Mongo - What is best design: store menu documents or menu item documents? - mongodb

I want to store website menus in Mongo for the navigation of my CMS, but since I'm new to Mongo and the concept of documents, I'm trying to figure out what would be best:
a) Should I store menu documents, containing children and those having more children, or
b) Should I store menu item documents with parent_id and child_ids ?
Both would appear to have benefits, since in case A it's normal to load an entire menu at once as you'll need everything to display, but B might be easier to update single items?
I'm using Spring data mongo.
PS: If I asked this question in a wrong way, please let me know. I'm sure this question can be expanded to any general parent-child relationship, but I was having trouble finding the right words.

Since menus are typically going to be very small (under 16MB I hope) then the embedded form should give you the best performance:
"topItem1": [
{ "name": "item1", "link": "linkValue" },
{ "name": "item2", "link": "linkValue" }
"topItem2": [
{ "name": "item1", "link": "linkValue" },
{ "name": "item2", "link": "linkValue" }
"name": "sub-menu",
"type": "sub",
"items": [
{ "name": "item1", "link": "linkValue" },
{ "name": "item2", "link": "linkValue" }
The only possible issue there is with updating the content inside nested arrays, as MngoDB can only "match" the first found array index. See the positional $ operator documentation for this.
But as long as you know the positions then this should not be a problem, using "dot notation" concepts:{}, {
"$set": {
"topItem2.2.items.1": { "name": "item3", "link": "linkValue" }
But general adding should be simple:
{ "": "sub-menu" },
"$push": {
"topItem2.2.items": { "name": "item4", "link": "linkValue" }
So that is a perspective on how to use the inherrent embedded structure rather than associate "parent" and "child" items.

After long hard thinking I believe I would use:
_id: {},
submenu1: [
{label: "Whatever", url: "http://localhost/whatever"}
I thought about using related documents with IDs all sitting in a collection but then you would have to shoot off multiple queries to get the parent and its range, possibly even sub-sub ranges too. With this structure you have only one query for all.
This structure is not infallible however, if you change your menu items regularly you might start to notice fragmentation. You can remedy this a little with powerof2sizes allocation:
But yes, with careful planning you should be able to use one single document for every parent menu item


Which is the best design for a MongoDB database model?

I feel like the MVP of my current database needs some design changes. The number of users is growing quite fast and we are having bad performances in some requests. I also want to get rid of all the DBRef we used.
Our current model can be summarized as follow :
A company can have multiple employees (thousands)
A company can have multiple teams (hundreds)
An employee can be part of a team
A company can have multiple devices (thousands)
An employee is affected to multiple devices
Our application displays in different pages :
The company data
The users
The devices
The teams
I guess I have different options, but I'm not familiar enough with MongoDB to make the best decision.
Option 1
Do not embed and use list of ids for one to many relationships.
// Company document
"companyName": "ACME",
"users": [ObjectId(user1), ObjectId(user2)],
"teams": [ObjectId(team1), ObjectId(team2)],
"devices": [ObjectId(device1), ObjectId(device2)]
// User Document
"userName": "Foo",
"devices": [ObjectId(device2)]
// Team Document
"teamName": "Foo",
"users": [ObjectId(user1)]
// Device Document
"deviceName": "Foo"
Option 2
Embed data and duplicate informations.
// User Document
"companyName": "ACME",
"userName": "Foo",
"team": {
"teamName": "Foo"
"device": {
"deviceName": "Foo"
// Team Document
"teamName": "Foo"
"companyName": "ACME",
"users": [
"userName": "Foo"
// Device Document
"deviceName": "Foo",
"companyName": "ACME",
"user": {
"userName": "Foo"
Option 3
Do not embed and use id for one to one relationship.
// Company document
"companyName": "ACME"
// User Document
"userName": "Foo",
"company": ObjectId(company),
"team": ObjectId(team1)
// Team Document
"teamName": "Foo",
"company": ObjectId(company)
// Device Document
"deviceName": "Foo",
"company": ObjectId(company),
"user": ObjectId(user1)
MongoDB recommends to embed data as much as possible but I don't think it can be possible to embed all data in the company document. A company can have multiple devices or users and I believe it can grow too big.
I'm switching from SQL to NoSQL and I think I haven't figured it out by myself yet !
Thanks !
MongodB provides you with a feature which is handling unstructured data.
Every database can contain collection which in turn can contain documents.
Moreover, you cannot use joins in mongodB. So, storing information in one company model is a better choice because you wont be needed join in that scenario.
One more thing, You dont need to embed all the models For example : You can get user and device both from company table, so why embedding users and device as well?

How to get from JSON to Mutable Data

I'm working on a Flutter "Collections" app where I want a user to be able to define a schema for their list, then create several items that conform to that schema.
"name": "My Book Collection",
"schema": [
"id": "uuid-title",
"type": "text",
"name": "Title",
"unique": true
"id": "uuid-pages",
"type": "number",
"name": "Pages",
"min": 0,
"max": null,
"format": "int"
"items": {
"abc-123": {
"uuid-title": "The Hobbit",
"uuid-pages": 304
"def-456": {
"uuid-title": "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone",
"uuid-pages": 223
What strategies can I use to update Specific Items or Schema Items, preferable immutably? I'm thinking I can make a Collection which has a List<SchemaItem> and Map<String, CollectionItem>. I think I can use a Provider or ProxyProvider to provide the List<SchemaItem> and a "Selected" CollectionItem to downstream widgets.
What strategies to I use to update items:
Is it enough to implement a CollectionItem.copyWith() function with some ChangeNotifier?
Do I need to go higher, with a Collection.updateItem(id: "abc-123", { "uuid-pages": 365 }) and wait for a Stream somewhere to provide an updated object?
Do I jump all the way to the top with a Service? CollectionService.selectedCollection.updateItem(id: "abc-123", { "uuid-pages": 365 }) and wait for a sqflite or Firebase update to trigger a rebuild?
I'm open to any starting points. All the tutorials, guides, and videos I've seen work with very simple data. Counters (Ints), ToDos (Strings & Bools), Pizza Toppings (List), but nothing with these nested maps. Do I just need to spend more time getting comfortable with OOP?
Finally, would I be crazy to work with the data as maps or should I definitely be converting them to Classes?
just activate the robo pojo generator in your android studio and past this json schema and get the corresponding model class and use it as you want

MongoDB: Tree Node Structure with Object-Maps instead of Collections

Using MongoDB for storage, if I wanted to represent a tree structure of nodes, where child nodes under a single parent always have unique node-names, I believe the standard approach would be to use collections and to manage the node name uniqueness on the app level:
Approach 1: Collection Based Approach for Tree Data
{ "node_name": "home", "title": "Home", "children": [
{ "node_name": "products", "title": "Products", "children": [
{ "node_name": "electronics", "title": "Electronics", "children": [ ] },
{ "node_name": "toys", "title": "Toys", "children": [ ] } ] },
{ "node_name": "services", "title": "Services", "children": [
{ "node_name": "repair", "title": "Repair", "children": [ ] },
{ "node_name": "training", "title": "Training"", "children": [ ] } ] } ] }
I have however thought of the following alternate approach, where node-names become "Object Map" field names, and we do without collections altogether:
Approach 2: Object-Map Based Approach (without Collections)
// NOTE: We don't have the equivalent of "none_name":"home" at the root, but that's not an issue in this case
{ "title": "Home", "children": {
"products": { "title": "Products", children": {
"electronics": { "title": "Electronics", "children": { } },
"toys": { "title": "Toys", "children": { } } } },
"services": { "title": "Services", children": {
"repair": { "title": "Repair", "children": { } },
"training": { "title": "Training", "children": { } } } } } }
The question is:
Strictly from a MongoDB perspective (considering querying, performance, data maintainability and data-size and server scaling), are there any major issues with Approach #2 (over #1)?
EDIT: After getting to know MongoDB a bit better (and thanks to Neil's comments below), I realized that both options of this question are generally the wrong way to go, because they assume that it makes sense to store multiple nodes in a single MongoDB document. Ultimately, each "node" should be a separate document and (as Neil Lunn stated in the comments) there are various ways to implement a hierarchy tree, as seen here: Model Tree Structures in MongoDB
I think this use-case is not good for Mongo DB, because:
there's(MongoDB 2.6) no compress algorithm (your documents will be too large)
Mongo DB use database-level locks (when you want one large document, all DB operations will be blocked)
it will be hard to index
I think better solution will be some relational DB for this use-case.

How to remove array elements when array is nested in multiple levels of embedded docs?

Given the following MongoDB example collection ("schools"), how do you remove student "111" from all clubs?
"name": "P.S. 321",
"structure": {
"principal": "Fibber McGee",
"vicePrincipal": "Molly McGee",
"clubs": [
"name": "Chess",
"students": [
"name": "Cricket",
"students": [
I'm hoping there's some way other than using cursors to loop over every school, then every club, then every student ID in the club...
MongoDB doesn't have a great support for arrays within arrays (within arrays ...). The simplest solution I see is to read the whole document into your app, modify it there and then save. This way, of course, the operation is not atomic, but for your app it might be ok.

mongodb best practice: nesting

Is this example of nesting generally accepted as good or bad practice (and why)?
A collection called users:
name : value
url : value
primary : value
secondary : value
address : value
city : value
state : value
postalcode : value
country : value
address : value
city : value
state : value
postalcode : value
country : value
Edit: From the answers in this post I've updated the schema applying the following rules (the data is slightly different from above):
Nest, but only one level deep
Remove unneccesary keys
Make use of arrays to make objects more flexible
"_id": ObjectId("4d67965255541fa164000001"),
"name": {
"0": {
"name": "Joe Bloggs",
"il8n": "en"
"type": "musician",
"url": {
"0": {
"name": "joebloggs",
"il8n": "en"
"tags": {
"0": {
"name": "guitar",
"points": 3,
"il8n": "en"
"email": {
"0": {
"address": "",
"name": "default",
"primary": 1,
"il8n": "en"
"updates": {
"0": {
"type": "news",
"il8n": "en"
"address": {
"0": {
"address": "1 Some street",
"city": "Somecity",
"state": "Somestate",
"postalcode": "SOM STR",
"country": "UK",
"lat": 49.4257641,
"lng": -0.0698241,
"primary": 1,
"il8n": "en"
"phone": {
"0": {
"number": "+44 (0)123 4567 890",
"name": "Home",
"primary": 1,
"il8n": "en"
"1": {
"number": "+44 (0)098 7654 321",
"name": "Mobile",
"il8n": "en"
In my opinion above schema not 'generally accepted', but looks like great. But i suggest some improvements thats will help you to query on your document in future:
Emails {email, emailType(primary, secondary)}
Addresses{address, city, state, postalcode, country, language}
Nesting is always good, but two or three level nesting deep can create additional troubles in quering/updating.
Hope my suggestions will help you make right choice of schema design.
You may want to take a look at schema design in MongoDB, and specifically the advice on embedding vs. references.
Embedding is preferred as "Data is then colocated on disk; client-server turnarounds to the database are eliminated". If the parent object is in RAM, then access to the nested objects will always be fast.
In my experience, I've never found any "best practices" for what a MongoDB record actually looks like. The question to really answer is, "Does this MongoDB schema allow me to do what I need to do?"
For example, if you had a list of addresses and needed to update one of them, it'd be a pain since you'd need to iterate through all of them or know which position a particular address was located. You're safe from that since there is a key-value for each address.
However, I'd say nix the basic and contact keys. What do these really give you? If you index name, it'd be rather than just name. AFAIK, there are some performance impacts to long vs. short key names.
Keep it simple enough to do what you need to do. Try something out and iterate on won't get it right the first time, but the nice thing about mongo is that it's relatively easy to rework your schema as you go.
That is acceptable practice. There are some problems with nesting an array inside of an array. See SERVER-831 for one example. However, you don't seem to be using arrays in your collection at all.
Conversely, if you were to break this up into multiple collections, you would have to deal with a lack of transactions and the resulting race conditions in your data access code.