What is the correct way to calculate number of DNS queries/second using Get-DnsServerStatistics? - powershell

I am trying to figure out how to get the number of DNS queries/second for each domain controller using PowerShell Get-DnsServerStatistics. I copied some of the relevant outputs below.
I try to figure out what is the time period of getting 11793847 "TotalQueries" ?
Under section "TimeStatistics," does the field "TimeElapsedSinceLastClearStatisticsBetweenRestart" with value 00:00:28 means 28 seconds? There is another field "TimeElapsedSinceServerStart" has value 34.01:35:21 and I don't understand what it means? maybe 34 days 1 hour 35 min 21 second?
But if there are 28 seconds with total 11793847 DNS queries. i.e. 421208 queries/second is seems not true in our environment. Could you please help me out?
**TimeElapsedSinceLastClearedStatisticsBetweenRestart 00:00:28**
LastClearTime 9/7/2021 9:33:20 PM
ServerStartTime 9/7/2021 9:33:20 PM
TimeElapsedSinceLastClearedStatistics 34.01:35:21
TimeElapsedSinceServerStartBetweenRestart 00:00:28
**TimeElapsedSinceServerStart 34.01:35:21**
TypeAll 1917
TKeyNego 0
TypeOther 897431
**TotalQueries 11793847**

Your assumptions about the time formats are correct. The *BetweenRestart times are the offline times of your DNS service. The time you are looking for is
TimeElapsedSinceLastClearedStatistics - TimeElapsedSinceLastClearedStatisticsBetweenRestart
This is the timespan in which your DNS service was actually answering queries (34.01:34:53). I recommend to parse the timespans into TimeSpan objects using [System.TimeSpan]::Parse("34.01:35:21"), for example. Then you can easily subtract the timespans like shown above.
The resulting timespan object offers you the TotalSeconds member attribute, which you can use for your ratio calculation (your ratio is about 4 queries/s).


FleetApi - How to use legal rest times?

I'd like to know the position in which the driver would need to rest with given waypoints.
I am calling GET https://fleet.ls.hereapi.com/2/calculateroute.json with the following params:
mode: "fastest;car;traffic:enabled",
waypoint0: "19.286769, -99.652773",
waypoint1: "19.419185, -99.17755430000001",
waypoint2: "19.41530,-99.17844",
waypoint3: "31.29778, -110.93690",
restTimes: "MEX",
maxSpeed: 110,
departure: "2021-07-20T15:00:00.000Z"
This returns warnings with the info of rest times like this:
"message": "Taking the short driver rest time after 18036 sec for 1800 sec at routeLinkSeqNum 1485",
"code": 14,
"routeLinkSeqNum": 1485
I would like to know how to use/read this info. I don't know what routeLinkSeqNum is and how to utilize it.
Governments impose rules on how long a truck driver can drive before he needs to rest. Routing can consider these regulations w.r.t. short rests during a day and long (overnight) rests.
For example, in EU countries drivers have to rest after 4.5 hours of driving for at least 45 minutes, and must not exceed a total of 9 working hours per day before they have to rest for 11 hours.
Activate this feature in the router using the "&restTimes=local", in this case, it is the "MEX" in the request parameter. Routing will then consider each country's local regulations.
In the same parameter, you can specify whether the driver starts the route freshly or how long he is already driving / on duty since his last short or long rest period
routeLinkSeqNum is an index of the link array within a Leg. If you check the response, there will be response>route>[0]>leg[0]>[2]>link[1485].
So one route can have n-legs, 1 leg can have m-links
This will help you to plot the rest times.
Here is an example shown in the tool:

promql example with related fields but different labels

I'm using Prometheus and Grafana, and I'm trying to track a web server app.
I want to graph the average duration in ms of a particular query. I think I can get there from the data below, but I'm struggling.
My two sets of values:
Element Value
{instance="dbserver:5000",job="control-tower",method="get",path="/api/control/v1/node/config.json"} 0.0010491088980113385
{instance="dbserver:5000",job="control-tower",method="get",path="/api/schedule/v1/programs/:id.json"} 0
{instance="dbserver:5000",job="control-tower",method="get",path="/api/schedule/v1/users.json"} 0
{instance="dbserver:5000",job="control-tower",method="get",path="/metrics"} 0.00009133616130826839
{instance="dbserver:5000",job="control-tower",method="post",path="/api/caption/v1/messages.json"} 0
{instance="dbserver:5000",job="control-tower",method="post",path="/api/caption/v1/sessions.json"} 0
{instance="dbserver:5000",job="control-tower",method="post",path="/api/schedule/v1/programs.json"} 0
{instance="dbserver:5000",job="control-tower",method="put",path="/api/caption/v1/sessions/captioners.json"} 0
Element Value
{code="200",host="dbserver:5000",instance="dbserver:5000",job="control-tower",method="get",path="/api/control/v1/node/config.json"} 0.03511075688258612
{code="200",host="dbserver:5000",instance="dbserver:5000",job="control-tower",method="get",path="/api/schedule/v1/programs/:id.json"} 0
{code="200",host="dbserver:5000",instance="dbserver:5000",job="control-tower",method="get",path="/api/schedule/v1/users.json"} 0
{code="200",host="dbserver:5000",instance="dbserver:5000",job="control-tower",method="get",path="/metrics"} 0.06671043807691363
{code="200",host="dbserver:5000",instance="dbserver:5000",job="control-tower",method="post",path="/api/caption/v1/sessions.json"} 0
{code="200",host="dbserver:5000",instance="dbserver:5000",job="control-tower",method="post",path="/api/schedule/v1/programs.json"} 0
{code="200",host="dbserver:5000",instance="dbserver:5000",job="control-tower",method="put",path="/api/caption/v1/sessions/captioners.json"} 0
{code="200",host="dbserver:5000",instance="dbserver:5000",job="control-tower",method="put",path="/api/control/v1/agents/:id.json"} 0
{code="422",host="dbserver:5000",instance="dbserver:5000",job="control-tower",method="post",path="/api/schedule/v1/programs.json"} 0
They have different labels. For this, I only care where path="/api/caption/v1/messages.json".
I think I need to use a combination of rate, sum, and "on" or "ignore", but I haven't been able to get on or ignore to work at all.
I can get the numerator (in seconds) with:
rate( http_server_request_duration_seconds_sum { path="/api/caption/v1/messages.json" }[5m])
And that returns:
{instance="dbserver:5000", job="control-tower", method="post", path="/api/caption/v1/messages.json"}
But the denominator can have different return codes, so I have to sum those, and I need to do some ignore or on or something, but I haven't found an example that helps me out, and I'm really new at this.
Okay, I continued to play. Because I only have one path I worry about, i figured out I could sum the rates. I think this works:
sum( rate( http_server_request_duration_seconds_sum {path="/api/caption/v1/messages.json"}[2h])) / sum( rate( http_server_requests_total{ path="/api/caption/v1/messages.json"}[2h]))
I changed the sample rate as my sample data fell off my 5-minute window, and I had zeros.
I THINK what this is doing is summing the rates, which gets rid of all the labels. And I THINK what it's also doing is using 2 hours of data. I think the rate value is how quickly the value changed over that 2 hour period.
I would love comments.
This solution won't work if I want one chart to include other paths, and I'm still not sure what to do about that, so this solves my current problem but still doesn't help me figure out how to do something similar with ignore or on.

59-60 second Coordinate issue

everyone, who read this.
I found an issue that latitude or longitude of geocoordinate with, for example, 2 minutes and 59 seconds, after converting to decimal format, has value "0.049722", but
2 minutes and 60 seconds has value "0.35", but I thought it must be equal to equal to
3 minutes and 00 seconds, that has value "0.05"
3 minutes and 00 seconds, that has value "0.05"
But again
2 minutes and 61 seconds, that has expected value "0.050278"
Is it global geocoordinate issue or online converter issue?
I use http://the-mostly.ru/konverter_geograficheskikh_koordinat.html
When looking at the source of the respective website, you notice the following line:
if (LAsec==60) {LAsec = 0;LAminutes = LAminutes+1;}
Since LAminutes is still a string, this represents a string concatenation, so 2 is converted to 21 instead of 3.
See: javascript (+) sign concatenates instead of giving sum?
In short, the website is very wrong!
Maybe you should use WolframAlpha for this:

Autosys | Schedule Job every 30 minutes

Autosys | JIL
i wish to run a job every 30 mins from 2100 till 0600 next day.
when i place the condition in jil for the job as below and try to upload
start_times: "21:00,21:30,22:00,22:30,23:00,23:30,00:00,00:30,01:00,01:30,02:00,02:30,03:00,03:30,04:00,04:30,05:00,05:30,06:00"
i get an error
start_times exceeds 255 bytes.
I think it will work like Piyush said. I would probably put it like this:
run_window: "21:00-06:00"
start_mins: "0,30"
If I remember correctly, you can also use the ":"
start_mins: ":0,:30"
check if :30 works, if not, try like Piyush suggested
run_window: "21:00-06:00"
start_mins: "0,30"
this was working , tested well

extract Date and Time from two 16-bit modbus registers

I'm using an ElNet energy&power meter that communicates with my processor via Modbus RTU protocol.
There are two 16-bit ElNet registers that contain information about the Date and Time (separately) in a Win Format (registers 85-86, page 6 of this document). I'm able to read these two registers. However, I'm unable to extract information about the Date and Time.
For example, Date register contains decimal value of 17841 for today's date (31/07/2015). Is there any person willing to explain me how to convert 17841 into 31/07/2015?
I have the same problem with the time. My time register contains a decimal value of 55296. Can you help me extract the time from this number?
This thread addresses the same problem:
HEX/Decimal to date and time from modbus
However, I'm not sure I understand the extraction algorithm applied there. My point of operation is processor with the code written in C or C++.
Thank you very much for your time and effort to help me.
The MS-DOS date/time format is described here: https://archive.is/2bVlz (was http://proger.i-forge.net/MS-DOS_date_and_time_format/OFz but is gone)
It makes sense for the 17256 value mentioned in the other question, as it translates to 2013-11-08. See here how to do it:
Register bit description: 0bYYYYYYYMMMMDDDDD
Registervalue: 17256 0b0100001101101000
Yearmask: 0b1111111000000000
Yearpart: 0b0100001000000000
Yearpart rightshifted 9 steps: 0b0000000000100001 = 33 years after 1980
Monthmask: 0b0000000111100000
Monthpart: 0b0000000101100000
Monthpart rightshifted 5 steps: 0b0000000000001011 = 11
Daymask: 0b0000000000011111
Daypart: 0b0000000000001000 = 8
Unfortunately your register value 17841 does not make sense, as it translates to 2014-13-17 (That is month 13).
Are you sure that:
you read the correct register? (change the time setting in the instrument, and see what happens to the register value)
you do not mix up the two bytes in the register?
the time setting is correct?