MongoDB - Rename keys in different collections with different structures - mongodb

I am trying to refactor all the keys over a bunch of collections that match a certain regex or have the same name. The issue is that in different documents or collections, the keys in question may appear at different nesting levels in different locations.
For example, let's say we need to replace the key "sound" to "noise" in the following:
Animals collection:
"_id": "4ebb8fd68f7aaffc5d287383",
"animal": "cat",
"name": "fluffy",
"type": "long-haired",
"sound": "meow"
Events collection:
"_id": "4ebb8fd68f7abac75d287341",
"event": "thunder",
"description": {
"type": "natural",
"sound": "boom"
How would you go about doing it? Via raw mongo queries ideally, or pymongo if necessary


Which is the best design for a MongoDB database model?

I feel like the MVP of my current database needs some design changes. The number of users is growing quite fast and we are having bad performances in some requests. I also want to get rid of all the DBRef we used.
Our current model can be summarized as follow :
A company can have multiple employees (thousands)
A company can have multiple teams (hundreds)
An employee can be part of a team
A company can have multiple devices (thousands)
An employee is affected to multiple devices
Our application displays in different pages :
The company data
The users
The devices
The teams
I guess I have different options, but I'm not familiar enough with MongoDB to make the best decision.
Option 1
Do not embed and use list of ids for one to many relationships.
// Company document
"companyName": "ACME",
"users": [ObjectId(user1), ObjectId(user2)],
"teams": [ObjectId(team1), ObjectId(team2)],
"devices": [ObjectId(device1), ObjectId(device2)]
// User Document
"userName": "Foo",
"devices": [ObjectId(device2)]
// Team Document
"teamName": "Foo",
"users": [ObjectId(user1)]
// Device Document
"deviceName": "Foo"
Option 2
Embed data and duplicate informations.
// User Document
"companyName": "ACME",
"userName": "Foo",
"team": {
"teamName": "Foo"
"device": {
"deviceName": "Foo"
// Team Document
"teamName": "Foo"
"companyName": "ACME",
"users": [
"userName": "Foo"
// Device Document
"deviceName": "Foo",
"companyName": "ACME",
"user": {
"userName": "Foo"
Option 3
Do not embed and use id for one to one relationship.
// Company document
"companyName": "ACME"
// User Document
"userName": "Foo",
"company": ObjectId(company),
"team": ObjectId(team1)
// Team Document
"teamName": "Foo",
"company": ObjectId(company)
// Device Document
"deviceName": "Foo",
"company": ObjectId(company),
"user": ObjectId(user1)
MongoDB recommends to embed data as much as possible but I don't think it can be possible to embed all data in the company document. A company can have multiple devices or users and I believe it can grow too big.
I'm switching from SQL to NoSQL and I think I haven't figured it out by myself yet !
Thanks !
MongodB provides you with a feature which is handling unstructured data.
Every database can contain collection which in turn can contain documents.
Moreover, you cannot use joins in mongodB. So, storing information in one company model is a better choice because you wont be needed join in that scenario.
One more thing, You dont need to embed all the models For example : You can get user and device both from company table, so why embedding users and device as well?

MongoDB - how to properly model relations

Let's assume we have the following collections:
"id": MongoId,
"username": "jsloth",
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Sloth",
"display_name": "John Sloth"
"id": MongoId,
"name": "Conference Room",
"description": "Some longer description of this place"
"id": MongoId,
"name": "Very important meeting",
"place": <?>,
"timestamp": "1506493396",
"created_by": <?>
Later on, we want to return (e.g. from REST webservice) list of upcoming events like this:
"id": MongoId(Meetings),
"name": "Very important meeting",
"created_by": {
"id": MongoId(Users),
"display_name": "John Sloth",
"place": {
"id": MongoId(Places),
"name": "Conference Room",
It's important to return basic information that need to be displayed on the main page in web ui (so no additional calls are needed to render the table). That's why, each entry contains display_name of the user who created it and name of the place. I think that's a pretty common scenario.
Now my question is: how should I store this information in db (question mark values in Metting document)? I see 2 options:
1) Store references to other collections:
place: MongoId(Places)
(+) data is always consistent
(-) additional calls to db have to be made in order to construct the response
2) Denormalize data:
"place": {
"id": MongoId(Places),
"name": "Conference room",
(+) no need for additional calls (response can be constructed based on one document)
(-) data must be updated each time related documents are modified
What is the proper way of dealing with such scenario?
If I use option 1), how should I query other documents? Asking about each related document separately seems like an overkill. How about getting last 20 meetings, aggregate the list of related documents and then perform a query like db.users.find({_id: { $in: <id list> }})?
If I go for option 2), how should I keep the data in sync?
Thanks in advance for any advice!
You can keep the DB model you already have and still only do a single query as MongoDB introduced the $lookup aggregation in version 3.2. It is similar to join in RDBMS.
Performs a left outer join to an unsharded collection in the same database to filter in documents from the “joined” collection for processing. The $lookup stage does an equality match between a field from the input documents with a field from the documents of the “joined” collection.
So instead of storing a reference to other collections, just store the document ID.

Firebase search/query where array contains value

I am trying to implement a query or something similar where I can retrieve data from Firebase where I can get cars that have at least one matching tag with the currently displayed car.
Here is my Object and the way it is structured on Firebase
"cars": {
"carID1": {
"name": "car1",
"id": "carID1",
"tags": {
"0": "racing",
"1": "sport"
For example I have a car with tags: 'sport' and 'automate' and would like to display all the other cars that have either 'sport' or 'automate' tag.
What would be the best way to implement a query of this sorts ?

MongoDB Storing User Files

I've been trying to become familiar with using MongoDB, particularly GridFS (which is implemented through the client). In a project I'm playing around with, I have users with corresponding locations, followed by corresponding data, but it is currently just stored on a filesystem which will ultimately lead to problems.
So an example data structure I have now is:
So, in looking at GridFS, I see that you can pass attribute/values to be associated with the meta-data for each file. Looking at this setup and after reading tutorials on MongoDB, I thought of this approach:
Have one database with multiple collections (such as data or images just to separate some of the data). Then in each of the collections, have attributes for each document such as:
Under image collection:
"userId": 5,
"path": "",
Under data collection:
"userId": 5,
"path": "sensor1",
"filename": ""
Alternatively, I could just have a collection, and for the sake of this example, I'll call "Everything"
"userId": 5,
"path": "images/",
"filename": "img1.png"
"userId": 5,
"path": "data/sensor1/",
"filename": ""
"userId": 5,
"path": "data/sensor2/",
"filename": ""
Do either of these solutions seem reasonable? Would I then create an index on the "path" attribute? I've seen examples for adding files to MongoDB just haven't found one with how to structure user files.

Mongo - What is best design: store menu documents or menu item documents?

I want to store website menus in Mongo for the navigation of my CMS, but since I'm new to Mongo and the concept of documents, I'm trying to figure out what would be best:
a) Should I store menu documents, containing children and those having more children, or
b) Should I store menu item documents with parent_id and child_ids ?
Both would appear to have benefits, since in case A it's normal to load an entire menu at once as you'll need everything to display, but B might be easier to update single items?
I'm using Spring data mongo.
PS: If I asked this question in a wrong way, please let me know. I'm sure this question can be expanded to any general parent-child relationship, but I was having trouble finding the right words.
Since menus are typically going to be very small (under 16MB I hope) then the embedded form should give you the best performance:
"topItem1": [
{ "name": "item1", "link": "linkValue" },
{ "name": "item2", "link": "linkValue" }
"topItem2": [
{ "name": "item1", "link": "linkValue" },
{ "name": "item2", "link": "linkValue" }
"name": "sub-menu",
"type": "sub",
"items": [
{ "name": "item1", "link": "linkValue" },
{ "name": "item2", "link": "linkValue" }
The only possible issue there is with updating the content inside nested arrays, as MngoDB can only "match" the first found array index. See the positional $ operator documentation for this.
But as long as you know the positions then this should not be a problem, using "dot notation" concepts:{}, {
"$set": {
"topItem2.2.items.1": { "name": "item3", "link": "linkValue" }
But general adding should be simple:
{ "": "sub-menu" },
"$push": {
"topItem2.2.items": { "name": "item4", "link": "linkValue" }
So that is a perspective on how to use the inherrent embedded structure rather than associate "parent" and "child" items.
After long hard thinking I believe I would use:
_id: {},
submenu1: [
{label: "Whatever", url: "http://localhost/whatever"}
I thought about using related documents with IDs all sitting in a collection but then you would have to shoot off multiple queries to get the parent and its range, possibly even sub-sub ranges too. With this structure you have only one query for all.
This structure is not infallible however, if you change your menu items regularly you might start to notice fragmentation. You can remedy this a little with powerof2sizes allocation:
But yes, with careful planning you should be able to use one single document for every parent menu item