Sequelize Assosiative aggrigate function error - postgresql

Error: SequelizeDatabaseError: column "" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
Error: SequelizeDatabaseError: column "" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
Error: SequelizeDatabaseError: column "" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
Error: SequelizeDatabaseError: column "" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
const singleRP = await db.receiving_product.findOne({
include: [
model: db.purchase_order,
as: "purchase_order",
include: [
{ model: db.vendor, as: "vendor" },
model: db.po_productlist,
as: "product_items",
attributes: [
include: [
{ model: db.product, as: "product" },
model: db.received_product,
as: "receivinghistory",
attributes: [
include: {
model: db.user,
as: "received_by",
model: db.product_serial,
as: "serials",
required: false,
where: {
rec_prod_id: id,
model: db.user,
as: "added_by",
include: {
model: db.role,
as: "roles",
where: {
[Op.and]: [
tenant_id: TENANTID,
group: ['']


How to perform ilike query in array of object jsonb column using sequelize postgres

so i have this data
table name: items
slug name metadata
blue round [
"value": "sweet",
"type": "block",
and i want to do something like this
where: [{
[Op.or]: [
{ slug: { [Op.iLike]: `%${value}%` } },
{ name: { [Op.iLike]: `%${value}%` } },
{ 'metadata.value': { [Op.iLike]: `%${value}%`}},
it executing
("items"."metadata"#>>'{value}') ILIKE '%sweet%')
no error but give me no result
thank you in advance
solved this using literal and like regex in raw SQL
literal(`"items"."metadata" ## '$.* like_regex "${value}" flag "i"' `),
so my query looks like this
where: [{
[Op.or]: [
{ slug: { [Op.iLike]: `%${value}%` } },
{ name: { [Op.iLike]: `%${value}%` } },
literal(`"items"."metadata" ## '$.* like_regex "${value}" flag "i"' `),

Prisma - Sort by _sum

I do have simple groupBy query in my prisma which looks like this:
const groupBy = await prisma.referral.groupBy({
by: ['recommenderId'],
_sum: {
points: true,
What I am looking for is the way to sort by this _sum value.
The current response is:
"groupBy": [
"_sum": {
"points": 20000
"recommenderId": 3
"_sum": {
"points": 19000
"recommenderId": 2
"_sum": {
"points": 34000
"recommenderId": 1
What I need is to get is:
"groupBy": [
"_sum": {
"points": 34000
"recommenderId": 1
"_sum": {
"points": 20000
"recommenderId": 3
"_sum": {
"points": 19000
"recommenderId": 2
Based on documentation ( I tried something like this:
const groupBy = await prisma.referral.groupBy({
by: ['recommenderId'],
_sum: {
points: true,
orderBy: [
_sum: 'desc',
But with code I'm getting error:
Argument _sum: Got invalid value 'desc' on prisma.groupByReferral.
Provided String, expected ReferralSumOrderByAggregateInput
You can use _sum on different fields at the same time, so you also need to provide field name that you want to sort on:
const groupBy = await prisma.referral.groupBy({
by: ['recommenderId'],
_sum: {
points: true,
orderBy: [
_sum: {
// Add `points` key here
points: 'desc'

Sequelize - How return rows only if included model has at least one record

I want to this query in Sequelize:
const results = await WorkflowAssignation.findAndCountAll(
limit: limit,
offset: offset,
userId: userIds,
status: status
include: [
model: WorkflowStepAssignation,
include: [
{ model: WorkflowStepAssignationHasUser, include: [ users ]}
{ model: users }
distinct: true,
order: [ [ 'createdAt', 'DESC'], [ { model: WorkflowStepAssignation, as: "steps" }, 'stepNumber', 'ASC' ] ]
The problem is that I need to return only WorkflowAssignation if the WorkflowStepAssignationHasUser table contain at least 1 record with the value passed as parameter for userid.
if I used a where in this line { model: WorkflowStepAssignationHasUser, include: [ users ]} it will still return all the WorkflowAssignation with only the steps that has the userId value and that's not what I want.
It is like I want to return all the WorkflowAssignation including all the tables but only if in WorkflowStepAssignation -> WorkflowStepAssignationHasUser has the users in the parameters.
Relations are:
has Many
has Many
WorkflowStepAssignationHasUser (has a userId column)
add required: true
const results = await WorkflowAssignation.findAndCountAll(
limit: limit,
offset: offset,
userId: userIds,
status: status
include: [
model: WorkflowStepAssignation,
include: [
{ model: WorkflowStepAssignationHasUser, include: [ users ]}
{ model: users }
distinct: true,
required: true,
order: [ [ 'createdAt', 'DESC'], [ { model:
WorkflowStepAssignation, as: "steps" }, 'stepNumber', 'ASC' ] ]

Sequelize: Returning a single COUNT entry instead of every row in a nested include

I'm trying to grab the total number of rows (count) from a nested include in Sequelize. I've followed countless questions on here, but can't seem to get it right.
BrandProfile (alias: brand_profile)
BrandPageView (alias brand_page_view)
// Brand
Brand.hasOne(models.BrandProfile, {
foreignKey: 'brand_id',
as: 'brand_profile'
// BrandProfile
BrandProfile.belongsTo(models.Brand, {
foreignKey: 'brand_id',
BrandProfile.hasMany(models.BrandPageView, {
foreignKey: 'brand_id',
as: 'brand_page_views'
// BrandPageView
BrandProfile.belongsTo(models.BrandProfile, {
foreignKey: 'brand_id',
Now when I try to normally run my query like so:
const { count, rows } = await Brand.findAndCountAll({
include: [
model: BrandProfile,
as: 'brand_profile',
include: [
model: BrandPageView,
as: 'brand_page_views',
It returns the following:
id: 1,
created_at: '2020-12-26T20:42:19.930Z',
updated_at: '2020-12-29T20:46:58.918Z',
deleted_at: null,
name: 'Test brand',
slug: 'test-brand',
status: 'disabled',
brand_profile: {
created_at: '2020-12-26T20:42:19.931Z',
about: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
cleaned_about: null,
subtitle: 'subtitle test',
photo: '1609477287152.jpeg',
photo_config: { scale: '1.00' },
id: 1,
updated_at: '2021-01-01T05:01:27.414Z',
brand_id: 1,
brand_page_views: [
[Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object],
As you can see, brand.brand_profile.brand_page_views has a list of all objects. Now I just want to return the count, so I'm using the following query:
const { count, rows } = await Brand.findAndCountAll({
include: [
model: BrandProfile,
as: 'brand_profile',
include: {
model: BrandPageView,
as: 'brand_page_views',
attributes: [],
attributes: {
include: [
Sequelize.fn('COUNT', Sequelize.col('brand_profile.brand_page_views.brand_id')),
group: ['']
I get this error:
'missing FROM-clause entry for table "brand"'
The SQL it outputs is:
SELECT "Brand"."id", "Brand"."created_at", "Brand"."updated_at", "Brand"."deleted_at", "Brand"."name", "Brand"."slug", "Brand"."status", COUNT("brand_profile->brand_page_views"."brand_id") AS "brand_profile.brand_page_views.count", "brand_profile"."created_at" AS "brand_profile.created_at", "brand_profile"."about" AS "brand_profile.about", "brand_profile"."cleaned_about" AS "brand_profile.cleaned_about", "brand_profile"."subtitle" AS "brand_profile.subtitle", "brand_profile"."photo" AS "", "brand_profile"."email" AS "", "brand_profile"."photo_config" AS "brand_profile.photo_config", "brand_profile"."id" AS "", "brand_profile"."updated_at" AS "brand_profile.updated_at", "brand_profile"."brand_id" AS "brand_profile.brand_id" FROM "brands" AS "Brand" LEFT OUTER JOIN "brand_profile" AS "brand_profile" ON "Br2021-01-05 01:32:26 [sequelize] INFO Executing (default): SELECT "Brand"."id", "Brand"."created_at", "Brand"."updated_at", "Brand"."deleted_at", "Brand"."name", "Brand"."slug", "Brand"."status", COUNT("brand_profile->brand_page_views"."brand_id") AS "brand_profile.brand_page_views.count", "brand_profile"."created_at" AS "brand_profile.created_at", "brand_profile"."about" AS "brand_profile.about", "brand_profile"."cleaned_about" AS "brand_profile.cleaned_about", "brand_profile"."subtitle" AS "brand_profile.subtitle", "brand_profile"."photo" AS "", "brand_profile"."email" AS "", "brand_profile"."photo_config" AS "brand_profile.photo_config", "brand_profile"."id" AS "", "brand_profile"."updated_at" AS "brand_profile.updated_at", "brand_profile"."brand_id" AS "brand_profile.brand_id" FROM "brands" AS "Brand" LEFT OUTER JOIN "brand_profile" AS "brand_profile" ON "Brand"."id" = "brand_profile"."brand_id" LEFT OUTER JOIN "brand_page_views" AS "brand_profile->braand"."id" = "brand_profile"."brand_id" LEFT OUTER JOIN "brand_page_views" AS "brand_profile->brand_page_views" ON "brand_profile"."id" = "brand_profile->brand_page_views"."brand_id" WHERE "Brand"."id" = 1 GROUP BY "brand"."id";
nd_page_views" ON "brand_profile"."id" = "brand_profile->brand_page_views"."brand_id" WHERE "Brand"."id" = 1 GROUP BY "brand"."id";
I've honestly tried this so many ways, added brand_profile->brand_page_views.brand_id, brand_profile.brand_id to the group, but to no avail.
Sequelize was not designed to support a wide variety of SQL aggregations. So in your case you should use sequelize.literal with a subquery to count child records:
attributes: {
include: [
[Sequelize.literal('(select COUNT(*) from brand_page_views where'),
Don't forget to remove group: ['']

Mongoose querying a reference collection data using aggrigate/populate

I am a newbie in MongoDB and Express JS
I have a Product model looks like
const productSchema = mongoose.Schema({
name: String,
title: String,
brand_id: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'brand' },
country_id: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,ref: 'countries'},
max_retail_price : Number,
profit_margin : Number
and Order model
const orderTransactionSchema = mongoose.Schema({
shop_id: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'shop' },
brand_id:{ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'brand' },
product_id: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'product' },
product_varient_id:{ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'product.varient._id' },
transaction_id:{ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'transaction' }
module.exports = mongoose.model('order', orderTransactionSchema );
In my Product collection, each product can have multiple variants.
But in order collection, a user can order only one product variant under a product.
I am trying to display orders with particular product details and variant details, But the problem is when I try to display it using either populate/Aggregate I am getting all the variants in the response array. actually, I want only one product and variant details as in the order collection.
This is what I tried
order.aggregate([{ $match :{} },
$lookup: {
from: "products",
localField: "product_id",
foreignField: "_id",
as: "product_data"
and I am getting the output as
{ _id: 5c8a010b8feeb875abc1b066,
shop_id: 5c7d194ca10ea45c0c03a0ee,
brand_id: 5c41a8c34272c61a176b7639,
product_varient_id: 5c41a9f3f8e1e71aa75b4f32,
transaction_id: 5c6670d5b6c63d0762c6cc77,
product_id: 5c41aac4d45a731af564c433,
[ { _id: 5c41aac4d45a731af564c433,
brand_id: 5c41a8c34272c61a176b7639,
image: 'test.jpg',
varient: //getting all the varients here
[ { _id: 5c4ee531bc20b27948b3aa98,
sell_rate_local: 66,
country_id: 5c01149d3c20440a6b2e4928 },
{ _id: 5c4ee53bbc20b27948b3aa99,
sell_rate_local: 66,
country_id: 5c00e1697dd7a23f08bdae68 } ],
__v: 0 } ] } ]
In the Order table, there is porduct_id and product_varient_id is there
I want to populate only the product with product_varient_id.
I also tried something with Populate
{ path: 'shop_id', model: 'shop',select : 'name accounts' }, //it works
{ path: 'transaction_id', model: 'transaction' }, //it wrks
{ path: 'product_varient_id', model: 'product', select:''},
]).then(result =>
// console.log(result);
}).catch(err =>{
// console.log(err);
These are the sample product and order document
Order Document Sample :
Product document Sample :
"name":"25 OC - Product 1",
"title":"First installation recharge",
"description":"0.1 credit for first time installation",
"offer_message":"Hi.. You got 0.1 credits..!!",
MongoDB 3.6 or above have new lookup syntax
$lookup: {
from: "products",
let: {
"productId": "$product_id",
"productVarientId": "$product_varient_id"
pipeline: [
{ $match: {
$expr: { $eq: [ "$_id", "$$productId" ]}
{ $addFields: {
varient: {
$filter: {
input: "$varient",
as: "varient",
cond: { $eq: [ "$$productVarientId", "$$varient._id" ] }
as: "product_data"
You can check datasample Here