_profile.brand_page_views.count", "brand_profile"."created_at" AS "brand_profile.created_at", "brand_profile"."about" AS "brand_profile.about", "brand_profile"."cleaned_about" AS "brand_profile.cleaned_about", "brand_profile"."subtitle" AS "brand_profile.subtitle", "brand_profile"."photo" AS "", "brand_profile"."email" AS "", "brand_profile"."photo_config" AS "brand_profile.photo_config", "brand_profile"."id" AS "", "brand_profile"."updated_at" AS "brand_profile.updated_at", "brand_profile"."brand_id" AS "brand_profile.brand_id" FROM "brands" AS "Brand" LEFT OUTER JOIN "brand_profile" AS "brand_profile" ON "Br2021-01-05 01:32:26 [sequelize] INFO Executing (default): SELECT "Brand"."id", "Brand"."created_at", "Brand"."updated_at", "Brand"."deleted_at", "Brand"."name", "Brand"."slug", "Brand"."status", COUNT("brand_profile->brand_page_views"."brand_id") AS "brand_profile.brand_page_views.count", "brand_profile"."created_at" AS "brand_profile.created_at", "brand_profile"."about" AS "brand_profile.about", "brand_profile"."cleaned_about" AS "brand_profile.cleaned_about", "brand_profile"."subtitle" AS "brand_profile.subtitle", "brand_profile"."photo" AS "", "brand_profile"."email" AS "", "brand_profile"."photo_config" AS "brand_profile.photo_config", "brand_profile"."id" AS "", "brand_profile"."updated_at" AS "brand_profile.updated_at", "brand_profile"."brand_id" AS "brand_profile.brand_id" FROM "brands" AS "Brand" LEFT OUTER JOIN "brand_profile" AS "brand_profile" ON "Brand"."id" = "brand_profile"."brand_id" LEFT OUTER JOIN "brand_page_views" AS "brand_profile->braand"."id" = "brand_profile"."brand_id" LEFT OUTER JOIN "brand_page_views" AS "brand_profile->brand_page_views" ON "brand_profile"."id" = "brand_profile->brand_page_views"."brand_id" WHERE "Brand"."id" = 1 GROUP BY "brand"."id";
nd_page_views" ON "brand_profile"."id" = "brand_profile->brand_page_views"."brand_id" WHERE "Brand"."id" = 1 GROUP BY "brand"."id";
I've honestly tried this so many ways, added brand_profile->brand_page_views.brand_id, brand_profile.brand_id to the group, but to no avail.
Sequelize was not designed to support a wide variety of SQL aggregations. So in your case you should use sequelize.literal with a subquery to count child records:
attributes: {
include: [
[Sequelize.literal('(select COUNT(*) from brand_page_views where'),
Don't forget to remove group: ['']

Get desired output using mongoDB find

I have following documents in my collection
_id: ObjectId("5166fefbc482c31052000002"),
contact: [
home: 7735734105
office: 9583866301
user_name: "moti",
reportsTo: "bikram",
technology: [
name: ".net",
rating: 5
name: "JavaScript",
rating: 2
project: [
"Agile School",
type: "developer",
email: ""
_id: ObjectId("5166fe90c482c31052000001"),
contact: [
home: 7735734103
office: 9583866901
user_name: "ganesh",
reportsTo: "bikram",
technology: [
name: "JavaScript",
rating: 3
name: ".net",
rating: 4
project: [
type: "developer",
email: ""
Now I need to find the rating of the people who know only JavaScript.Currently if I run
technology: {
$elemMatch: {
name: 'JavaScript'
I am getting names of all technologies(.net & JavaScript) and their corresponding ratings. I need only user names,and their respective ratings in JavaScript only. Do I need to use any aggregation techniques?
The positional operator '$' can be used to limit query results to the first matching element. To use in your query above you would change it to:
db.users.find( { technology: { $elemMatch: { name: 'JavaScript' } } },{user_name:1,'technology.$.name':1,_id:0} )