postgres regexp_matches strange behavior - postgresql

Following the short docs on regexp_matches:
Return all captured substrings resulting from matching a POSIX regular expression against the string.
Example: regexp_matches('foobarbequebaz', '(bar)(beque)') returns {bar,beque}
With that in mind, I'd expect the result of regexp_matches('barbarbar', '(bar)') to be {bar,bar,bar}
However, only {bar} is returned.
Is this the expected behavior? Am I missing something?
calling regexp_matches('barbarbar', '(bar)', 'g') does return all 3 bars, but in table form:
regexp_matches text[]

This behavior is described more in details in 9.7.3. POSIX Regular Expressions :
The regexp_matches function returns a set of text arrays of captured
substring(s) resulting from matching a POSIX regular expression
pattern to a string. It has the same syntax as regexp_match. This
function returns no rows if there is no match, one row if there is a
match and the g flag is not given, or N rows if there are N matches
and the g flag is given. Each returned row is a text array containing
the whole matched substring or the substrings matching parenthesized
subexpressions of the pattern, just as described above for
regexp_match. regexp_matches accepts all the flags shown in Table
9.24, plus the g flag which commands it to return all matches, not just the first one.

This is expected behavior. The function returns a set of text[] which means that multiple matches are presented in multiple rows. Why is it organized this way? The goal is to make it possible to find more than one token from a single match. In this case, they are presented in the form of an array. The documentation delivers a telling example:
SELECT regexp_matches('foobarbequebazilbarfbonk', '(b[^b]+)(b[^b]+)', 'g');
(2 rows)
The query returns two matches, each of them containing two tokens found.


Azure Data Factory - Dynamic Skip Lines Expression

I am attempting to import a CSV into ADF however the file header is not the first line of the file. It is dynamic therefore I need to match it based on the first column (e.g "TestID,") which is a string.
Example Data (Header is on Line 4)
Test Temperature:,25C
I found this article which addresses this issue however I am struggling to rewrite the expression from using an integer to using a string.
First Expression
As the article states, this expression looks at the first character of each row and if it is an integer it will return the row number (rownum)
How do I perform this action for a string (e.g "TestID,")
Many Thanks
I think you want to consider first line that starts with string as your header and preceding lines that starts with numbers should not be considered as header. You can use isNan function to check if the first character is Not a number(i.e. string) as seen in the below modified expression:
Following is a breakdown of the above expression:
left(toString(byPosition(1)),1): gets first character fron left side of the first column.
isNan: checks if the character is "not a number".
iif: not a number, true then return rownum, false then return 0.
Or you can also use functions like isInteger() to check if the first character is an integer or not and perform actions accordingly.
Later on as explained in the cited article you need to find minimum rownum to skip.
Hope it helps.

kdb/q question: How do I interpret this groupby in my functional selection?

I am new to kdb/q and am trying to figure out what this particular query means. The code is using functional select, which I am not overly comfortable with.
where output is some table which has columns size time symbol
the groupby filter dictionary b is defined as follows
key | value
ts | ("+";00:05:00v;("k){x*y div x:$[16h=abs[#x];"j"$x;x]}";00:05:00v;("%:";`time)))
sym | ("k){x'y}";"{`$(,/)("/" vs string x)}";`symbol)
For the sake of completeness, dictionary a is defined as
volume ("sum";`size)
In effect, the functional select seems to be bucketing the data into 5 minute buckets and doing some parsing in symbol. What baffles me is how to read the groupby dictionary. Especially the k)" part and the entire thing being in quotes. Can someone help me go through this or point me to resources that can help me understand? Any input will be appreciated.
The aggregation part of the function form takes a dictionary, the key being the output key column names and the values being parse tree functions.
A parse tree is an expression that is not immediately evaluated. The first argument as a function and subsequent elements are its arguments. The inner-most brackets are evaluated first and then it moves up the heirarchy, evaluating each one in turn. More detailed information can be found here and in the whitepaper linked on that page
You can use the function parse with a string argument to get the parse tree of a function. For example, the parse tree for 1+2+3 is (+;1;(+;2;3)):
q)parse "1+2+3"
The inner-most bracket (+;2;3) is evaluated first resulting in 5, before the result is propogated up to the outmost parse tree function (+;1;5) giving 6
The groupby part of the clause will evaluate one or more parse tree functions and then will collect together records with the same output from the grouping function.
Making the function a bit clearer to read:
(+;00:05:00v;({x*y div x:$[16h=abs[#x];"j"$x;x]}";00:05:00v;(%:;`time)))
Looking at the inner most bracket (%:;`time), it returns the result of %: applied on the time column. We can see that %: is k for the function ltime
Moving up a level, the next function evaluated is the lambda function {x*y div x:$[16h=abs[#x];"j"$x;x]} with arguments 00:05:00v and the result of our previous evaluated function. The lambda rounds it down the the nearest 5 minute interval
({x*y div x:$[16h=abs[#x];"j"$x;x]};00:05:00v;(%:;`time))
Moving up once more to the whole expression it is equivalent to 00:05:00v + {x*y div x:$[16h=abs[#x];"j"$x;x]};00:05:00v;(%:;`time)), with 00:05:00 being added onto each result from the previous evaluation.
So essentially it first returns the local time of the timestamp, then
For the symbol aggregation
("k""{x'y}";{`$(,/)("/" vs string x)};`symbol)
The inner function {`$(,/)("/" vs string x)} strings a symbol, splits it at "/" character and then joins it back together, effectively removing the slash
The "k" is a function that evaluates the string using the k interpreter.
"k""{x'y}"" returns a function which itself takes a function x and argument y and modifies the function to use the each-both adverb '. This makes it so that the function x is applied on each symbol individually as opposed to the column as a whole.
This could be implemented in q instead of k like so:
({x#'y};{`$(,/)("/" vs string x)};`symbol)
The function {x#'y} takes the function argument {`$(,/)("/" vs string x)} and the symbol column as before, but we have to use # with the each-both adverb in q to apply the function on the arguments.
The aggregation function will then be applied to each group. In your case the function is a simple parse tree, which will return the sum of the size columns in each group, with the output column called volume
a:enlist[`volume]!enlist (sum;`size)

finding a comma in string

[23567,0,0,0,0,0] and other value is [452221,0,0,0,0,0] and the value should be contineously displaying about 100 values and then i want to display only the sensor value like in first sample 23567 and in second sample 452221 , only the these values have to display . For that I have written a code
value = str2double(str(2:7));see here my attempt
so I want to find the comma in the output and only display the value before first comma
As proposed in a comment by excaza, MATLAB has dedicated functions, such as sscanf for such purposes.
which matches but ignores the first [, and returns the next (i.e. the first) number as a double variable, and not as a string.
Still, I like the idea of using regular expressions to match the numbers. Instead of matching all zeros and commas, and replacing them by '' as proposed by Sardar_Usama, I would suggest directly matching the numbers using regexp.
You can return all numbers in str (still as string!) with
nums = regexp(str,'\d*','match')
and convert the first number to a double variable with
To match only the first number in str, we can use the regexp
nums = regexp(str,'[(\d*),','tokens')
which finds a [, then takes an arbitrary number of decimals (0-9), and stops when it finds a ,. By enclosing the \d* in brackets, only the parts in brackets are returned, i.e. only the numbers without [ and ,.
Final Note: if you continue working with strings, you could/should consider the regexp solution. If you convert it to a double anyways, using sscanf is probably faster and easier.
You can use regexprep as follows:
str='[23567,0,0,0,0,0]' ;
%Taking str(2:end-1) to exclude brackets, and then removing all ,0
If there can be values other than 0 after , , you can use the following more general approach instead:

PostgreSQL 9.3: Pass more than 100 arguments to `REPLACE` function

I am passing around 1000 of arguments to the function REPLACE.
String contains some values:
str1 varchar = '1,2,3,4.................1000';
Now I want to replace the , with the "," for which I am using the following
SELECT REPLACE(str1,',','","');
But getting an error:
Error Detail:
cannot pass more than 100 arguments to a function
The replace function can search for only one string to replace. You can look for multiple strings with the regexp_replace function. This example replaces both a and c with nothing:
select regexp_replace('abc', '(a)|(c)', '', 'g');
The g option stands for global, which allows multiple replacements. Note that regex_replace can look for multiple strings, but is still limited to one replacement string.

reading via matlab a number after a specific string in a txt file

I re explain my pb in a large a.txt file i have
Amount of Food is 1
Desired Travel is 5
I need to read the 1 after the 'Amount of Food is ' expression and the 5 after the 'Desired Travel is' expression, Thanks again
You can have a look at this: with regexpi you can simply look for numbers in your strings.
The syntax is as simple as this:
startIndex = regexpi(str,expression)
where the expression parameter is a regex expression (i.e. '\d*' to retrieve consecutive digits).
In your specific case a way to perform this with regular expressions would be:
First you have to decide what strings are valid in your search
for example:
firstpar = 'First parameter is [0-9]+';
means that you are looking for a string 'First parameter is '
that ends with a sequence of digits.
Then you could use regexp or regexpi in the following way:
results = regexp(mystring, firstpar, 'match');
Where mystring is the text you perform the search on and 'match' means that you want parts of the text as output, not indexes.
Now, results is a cell matrix with each cell containing a string that appeared in your text and fulfilled your firstpar definition. In order to extract just the numbers from cell matrix of strings you could use regexp again, but now helping yourself with cellfun, which iteratively applies your command to all cells of a cell matrix:
numbers = cellfun(#(x) str2num(regexp(x, '[0-9]+', 'match', 'once')), results);
numbers is an array of numbers that you were looking for.
You can do the same for different string patterns - if you want to have a more general string definitions (instead of straightforward firstpar that we used here) read matlab documentation about regular expressions (alexcasalboni pasted it in his comment), scroll down to Input Arguments and expand 'expressions'.
The difference between regexp and regexpi is that the latter is case insensitive.